diGraph G { v5 [label="Unassessed: focusUp' (Stack 'a' \"y\" []) = Stack 'y' [] []"] v4 [label="Unassessed: focusUp' (Stack 'r' \"ay\" []) = Stack 'a' \"y\" []"] v3 [label="Assisted [InconclusiveProperty \"Simpler tree suggested with complexity 30(current tree has complexity of 41)\"]: focusUp (StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'a' \"y\" []))) 0 0) _ _ _) = StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'y' [] []))) 0 0) _ _ _"] v2 [label="Assisted [InconclusiveProperty \"We found values for the unevaluated expressions in the current statement that falsify\\na property, however the resulting tree is not simpler.\"]: focusUp (StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'r' \"ay\" []))) 0 0) _ _ _) = StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'a' \"y\" []))) 0 0) _ _ _"] v1 [label="Unassessed: focusWindow 'y' (StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'r' \"ay\" []))) 0 0) _ _ _) = StackSet (Screen (Workspace (NonNegative 0) _ (Just (Stack 'y' [] []))) 0 0) _ _ _"] v0 [label=root] v0 -> v1 [label=""] v1 -> v3 [label=""] v3 -> v5 [label=""] v1 -> v2 [label=""] v2 -> v4 [label=""] }