# IntervalMap [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bokesan/IntervalMap.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bokesan/IntervalMap) *@GitHub users:* please base pull requests on the *develop* branch. Thanks. Containers for intervals. Like `Data.Set` and `Data.Map` with Intervals as keys and functions for efficiently getting the subset of all intervals containing a point, intersecting an interval, and more. Home page and documentation: [http://www.chr-breitkopf.de/comp/IntervalMap/index.html](http://www.chr-breitkopf.de/comp/IntervalMap/index.html) Install from hackage with cabal install. To run the tests, extract the archive, and do $ cabal configure --enable-tests $ cabal build $ cabal test