------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This library contains functions to convert FlatCurry programs --- into corresponding XML expressions and vice versa. --- This can be used to store Curry programs in a way independent --- from PAKCS or to use the PAKCS back end by other systems. --- --- The library provides the following functions: ---
--- "flatCurry2XmlFile": transform a FlatCurry program into XML file
--- "flatCurry2Xml":     transform a FlatCurry program into XML expression
--- "xmlFile2FlatCurry": read an XML file and return the FlatCurry program
--- "xml2FlatCurry":     transform an XML expression into a FlatCurry program
--- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version August 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module FlatCurryXML(flatCurry2XmlFile,flatCurry2Xml, xmlFile2FlatCurry,xml2FlatCurry) where import FlatCurry import XML import Read -- URL for the FlatCurry DTD: flatCurryDtd = "http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~curry/flatcurrynew.dtd" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Transforming FlatCurry programs into corresponding XML terms: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Transforms a FlatCurry program term into a corresponding XML file. flatCurry2XmlFile :: Prog -> String -> IO () flatCurry2XmlFile flatprog filename = writeFile filename (showXmlDocWithParams [DtdUrl flatCurryDtd] (flatCurry2Xml flatprog)) --- Transforms a FlatCurry program term into a corresponding XML expression. flatCurry2Xml :: Prog -> XmlExp flatCurry2Xml (Prog modname imports types funcs ops) = xml "prog" [xml "module" [xtxt modname], xml "import" (map (\s->xml "module" [xtxt s]) imports), xml "types" (map xmlShowType types), xml "functions" (map xmlShowFunc funcs), xml "operators" (map xmlShowOp ops)] qname2xmlattrs (mod,name) = [("module",mod),("name",name)] xmlShowVisibity Public = [("visibility","public")] xmlShowVisibity Private = [("visibility","private")] xmlShowType (Type name vis tpars consdecls) = XElem "type" (qname2xmlattrs name ++ xmlShowVisibity vis) ([xml "params" (map xmlShowTVar tpars)] ++ map xmlShowCons consdecls) xmlShowType (TypeSyn name vis tpars texp) = XElem "typesyn" (qname2xmlattrs name ++ xmlShowVisibity vis) [xml "params" (map xmlShowTVar tpars),xmlShowTypeExpr texp] xmlShowCons (Cons cname arity vis types) = XElem "cons" (qname2xmlattrs cname ++ [("arity",show arity)] ++ xmlShowVisibity vis) (map xmlShowTypeExpr types) xmlShowTypeExpr (FuncType t1 t2) = xml "functype" [xmlShowTypeExpr t1,xmlShowTypeExpr t2] xmlShowTypeExpr (TCons tc ts) = XElem "tcons" (qname2xmlattrs tc) (map xmlShowTypeExpr ts) xmlShowTypeExpr (TVar n) = xmlShowTVar n xmlShowTVar i = xml "tvar" [xtxt (show i)] xmlShowFunc (Func name arity vis ftype rl) = XElem "func" (qname2xmlattrs name ++ [("arity",show arity)] ++ xmlShowVisibity vis) [xmlShowTypeExpr ftype,xmlShowRule rl] xmlShowRule (Rule params expr) = xml "rule" [xml "lhs" (map xmlShowVar params), xml "rhs" [xmlShowExpr expr]] xmlShowRule (External name) = xml "external" [xtxt name] xmlShowVar i = xml "var" [xtxt (show i)] xmlShowExpr (Var n) = xmlShowVar n xmlShowExpr (Lit l) = xml "lit" [xmlShowLit l] xmlShowExpr (Comb FuncCall cf es) = XElem "funccall" (qname2xmlattrs cf) (map xmlShowExpr es) xmlShowExpr (Comb ConsCall cf es) = XElem "conscall" (qname2xmlattrs cf) (map xmlShowExpr es) xmlShowExpr (Comb (FuncPartCall n) cf es) = XElem "funcpartcall" (qname2xmlattrs cf ++ [("missing",show n)]) (map xmlShowExpr es) xmlShowExpr (Comb (ConsPartCall n) cf es) = XElem "conspartcall" (qname2xmlattrs cf ++ [("missing",show n)]) (map xmlShowExpr es) xmlShowExpr (Free xs e) = xml "free" [xml "freevars" (map xmlShowVar xs), xmlShowExpr e] xmlShowExpr (Or e1 e2) = xml "or" [xmlShowExpr e1,xmlShowExpr e2] xmlShowExpr (Case ctype e cs) = XElem (if ctype==Flex then "fcase" else "case") [] ([xmlShowExpr e] ++ map xmlShowBranch cs) xmlShowExpr (Let bindings expr) = xml "letrec" (map (\(i,e)->xml "binding" [xmlShowVar i, xmlShowExpr e]) bindings ++ [xmlShowExpr expr]) xmlShowLit (Intc i) = xml "intc" [xtxt (show i)] xmlShowLit (Floatc f) = xml "floatc" [xtxt (show f)] xmlShowLit (Charc c) = xml "charc" [xtxt (show (ord c))] xmlShowBranch (Branch (Pattern cons xs) e) = xml "branch" [XElem "pattern" (qname2xmlattrs cons) (map xmlShowVar xs), xmlShowExpr e] xmlShowBranch (Branch (LPattern lit) e) = xml "branch" [xml "lpattern" [xmlShowLit lit], xmlShowExpr e] xmlShowOp (Op name fix prec) = XElem "op" (qname2xmlattrs name ++ [("fixity",show fix),("prec",show prec)]) [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Transforming XML terms into corresponding FlatCurry programs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Reads an XML file with a FlatCurry program and returns --- the FlatCurry program. xmlFile2FlatCurry :: String -> IO Prog xmlFile2FlatCurry filename = do xexp <- readXmlFile filename return (xml2FlatCurry xexp) --- Transforms an XML term into a FlatCurry program. xml2FlatCurry :: XmlExp -> Prog xml2FlatCurry (XElem "prog" [] [XElem "module" [] xmodname, XElem "import" [] ximports, XElem "types" [] xtypes, XElem "functions" [] xfunctions, XElem "operators" [] xoperators]) = Prog (textOfXml xmodname) (map (\(XElem "module" [] xim) -> textOfXml xim) ximports) (map flatx2typedecl xtypes) (map (\(XElem "func" [("module",mod),("name",fname),("arity",farity),xvis] [xftype,xfbody]) -> Func (mod,fname) (readNat farity) (xvis2vis xvis) (flatx2texp xftype) (flatx2FunBody xfbody)) xfunctions) (map (\(XElem "op" [("module",mod),("name",name),("fixity",xfix),("prec",xprec)] []) -> Op (mod,name) (flatx2Fixity xfix) (readNat xprec)) xoperators) flatx2typedecl (XElem "type" [("module",tmod),("name",tname),xtvis] (XElem "params" [] xtvars : xconstructors)) = Type (tmod,tname) (xvis2vis xtvis) (map (\ (XElem "tvar" [] xtvar) -> readNat (textOfXml xtvar)) xtvars) (map (\ (XElem "cons" [("module",mod),("name",xcn),("arity",xar),xvis] xtexps) -> Cons (mod,xcn) (readNat xar) (xvis2vis xvis) (map flatx2texp xtexps)) xconstructors) flatx2typedecl (XElem "typesyn" [("module",tmod),("name",tname),xtvis] [XElem "params" [] xtvars, xtexp]) = TypeSyn (tmod,tname) (xvis2vis xtvis) (map (\ (XElem "tvar" [] xtvar) -> readNat (textOfXml xtvar)) xtvars) (flatx2texp xtexp) flatx2FunBody (XElem "external" [] xename) = External (textOfXml xename) flatx2FunBody (XElem "rule" [] [XElem "lhs" [] xvars, XElem "rhs" [] [xrhs]]) = Rule (map flatx2var xvars) (flatx2exp xrhs) flatx2var :: XmlExp -> VarIndex flatx2var (XElem "var" [] xvar) = readNat (textOfXml xvar) flatx2exp :: XmlExp -> Expr flatx2exp (XElem "var" [] xvar) = Var (readNat (textOfXml xvar)) flatx2exp (XElem "lit" [] [xlit]) = Lit (flatx2lit xlit) flatx2exp (XElem "funccall" [("module",mod),("name",name)] xexps) = Comb FuncCall (mod,name) (map flatx2exp xexps) flatx2exp (XElem "conscall" [("module",mod),("name",name)] xexps) = Comb ConsCall (mod,name) (map flatx2exp xexps) flatx2exp (XElem "funcpartcall" [("module",mod),("name",name),("missing",nmiss)] xexps) = Comb (FuncPartCall (readNat nmiss)) (mod,name) (map flatx2exp xexps) flatx2exp (XElem "conspartcall" [("module",mod),("name",name),("missing",nmiss)] xexps) = Comb (ConsPartCall (readNat nmiss)) (mod,name) (map flatx2exp xexps) flatx2exp (XElem "free" [] [XElem "freevars" [] xvars, xexp]) = Free (map flatx2var xvars) (flatx2exp xexp) flatx2exp (XElem "or" [] [xexp1,xexp2]) = Or (flatx2exp xexp1) (flatx2exp xexp2) flatx2exp (XElem "case" [] (xexp : xbranches)) = Case Rigid (flatx2exp xexp) (map flatx2branch xbranches) flatx2exp (XElem "fcase" [] (xexp : xbranches)) = Case Flex (flatx2exp xexp) (map flatx2branch xbranches) flatx2exp (XElem "let" [] xbindings) = let (bindings,exp) = flatx2let xbindings in Let bindings exp flatx2exp (XElem "letrec" [] xbindings) = let (bindings,exp) = flatx2let xbindings in Let bindings exp flatx2let [xexp] = ([],flatx2exp xexp) flatx2let (XElem "binding" [] [XElem "var" [] xvar, xexp] : xb:xbs) = let (bindings,exp) = flatx2let (xb:xbs) in ((readNat (textOfXml xvar), flatx2exp xexp) : bindings, exp) flatx2branch (XElem "branch" [] [XElem "pattern" [("module",mod),("name",cons)] xvars,xexp]) = Branch (Pattern (mod,cons) (map flatx2var xvars)) (flatx2exp xexp) flatx2branch (XElem "branch" [] [XElem "lpattern" [] [xlit], xexp]) = Branch (LPattern (flatx2lit xlit)) (flatx2exp xexp) flatx2branch (XElem "branch" [] [XElem "hpattern" _ _,_]) = error "Higher-order patterns not supported in this version of FlatCurry!" flatx2lit :: XmlExp -> Literal flatx2lit (XElem "intc" [] xintc) = Intc (readNat (textOfXml xintc)) flatx2lit (XElem "floatc" [] _) = error "Reading of floats not yet implemented!" flatx2lit (XElem "charc" [] xintc) = Charc (chr (readNat (textOfXml xintc))) flatx2texp :: XmlExp -> TypeExpr flatx2texp (XElem "tvar" [] xtvar) = TVar (readNat (textOfXml xtvar)) flatx2texp (XElem "functype" [] [xtexp1,xtexp2]) = FuncType (flatx2texp xtexp1) (flatx2texp xtexp2) flatx2texp (XElem "tcons" [("module",mod),("name",tcname)] xtexps) = TCons (mod,tcname) (map flatx2texp xtexps) xvis2vis ("visibility","public") = Public xvis2vis ("visibility","private") = Private flatx2Fixity "InfixOp" = InfixOp flatx2Fixity "InfixlOp" = InfixlOp flatx2Fixity "InfixrOp" = InfixrOp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------