In this example I use an IntervalMap to store a set of appointments. The appointments are for several people, so it's clear that they can overlap. This is a literate Haskell file, you can [download it](Example.lhs) and compile it with ghc or run in in ghci. You must first install IntervalMap, if you have not already done so: `cabal install IntervalMap`. First I have to import the module: > import Data.IntervalMap For readability, here are simple type synonyms for our data types. In production code, one would of course use newtype or data for this. > type Person = String > type Details = String Again for readability, I use strings to represent timestamps. Also, to keep it shorter, I will omit the date and only use the time of the day in this example, e.g.: "09:00", "12:47". > type Time = String > type TimeSpan = Interval Time I have a time span include its start time but not its end time. So I use the *IntervalCO* constructor to get an interval that is closed at the startpoint but open at the endpoint: > mkTimeSpan :: Time -> Time -> TimeSpan > mkTimeSpan from to = IntervalCO from to An appointment consists of the timespan, the person, and the appointment details: > type Appointment = (TimeSpan, Person, Details) For a set of possible overlapping appointments, I store a list of (person, details) tuples for each timespan: > type Appointments = IntervalMap Time [(Person, Details)] Not that the key type is *Time*, not *TimeSpan*. That is, you specify the type of the endpoints, not the type of the interval itself. Now I can define some helper functions. A set containing no appointments: > noAppointments :: Appointments > noAppointments = empty To add an appointment to a set, I use (++) as a combining function to add the new appointment: > addAppointment :: Person -> Time -> Time -> Details -> Appointments -> Appointments > addAppointment who from to what = insertWith (++) (mkTimeSpan from to) [(who, what)] To look up all appointments at a given time, just get all entries _containing_ that time: > appointmentsAt :: Time -> Appointments -> [Appointment] > appointmentsAt t apps = [ (time, person, details) > | (time, pds) <- apps `containing` t, > (person, details) <- pds ] The function to get all appointments that overlap a given timespan is almost the same, just using _intersecting_ instead: > appointmentsDuring :: Time -> Time -> Appointments -> [Appointment] > appointmentsDuring from to apps = [ (time, person, details) > | (time, pds) <- apps `intersecting` mkTimeSpan from to, > (person, details) <- pds ] Here is a sample set of appointments and a main function to show some test results: > sampleApps :: Appointments > sampleApps = addAppointment "Paul" "09:00" "11:00" "Dentist" $ > addAppointment "John" "10:00" "11:30" "Meeting" $ > addAppointment "Rosy" "10:00" "11:30" "Shopping" $ > addAppointment "Lisa" "08:45" "09:15" "Bank" $ > noAppointments > > main :: IO () > main = do putStrLn (show (appointmentsAt "09:00" sampleApps)) > putStrLn (show (appointmentsDuring "09:30" "10:30" sampleApps))