-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Holumbus.Common.Utils
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Stefan Schmidt (stefanschmidt@web.de)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: portable
  Version    : 0.1

  Some nice functions, needed everywhere.


-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Holumbus.Common.Utils

      -- , lookupList
      -- , lookupMaybe

      -- , cutMaybePair
    , filterEmptyList
    , setEmptyList
      -- , filterBlanks

    , prettyRecordLine
      -- , prettyResultLine
      -- , handleExitError

    , handleAll		-- exception handling for all exceptions

import           Control.Exception	( SomeException
					, handle
import           Data.Binary
--import           Holumbus.Common.MRBinary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B

-- import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- import           System.Exit

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- handle with type sinature

{- 6.8
handleAll	:: (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a

-- ghc 6.10 requires a type signature for handle

handleAll	:: (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleAll	= handle

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | parses something from a maybe bytestring, if Nothing, then Nothing
decodeMaybe :: (Binary a) => Maybe B.ByteString -> Maybe a
decodeMaybe Nothing = Nothing
decodeMaybe (Just b) = (Just $ decode b)

lookupMaybe :: (Ord k) => Map.Map k v -> Maybe k -> Maybe v
lookupMaybe _ Nothing = Nothing
lookupMaybe m (Just k) = Map.lookup k m
lookupList :: (Ord k) => Map.Map k v -> [k] -> [v]
lookupList m ks = mapMaybe (\k' -> lookupMaybe m $ Just k') ks
cutMaybePair :: Maybe (Maybe a, Maybe b) -> (Maybe a, Maybe b)
cutMaybePair (Nothing) = (Nothing, Nothing)
cutMaybePair (Just p)  = p

filterEmptyList :: Maybe [k] -> [k]
filterEmptyList (Nothing) = []
filterEmptyList (Just ls) = ls

setEmptyList :: [k] -> Maybe [k]
setEmptyList [] = Nothing
setEmptyList ls = Just ls 

filterBlanks :: Maybe String -> Maybe String
filterBlanks (Nothing) = Nothing
filterBlanks (Just "") = Nothing
filterBlanks (Just s)  = if s' == "" then Nothing else (Just s)
  s' = filter isPrint s 

-- | For the nice output of key-value-pairs 
prettyRecordLine :: (Show b, Show a) => Int -> a -> b -> String
prettyRecordLine n a b = stra ++ (replicate diff ' ') ++ show strb
   stra = show a
   strb = show b
   diff = n - length stra
prettyResultLine :: (Show e, Show a, Show d) => Int -> Either e d -> a -> String
prettyResultLine n (Left e) _ = prettyRecordLine n "Error:" e
prettyResultLine n (Right r) a = prettyRecordLine n a r

handleExitError :: (Show e) => IO (Either e a) -> IO a
handleExitError res
  = do
    res' <- res
    case res' of
      (Left e) ->
        putStrLn $ "ERROR: " ++ show e
      (Right a) -> return a

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