{-# LINE 1 "OpenSSL/EVP/Sign.hsc" #-}
{- -*- haskell -*- -}
{-# LINE 2 "OpenSSL/EVP/Sign.hsc" #-}

-- |Message signing using asymmetric cipher and message digest
-- algorithm. This is an opposite of "OpenSSL.EVP.Verify".

module OpenSSL.EVP.Sign
    ( sign
    , signBS
    , signLBS
    , signFinal -- private

import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C
import           OpenSSL.EVP.Digest
import           OpenSSL.EVP.PKey
import           OpenSSL.Utils

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_SignFinal"
        _SignFinal :: Ptr EVP_MD_CTX -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr CUInt -> Ptr EVP_PKEY -> IO CInt

signFinal :: KeyPair k => DigestCtx -> k -> IO B8.ByteString
signFinal ctx k
    = do let maxLen = pkeySize k
         withDigestCtxPtr ctx $ \ ctxPtr ->
             withPKeyPtr' k $ \ pkeyPtr ->
                 B8.createAndTrim maxLen $ \ bufPtr ->
                     alloca $ \ bufLenPtr ->
                         do failIf_ (/= 1) =<< _SignFinal ctxPtr bufPtr bufLenPtr pkeyPtr
                            liftM fromIntegral $ peek bufLenPtr

-- |@'sign'@ generates a signature from a stream of data. The string
-- must not contain any letters which aren't in the range of U+0000 -
-- U+00FF.
sign :: KeyPair key =>
        Digest    -- ^ message digest algorithm to use
     -> key       -- ^ private key to sign the message digest
     -> String    -- ^ input string
     -> IO String -- ^ the result signature
sign md pkey input
    = liftM L8.unpack $ signLBS md pkey $ L8.pack input

-- |@'signBS'@ generates a signature from a chunk of data.
signBS :: KeyPair key =>
          Digest     -- ^ message digest algorithm to use
       -> key        -- ^ private key to sign the message digest
       -> B8.ByteString -- ^ input string
       -> IO B8.ByteString -- ^ the result signature
signBS md pkey input
    = do ctx <- digestStrictly md input
         signFinal ctx pkey

-- |@'signLBS'@ generates a signature from a stream of data.
signLBS :: KeyPair key =>
           Digest        -- ^ message digest algorithm to use
        -> key           -- ^ private key to sign the message digest
        -> L8.ByteString -- ^ input string
        -> IO L8.ByteString -- ^ the result signature
signLBS md pkey input
    = do ctx <- digestLazily md input
         sig <- signFinal ctx pkey
         return $ L8.fromChunks [sig]