-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Holumbus.Network.Port
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Stefan Schmidt (stefanschmidt@web.de)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: portable
  Version    : 0.1

  Stream and Port datatype for internal an external process communication.
  Useful for communikation of distributed systems.

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}	-- for unused record field selectors

module Holumbus.Network.Port
{-# DEPRECATED "this module will be remove in the next release, please use the packages from Holumbus.Distribution.*" #-}
-- * Constants
, time10
, time30
, time60
, time120
, timeIndefinitely

-- * Datatypes
, SocketId(..) -- reexport from core
, MessageType
, Message
, StreamName
, StreamType(..)
, Stream
, Port(..)

-- * Message-Operations
, getMessageType
, getMessageData
, getGenericData

-- * Global-Operations
, setPortRegistry

-- * Stream-Operations
, newGlobalStream
, newLocalStream
, newPrivateStream
, newStream
, closeStream

, isEmptyStream
, readStream
, readStreamMsg
, tryReadStream
, tryReadStreamMsg
, tryWaitReadStream
, tryWaitReadStreamMsg
, withStream

-- * Port-Operations
, newPortFromStream
, newPort
, newGlobalPort

, isPortLocal
, send
, sendWithGeneric
, sendWithMaybeGeneric 

, writePortToFile
, readPortFromFile

-- * Debug
, printStreamController

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad

import           Data.Binary
--import           Holumbus.Common.MRBinary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.Time
import           Network

import           System.IO
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           System.Log.Logger
import           System.Timeout

import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow

import           Holumbus.Common.Utils		( handleAll )
import           Holumbus.Network.Site
import           Holumbus.Network.Core
import           Holumbus.Network.PortRegistry
import qualified Holumbus.Data.MultiMap as MMap

localLogger :: String
localLogger = "Holumbus.Network.Port"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constants
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | One second
time1 :: Int
time1 = 1000000

-- | 10 seconds
time10 :: Int
time10 = 10000000

-- | 30 seconds
time30 :: Int
time30 = 30000000

-- | 60 seconds
time60 :: Int
time60 = 60000000

-- | 120 seconds
time120 :: Int
time120 = 120000000

-- | Wait how long it takes
timeIndefinitely :: Int
timeIndefinitely = -1

-- | The default starting port number 
defaultPort :: PortNumber
defaultPort = 9000

-- | The default maximal port number
maxPort :: PortNumber
maxPort = 40000

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Message-Datatype
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Message Type
--   Is it an internal Message or does it come from an external Node?
data MessageType = MTInternal | MTExternal 
  deriving (Show)

instance Binary MessageType where
  put MTInternal = putWord8 1
  put MTExternal = putWord8 2
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        1 -> return MTInternal
        _ -> return MTExternal      

-- | Message Datatype.
--   We are sending additional information, to do debugging
data (Show a, Binary a) => Message a = Message {
    msg_Type           :: ! MessageType          -- ^ the message-type
  , msg_Receiver       :: ! StreamName           -- ^ the name of the destination stream
  , msg_Data           :: ! a                    -- ^ the data  
  , msg_Generic        :: ! (Maybe B.ByteString) -- ^ some generic data -- could be another port
  , msg_ReceiverSocket :: ! (Maybe SocketId)     -- ^ socket to which the message is send (DEBUG)
  , msg_SenderSocket   :: ! (Maybe SocketId)     -- ^ socket from which the message was send (DEBUG)
  , msg_Send_time      :: ! UTCTime              -- ^ timestamp from the sender (DEBUG)
  , msg_Receive_time   :: ! UTCTime              -- ^ timestamp from the receiver (DEBUG)
  } deriving (Show)

instance (Show a, Binary a) => Binary (Message a) where
  put (Message t r d g rs ss t1 t2)
    = do
      put t
      put r
      put d
      put g
      put rs
      put ss
      put $ show t1
      put $ show t2
    = do
      t     <- get
      r     <- get
      d     <- get
      g     <- get
      rs    <- get
      ss    <- get
      t1Str <- get
      t2Str <- get
      return $ (Message t r d g rs ss (read t1Str) (read t2Str))

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Port-Datatype
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The port datatype.
data Port a = Port { p_StreamName :: StreamName      -- ^ the name of the destination stream
		   , p_SocketId   :: Maybe SocketId
	      deriving (Show,Eq)

instance (Show a, Binary a) => Binary (Port a) where
  put (Port sn soid)	= put sn >> put soid
  get			= do
			  sn   <- get
			  soid <- get
			  return (Port sn soid)

instance (Show a, Binary a) => XmlPickler (Port a) where
  xpickle = xpPort
xpPort :: PU (Port a)
xpPort = 
    xpElem "port" $
    xpWrap(\(sn, soid) -> Port sn soid, \(Port sn soid) -> (sn, soid)) $
    xpPair (xpAttr "name" xpText) (xpOption $ xpickle)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Stream-Datatype
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The name of a stream.
type StreamName = String

-- | The stream type, determines the accessibility of a stream
data StreamType = STGlobal | STLocal | STPrivate
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | The stream datatype
data Stream a
   = Stream {
      s_StreamName :: StreamName
    , s_SocketId   :: SocketId
    , s_Type       :: StreamType
    , s_Channel    :: BinaryChannel

instance (Show a, Binary a) => Show (Stream a) where
  show (Stream sn soid st _)
    = "(Stream" ++
      " - Name: " ++ show sn ++
      " - SocketId: " ++ show soid ++
      " - Type: " ++ show st ++
      " )"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- StreamController-Datatype
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A chan datatype for binary messages
type BinaryChannel = (Chan (Message B.ByteString))

-- | The stream controller datatype.
--   We need this to keep a log of all used streams in the program and to
--   use multiple streams per unix-socket. The access information for the
--   PortRegistry is also placed here. There should only be one stream
--   controller per program. To ensure this, we use a global reference to this
--   data object.
data StreamControllerData = StreamControllerData
    (Maybe SocketId)
    (Maybe GenericRegistry)
    (Map.Map StreamName (BinaryChannel, PortNumber, StreamType))
    (Map.Map PortNumber (ThreadId, HostName))
    (MMap.MultiMap PortNumber StreamName) 
instance Show StreamControllerData where
  show (StreamControllerData ds _ si stm sem pom)
    =  "StreamControllerData:\n"
    ++ "  DefaultSocket:\t" ++ show ds
    ++ "  lastStreamId:\t" ++ show si
    ++ "  Streams:\t" ++ show (Map.keys stm)
    ++ "  ServerMap:\t" ++ show sem
    ++ "  PortMap:\t" ++ show pom

-- | The stream controller.
type StreamController = MVar StreamControllerData

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- StreamController-Operations
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A direct access to the program stream controller.
{-# NOINLINE streamController #-}
streamController :: StreamController
  = do
    unsafePerformIO $ newMVar emptyStreamControllerData
        = StreamControllerData

-- | Sets the link to the PortRegistry in the stream controller 
setPortRegistry :: (PortRegistry r) => r -> IO ()
setPortRegistry r
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData s _ i sm pm pmm) ->
      return ((StreamControllerData s (Just $ mkGenericRegistry r) i sm pm pmm),())

-- | Gets the next generated and program unique stream name.
getNextStreamName :: IO (StreamName)
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      let i'   = i + 1
      let n    = "$" ++ show i'
      let scd' = StreamControllerData s r i' sm pm pmm
      return (scd',n)

-- | Test, if a user defined stream name is valid.
--   A stream name may only contain numbers and characters.
isValidStreamName :: StreamName -> Bool
isValidStreamName [] = False
isValidStreamName sn = null $ filter isForbiddenChar sn 
  isForbiddenChar c = not $ isAlphaNum c

-- | Test, if the stream name is valid and if it is not already used in the
--   program.
validateStreamName :: Maybe StreamName -> IO (StreamName)
validateStreamName (Nothing) = getNextStreamName
validateStreamName (Just sn)
  | isValidStreamName sn 
      = do
        taken <- withMVar streamController $
          \(StreamControllerData _ _ _ sm _ _) -> 
          return $ Map.member sn sm 
        if (taken) 
          then do error "stream name already exists"
          else do return sn 
  | otherwise 
      = error "invalid stream name"

-- | Opens a unix-socket on the given port number. If no port number is 
--   specified, the default port number will be used. It is not problem that 
--   two ports share the same unix-socket. The stream controller will handle
--   the incomming messages to the right stream.
openSocket :: Maybe PortNumber -> IO (SocketId)
-- get/start the default socket
openSocket (Nothing)
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \scd@(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      case s of
        (Nothing) ->
          res <- startStreamServer defaultPort maxPort
          case res of
            (Nothing) -> 
              error "Port: getDefaultPort: unable to open defaultsocket"
            (Just (soid@(SocketId hn pn), tid)) ->
              let pm'  = Map.insert pn (tid,hn) pm
              let s'   = Just soid
              let scd' = StreamControllerData s' r i sm pm' pmm
              return (scd',soid)
        (Just soid) -> 
          return (scd,soid)
-- get/start the new socket
openSocket (Just pn)
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \scd@(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      let mp = Map.lookup pn pm
      case mp of
        (Nothing) ->
          res <- startStreamServer pn pn
          case res of
            (Nothing) -> 
              error "Port: getDefaultPort: unable to open socket"
            (Just (soid@(SocketId hn _), tid)) ->
              let pm'  = Map.insert pn (tid,hn) pm
              let scd' = StreamControllerData s r i sm pm' pmm
              return (scd',soid)
        (Just (_,hn)) ->
          return (scd,SocketId hn pn)

-- | Closes a socket, only possible, if the unix-socket was used by only one
--   stream.
closeSocket :: SocketId -> IO ()
closeSocket soid@(SocketId _ pn)
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \scd@(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      if (isNothing s || soid == fromJust s)
        -- don't delete the defaultSocket
        then do
          return (scd,())
        else do
          if (MMap.member pn pmm)
            -- if the port is still used by other streams, keep it
            then do
              return (scd,())
            -- close the socket and delete it from the controller
            else do
              let (tid, _) = fromJust $ Map.lookup pn pm
              stopStreamServer tid
              let pm'  = Map.delete pn pm
              let scd' = StreamControllerData s r i sm pm' pmm
              return (scd',())

-- | Registers a stream at the stream controller.
registerStream :: Stream a ->  IO ()
registerStream st
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      let sm'  = Map.insert sn (ch,pn,ty) sm
      let pmm'  = MMap.insert pn sn pmm 
      return ((StreamControllerData s r i sm' pm pmm'), ())
    (SocketId _ pn) = s_SocketId st
    ch = s_Channel st
    sn = s_StreamName st
    ty = s_Type st

-- | Deletes a stream from the stream controller. 
unregisterStream :: Stream a -> IO ()
unregisterStream st
  = modifyMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData s r i sm pm pmm) ->
      let sm'  = Map.delete sn sm
      let pmm' = MMap.deleteElem pn sn pmm
      return ((StreamControllerData s r i sm' pm pmm'), ()) 
    (SocketId _ pn) = s_SocketId st
    sn = s_StreamName st

-- | Registers a stream at the global PortRegistry.
registerGlobalPort :: Stream a -> IO ()
registerGlobalPort (Stream sn soid STGlobal _)
  = do
    r <- withMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData _ r' _ _ _ _) -> return r'
    case r of
      (Just r') -> registerPort sn soid r'
      (Nothing) -> errorM localLogger $ "registerGlobalPort: no portregistry while handling port " ++ sn
registerGlobalPort _ = return ()

-- | Deletes a stream from the global PortRegistry.
unregisterGlobalPort :: Stream a -> IO ()
unregisterGlobalPort (Stream sn _ STGlobal _)
  = do
    r <- withMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData _ r' _ _ _ _) -> return r'
    case r of
      (Just r') -> unregisterPort sn r'
      (Nothing) -> errorM localLogger $ "unregisterGlobalPort: no portregistry while handling port " ++ sn
unregisterGlobalPort _ = return ()

-- | Get the unix-socket of a stream to create a global port.
getGlobalPort :: StreamName -> IO (Maybe SocketId)
getGlobalPort sn
  = do
    r <- withMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData _ r' _ _ _ _) -> return r'
    case r of
      (Just rp) -> 
        handleAll (\e -> do
          errorM localLogger $ "getGlobalPort: error while getting port: " ++ sn ++ " exception: " ++ show e
          return Nothing
         ) $ do
         lookupPort sn rp             
      (Nothing) -> do 
        errorM localLogger $ "getGlobalPort: no portregistry found while getting port: " ++ sn
        return Nothing

-- | Gets the names of all stream from a specified port number.
getStreamNamesForPort :: PortNumber -> IO (Set.Set StreamName)
getStreamNamesForPort pn
  = withMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData _ _ _ _ _ pmm) ->
      return $ MMap.lookup pn pmm

-- | Gets the data of a stream from the stream controller.
getStreamData :: StreamName -> IO (Maybe (BinaryChannel, PortNumber, StreamType))
getStreamData sn
  = withMVar streamController $
      \(StreamControllerData _ _ _ sm _ _) ->
      return $ Map.lookup sn sm

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Message-Operations
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Encodes a message into a bytestring.
encodeMessage :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> Message B.ByteString
encodeMessage (Message t n d g r s t1 t2) = (Message t n (encode d) g r s t1 t2)

-- | Decodes a message from a bytestring.
decodeMessage :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message B.ByteString -> Message a
decodeMessage (Message t n d g r s t1 t2) = (Message t n (decode d) g r s t1 t2)

-- | Creates a new message with the current time.
newMessage :: (Show a, Binary a) => MessageType -> StreamName -> a -> Maybe B.ByteString -> IO (Message a)
newMessage t n d g
  = do
    time <- getCurrentTime
    return (Message t n d g Nothing Nothing time time)

-- | Gets the type of a message.
getMessageType :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> MessageType
getMessageType = msg_Type

-- | Gets the data of a message.
getMessageData :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> a
getMessageData = msg_Data

-- | Gets the generic data (usually the return port) of a message.
getGenericData :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> (Maybe B.ByteString)
getGenericData = msg_Generic

-- | Gets the distination stream name of the message.
getMessageReceiver :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> StreamName
getMessageReceiver = msg_Receiver

-- | Sets the receive time of a message.
updateReceiveTime :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> IO (Message a)
updateReceiveTime msg 
  = do
    time <- getCurrentTime
    return (msg {msg_Receive_time = time})

-- | Sets the receiver unix-socket of the message.
updateReceiverSocket :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> SocketId -> Message a
updateReceiverSocket msg soId = msg { msg_ReceiverSocket = Just soId }

-- | Sets the sender unix-socket of the message.
updateSenderSocket :: (Show a, Binary a) => Message a -> SocketId -> Message a
updateSenderSocket msg soId = msg { msg_SenderSocket = Just soId } 

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Stream-Operations
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Creates a new global stream.
newGlobalStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => StreamName -> IO (Stream a)
newGlobalStream n = newStream STGlobal (Just n) Nothing

-- | Creates a new local stream.
newLocalStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Maybe StreamName -> IO (Stream a)
newLocalStream sn = newStream STLocal sn Nothing

-- | Creates a new private stream.
newPrivateStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Maybe StreamName -> IO (Stream a)
newPrivateStream sn = newStream STPrivate sn Nothing

-- | General function for creating a new stream.
  :: (Show a, Binary a) 
  => StreamType -> Maybe StreamName -> Maybe PortNumber 
  -> IO (Stream a)
newStream STGlobal Nothing _ = error "newStream: global ports always need a name"
newStream st n pn
  = do
    ch <- newChan
    sn <- validateStreamName n
    infoM localLogger $ "opening socket for " ++ sn
    soid <- openSocket pn
    let s = Stream sn soid st ch
    infoM localLogger $ "registering " ++ show sn ++ " at controller"
    registerStream s
    infoM localLogger $ "registering " ++ show sn ++ " at registry"
    registerGlobalPort s
    return s

-- | Closes a stream.
closeStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> IO ()
closeStream s
  = do
    infoM localLogger $ "unregistering " ++ show sn ++ " at registry"
    unregisterGlobalPort s
    infoM localLogger $ "unregistering " ++ show sn ++ " at controller"
    unregisterStream s
    infoM localLogger $ "closing socket for " ++ sn
    closeSocket (s_SocketId s)
    sn = s_StreamName s

-- | Writes a message to the channel of the stream.
--   This function is not public, so you have to write to a stream throug its
--   port
writeChannel :: Chan (Message B.ByteString) -> Message B.ByteString -> IO ()
writeChannel ch msg
  = do
    newMsg <- updateReceiveTime msg
    writeChan ch newMsg

-- | Test, if the stream contains new messages.
isEmptyStream :: Stream a -> IO Bool
isEmptyStream s
  = do
    isEmptyChan (s_Channel s)

-- | Reads the data packet of the next message from a stream.
--   If stream is empty, this function will block until a new message arrives.
readStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> IO a
readStream s
  = do
    msg <- readStreamMsg s
    return (msg_Data msg)

-- | Reads the next message from a stream (data packet + message header).
--   If stream is empty, this function will block until a new message arrives.
readStreamMsg :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> IO (Message a)
readStreamMsg s
  = do
    debugM localLogger "PORT: readStreamMsg 1"
    res <- readChan (s_Channel s)
    debugM localLogger "PORT: readStreamMsg 2"
    return $ decodeMessage res

--TODO is there a better way for non-blocking?
-- | Helper function for doing a non blocking stream action.
tryStreamAction :: Stream a -> (Stream a -> IO (b)) -> IO (Maybe b)
tryStreamAction s f
  = do
    empty <- isEmptyStream s
    if (not empty) 
      then do timeout 1000 (f s)
      else do return Nothing

-- | Helper function for doing a timed stream action.
tryWaitStreamAction :: Stream a -> (Stream a -> IO (b)) -> Int -> IO (Maybe b)
tryWaitStreamAction s f t
  = do
    debugM localLogger "tryWaitStreamAction: waiting..."
    r <- timeout t (f s)
    debugM localLogger "tryWaitStreamAction: ...finished"
    let debugResult = maybe "nothing received" (\_ -> "value found") r
    debugM localLogger $ "tryWaitStreamAction: " ++ debugResult
    return r

-- | Reads the data packet of the next message from a stream.
--   If stream is empty, this function will immediately return with Nothing.
tryReadStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> IO (Maybe a)
tryReadStream s
  = do
    tryStreamAction s readStream

-- | Reads the next message from a stream (data packet + message header).
--   If stream is empty, this function will immediately return with Nothing.
tryReadStreamMsg :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> IO (Maybe (Message a))
tryReadStreamMsg s
  = do
    tryStreamAction s readStreamMsg

-- | Reads the data packet of the next message from a stream.
--   If stream is empty, this function will wait for new messages until the 
--   time is up and if no message has arrived, return with Nothing.
tryWaitReadStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
tryWaitReadStream s t 
  = do
    tryWaitStreamAction s readStream t

-- | Reads the next message from a stream (data packet + message header).
--   If stream is empty, this function will wait for new messages until the 
--   time is up and if no message has arrived, return with Nothing.
tryWaitReadStreamMsg :: (Show a, Binary a) => Stream a -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Message a))
tryWaitReadStreamMsg s t
  = do
    tryWaitStreamAction s readStreamMsg t

-- | Encapsulates a stream.
--   A new stream is created, then some user-action is done an after that the
--   stream is closed. 
withStream :: (Show a, Binary a) => (Stream a -> IO b) -> IO b
withStream f
  = do
    debugM localLogger "withStream: creating new stream"
    s <- newStream STLocal Nothing Nothing
    debugM localLogger "withStream: new stream created"
    res <- f s
    closeStream s
    return res

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- StreamServer-Operations
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Starts a new thread which will listen on a unix-socket for new messages
--   and delegate them to their streams.
startStreamServer :: PortNumber -> PortNumber -> IO (Maybe (SocketId, ThreadId))
startStreamServer actPo maxPo
  = do
    res <- startSocket (streamDispatcher) actPo maxPo
    case res of
      Nothing ->
        return Nothing
      (Just (tid, hn, po)) ->
        return (Just (SocketId hn po, tid))

-- | Stops a thread listening to a unix-socket.
stopStreamServer :: ThreadId -> IO ()
stopStreamServer sId 
  = do
    me <- myThreadId
    debugM localLogger $ "stopping server... with threadId: " ++ show sId ++ " - form threadId: " ++ show me
    {- 6.8 throwDynTo sId me -}
    throwTo sId (ThreadIdException me)

-- | Delegates new incomming messages on a unix-socket to their streams.
streamDispatcher :: SocketId -> Handle -> SocketId -> IO ()
streamDispatcher (SocketId _ ownPo) hdl (SocketId hn po)
  = do
    debugM localLogger "streamDispatcher: getting message from handle"
    raw <- getMessage hdl
    let msg = (decode raw)::Message B.ByteString
    -- debugM localLogger $ "streamDispatcher: Message: " ++ show msg
    let sn = getMessageReceiver msg
    sns <- getStreamNamesForPort ownPo
    sd <- getStreamData sn
    if (Set.member sn sns)
      -- if the socket knows the stream 
      then do
        case sd of
          (Just (_,_,STPrivate)) ->
            warningM localLogger $ "streamDispatcher: received msg for private stream " ++ sn
          (Just (ch,_,_)) ->
            debugM localLogger "streamDispatcher: writing message to channel"
            writeChannel ch $ updateSenderSocket msg (SocketId hn po)
            debugM localLogger "streamDispatcher: message written to channel"
          (Nothing) ->
            errorM localLogger $ "streamDispatcher: no channel for stream " ++ sn
      -- if the stream is unknown, log this as error
      else do
        warningM localLogger $ "streamDispatcher: received msg for unknown stream " ++ sn

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Port Operations  
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Creates a new Port, which is bound to a stream.
newPortFromStream :: Stream a -> IO (Port a)
newPortFromStream s
  = do
    let sn = s_StreamName s
    let soid = s_SocketId s
    return $ Port sn (Just soid)

-- | Creates a new port from a streamname and its socketId.
newPort :: StreamName -> Maybe SocketId -> IO (Port a)
newPort sn soid = return $ Port sn soid

-- | Creates a new port to a global stream, only its name is needed.
newGlobalPort :: StreamName -> IO (Port a)
newGlobalPort sn = return $ Port sn Nothing

-- | Test, if a port is local.
isPortLocal :: Port a -> IO Bool
isPortLocal (Port sn mbSoid)
  = do
    sd <- getStreamData sn
    case sd of
      (Just (_,po,_)) ->
        case mbSoid of
          (Just s1) ->
             sid <- getSiteId
             let hn = getSiteHost sid
             let s2 = SocketId hn po 
             return (s1 == s2)
          (Nothing) ->
             return False
      (Nothing) ->
        return False
-- | Send data to the stream of the port.
--   The data is send via network, if the stream is located on an external
--   processor
send :: (Show a, Binary a) => Port a -> a -> IO ()
send p d = sendWithMaybeGeneric p d Nothing

-- | Like "send", but here we can give some generic data (e.g. a port for reply 
--   messages).
sendWithGeneric :: (Show a, Binary a) => Port a -> a -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
sendWithGeneric p d rp = sendWithMaybeGeneric p d (Just rp) 

-- | Like "sendWithGeneric", but the generic data is optional
sendWithMaybeGeneric :: (Show a, Binary a) => Port a -> a -> Maybe B.ByteString -> IO ()
sendWithMaybeGeneric p@(Port sn mbsoid) d rp
  = do
    local <- isPortLocal p
    if local
      -- we have a local stream
      then do
        msg <- newMessage MTInternal sn d rp
        sd <- getStreamData sn
        case sd of
          (Just (ch,_,_)) ->
            writeChannel ch $ encodeMessage msg
          _ ->
            errorM localLogger $ "sendWithMaybeGeneric: no channel found for stream " ++ sn
      else do
        -- we have an external stream
        case mbsoid of
          -- we know it's port
          (Just so@(SocketId hn po)) ->
            msg <- newMessage MTExternal sn d rp
            let raw = encode $ encodeMessage $ updateReceiverSocket msg so
            sendRequest (putMessage raw) hn po
            return ()
          -- we don't know it's port
          (Nothing) ->
            extsoid <- getGlobalPort sn
            case extsoid of
              (Just so@(SocketId hn po)) ->
                msg <- newMessage MTExternal sn d rp
                let raw = encode $ encodeMessage $ updateReceiverSocket msg so
                sendRequest (putMessage raw) hn po
                return ()
              (Nothing) ->
                errorM localLogger errorMsg
                error errorMsg
                errorMsg = "sendWithMaybeGeneric: global port not found for stream " ++ sn

-- | Writes a port-description to a file.
--   Quite useful fpr sharing ports between programs
writePortToFile :: (Show a, Binary a) => Port a -> FilePath -> IO ()
writePortToFile p fp
  = do
      (openFile fp WriteMode)
      (\hdl ->
        enc <- return (encode $ p)
        hPutStrLn hdl ((show $ B.length enc) ++ " ")
        B.hPut hdl enc

-- | Reads a port-description from a file.
--   Quite useful fpr sharing ports between programs
readPortFromFile :: (Show a, Binary a) => FilePath -> IO (Port a)
readPortFromFile fp
  =  do
        (openFile fp ReadMode)
        (\hdl -> 
          pkg <- liftM words $ hGetLine hdl
          raw <- B.hGet hdl (read $ head pkg)
          p <- return (decode raw)
          return p

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Debugging
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Prints the internal data of the stream controller to stdout,
--   useful for debugging.
printStreamController :: IO ()
  = withMVar streamController $
      \scd ->
      putStrLn "StreamController:"
      putStrLn $ show scd