Version 0.6.1 - The List type has been changed in Haskell-Src-Exts this has caused a lot of the functionality to break - Currently I support Lists again, but not List of Lists e.g. [[Int]]. I will not fix this, concat the list to use it. - HsExport will eventually be released and will replace this package. Version 0.5.7 - Added support for the newer GHC's 7.6.x - Improved Linux support - 64bit compatibility started Version 0.5.6 - Improved Linux compatibility - Added 64bit support - Fixed an issue with type synonyms and how they are expanded - Fixed an issue with the dependency tracker in that it shouldn't care about types in a StablePtr. This is not yet fully fixed however. - Various other small changes - Added various warnings with suggestion - Sandboxed the call to haddock, since this seems to fail quite easily. Produces a warning and turns off haddock in case it fails Version 0.5.5 - (Started) implementing a better test mechanism Version 0.5.4 - fixed a major marshalling bug having to do with lists of pointer types. Version 0.5.3 - Fixed an error with parsing pragmas - Renamed pragma hs2c# to hs2cs - Fixed an alignment issue with stdcall - Fixed an issue with lists and type synonyms Version 0.5.2 - No longer frees Strings, in order to prevent heap corruptions on calls from C#. Version 0.5.1 - Library bug fix which cauzed an error in marshalling Version 0.5.0 - Added support for memory leak tracing with the --debug flag % - Added support for qualified importing. It is now possible to export values and types with the same name. (unfinished) % - Added the ability to export polymorphic types. (unfinished) % - Added support for infix constructors (unfinished) - Generates free functions StablePtr Version 0.4.8 - Major restructuring of code to allow users to extend/override the default type conversions of the tool. - Support for custom type translations Version 0.4.5 - Brand new Haskell code generators - Support for lists inside an IO wrapper (e.g. IO [Int]) - Brand new implementation in NativeMapping - Avoids unsafePerformIO as much as possible Version 0.4.4 - Fixed Include paths - NO support for datastructures with multiple constructors where one constructor has the same name as the datatype (codegen naming limitation) - Fixed codegen issue with callbacks - Added better IO Error handling Version 0.4.3 (Initial Release) - NO support for infix constructors - NO support for lists inside Applied types (e.g. Maybe [String]) - NO support for lists inside tuples (e.g. (Int, [String])) - Does not allow for custom translation of types. - NO support for quantified types. (e.g. M.Map)