{- - The modules implements the MPD protocol for interfacing - with the MPD daemon. -} module Hmpf.MPD ( albums , artists , tracks , albumByTrack , tracksByArtist , status , MPDStatus (..) , currentsong , Song (..) , playAlbum , vol , pause , nextSong , previousSong , play , stop , fastforward , rewind , command , updatedb , clear , addSongs , playlistinfo , playlistinfoAt , albumByArtist ) where import Network import System.IO (hFlush, hClose , Handle , hSetBuffering , BufferMode(..) ) import System.IO.Error (catch) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Hmpf.Util import Hmpf.UTF8Stream import Control.Exception import Network (PortID) --host = "" --port = PortNumber 6600 playAlbum conf alb = do putStrLn "playing new album" response <- command conf ("find album " ++ (quote alb) ) case response of OK resp -> do let files = map snd . filter file . map property $ resp cmdLst = "stop":"clear":((map (("add " ++) . quote ) files) ++ ["play"]) commands conf cmdLst return () ACK resp -> putStrLn resp where file = \(a,_) -> a == "file" vol conf i = do case i > 0 of True -> command conf $ "volume +" ++ (show i) False -> command conf $ "volume " ++ (show i) status conf >>= ( return . volume ) albums :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO [String] albums conf = listByProperty conf "album" listByProperty :: (String,PortNumber) -> String -> IO [String] listByProperty conf prop = do OK lst <- command conf ( "list " ++ prop ) let albs = sort . map ( snd . property ) $ lst return albs tracks :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO [String] tracks conf = listByProperty conf "title" clear :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO () clear conf = do st <- status conf let lst = do s <- song st len <- playlistlength st return . reverse . filter (/=s) $ [0..(len-1)] case lst of Nothing -> putStrLn "Clear all" >> command conf "clear" >> return () Just is -> (commands conf . map ( (\s -> "delete " ++ s ) . show ) $ is) >> return () artists :: (String,PortNumber) ->IO [String] artists conf = do OK lst <- command conf "list artist" return . sort . map ( snd . property ) $ lst albumByTrack :: (String,PortNumber) ->String -> IO [String] albumByTrack conf art = do let cmdstr = "list album title " ++ (quote art ) OK lst <- command conf cmdstr return . map (snd.property) $ lst albumByArtist :: (String,PortNumber) ->String -> IO [String] albumByArtist conf art = do let cmdstr = "list album artist " ++ (quote art ) OK lst <- command conf cmdstr return . map (snd.property) $ lst data MPDStatus = MPDStatus { volume :: Int ,repeat :: Int ,random :: Int ,playlist :: Maybe Int ,playlistlength :: Maybe Int ,state :: String ,song :: Maybe Int ,elapsed :: Maybe Int ,duration :: Maybe Int ,songid :: Maybe Int } deriving Show tracksByArtist :: (String,PortNumber) ->String -> IO [Song] tracksByArtist conf art = do let req = "find artist \"" ++ art ++ "\"" putStr req --resp <- command conf ("search artist \"" ++ art ++ "\"" ) resp <- command conf req case resp of OK xs -> found xs >> (return . f $ xs) _ -> return [] where found [] = putStrLn "" found _ = putStrLn " - found!" f [] = [] f (y:ys) = let (a,b) = break ( `startsWith` "file:" ) ys in ( readSong (y:a)) : ( f b ) currentsong :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO (Maybe Song) currentsong conf = do resp <- command conf "currentsong" case resp of OK xs -> do return . Just . readSong $ xs _ -> return Nothing playlistinfo :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO [Song] playlistinfo conf = do resp <- command conf ("playlistinfo") case resp of OK xs -> (return . f $ xs) _ -> return [] where f [] = [] f (y:ys) = let (a,b) = break ( `startsWith` "file:" ) ys in ( readSong (y:a)) : ( f b ) playlistinfoAt :: (String,PortNumber) ->Int -> IO (Maybe Song) playlistinfoAt conf i = do resp <- command conf ("playlistinfo " ++ ( show i )) case resp of OK xs -> return . Just . readSong $ xs _ -> return Nothing readSong :: [String] -> Song readSong (x:xs) = Song f tm al a t g sid where m = map property (x:xs) t = maybe "notfound" id (lookup "Title" $ m) a = maybe "notfound" id (lookup "Artist" $ m) al = maybe "notfound" id (lookup "Album" $ m) g = maybe "notfound" id (lookup "Genre" $ m) f = maybe "notfound" id (lookup "file" $ m) tm = maybe 0 read (lookup "Time" $ m) sid = maybe 0 read (lookup "Id" $ m) data Song = Song { file :: String , time :: Int , album :: String , artist :: String , title :: String , genre :: String , songId :: Int } deriving (Show,Eq) status :: (String,PortNumber) -> IO MPDStatus status conf = do OK lst <- command conf "status" let m = map property lst v = maybe 0 read (lookup "volume" $ m) rp = maybe 0 read (lookup "repeat" $ m) ran = maybe 0 read (lookup "random" $ m) pl = lookup "playlist" m >>= (return . read) pll = lookup "playlistlength" m >>= (return . read) st = maybe "stop" id (lookup "state" m) s = lookup "song" m >>= (return . read) e = lookup "time" m >>= (return . read . takeWhile isDigit) d = lookup "time" m >>= (return . read . reverse . takeWhile isDigit . reverse ) sid = lookup "songid" m >>= ( return . read ) return (MPDStatus v rp ran pl pll st s e d sid) command = command' {- catch (command' (host,port) cmd) (\e -> do let msg = "MPD - " ++ (show e) putStrLn msg return (ACK msg) ) -} command' :: (String, PortNumber) -> String -> IO Response command' (host,port) cmd = do h <- connectTo host (PortNumber port) finally (sendCmd h) (hFlush h >> hClose h ) -- >> (putStrLn " - closed") ) where sendCmd h = do -- putStr $ "MPD Command : " ++ cmd ln <- hGetLine h hPutStrLn h cmd resp <- mpdResp [] h -- putStrLn $ "MPD Response : " ++ ( show resp ) return resp commands = commands' --commands conf lst = -- sequence . map ( command conf ) $ lst commands' :: (String , PortNumber) -> [String] -> IO Response commands' (host, port) clst = do h <- connectTo host (PortNumber port) finally (sendCmds h) (hFlush h >> hClose h ) -- >> (putStrLn " - closed") ) where sendCmds h = do -- hSetBuffering h NoBuffering hGetLine h --putStr "MPD Commands:" --mapM_ putStrLn clst hPutStrLn h "command_list_begin" mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) clst hPutStrLn h "command_list_end" resp <- mpdResp [] h hPutStrLn h "close" putStrLn . show $ resp return resp mpdResp :: [String] -> Handle -> IO Response mpdResp buf h = do line <- hGetLine h if line `startsWith` "ACK" then return . ACK . drop 2 . dropWhile (\c -> c/='}') $ line else if line `startsWith` "OK" then return $ OK ( reverse buf ) else mpdResp (line:buf) h data Response = OK [String] | ACK String deriving Show property :: String -> (String,String) property xs = let key = takeWhile (\c -> c/=':') xs val = drop (length key + 2 ) xs in ( key , val ) pause conf = command conf "pause" nextSong conf = command conf "next" previousSong conf = command conf "previous" play conf = command conf "play" stop conf = command conf "stop" fastforward conf = jog conf 2 rewind conf = jog conf (-2) updatedb conf = command conf "update" --Advance a song by 'n' seconds jog conf n = do s <- status conf case (song s) of Nothing -> do return () Just i -> do let position = ( +n ) . fromJust . elapsed $ s cmd = "seek " ++ (show i) ++ " " ++ (show position) command conf cmd return () quote :: String -> String quote str = '"':str ++ "\"" addSongs :: (String,PortNumber) -> [Song] -> IO () addSongs conf xs = do commands conf lst return () where lst = map ( (\f -> "add \"" ++ f ++ "\"" ) . file) $ xs