-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.Base
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2009 Stefan Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Stefan Schmidt (stefanschmidt@web.de)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: portable
  Version    : 0.1
  The main module for the implementation of the distributed data structures.
  It contains the DNode-datatype which is needed to register new local and
  remote resources. The main datatypes (Ids, Handlers, etc.) are also defined

  The module should only be used from within this library. User applications
  should refer to Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XDeriveDataTypeable -XScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.Base
    -- * datatypes
  , DNodeConfig(..)
  , defaultDNodeConfig
  , DNodeId
  , mkDNodeId
  , DNodeAddress
  , mkDNodeAddress
  , DHandlerId
  -- rf == only to be used by new resource implementations

  , DResourceType                -- rf
  , mkDResourceType              -- rf
  , DResourceId
  , DResourceAddress
  , mkDResourceAddress           -- rf
  , DResourceDispatcher          -- rf
  , DResourceEntry(..)           -- rf
  -- * Initializing and Deinitializing of the local node
  , initDNode
  , deinitDNode

  -- * adding, deleting other nodes
  , addForeignDNode
  , delForeignDNode

  -- * checking other nodes and resources
  , checkForeignDNode
  , addForeignDNodeHandler
  , addForeignDResourceHandler
  , delForeignHandler
  -- * needed by the resources
  , genLocalResourceAddress      -- rf
  , addLocalResource             -- rf
  , delLocalResource             -- rf
  , delForeignResource           -- rf
  , safeAccessForeignResource    -- rf
  , unsafeAccessForeignResource  -- rf
  , getByteStringMessage         -- rf -- reimported from Network-Module
  , putByteStringMessage         -- rf -- reimported from Network-Module
  , getDNodeData                 -- debug

import           Prelude hiding (catch)

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Unique
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
import           System.IO
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           System.Log.Logger
import           System.Random

import           Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.Network

localLogger :: String
localLogger = "Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.Base"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Basic types which are commonly used
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The exception type, used by distributed communication
data DistributedException = DistributedException {
    distEx_msg :: String -- ^ the message of the exception
  , distEx_fct :: String -- ^ the function in which the exception was thrown
  , distEx_mod :: String -- ^ the module in which the exception was thrown
  } deriving(Typeable, Show)
instance Exception DistributedException

-- | A distributed Id type, could be named or randomly generated
data DId
  = DIdName String
  | DIdNumber Integer
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Binary DId where
  put (DIdName s) = putWord8 0 >> put s
  put (DIdNumber n) = putWord8 1 >> put n
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        0 -> get >>= \s -> return (DIdName s)
        _ -> get >>= \n -> return (DIdNumber n)
-- | Generates a distributed Id value. If the string is empty, a random
--   but unique id will be created
genDId :: String -> IO DId
genDId "" 
  = do
    -- TODO make more unique -> uuids or other things
    i <- getStdRandom (randomR (1,1000000)):: IO Integer
    return $ DIdNumber i
genDId st
  = do
    return $ DIdName st

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DNode related types
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The configuration of a DNode. You need it to create a DNode and you can 
--   use this data type it to alter its properties. This type is public to
--   allow users to create their own configuration.
data DNodeConfig = DNodeConfig {
    dnc_Name        :: String
  , dnc_MinPort     :: Int
  , dnc_MaxPort     :: Int
  , dnc_AccessDelay :: Int
  , dnc_PingDelay   :: Int
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A good default configuration. To create an unnamed node, just leave the
--   string empty. 
defaultDNodeConfig :: String -> DNodeConfig
defaultDNodeConfig s
  = DNodeConfig s 8000 9000 1000000 1000000

-- | The DNode identifier.
--   Every DNode has an Id, this could be named or randomly created. The id 
--   could not be used to address a DNode directly over a Network connection 
--   because the physical references are missing. The DNodeId is meant to 
--   create a declarative reference which could be used to lookup purposes. 
--   Think of the DNodeId as a domain name, without a DNS-Server to resolve 
--   the physical address, it is worthless to establish a communication. 
newtype DNodeId = DNodeId DId
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary DNodeId where
  put (DNodeId i) = put i
  get = get >>= \i -> return (DNodeId i)
-- | Generates a new DNodeId. If the string is empty, a random but unique
--   id will be created. 
genDNodeId :: String -> IO DNodeId
genDNodeId s = genDId s >>= \i -> return (DNodeId i)

-- | Use this to make a new DNodeId from a String
mkDNodeId :: String -> DNodeId
mkDNodeId "" = error "the name of DNode is empty"
mkDNodeId s  = DNodeId $ DIdName s

-- | The DNode address.
data DNodeAddress = DNodeAddress {
    dna_Id          :: DNodeId
  , dna_HostName    :: HostName
  , dna_ServiceName :: PortNumber
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary DNodeAddress where
  put (DNodeAddress i hn po) = put i >> put hn >> put (toInteger po)
  get = get >>= \i -> get >>= \hn -> get >>= \po -> return (DNodeAddress i hn (fromInteger po))

-- | use this to make a new DNodeAddress
mkDNodeAddress :: String -> HostName -> Int -> DNodeAddress
mkDNodeAddress s hn po = DNodeAddress i hn (fromIntegral po)
  i = mkDNodeId s
-- | The type of the functions which could be called by a handler.
--   The DHandlerId is the Id of the handler which called the function,
--   you can use this to delete the handler.
type DHandlerFunction = DHandlerId -> IO ()

-- | Internal data of another DNode
data DNodeEntry = DNodeEntry {
    dne_Address              :: DNodeAddress
  , dne_PingThreadId         :: Maybe ThreadId
  , dne_HandlerFunctions     :: Map.Map DHandlerId DHandlerFunction
  , dne_TriggeredHandlers    :: Set.Set DHandlerId
  , dne_PositiveNodeHandlers :: Set.Set DHandlerId
  , dne_NegativeNodeHandlers :: Set.Set DHandlerId
  , dne_PositiveResourceHandlers :: Set.Set DHandlerId
  , dne_NegativeResourceHandlers :: Set.Set DHandlerId

instance Show DNodeEntry where
  show _ = "{DNodeEntry}"

-- | The Id of a handler, is needed to stop the handler from further execution.
data DHandlerId = DHandlerId {
    dhi_Id      :: Unique
  , dhi_DNodeId :: DNodeId
  , dhi_DResourceId :: Maybe DResourceId
  } deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DResource related types
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The ressouce type, it is used to separate between different kinds of
--   resources. The resource type is generated by the programmer of a
--   resource
newtype DResourceType = DResourceType String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary DResourceType where
  put (DResourceType s) = put s
  get = get >>= \s -> return (DResourceType s)

mkDResourceType :: String -> DResourceType
mkDResourceType s = DResourceType (map toUpper s)

-- | The DResource Id.
data DResourceId = DResourceId DId DResourceType
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary DResourceId where
  put (DResourceId i t) = put i >> put t 
  get = get >>= \i -> get >>= \t -> return (DResourceId i t)

genDResourceId :: DResourceType -> String -> IO DResourceId
genDResourceId t s = genDId s >>= \i -> return (DResourceId i t)

mkDResourceId :: DResourceType -> String -> DResourceId
mkDResourceId _ "" = error "the name of the DResource is empty"
mkDResourceId t s  = DResourceId (DIdName s) t

-- | The DResource address
data DResourceAddress = DResourceAddress {
    dra_Id     :: DResourceId
  , dra_NodeId :: DNodeId
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary DResourceAddress where
  put (DResourceAddress i a) = put i >> put a
  get = get >>= \i -> get >>= \a -> return (DResourceAddress i a)

mkDResourceAddress :: DResourceType -> String -> String -> DResourceAddress
mkDResourceAddress t r n = DResourceAddress dri dni
  dri = mkDResourceId t r
  dni = mkDNodeId n

-- | The DResource callback functions
type DResourceDispatcher = DNodeId -> Handle -> IO ()

-- | The container for the DResources
data DResourceEntry = DResourceEntry {
    dre_Dispatcher   :: DResourceDispatcher

instance Show DResourceEntry where
  show _ = "{DResourceEntry}"

-- | The local DNode, 
--   manages the Resources,
--   keeps a record of foreign DNodes
data DNodeData = DNodeData {
    dnd_Address         :: DNodeAddress
  , dnd_SocketServer    :: SocketServer
  , dnd_AccessDelay     :: Int
  , dnd_PingDelay       :: Int
  , dnd_NodeMap         :: Map.Map DNodeId DNodeEntry
  , dnd_OwnResourceMap :: Map.Map DResourceId DResourceEntry
  } deriving (Show)

type DNode = MVar DNodeData

{-# NOINLINE myDNode #-}
myDNode :: DNode
  = do
    unsafePerformIO $ newEmptyMVar

-- | Initializes the DNode of the program. You have to call this function
--   once BEFORE you can use other functions. 
initDNode :: DNodeConfig -> IO DNodeId
initDNode c
  = do
    let minPort     = fromIntegral $ dnc_MinPort c
        maxPort     = fromIntegral $ dnc_MaxPort c
        accessDelay = dnc_AccessDelay c
        pingDelay   = dnc_PingDelay c
    n   <- genDNodeId (dnc_Name c)
    serverSocket <- startSocketServer (dispatcher) minPort maxPort
    case serverSocket of
      Nothing ->
        errorM localLogger "no socket opened"
        error "socket could not be opened"
      (Just ss) ->
        let hn = getSocketServerName ss
            po = getSocketServerPort ss
            dnd = DNodeData {
            dnd_Address         = DNodeAddress n hn po
          , dnd_SocketServer    = ss
          , dnd_AccessDelay     = accessDelay
          , dnd_PingDelay       = pingDelay
          , dnd_NodeMap         = Map.empty
          , dnd_OwnResourceMap = Map.empty
        success <- tryPutMVar myDNode dnd
        if success
          then do return ()          
          else do
            stopSocketServer ss
            error "dnode already initialized"
    return n

-- | deinitializes a DNode
deinitDNode :: IO ()
  = do
    mbDnd <- tryTakeMVar myDNode
    case mbDnd of
      (Just dnd) ->
        -- TODO close all threads and unregister from all other nodes...
        -- close the dispatcher thread, so no requests are handled...
        stopSocketServer (dnd_SocketServer dnd)
      (Nothing) ->
        error "dnode already deinitialized"

addNode :: DNodeAddress -> IO ()
addNode dna
  = do
    let dne = DNodeEntry dna Nothing Map.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty
        dni = dna_Id dna
    modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ addNodeP dni dne dnd
addNodeP :: DNodeId -> DNodeEntry -> DNodeData -> DNodeData
addNodeP dni dne dnd = dnd { dnd_NodeMap = am }
  am = Map.insert dni dne (dnd_NodeMap dnd)

deleteNode :: DNodeId -> IO ()
deleteNode i = modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ deleteNodeP i dnd 

deleteNodeP :: DNodeId -> DNodeData -> DNodeData
deleteNodeP i dnd = dnd { dnd_NodeMap = am }
  am = Map.delete i (dnd_NodeMap dnd)

lookupNode :: DNodeId -> IO (Maybe DNodeEntry)
lookupNode i = withMVar myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ lookupNodeP i dnd

lookupNodeP :: DNodeId -> DNodeData -> Maybe DNodeEntry
lookupNodeP i dnd = Map.lookup i (dnd_NodeMap dnd)

-- lookupAllNodes :: IO ([DNodeEntry])
-- lookupAllNodes = withMVar myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ lookupAllNodesP dnd

-- lookupAllNodesP :: DNodeData -> [DNodeEntry]
-- lookupAllNodesP dnd = Map.elems (dnd_NodeMap dnd)

addResource :: DResourceId -> DResourceEntry -> IO ()
addResource i d = modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ addResourceP dnd i d

addResourceP :: DNodeData -> DResourceId -> DResourceEntry -> DNodeData
addResourceP dnd i d = dnd { dnd_OwnResourceMap = rm }
  rm = Map.insert i d (dnd_OwnResourceMap dnd)

deleteResource :: DResourceId -> IO ()
deleteResource a = modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ deleteResourceP dnd a

deleteResourceP :: DNodeData -> DResourceId -> DNodeData
deleteResourceP dnd i = dnd { dnd_OwnResourceMap = rm }
  rm = Map.delete i (dnd_OwnResourceMap dnd)

lookupResource :: DResourceId -> IO (Maybe DResourceEntry)
lookupResource i = withMVar myDNode $ \dnd -> return $ lookupResourceP dnd i

lookupResourceP :: DNodeData -> DResourceId -> Maybe DResourceEntry
lookupResourceP dnd i = Map.lookup i (dnd_OwnResourceMap dnd)

getDNodeData :: IO (DNodeData)
getDNodeData = readMVar myDNode

lookupDNodeReqestInfo :: DNodeId -> IO (DNodeAddress, Maybe DNodeAddress)
lookupDNodeReqestInfo dni
  = withMVar myDNode $ \dnd ->
      let myDna      = dnd_Address dnd
          mbDne      = lookupNodeP dni dnd
          mbOtherDna = if (isJust mbDne) then (Just $ dne_Address $ fromJust mbDne) else Nothing 
      return (myDna, mbOtherDna)

checkDNodeRequest :: DNodeAddress -> DNodeAddress -> IO Bool
checkDNodeRequest s r
  = modifyMVar myDNode $ \dnd ->
      let isValid = (dna_Id r) == (dna_Id $ dnd_Address dnd)
          dni     = dna_Id s
          dne     = DNodeEntry s Nothing Map.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty
          dnd'    = if (Map.member dni (dnd_NodeMap dnd))
                    then dnd 
                    else addNodeP dni dne dnd
      return (dnd', isValid)    

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- generic message container
data DNodeRequestMessage = DNodeRequestMessage {
    dnm_Req_Sender   :: DNodeAddress
  , dnm_Req_Receiver :: DNodeAddress
  , dnm_Req_Message  :: DNodeRequest
  } deriving (Show)
instance Binary DNodeRequestMessage where
  put (DNodeRequestMessage s r m) = put s >> put r >> put m
  get = get >>= \s -> get >>= \r -> get >>= \m -> return (DNodeRequestMessage s r m)

data DNodeRequest
  = DNMReqPing DNodeId [DResourceId]
  | DNMReqResourceMsg DResourceAddress
  deriving (Show)

instance Binary DNodeRequest where
  -- put (DNMReqRegister dna)   = putWord8 1 >> put dna
  -- put (DNMReqUnregister i)   = putWord8 2 >> put i
  put (DNMReqPing i rs)      = putWord8 3 >> put i >> put rs
  put (DNMReqResourceMsg a) = putWord8 4 >> put a
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        -- 1 -> get >>= \dna -> return (DNMReqRegister dna)
        -- 2 -> get >>= \i -> return (DNMReqUnregister i)
        3 -> get >>= \i -> get >>= \rs -> return (DNMReqPing i rs)
        4 -> get >>= \a -> return (DNMReqResourceMsg a)
        _ -> error "DNodeRequestMessage: wrong encoding"

data DNodeResponseMessage
  = DNMRspOk
  | DNMRspPing [(DResourceId,Bool)]
  | DNMRspError String
  deriving (Show)
instance Binary DNodeResponseMessage where
  put(DNMRspOk)      = putWord8 1
  put(DNMRspPing rs) = putWord8 2 >> put rs
  put(DNMRspError e) = putWord8 3 >> put e
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        1 -> return (DNMRspOk)
        2 -> get >>= \rs -> return (DNMRspPing rs)
        3 -> get >>= \e -> return (DNMRspError e)
        _ -> error "DNodeResponseMessage: wrong encoding"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Delegates new incomming messages on a unix-socket to their streams.
dispatcher :: Handle -> IO ()
dispatcher hdl
  = do
    debugM localLogger "dispatcher: reading message from connection"
    raw <- getByteStringMessage hdl
    debugM localLogger "dispatcher: message received starting dispatching"
    let msg      = (decode raw)::DNodeRequestMessage
    let sender   = dnm_Req_Sender msg
    let receiver = dnm_Req_Receiver msg
    -- check id and add new addresses
    isValid <- checkDNodeRequest sender receiver
    if isValid
      then do
        debugM localLogger $ "dispatcher: Message: " ++ show msg
        case (dnm_Req_Message msg) of
          -- (DNMReqRegister dna) -> handleRegister dna hdl
          -- (DNMReqUnregister i) -> handleUnregister i hdl
          (DNMReqPing i rs)      -> handlePing i rs hdl
          (DNMReqResourceMsg a) -> handleResourceMessage (dna_Id sender) a hdl
      else do
        warningM localLogger $ "message for other node received... dropping request: " ++ show msg
        putByteStringMessage (encode $ DNMRspError "unknown receiver") hdl

requestRegister :: Handle -> IO ()
requestRegister hdl
  = do
    dnd <- readMVar myDNode
    putMessage (encode $ DNMReqRegister $ dnd_Address dnd) hdl
    -- get the response
    raw <- getMessage hdl
    let rsp = (decode raw)::DNodeResponseMessage
    case rsp of
      (DNMRspOk)      -> return ()
      (DNMRspError e) -> error e
      _               -> error "false response"

handleRegister :: DNodeAddress -> Handle -> IO ()
handleRegister dan hdl
  = do
    addNode dan
    -- put the response
    putMessage (encode $ DNMRspOk) hdl

requestUnregister :: Handle -> IO ()
requestUnregister hdl
  = do
    dnd <- readMVar myDNode
    let i = dna_Id $ dnd_Address dnd
    putMessage (encode $ DNMReqUnregister i) hdl
    -- get the response
    raw <- getMessage hdl
    let rsp = (decode raw)::DNodeResponseMessage
    case rsp of
      (DNMRspOk)      -> return ()
      (DNMRspError e) -> error e
      _               -> error "false response"

handleUnregister :: DNodeId -> Handle -> IO ()
handleUnregister i hdl
  = do
    deleteNode i
    -- put the response
    putMessage (encode $ DNMRspOk) hdl

requestPing :: DNodeAddress -> DNodeAddress -> DNodeId -> [DResourceId] -> Handle -> IO (Maybe [(DResourceId, Bool)])
requestPing s r i rs hdl
  = do
    let request = DNodeRequestMessage s r (DNMReqPing i rs)
    putByteStringMessage (encode $ request) hdl
    raw <- getByteStringMessage hdl
    let rsp = (decode raw)::DNodeResponseMessage
    case rsp of
      (DNMRspOk)      -> return (Just [])
      (DNMRspPing ls) -> return (Just ls)
      (DNMRspError e) -> do
        errorM localLogger e
        return Nothing

handlePing :: DNodeId -> [DResourceId] -> Handle -> IO ()
handlePing otherDni rs hdl
  = do
    dnd <- readMVar myDNode
    let myDni = dna_Id $ dnd_Address dnd
    if (myDni == otherDni)
      then do 
        let orm = dnd_OwnResourceMap dnd
            ls  = map (\i -> (i, isJust $ Map.lookup i orm)) rs
        putByteStringMessage (encode $ DNMRspPing ls) hdl
      else do
        putByteStringMessage (encode $ DNMRspError "false ping - ids do not match") hdl

requestResourceMessage :: DNodeAddress -> DNodeAddress -> DResourceAddress -> (Handle -> IO a) -> Handle -> IO a
requestResourceMessage s r dra requester hdl
  = do
    let request = DNodeRequestMessage s r (DNMReqResourceMsg dra)
    -- ask node for resource
    debugM localLogger "requestResourceMessage: asking node for resource"
    putByteStringMessage (encode $ request) hdl
    -- get the response
    debugM localLogger "requestResourceMessage: getting the response"
    raw <- getByteStringMessage hdl
    debugM localLogger "requestResourceMessage: parsing the response"
    let rsp = (decode raw)::DNodeResponseMessage
    case rsp of
      (DNMRspOk)      -> do requester hdl
      (DNMRspError e) -> error e
      _               -> error "false response"
-- TODO throw real exception here... or something else
handleResourceMessage :: DNodeId -> DResourceAddress -> Handle -> IO ()
handleResourceMessage sender dra hdl
  = do
    let i = dra_Id dra
    mbDrd <- lookupResource i
    case mbDrd of
      (Just drd) ->
        putByteStringMessage (encode $ DNMRspOk) hdl
        let handler = dre_Dispatcher drd
        handler sender hdl
      (Nothing) -> 
        putByteStringMessage (encode $ DNMRspError "resource not found") hdl
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for adding/deleting other nodes to the system
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Add a foreign DNode to the list of known DNodes.
--   Only DNodes in this list could be reached by the local node.
addForeignDNode :: DNodeAddress -> IO ()
addForeignDNode dna
  = do
    -- let hn = dna_HostName dna
    --     po = dna_PortNumber dna
    -- performSafeSendRequest requestRegister () hn po
    addNode dna 

-- | removes a foreign DNode entry. You should clean up the foreign DNode
--   entries.
delForeignDNode :: DNodeId -> IO ()
delForeignDNode i
  = do
    mDne <- lookupNode i
    case mDne of
      (Just _) ->
        -- let dna = dne_Address dne
        --     hn  = dna_HostName dna
        --     po  = dna_PortNumber dna
        -- performSafeSendRequest requestUnregister () hn po
        deleteNode i
      (Nothing) -> return ()

-- | Manually Checks, if another DNode is reachable. Returns true if this is the case,
--   otherwise false. Always returns, does not throw an exception caused by network failures.
checkForeignDNode :: DNodeId -> IO (Bool)
checkForeignDNode dni
  = do
    (myDna, mbOtherDna) <- lookupDNodeReqestInfo dni    
    case mbOtherDna of
      (Just otherDna) ->
        let hn  = dna_HostName otherDna
            po  = dna_ServiceName otherDna
        res <- performSafeSendRequest (requestPing myDna otherDna dni []) Nothing hn po
        return $ isJust res
      (Nothing) -> return False

-- | Adds a handler function which periodically checks the existences (or non-existence)
--   of other DNodes. The first parameter indicates the type of the handler.
--   If you want to install a handler which is fired when a Node becomes reachable (positive trigger),
--   it needs to be true. If you want to monitor the event when a specific node disappears,
--   pass false.
addForeignDNodeHandler :: Bool -> DNodeId -> DHandlerFunction -> IO (Maybe DHandlerId)
addForeignDNodeHandler positive dni f
  = modifyMVar myDNode $ \dnd ->
      case (lookupNodeP dni dnd) of
        (Just dne) ->
          let oldTid = dne_PingThreadId dne
          -- do we have an existing ping thread?
          tid <- if (isNothing oldTid)
            then do 
              t <- startPingThread dni
              return $ Just t
            else return oldTid
          uid <- newUnique
          let dhi  = DHandlerId uid dni Nothing
              dne' = dne { dne_HandlerFunctions = Map.insert dhi f (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)
                         , dne_PositiveNodeHandlers = if positive 
                                                        then Set.insert dhi (dne_PositiveNodeHandlers dne)
                                                        else (dne_PositiveNodeHandlers dne)
                         , dne_NegativeNodeHandlers = if positive
                                                        then (dne_NegativeNodeHandlers dne)
                                                        else Set.insert dhi (dne_NegativeNodeHandlers dne)
                         , dne_PingThreadId = tid }
          return ((addNodeP dni dne' dnd), Just dhi)
        (Nothing) -> return (dnd, Nothing)

-- | Adds a handler function which periodically checks the existences (or non-existence)
--   of resources on other DNodes. The first parameter indicates the type of the handler.
--   If you want to install a handler which is fired when a Node becomes reachable (positive trigger),
--   it needs to be true. If you want to monitor the event when a specific node disappears,
--   pass false.
addForeignDResourceHandler :: Bool -> DResourceAddress -> DHandlerFunction -> IO (Maybe DHandlerId)
addForeignDResourceHandler positive dra f
  = modifyMVar myDNode $ \dnd ->
      let dni   = dra_NodeId dra
          dri   = dra_Id dra
      case (lookupNodeP dni dnd) of
        (Just dne) ->
          let oldTid = dne_PingThreadId dne
          -- do we have an existing ping thread?
          tid <- if (isNothing $ oldTid)
            then do 
              t <- startPingThread dni
              return $ Just t
            else return oldTid
          uid <- newUnique
          let dhi  = DHandlerId uid dni (Just dri)
              dne' = dne { dne_HandlerFunctions = Map.insert dhi f (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)
                         , dne_PositiveResourceHandlers = if positive 
                                                            then Set.insert dhi (dne_PositiveResourceHandlers dne)
                                                            else (dne_PositiveResourceHandlers dne)
                         , dne_NegativeResourceHandlers = if positive
                                                            then (dne_NegativeResourceHandlers dne)
                                                            else Set.insert dhi (dne_NegativeResourceHandlers dne)
                         , dne_PingThreadId = tid }
          return ((addNodeP dni dne' dnd), Just dhi)
        (Nothing) -> return (dnd, Nothing)

-- | Deletes a Handler from the system, will not be called anymore.
delForeignHandler :: DHandlerId -> IO ()
delForeignHandler dhi
  = do
    modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd ->
      let dni   = dhi_DNodeId dhi
      case (lookupNodeP dni dnd) of
        (Just dne) ->
          let dne' = dne { dne_HandlerFunctions = Map.delete dhi (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)
                     , dne_TriggeredHandlers = Set.delete dhi (dne_TriggeredHandlers dne)
                     , dne_PositiveResourceHandlers = Set.delete dhi (dne_PositiveResourceHandlers dne)
                     , dne_NegativeResourceHandlers = Set.delete dhi (dne_NegativeResourceHandlers dne)
                     , dne_PositiveNodeHandlers = Set.delete dhi (dne_PositiveNodeHandlers dne)
                     , dne_NegativeNodeHandlers = Set.delete dhi (dne_NegativeNodeHandlers dne)
          return $ addNodeP dni dne' dnd
        (Nothing) -> return dnd

genLocalResourceAddress :: DResourceType -> String -> IO DResourceAddress
genLocalResourceAddress t s
  = do
    i <- genDResourceId t s
    dnd <- readMVar myDNode
    return $ DResourceAddress i (dna_Id $ dnd_Address dnd)

addLocalResource :: DResourceAddress -> DResourceEntry -> IO ()
addLocalResource a d
  = do
    let i = dra_Id a
    addResource i d

delLocalResource :: DResourceAddress -> IO ()
delLocalResource a
  = do
    let i = dra_Id a
    deleteResource i

delForeignResource :: DResourceAddress -> IO ()
delForeignResource dra
  = modifyMVar_ myDNode $ \dnd ->
      let dni = dra_NodeId dra
          dri = dra_Id dra
      case (lookupNodeP dni dnd) of
        (Just dne) ->
          let handlerIds = Set.fromList $ filter (\dhi -> (dhi_DResourceId dhi) == (Just dri)) $ Map.keys (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)
              dne'   = dne { dne_HandlerFunctions = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.notMember k handlerIds) (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)
                           , dne_TriggeredHandlers = Set.difference (dne_TriggeredHandlers dne) handlerIds
                           , dne_PositiveResourceHandlers = Set.difference (dne_PositiveResourceHandlers dne) handlerIds
                           , dne_NegativeResourceHandlers = Set.difference (dne_NegativeResourceHandlers dne) handlerIds
          return $ addNodeP dni dne' dnd
        (Nothing) -> return dnd

safeAccessForeignResource :: DResourceAddress -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
safeAccessForeignResource dra requester
  = do
    debugM localLogger $ "accessForeignResource: " ++ show dra 
    let dni = dra_NodeId dra
    (myDna, mbOtherDna) <- lookupDNodeReqestInfo dni    
    case mbOtherDna of
      (Just otherDna) ->
        debugM localLogger $ "accessForeignResource: node in list found"
        let hn  = dna_HostName otherDna
            po  = dna_ServiceName otherDna
        mbres <- performMaybeSendRequest (requestResourceMessage myDna otherDna dra requester) hn po
        case mbres of
          (Just res) -> return res
          (Nothing)  -> retryAccess
      (Nothing) -> retryAccess
        = do
          dnd <- readMVar myDNode
          threadDelay $ dnd_AccessDelay dnd
          safeAccessForeignResource dra requester

unsafeAccessForeignResource :: DResourceAddress -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeAccessForeignResource dra requester
  = do
    debugM localLogger $ "accessForeignResource: " ++ show dra 
    let dni = dra_NodeId dra
    (myDna, mbOtherDna) <- lookupDNodeReqestInfo dni    
    case mbOtherDna of
      (Just otherDna) ->
        debugM localLogger $ "accessForeignResource: node in list found"
        let hn  = dna_HostName otherDna
            po  = dna_ServiceName otherDna
        catch (performUnsafeSendRequest (requestResourceMessage myDna otherDna dra requester) hn po)
          (\(e ::IOException) -> 
            debugM localLogger $  show e
            throwIO $ DistributedException (show e) "unsafeAccessForeignResource" "DNode")
      (Nothing) -> 
        throwIO $ DistributedException "node not registered" "unsafeAccessForeignResource" "DNode"

startPingThread :: DNodeId -> IO ThreadId
startPingThread otherDNodeId
  = do
    forkIO $ pingLoop
    -- the function for the main ping loop
    pingLoop = do
      myDnd <- readMVar myDNode
      let myDna = dnd_Address myDnd
      -- get NodeData from local DNode
      mbDne <- lookupNode otherDNodeId
      case mbDne of
        (Just dne) -> do
          myTid <- myThreadId
          if ((Just myTid) == (dne_PingThreadId dne))
            then do
              -- do the pinging
              pingRes <- doPinging myDna dne
              -- evaluate the results and collect the handlers to execute
              (hdls,pingDelay) <- evaluatePingResult pingRes
              -- execute handlers
              sequence_ $ map (\(dhi,f) -> forkIO $ f dhi) hdls
              -- wait and redo the pinging
              threadDelay pingDelay
            else do
              debugM localLogger $ "the thread ids don't match - leaving thread" ++ show otherDNodeId
              return ()
        (Nothing) -> do
          debugM localLogger $ "resource not found - leaving thread: " ++ show otherDNodeId
          return ()
    -- the function which does the pinging of the external node
    doPinging myDna dne = do
      let resources = mapMaybe (dhi_DResourceId) $ Map.keys $ dne_HandlerFunctions dne
          otherDna  = dne_Address dne
          hn        = dna_HostName otherDna
          po        = dna_ServiceName otherDna
      performSafeSendRequest (requestPing myDna otherDna otherDNodeId resources) Nothing hn po
    -- the function which evaluates the result of the ping (changes state of local DNode)
    evaluatePingResult res =
      modifyMVar myDNode $ \dnd -> do
        let pingDelay = dnd_PingDelay dnd
        (dnd', hdls) <- case (Map.lookup otherDNodeId (dnd_NodeMap dnd)) of
          -- the node entry still exists
          (Just dne) -> do    
            let tid            = if (hasAnyHandlers dne)then (dne_PingThreadId dne) else Nothing
                allPosNodeHdls = dne_PositiveNodeHandlers dne
                allPosResHdls  = dne_PositiveResourceHandlers dne
                allNegNodeHdls = dne_NegativeNodeHandlers dne
                allNegResHdls  = dne_NegativeResourceHandlers dne
                trigHdls       = dne_TriggeredHandlers dne
                hdlFuncs       = dne_HandlerFunctions dne
            (allTrigHdls, hdls) <- case (res) of
              -- we've got a response with the list of resources
              (Just ls) -> do
                let untrigPosNodeHdls = Set.difference allPosNodeHdls trigHdls
                    existingRes = Set.fromList $ map fst $ filter (snd) ls
                    missingRes = Set.fromList $ map fst $ filter (not . snd) ls
                    existingPosResHdls = Set.filter (isMatchingResHdl existingRes) allPosResHdls
                    missingPosResHdls = Set.filter (isMatchingResHdl missingRes) allPosResHdls
                    existingNegResHdls = Set.filter (isMatchingResHdl existingRes) allNegResHdls
                    missingNegResHdls = Set.filter (isMatchingResHdl missingRes) allNegResHdls
                    untrigPosResHdls = Set.difference existingPosResHdls trigHdls
                    untrigNegResHdls = Set.difference missingNegResHdls trigHdls
                    untrigHdls = Set.unions [untrigPosNodeHdls, untrigPosResHdls, untrigNegResHdls]
                    reUntrigHdls = Set.unions [allNegNodeHdls, missingPosResHdls, existingNegResHdls]
                    -- new triggered handler set
                    allTrigHdls = Set.union untrigHdls $ Set.difference trigHdls reUntrigHdls
                    -- list of Handlers to execute
                    hdls = filter (\(dhi,_) -> Set.member dhi untrigHdls) $ Map.toList hdlFuncs
                return (allTrigHdls, hdls)
              -- external node was not reachable
              (Nothing) -> do
                let untrigNegNodeHdls = Set.difference allNegNodeHdls trigHdls
                    untrigNegResHdls = Set.difference allNegResHdls trigHdls
                    untrigHdls = Set.union untrigNegNodeHdls untrigNegResHdls
                    -- new triggered handler set
                    allTrigHdls = Set.union allNegNodeHdls allNegResHdls
                    -- list of Handlers to execute
                    hdls = filter (\(dhi,_) -> Set.member dhi untrigHdls) $ Map.toList hdlFuncs
                return (allTrigHdls, hdls)
            let dne' = dne { dne_PingThreadId = tid, dne_TriggeredHandlers = allTrigHdls }
                dnd' = addNodeP otherDNodeId dne' dnd
            return (dnd', hdls)
          -- in the meantime, the node entry was deleted
          (Nothing) -> return (dnd, [])
        return (dnd', (hdls, pingDelay))
    isMatchingResHdl :: Set.Set DResourceId -> DHandlerId -> Bool
    isMatchingResHdl resIds dhi = if (isJust mbResId) then isMember else False
        mbResId = dhi_DResourceId dhi
        resId = fromJust mbResId
        isMember = Set.member resId resIds
    hasAnyHandlers :: DNodeEntry -> Bool
    hasAnyHandlers dne = not $ Map.null (dne_HandlerFunctions dne)