{-# LINE 1 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Debug.cpphs" #-}
# 1 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Debug.cpphs"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 10 "<command-line>"
# 1 "./dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h" 1

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# 1 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" 1
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Windll
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tamar Christina 2009 - 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  tamar@zhox.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Contains the list of native types and their mapping to their equivalent FFI types

-- This module has been preprocessed to add debugging abilities to the code, including
-- an artificial stack. This combined with the methods in the debug modules should 
-- allow for better memory handling.


module WinDll.Lib.NativeMapping_Debug where

import FastString
import FastTypes

import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.String

import Foreign hiding (free, malloc, alloca, realloc)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc hiding (free, malloc, alloca, realloc)

import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as F
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.StablePtr

import Unsafe.Coerce

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Instances

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Word

import Data.Generics
import Data.Generics.Basics
import Data.Typeable

import WinDll.Structs.Types
import WinDll.Lib.Native

import WinDll.Debug.Stack
import WinDll.Debug.Alloc

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts

-- | Typeclase to allow Left LoaD transform. It is basically to allow a transformation to take place
--   at the last argument/return type of the function. This is because most of the functions are in IO.
class LLD m a b c | b -> c where
  lld :: m a b-> m a c
instance LLD (->) a b (IO b) where
  lld = (return .)

-- | A class that manages the conversion between the \normal\ and type supported by \ffi\.
--   Minimal implementation requires atleast one of the pair toNative/toFFI and fromNative/fromFFI.
--   The implementation will almost always call fromNative and toNative because all exported functions 
--   are in IO since they all might have side-effects. The only exception to this is for the defaults provided
--   in this module. 
class FFIType phi ix where

    toFFI      :: Stackable st => st -> phi -> ix
    toFFI      st = error $ show st ++ ": toFFI is undefined for the specified type, try toNative instead."
    fromFFI    :: Stackable st => st ->  ix -> phi
    fromFFI    st = error $ show st ++ ": fromFFI is undefined for the specified type, try fromNative instead."
    fromList   :: Stackable st => st -> CInt -> ix -> IO phi
    fromList st = error $ show st ++ ": fromList is undefined for this type. " 
                                  ++ "Please add a definition or consider using one of the default ones."
    fromNative :: Stackable st => st -> ix -> IO phi
    fromNative st = return.fromFFI st
    toNative :: Stackable st => st -> phi -> IO ix
    toNative st = return.toFFI st
    freeFFI :: Stackable st => st -> phi -> ix -> IO ()
    freeFFI = \_ _ _ -> return ();
# 129 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs"
-- | Default values needed to satisfy .NET marshaller when having unused structures.
-- class FFIType phi ix => FFIDefaults phi ix where
-- class Default phi where
    -- nDefault :: phi
-- instance Data a => Default a where 
    -- nDefault = empty
          -- where empty :: Data a => a
                -- empty = value
                  -- where
                    -- value = fromConstrB empty con
                    -- con = case dataTypeRep dat of
                             -- (AlgRep cons) -> head cons
                             -- IntRep -> mkIntegralConstr dat 0
                             -- FloatRep -> mkRealConstr dat 0
                             -- CharRep -> mkCharConstr dat 'a'
                    -- dat = dataTypeOf value    
-- | Wrapper functions for dealing with FunPtrs
-- wrapFn :: (FFIType (IO a) ca, FFIType b (IO cb)) => (a -> IO b) -> (ca -> IO cb)
-- wrapFn fn = fromFFI >=> fn >=> toFFI

-- unwrapFn :: (FFIType a (IO ca), FFIType (IO b) cb) => (ca -> IO cb) -> (a -> IO b)
-- unwrapFn fn a = bracket (toFFI a) (freeFFI undefined) (fn >=> fromFFI)
# 173 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs"
-- | Dedicated instance for ()
instance FFIType () () where
    toFFI   = const id
    fromFFI = const id
-- | Numeral values are all also already FFI values, If I've read the documentation correctly 
--   Due to GHC matching only the instance heads this instance can't unfortunately be used. (Booo bad GHC)
-- instance Num a => FFIType a a where
    -- toFFI   = const id
    -- fromFFI = const id
-- | Booleans are by default already an FFI value
instance FFIType Bool Bool where
    toFFI   = const id
    fromFFI = const id
-- | Convert booleans to Cints for use when using the ccall or stdcall conventions
instance FFIType Bool CInt where
    toFFI   = const (\x-> case x of 
                             False -> 0
                             True  -> 1)
    fromFFI = const (\x-> case x of
                             0 -> False
                             1 -> True)
-- | Convert booleans to Word8 to save space for use when using the ccall or stdcall conventions
instance FFIType Bool Word8 where
    toFFI   = const (\x-> case x of 
                             False -> 0
                             True  -> 1)
    fromFFI = const (\x-> case x of
                             0 -> False
                             1 -> True)  
-- | Convert booleans to Int8 to save space for use when using the ccall or stdcall conventions
instance FFIType Bool Int8 where
    toFFI   = const (\x-> case x of 
                               False -> 0
                               True  -> 1)
    fromFFI = const (\x-> case x of
                             0 -> False
                             1 -> True)
-- | A StorablePtr instance
instance FFIType (StablePtr a) (StablePtr a) where  -- StablePtr doesn't enforce Storable. So we can't record them.
   -- fromNative = \st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  219) ++ "(" ++  "fromStablePtr" ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)
   -- toNative   = \st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  220) ++ "(" ++  "toStablePtr"   ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)
   toFFI      = const id
   fromFFI    = const id
   freeFFI  _ = const freeStablePtr -- \st _ ptr -> freeUnknown (pushStack st (  "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  223) ++ "(" ++  "freeStablePtr" ++ ")")) ptr  freeStablePtr
-- | A FunPtr instance
instance FFIType (FunPtr a) (FunPtr a) where
   -- toNative   = \st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  227) ++ "(" ++  "toFunPtr"          ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)
   -- fromNative = \st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  228) ++ "(" ++  "fromFunPtr"        ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)
   toFFI      = const id
   fromFFI    = const id
   freeFFI  _ = const freeHaskellFunPtr -- \st _ ptr -> freeUnknown (pushStack st (  "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  231) ++ "(" ++  "freeHaskellFunPtr" ++ ")")) ptr  freeHaskellFunPtr
-- | Tranform functions to and from the correct types
--   TODO: Update this variant to use the impure variants, This will be an issue..
instance (FFIType a b, FFIType c d) => FFIType (a -> c) (b -> d) where
   toFFI   st f x = toFFI   st (f (fromFFI st x))
   fromFFI st f x = fromFFI st (f (toFFI st x))

-- | I decided to use a CAString because on windows this gives me a constant 16 value
instance FFIType String CWString where
    toNative   = \st val -> recordM  (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  241) ++ "(" ++  "newCWString"  ++ ")")) val  newCWString
    fromNative st ptr = (\st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ( "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  242) ++ "(" ++  "peekCWString" ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)) st ptr
                        >>   peekCWString ptr
                        >>=  \str -> freeFFI st "" ptr
                        >>   return str
    freeFFI    = \st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st (   "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  246) ++ "(" ++  "freeCWString" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free
-- | Intermediate conversion instance for storing values of arrays
instance (Storable a, FFIType b a) => FFIType [b] (Ptr a) where
    toNative st   = (\st val -> recordM  (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  250) ++ "(" ++  "newArray" ++ ")")) val  newArray) st . map (toFFI st)    
    fromList st x = fmap (map (fromFFI st)) . (\st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  251) ++ "(" ++  "peekArray" ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr) >>= peekArray (fromFFI st x)) st
-- | Another simple identity instance, I really need to get that overlapping instances
--   looked at.
instance FFIType CWchar CWchar where
   fromFFI = const id
   toFFI   = const id
-- | Another simple identity instance, I really need to get that overlapping instances
--   looked at.
instance FFIType CWString CWString where
   fromFFI = const id
   toFFI   = const id
-- | Another simple identity instance, I really need to get that overlapping instances
--   looked at.
instance FFIType CInt CInt where
    toFFI   = const id
    fromFFI = const id
-- | Another simple identity instance, I really need to get that overlapping instances
--   looked at.
instance FFIType CDouble CDouble where
    toFFI   = const id
    fromFFI = const id
-- | Another simple identity instance, I really need to get that overlapping instances
--   looked at.
instance FFIType CLLong CLLong where
    toFFI   = const id
    fromFFI = const id
-- | Convert between FastString and CWString
instance FFIType FastString CWString where
    toFFI   st = toFFI st.unpackFS
    fromFFI st = mkFastString.fromFFI st
-- | Fix integers from the machine dependend values to fixed 32bit values
instance FFIType Int CInt where
    toFFI   = const fromIntegral
    fromFFI = const fromIntegral

-- | Instance for unboxed integers, which are first boxed then returned
-- instance FFIType FastInt CInt where
--    toFFI   = toFFI . iBox
--    fromFFI = iUnbox . fromFFI
-- | Fix float instances
instance FFIType Float CFloat where
    toFFI   = const realToFrac
    fromFFI = const realToFrac
-- | Any class implementing Storable has implemented enough to be considered a FFIType
instance Storable a => FFIType a (Ptr a) where
    toNative   = \st val -> recordM  (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  305) ++ "(" ++  "new" ++ ")")) val  new
    fromNative = \st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ( "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  306) ++ "(" ++  "peek" ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr) >>= peek
    freeFFI    = \st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st (   "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  307) ++ "(" ++  "free" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free
-- | Cover lists to array convertion IF the type is also an FFI type
instance Storable a => FFIType [a] (Ptr a) where
    toNative = \st val -> recordM  (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  311) ++ "(" ++  "newArray" ++ ")")) val  newArray --fmap castPtr . new -- newArray

    fromList st ic ptr = (\st ptr -> record   (pushStack st ( "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  313) ++ "(" ++  "peek" ++ ")")) ptr >> return ( id ptr)) st ptr >> peekArray (fromFFI st ic) ptr --const (peek . castPtr) --peekArray

    freeFFI     = \st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st (   "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  317) ++ "(" ++  "freeArray" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free
    -- | Intermediate conversion instance for storing values of arrays
-- | One way instance for returning lists as the result of a function call.
--   We assume to have an int* as an argument and then fill that in with the
--   length
instance (FFIType a b, Storable b) => FFIType [a] (Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr b)) where

    toNative  st lst = let ln = length lst
                       in return $ \t -> do ln' <- toNative st ln
                                            poke t ln'
                                            toNative st lst
    fromNative st fn = do ptr <- (\st -> malloc (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  329) ++ "(" ++  "malloc" ++ ")"))) st
                          lst <- fn ptr
                          ln  <- peek ptr
                          val <- fromList st ln lst
                          (\st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  333) ++ "(" ++  "freePtr" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free) st undefined ptr
                          (\st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  334) ++ "(" ++  "freeLst" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free) st undefined lst
                          return $ val
# 349 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs"

-- | Simplistic instance of Storable for list.
--   untested but (new [(1::Int)..10] >>=return.castPtr >>= peekArray 10 :: IO [Int]) works   
instance Storable a => Storable [a] where
   sizeOf    _ = 4
   alignment _ = 4

   poke     ptr value = do newptr <- (\st val -> recordM  (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  356) ++ "(" ++  "newArray" ++ ")")) val  newArray) emptyStack value

                           copyArray (castPtr ptr) newptr (length value)
   peekElemOff ptr c  = do val <- peekArray c (castPtr ptr)

                           (\st _ ptr -> freeDefault (pushStack st ("WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs" ++ ":" ++ (show  363) ++ "(" ++  "freeArray" ++ ")")) ptr  F.free) emptyStack undefined ptr

                           return val
-- | Convertion instance for Integer types to CLLongs (long long)
instance (Num a,Integral a) => FFIType Integer a where
    toFFI   = const fromInteger
    fromFFI = const toInteger
-- | Instance for Functor classes
instance (Functor f, FFIType a b) => FFIType (f a) (f b) where
    toFFI   st = fmap (toFFI   st)
    fromFFI st = fmap (fromFFI st)
-- -- | Instance for Functor classes directly to pointers
{- instance (Functor f, FFIType a b,Storable (f b)) => FFIType (f a) (Ptr (f b)) where
    toNative     x = new (toFFI x)
    fromNative _ x = fmap fromFFI (peek x)
instance FFIType Char CChar where
    toFFI   = const castCharToCChar
    fromFFI = const castCCharToChar
instance FFIType Rational CDouble where
    toFFI   = const fromRational
    fromFFI = const toRational

instance FFIType Char CWchar where
    toFFI     = const (head.charsToCWchars.(:[]))
           charsToCWchars = foldr utf16Char [] . map ord
              utf16Char c wcs
                | c < 0x10000 = fromIntegral c : wcs
                | otherwise   = let c' = c - 0x10000 in
                                fromIntegral (c' `div` 0x400 + 0xd800) :
                                fromIntegral (c' `mod` 0x400 + 0xdc00) : wcs
    fromFFI   = const (head.cWcharsToChars.(:[]))
            cWcharsToChars = map chr . fromUTF16 . map fromIntegral
                  fromUTF16 (c1:c2:wcs)
                    | 0xd800 <= c1 && c1 <= 0xdbff && 0xdc00 <= c2 && c2 <= 0xdfff =
                      ((c1 - 0xd800)*0x400 + (c2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000) : fromUTF16 wcs
                  fromUTF16 (c:wcs) = c : fromUTF16 wcs
                  fromUTF16 [] = []
-- | Tuples are not FFI compatible, As such i'll translate them to a build in tuple datatype
--   .
--   This function translates the embedded types of a Ty to the correct forms using the 
--   function translate' (see below)
translate :: Defs -> Type -> Type
translate defs = everywhere (mkT inner)
    where inner :: Exts.Name -> Exts.Name
          inner (Exts.Ident  s) = Exts.Ident  (translate' defs s)
          inner (Exts.Symbol s) = Exts.Symbol (translate' defs s)
-- | Translate everything but applied types. e.g. Foo Token -> FooPtr Token
--   And lists, since lists are implicitly an applied type:
--   e.g [Token] -->> [] Token -->> Ptr Token
translatePartial :: Defs -> Type -> Type
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyForall a b c) = Exts.TyForall a b (translatePartial defs c)
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyFun      a b) = Exts.TyFun (translatePartial defs a) (translatePartial defs b)
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyTuple    a b) = Exts.TyTuple a (map (translatePartial defs) b)
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyList       a) = Exts.TyList $ case isSimpleType a of
                                                              True  -> translatePrimitive defs a
                                                              False -> a
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyApp      a b) = case findStrings' a of
                                                ("IO":_) -> Exts.TyApp (translatePartial defs a) (translatePartial defs b)
                                                _        -> Exts.TyApp (translatePartial defs a) b
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyParen      a) = Exts.TyParen (translatePartial defs a)
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyInfix  a b c) = Exts.TyInfix (translatePartial defs a) b (translatePartial defs c)
translatePartial defs (Exts.TyKind     a b) = Exts.TyKind (translatePartial defs a) b
translatePartial defs                     x = translate defs x

-- | Check to see if the next type is a Simple type. e.g. A TyVar or TyCon
isSimpleType :: Type -> Bool
isSimpleType (Exts.TyApp _  _ ) = False
isSimpleType (Exts.TyParen  a ) = isSimpleType a
-- isSimpleType (Exts.TyList   _ ) = False
isSimpleType _                  = True

-- | Contrary to translate translatePrimitive will only transform the defined
--   primitive types in the \convList\ below. This is because while a transformed
--   signature should only be partially transformed till the first application (Since that'll be
--   the main pointer) we should pre-transform the primitive types into their well known static forms.
translatePrimitive :: Defs -> Type -> Type
translatePrimitive defs = everywhere (mkT inner)
    where inner :: Exts.Name -> Exts.Name
          inner (Exts.Ident  s) = Exts.Ident  (translateP defs s)
          inner (Exts.Symbol s) = Exts.Symbol (translateP defs s)
-- | Helper function to define translatePrimitive. It attemps to lookup the type in \convList\ but
--   in the case where it's not found the search query is returned.
translateP :: Defs -> String -> String
translateP convList x = 
   let sType = all isLower x
   in if sType then x else maybe x id (lookup x convList)

-- | Translate Partial Form, This is basically translatePrimitive . translatePartial
translatePForm :: Defs -> Type -> Type
translatePForm df = translatePrimitive df . translatePartial df
-- |  Look up the FFI type representation of the given type. Moreover when the type is not found
-- it is assumed to be a new structure and it is assumed to be a pointer value.
translate' :: Defs -> String -> String
translate' convList x = let sType = all isLower x
                        in if sType then x else ((flip maybe id . (++ "Ptr")) `ap` (flip lookup convList)) x
-- | Remove all spaces from a sentence
trim :: String -> String
trim = filter (/=' ')
-- | A function to split a list of elements by the given seperator
split :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [[a]]
split []     _             = [[]]
split (x:xs) t | t==x      = [] : (split xs t)
               | otherwise = let (f:fs) = split xs t
                             in (x:f):fs
# 4 "WinDll/Lib/NativeMapping_Debug.cpphs" 2