------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Library to support meta-programming in Curry. --- --- This library contains a definition for representing Haskell programs --- in Curry (type "CurryProg") and an I/O action to read Curry programs and --- transform them into this abstract representation (function "readCurry"). --- --- Note this defines a slightly new format for AbstractCurry --- in comparison to the first proposal of 2003. --- --- The Difference to AbstractCurry for now is only the deriving construct. --- --- Assumption: an abstract Curry program is stored in file prog.acy --- and translated with the parser by "parsecurry -acy prog". --- --- @author Michael Hanus, Bernd Braßel --- @version August 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module FunctionalProg where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition of data types for representing abstract Curry programs: -- ================================================================== --- Data type for representing a Curry module in the intermediate form. --- A value of this data type has the form --- --- (CProg modname imports typedecls functions opdecls) --- --- where modname: name of this module, --- imports: list of modules names that are imported, --- typedecls, opdecls, functions: see below data Prog = Prog { progName :: String, imports,exports ::[String], typeDecls :: [TypeDecl], instanceDecls :: [InstanceDecl], funcDecls :: [FuncDecl], opDecls :: [OpDecl] } deriving (Show,Eq,Read) emptyProg = Prog "" [] [] [] [] [] [] --- The data type for representing qualified names. --- In AbstractCurry all names are qualified to avoid name clashes. --- The first component is the module name and the second component the --- unqualified name as it occurs in the source program. type QName = (String,String) -- Data type to specify the visibility of various entities. data Visibility = Public -- exported entity | Private -- private entity deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- The data type for representing type variables. --- They are represented by (i,n) where i is a type variable index --- which is unique inside a function and n is a name (if possible, --- the name written in the source program). type VarName = String --- Data type for representing definitions of algebraic data types --- and type synonyms. ---
--- A data type definition of the form
--- data t x1...xn = ...| c t1....tkc |...
--- is represented by the Curry term
--- (CType t v [i1,...,in] [...(CCons c kc v [t1,...,tkc])...])
--- where each ij is the index of the type variable xj
--- Note: the type variable indices are unique inside each type declaration
---       and are usually numbered from 0
--- Thus, a data type declaration consists of the name of the data type,
--- a list of type parameters and a list of constructor declarations.
data TypeDecl = Type { typeName :: QName, typeVis :: Visibility, typeVars :: [VarName], consDecls :: [ConsDecl], derive :: [String]} | TypeSyn { typeName :: QName, typeVis :: Visibility, typeVars :: [VarName], typeExpr :: TypeExpr} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- For a type declaration the membership to certain classes can be derived in --- Haskell. data TypeClass = TypeClass { className :: QName, classArgs :: [TypeExpr]} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) data InstanceDecl = Instance { constraint :: [TypeClass], instanciated :: TypeClass, instanceFunc :: [FuncDecl]} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- A constructor declaration consists of the name and arity of the --- constructor and a list of the argument types of the constructor. data ConsDecl = Cons { consName :: QName, consArity :: Int, consVis :: Visibility, strictArgs :: Bool, consArgs :: [TypeExpr]} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for type expressions. --- A type expression is either a type variable, a function type, --- or a type constructor application. --- --- Note: the names of the predefined type constructors are --- "Int", "Float", "Bool", "Char", "IO", "Success", --- "()" (unit type), "(,...,)" (tuple types), "[]" (list type) data TypeExpr = TVar VarName -- type variable | FuncType TypeExpr TypeExpr -- function type t1->t2 | TCons QName [TypeExpr] -- type constructor application -- (CTCons (module,name) arguments) | TConstr [TypeClass] TypeExpr deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for operator declarations. --- An operator declaration "fix p n" in Curry corresponds to the --- AbstractCurry term (COp n fix p). data OpDecl = Op QName Fixity Int deriving (Show,Eq,Read) data Fixity = InfixOp -- non-associative infix operator | InfixlOp -- left-associative infix operator | InfixrOp -- right-associative infix operator deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data types for representing object variables. --- Object variables occurring in expressions are represented by (Var i) --- where i is a variable index. --- Data type for representing function declarations. ---
--- A function declaration in FlatCurry is a term of the form
---  (CFunc name arity visibility type (CRules eval [CRule rule1,...,rulek]))
--- and represents the function "name" with definition
---   name :: type
---   rule1
---   ...
---   rulek
--- Note: the variable indices are unique inside each rule
--- External functions are represented as (CFunc name arity type (CExternal s))
--- where s is the external name associated to this function.
--- Thus, a function declaration consists of the name, arity, type, and
--- a list of rules.
data FuncDecl = Func { funcName :: QName, funcVis :: Visibility, funcType :: Maybe TypeExpr, funcBody :: Maybe [Rule]} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- A rule is either a list of formal parameters together with an expression --- (i.e., a rule in flat form), a list of general program rules with --- an evaluation annotation, or it is externally defined --- The most general form of a rule. It consists of a list of patterns --- (left-hand side), a list of guards ("success" if not present in the --- source text) with their corresponding right-hand sides, and --- a list of local declarations. data Rule = Rule { patterns :: [Pattern], rhs :: Rhs, locDecls :: [LocalDecl]} deriving (Show,Eq,Read) data Rhs = SimpleExpr Expr | GuardedExpr [(Expr,Expr)] deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing local (let/where) declarations data LocalDecl = LocalFunc FuncDecl -- local function declaration | LocalPat Pattern Expr [LocalDecl] -- local pattern declaration deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing Curry expressions. data Expr = Var VarName -- variable (unique index / name) | Lit Literal -- literal (Integer/Float/Char constant) | Symbol QName -- a defined symbol with module and name | Apply Expr Expr -- application (e1 e2) | Lambda [Pattern] Expr -- lambda abstraction | LetDecl [LocalDecl] Expr -- local let declarations | DoExpr [Statement] -- do expression | ListComp Expr [Statement] -- list comprehension | Case Expr [BranchExpr] -- case expression | String String deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing statements in do expressions and --- list comprehensions. data Statement = SExpr Expr -- an expression (I/O action or boolean) | SPat Pattern Expr -- a pattern definition | SLet [LocalDecl] -- a local let declaration deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing pattern expressions. data Pattern = PVar VarName -- pattern variable (unique index / name) | PLit Literal -- literal (Integer/Float/Char constant) | PComb QName [Pattern] -- application (m.c e1 ... en) of n-ary -- constructor m.c (CPComb (m,c) [e1,...,en]) | AsPat VarName Pattern deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing branches in case expressions. data BranchExpr = Branch Pattern Expr deriving (Show,Eq,Read) --- Data type for representing literals occurring in an expression. --- It is either an integer, a float, or a character constant. data Literal = Intc Integer | HasIntc Integer | Floatc Double | Charc Char deriving (Show,Eq,Read)