-- Version of IntervalMap where Color is embedded in Node constructor. -- Only lookup and fromDistinctAscList are supported -- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module RBColorNodeBase ( -- * re-export Interval(..) -- * Map type , IntervalMap(..) -- instance Eq,Show,Read -- * Operators , (!) -- * Query , null , size , member , notMember , lookup , findWithDefault -- ** Interval query , containing , intersecting , within -- * Construction , empty , singleton -- * Conversion , elems , keys , keysSet , assocs -- ** Lists , toList -- ** Ordered lists , toAscList , toDescList , fromAscList , fromAscListWith , fromAscListWithKey , fromDistinctAscList -- * Internal, not re-exported by Data.IntervalMap.{Lazy,Strict} , turnBlack -- * Testing , height, maxHeight, showStats ) where import Prelude hiding (null, lookup, map, filter, foldr, foldl) import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>)) import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse)) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.DeepSeq import Data.IntervalMap.Generic.Interval {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators --------------------------------------------------------------------} infixl 9 ! -- | /O(log n)/. Lookup value for given key. Calls 'error' if the key is not in the map. -- -- Use 'lookup' or 'findWithDefault' instead of this function, unless you are absolutely -- sure that the key is present in the map. (!) :: (Interval k e, Ord k) => IntervalMap k v -> k -> v tree ! key = case lookup key tree of Just v -> v Nothing -> error "IntervalMap.!: key not found" -- | A map from intervals of type @k@ to values of type @v@. data IntervalMap k v = Nil | NodeR !k -- key !k -- interval with maximum upper in tree v -- value !(IntervalMap k v) -- left subtree !(IntervalMap k v) -- right subtree | NodeB !k -- key !k -- interval with maximum upper in tree v -- value !(IntervalMap k v) -- left subtree !(IntervalMap k v) -- right subtree instance (Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (IntervalMap k v) where a == b = toAscList a == toAscList b instance (Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (IntervalMap k v) where compare a b = compare (toAscList a) (toAscList b) instance Functor (IntervalMap k) where fmap f m = map f m instance Traversable (IntervalMap k) where traverse _ Nil = pure Nil traverse f (NodeR k m v l r) = flip (NodeR k m) <$> traverse f l <*> f v <*> traverse f r traverse f (NodeB k m v l r) = flip (NodeB k m) <$> traverse f l <*> f v <*> traverse f r instance Foldable.Foldable (IntervalMap k) where fold Nil = mempty fold (NodeR _ _ v l r) = Foldable.fold l `mappend` v `mappend` Foldable.fold r fold (NodeB _ _ v l r) = Foldable.fold l `mappend` v `mappend` Foldable.fold r foldr = foldr foldl = foldl foldMap _ Nil = mempty foldMap f (NodeR _ _ v l r) = Foldable.foldMap f l `mappend` f v `mappend` Foldable.foldMap f r foldMap f (NodeB _ _ v l r) = Foldable.foldMap f l `mappend` f v `mappend` Foldable.foldMap f r instance (NFData k, NFData a) => NFData (IntervalMap k a) where rnf Nil = () rnf (NodeR kx _ x l r) = kx `deepseq` x `deepseq` l `deepseq` r `deepseq` () rnf (NodeB kx _ x l r) = kx `deepseq` x `deepseq` l `deepseq` r `deepseq` () instance (Show k, Show a) => Show (IntervalMap k a) where showsPrec d m = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "fromList " . shows (toList m) isRed :: IntervalMap k v -> Bool isRed (NodeR _ _ _ _ _) = True isRed _ = False turnBlack :: IntervalMap k v -> IntervalMap k v turnBlack (NodeR k m vs l r) = NodeB k m vs l r turnBlack t = t turnRed :: IntervalMap k v -> IntervalMap k v turnRed Nil = error "turnRed: Leaf" turnRed (NodeB k m v l r) = NodeR k m v l r turnRed t = t data Color = Red | Black -- construct node, recomputing the upper key bound. mNode :: (Interval k e) => Color -> k -> v -> IntervalMap k v -> IntervalMap k v -> IntervalMap k v mNode Red k v l r = NodeR k (maxUpper k l r) v l r mNode Black k v l r = NodeB k (maxUpper k l r) v l r maxUpper :: (Interval i k) => i -> IntervalMap i v -> IntervalMap i v -> i maxUpper k Nil Nil = k `seq` k maxUpper k Nil (NodeR _ m _ _ _) = maxByUpper k m maxUpper k Nil (NodeB _ m _ _ _) = maxByUpper k m maxUpper k (NodeR _ m _ _ _) Nil = maxByUpper k m maxUpper k (NodeR _ l _ _ _) (NodeR _ r _ _ _) = maxByUpper k (maxByUpper l r) maxUpper k (NodeR _ l _ _ _) (NodeB _ r _ _ _) = maxByUpper k (maxByUpper l r) maxUpper k (NodeB _ m _ _ _) Nil = maxByUpper k m maxUpper k (NodeB _ l _ _ _) (NodeR _ r _ _ _) = maxByUpper k (maxByUpper l r) maxUpper k (NodeB _ l _ _ _) (NodeB _ r _ _ _) = maxByUpper k (maxByUpper l r) -- interval with the greatest upper bound. The lower bound is ignored! maxByUpper :: (Interval i e) => i -> i -> i maxByUpper a b | rightClosed a = if upperBound a >= upperBound b then a else b | otherwise = if upperBound a > upperBound b then a else b -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- | /O(1)/. The empty map. empty :: IntervalMap k v empty = Nil -- | /O(1)/. A map with one entry. singleton :: k -> v -> IntervalMap k v singleton k v = NodeB k k v Nil Nil -- | /O(1)/. Is the map empty? null :: IntervalMap k v -> Bool null Nil = True null _ = False -- | /O(n)/. Number of keys in the map. -- -- Caution: unlike 'Data.Map.size', which takes constant time, this is linear in the -- number of keys! size :: IntervalMap k v -> Int size t = h 0 t where h n m = n `seq` case m of Nil -> n NodeR _ _ _ l r -> h (h n l + 1) r NodeB _ _ _ l r -> h (h n l + 1) r -- | The height of the tree. For testing/debugging only. height :: IntervalMap k v -> Int height Nil = 0 height (NodeR _ _ _ l r) = 1 + max (height l) (height r) height (NodeB _ _ _ l r) = 1 + max (height l) (height r) -- | The maximum height of a red-black tree with the given number of nodes. -- For testing/debugging only. maxHeight :: Int -> Int maxHeight nodes = 2 * log2 (nodes + 1) -- | Tree statistics (size, height, maxHeight size). -- For testing/debugging only. showStats :: IntervalMap k a -> (Int, Int, Int) showStats m = (n, height m, maxHeight n) where n = size m -- | /O(log n)/. Does the map contain the given key? See also 'notMember'. member :: (Ord k) => k -> IntervalMap k v -> Bool member key tree = case lookup key tree of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True -- | /O(log n)/. Does the map not contain the given key? See also 'member'. notMember :: (Ord k) => k -> IntervalMap k v -> Bool notMember key tree = not (member key tree) -- | /O(log n)/. Look up the given key in the map, returning the value @('Just' value)@, -- or 'Nothing' if the key is not in the map. lookup :: (Ord k) => k -> IntervalMap k v -> Maybe v lookup k Nil = k `seq` Nothing lookup k (NodeR key _ v l r) = case compare k key of LT -> lookup k l GT -> lookup k r EQ -> Just v lookup k (NodeB key _ v l r) = case compare k key of LT -> lookup k l GT -> lookup k r EQ -> Just v -- | /O(log n)/. The expression @('findWithDefault' def k map)@ returns -- the value at key @k@ or returns default value @def@ -- when the key is not in the map. findWithDefault :: Ord k => a -> k -> IntervalMap k a -> a findWithDefault def k m = case lookup k m of Nothing -> def Just x -> x -- | Return all key/value pairs where the key intervals contain the given point. -- The elements are returned in ascending key order. -- -- /O(n)/, since potentially all keys could contain the point. -- /O(log n)/ average case. This is also the worst case for maps containing no overlapping keys. containing :: (Interval k e) => IntervalMap k v -> e -> [(k, v)] t `containing` pt = go [] pt t where go xs p Nil = p `seq` xs go xs p (NodeR k m v l r) | p `above` m = xs -- above all intervals in the tree: no result | p `below` k = go xs p l -- to the left of the lower bound: can't be in right subtree | p `inside` k = go ((k,v) : go xs p r) p l | otherwise = go (go xs p r) p l go xs p (NodeB k m v l r) | p `above` m = xs -- above all intervals in the tree: no result | p `below` k = go xs p l -- to the left of the lower bound: can't be in right subtree | p `inside` k = go ((k,v) : go xs p r) p l | otherwise = go (go xs p r) p l -- | Return all key/value pairs where the key intervals overlap (intersect) the given interval. -- The elements are returned in ascending key order. -- -- /O(n)/, since potentially all keys could intersect the interval. -- /O(log n)/ average case, if few keys intersect the interval. intersecting :: (Interval k e) => IntervalMap k v -> k -> [(k, v)] t `intersecting` iv = go [] iv t where go xs i Nil = i `seq` xs go xs i (NodeR k m v l r) | i `after` m = xs | i `before` k = go xs i l | i `overlaps` k = go ((k,v) : go xs i r) i l | otherwise = go (go xs i r) i l go xs i (NodeB k m v l r) | i `after` m = xs | i `before` k = go xs i l | i `overlaps` k = go ((k,v) : go xs i r) i l | otherwise = go (go xs i r) i l -- | Return all key/value pairs where the key intervals are completely inside the given interval. -- The elements are returned in ascending key order. -- -- /O(n)/, since potentially all keys could be inside the interval. -- /O(log n)/ average case, if few keys are inside the interval. within :: (Interval k e) => IntervalMap k v -> k -> [(k, v)] t `within` iv = go [] iv t where go xs i Nil = i `seq` xs go xs i (NodeR k m v l r) | i `after` m = xs | i `before` k = go xs i l | i `subsumes` k = go ((k,v) : go xs i r) i l | otherwise = go (go xs i r) i l go xs i (NodeB k m v l r) | i `after` m = xs | i `before` k = go xs i l | i `subsumes` k = go ((k,v) : go xs i r) i l | otherwise = go (go xs i r) i l -- | /O(n)/. Fold the values in the map using the given right-associative -- binary operator, such that @'foldr' f z == 'Prelude.foldr' f z . 'elems'@. foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> IntervalMap k a -> b foldr _ z Nil = z foldr f z (NodeR _ _ x l r) = foldr f (f x (foldr f z r)) l foldr f z (NodeB _ _ x l r) = foldr f (f x (foldr f z r)) l -- | /O(n)/. Fold the values in the map using the given left-associative -- binary operator, such that @'foldl' f z == 'Prelude.foldl' f z . 'elems'@. foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> IntervalMap k a -> b foldl _ z Nil = z foldl f z (NodeR _ _ x l r) = foldl f (f (foldl f z l) x) r foldl f z (NodeB _ _ x l r) = foldl f (f (foldl f z l) x) r -- | /O(n)/. Fold the keys and values in the map using the given right-associative -- binary operator, such that -- @'foldrWithKey' f z == 'Prelude.foldr' ('uncurry' f) z . 'toAscList'@. foldrWithKey :: (k -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> IntervalMap k v -> a foldrWithKey _ z Nil = z foldrWithKey f z (NodeR k _ x l r) = foldrWithKey f (f k x (foldrWithKey f z r)) l foldrWithKey f z (NodeB k _ x l r) = foldrWithKey f (f k x (foldrWithKey f z r)) l -- | /O(n)/. Fold the keys and values in the map using the given left-associative -- binary operator, such that -- @'foldlWithKey' f z == 'Prelude.foldl' (\\z' (kx, x) -> f z' kx x) z . 'toAscList'@. foldlWithKey :: (a -> k -> v -> a) -> a -> IntervalMap k v -> a foldlWithKey _ z Nil = z foldlWithKey f z (NodeR k _ x l r) = foldlWithKey f (f (foldlWithKey f z l) k x) r foldlWithKey f z (NodeB k _ x l r) = foldlWithKey f (f (foldlWithKey f z l) k x) r -- | /O(n)/. Map a function over all values in the map. map :: (a -> b) -> IntervalMap k a -> IntervalMap k b map f = mapWithKey (\_ x -> f x) -- | /O(n)/. Map a function over all values in the map. mapWithKey :: (k -> a -> b) -> IntervalMap k a -> IntervalMap k b mapWithKey f = go where go Nil = Nil go (NodeR k m v l r) = NodeR k m (f k v) (go l) (go r) go (NodeB k m v l r) = NodeB k m (f k v) (go l) (go r) -- --- Conversion --- -- | /O(n)/. The list of all key\/value pairs contained in the map, in ascending order of keys. toAscList :: IntervalMap k v -> [(k,v)] toAscList m = foldrWithKey (\k v r -> (k,v) : r) [] m -- | /O(n)/. The list of all key\/value pairs contained in the map, in no particular order. toList :: IntervalMap k v -> [(k,v)] toList m = toAscList m -- | /O(n)/. The list of all key\/value pairs contained in the map, in descending order of keys. toDescList :: IntervalMap k v -> [(k, v)] toDescList m = foldlWithKey (\r k v -> (k,v) : r) [] m -- | /O(n)/. Build a map from an ascending list in linear time. -- /The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked./ fromAscList :: (Interval k e, Eq k) => [(k,v)] -> IntervalMap k v fromAscList xs = fromAscListWith (\_ b -> b) xs -- | /O(n)/. Build a map from an ascending list in linear time with a combining function for equal keys. -- /The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked./ fromAscListWith :: (Interval k e, Eq k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k,a)] -> IntervalMap k a fromAscListWith f xs = fromAscListWithKey (\_ a b -> f a b) xs -- | /O(n)/. Build a map from an ascending list in linear time with a combining function for equal keys. -- /The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked./ fromAscListWithKey :: (Interval k e, Eq k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> [(k,a)] -> IntervalMap k a fromAscListWithKey f xs = fromDistinctAscList (combineEq f xs) combineEq :: Eq k => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> [(k,a)] -> [(k,a)] combineEq _ [] = [] combineEq _ xs@[_] = xs combineEq f (x@(xk,xv) : xs@((yk,yv) : xs')) | xk == yk = combineEq f ((xk, f xk xv yv) : xs') | otherwise = x : combineEq f xs -- Strict tuple data T2 a b = T2 !a !b -- | /O(n)/. Build a map from an ascending list of elements with distinct keys in linear time. -- /The precondition is not checked./ fromDistinctAscList :: (Interval k e) => [(k,v)] -> IntervalMap k v -- exactly 2^n-1 items have height n. They can be all black -- from 2^n - 2^n-2 items have height n+1. The lowest "row" should be red. fromDistinctAscList lyst = case h (length lyst) lyst of (T2 result []) -> result _ -> error "fromDistinctAscList: list not fully consumed" where h n xs | n == 0 = T2 Nil xs | isPerfect n = buildB n xs | otherwise = buildR n (log2 n) xs buildB n xs | xs `seq` n <= 0 = error "fromDictinctAscList: buildB 0" | n == 1 = case xs of ((k,v):xs') -> T2 (NodeB k k v Nil Nil) xs' _ -> error "fromDictinctAscList: buildB 1" | otherwise = case n `quot` 2 of { n' -> case buildB n' xs of { (T2 _ []) -> error "fromDictinctAscList: buildB n"; (T2 l ((k,v):xs')) -> case buildB n' xs' of { (T2 r xs'') -> T2 (mNode Black k v l r) xs'' }}} buildR n d xs | d `seq` xs `seq` n == 0 = T2 Nil xs | n == 1 = case xs of ((k,v):xs') -> T2 (if d == 0 then NodeR k k v Nil Nil else NodeB k k v Nil Nil) xs' _ -> error "fromDistinctAscList: buildR 1" | otherwise = case n `quot` 2 of { n' -> case buildR n' (d-1) xs of { (T2 _ []) -> error "fromDistinctAscList: buildR n"; (T2 l ((k,v):xs')) -> case buildR (n - (n' + 1)) (d-1) xs' of { (T2 r xs'') -> T2 (mNode Black k v l r) xs'' }}} -- is n a perfect binary tree size (2^m-1)? isPerfect :: Int -> Bool isPerfect n = (n .&. (n + 1)) == 0 log2 :: Int -> Int log2 m = h (-1) m where h r n | r `seq` n <= 0 = r | otherwise = h (r + 1) (n `shiftR` 1) -- | /O(n)/. List of all values in the map, in ascending order of their keys. elems :: IntervalMap k v -> [v] elems m = [v | (_,v) <- toAscList m] -- | /O(n)/. List of all keys in the map, in ascending order. keys :: IntervalMap k v -> [k] keys m = [k | (k,_) <- toAscList m] -- | /O(n)/. Set of the keys. keysSet :: (Ord k) => IntervalMap k v -> Set.Set k keysSet m = Set.fromDistinctAscList (keys m) -- | Same as 'toAscList'. assocs :: IntervalMap k v -> [(k, v)] assocs m = toAscList m