------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Library to support meta-programming in Curry. --- --- This library contains a definition for representing FlatCurry programs --- in Curry (type "Prog") and an I/O action to read Curry programs and --- transform them into this representation (function "readFlatCurry"). --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version August 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module FlatCurry where import Directory(doesFileExist) import ReadShowTerm import Distribution import FileGoodies(stripSuffix) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition of data types for representing FlatCurry programs: -- ============================================================= --- Data type for representing a Curry module in the intermediate form. --- A value of this data type has the form --- --- (Prog modname imports typedecls functions opdecls translation_table) --- --- where modname: name of this module, --- imports: list of modules names that are imported, --- typedecls, opdecls, functions, translation of type names --- and constructor/function names: see below data Prog = Prog String [String] [TypeDecl] [FuncDecl] [OpDecl] --- The data type for representing qualified names. --- In FlatCurry all names are qualified to avoid name clashes. --- The first component is the module name and the second component the --- unqualified name as it occurs in the source program. type QName = (String,String) --- Data type to specify the visibility of various entities. data Visibility = Public -- public (exported) entity | Private -- private entity --- The data type for representing type variables. --- They are represented by (TVar i) where i is a type variable index. type TVarIndex = Int --- Data type for representing definitions of algebraic data types. --- --- A data type definition of the form --- --- data t x1...xn = ...| c t1....tkc |... --- --- is represented by the FlatCurry term --- --- (Type t [i1,...,in] [...(Cons c kc [t1,...,tkc])...]) --- --- where each ij is the index of the type variable --- xj. --- --- Note: the type variable indices are unique inside each type declaration --- and are usually numbered from 0 --- --- Thus, a data type declaration consists of the name of the data type, --- a list of type parameters and a list of constructor declarations. data TypeDecl = Type QName Visibility [TVarIndex] [ConsDecl] | TypeSyn QName Visibility [TVarIndex] TypeExpr --- A constructor declaration consists of the name and arity of the --- constructor and a list of the argument types of the constructor. data ConsDecl = Cons QName Int Visibility [TypeExpr] --- Data type for type expressions. --- A type expression is either a type variable, a function type, --- or a type constructor application. --- --- Note: the names of the predefined type constructors are --- "Int", "Float", "Bool", "Char", "IO", "Success", --- "()" (unit type), "(,...,)" (tuple types), "[]" (list type) data TypeExpr = TVar TVarIndex -- type variable | FuncType TypeExpr TypeExpr -- function type t1->t2 | TCons QName [TypeExpr] -- type constructor application -- TCons module name typeargs --- Data type for operator declarations. --- An operator declaration "fix p n" in Curry corresponds to the --- FlatCurry term (Op n fix p). data OpDecl = Op QName Fixity Int --- Data types for the different choices for the fixity of an operator. data Fixity = InfixOp | InfixlOp | InfixrOp --- Data type for representing object variables. --- Object variables occurring in expressions are represented by (Var i) --- where i is a variable index. type VarIndex = Int --- Data type for representing function declarations. --- --- A function declaration in FlatCurry is a term of the form --- --- (Func name arity type (Rule [i_1,...,i_arity] e)) --- --- and represents the function "name" with definition --- --- name :: type
--- name x_1...x_arity = e --- --- where each i_j is the index of the variable x_j. --- --- Note: the variable indices are unique inside each function declaration --- and are usually numbered from 0 --- --- External functions are represented as --- (Func name arity type (External s)) --- where s is the external name associated to this function. --- --- Thus, a function declaration consists of the name, arity, type, and rule. data FuncDecl = Func QName Int Visibility TypeExpr Rule --- A rule is either a list of formal parameters together with an expression --- or an "External" tag. data Rule = Rule [VarIndex] Expr | External String --- Data type for classifying case expressions. --- Case expressions can be either flexible or rigid in Curry. data CaseType = Rigid | Flex -- type of a case expression --- Data type for classifying combinations --- (i.e., a function/constructor applied to some arguments). --- @cons FuncCall - a call to a function where all arguments are provided --- @cons ConsCall - a call with a constructor at the top, all arguments are provided --- @cons FuncPartCall - a partial call to a function (i.e., not all arguments --- are provided) where the parameter is the number of --- missing arguments --- @cons ConsPartCall - a partial call to a constructor (i.e., not all arguments --- are provided) where the parameter is the number of --- missing arguments data CombType = FuncCall | ConsCall | FuncPartCall Int | ConsPartCall Int --- Data type for representing expressions. --- --- Remarks: --- ---
  1. if-then-else expressions are represented as function calls: --- --- (if e1 then e2 else e3) --- --- is represented as --- --- (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","if_then_else") [e1,e2,e3]) ---
  2. ---
  3. --- Higher-order applications are represented as calls to the (external) --- function "apply". For instance, the rule --- --- app f x = f x --- --- is represented as --- --- (Rule [0,1] (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","apply") [Var 0, Var 1])) ---
  4. ---
  5. --- A conditional rule is represented as a call to an external function --- "cond" where the first argument is the condition (a constraint). --- For instance, the rule --- --- equal2 x | x=:=2 = success --- --- is represented as --- --- (Rule [0] --- (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","cond") --- [Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","=:=") [Var 0, Lit (Intc 2)], --- Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","success") []])) ---
  6. ---
--- --- @cons Var - variable (represented by unique index) --- @cons Lit - literal (Integer/Float/Char constant) --- @cons Comb - application (f e1 ... en) of function/constructor f --- with n<=arity(f) --- @cons Free - introduction of free local variables --- @cons Or - disjunction of two expressions (used to translate rules --- with overlapping left-hand sides) --- @cons Case - case distinction (rigid or flex) data Expr = Var VarIndex | Lit Literal | Comb CombType QName [Expr] | Let [(VarIndex,Expr)] Expr | Free [VarIndex] Expr | Or Expr Expr | Case CaseType Expr [BranchExpr] --- Data type for representing branches in a case expression. --- --- Branches "(m.c x1...xn) -> e" in case expressions are represented as --- --- (Branch (Pattern (m,c) [i1,...,in]) e) --- --- where each ij is the index of the pattern variable xj, or as --- --- (Branch (LPattern (Intc i)) e) --- --- for integers as branch patterns (similarly for other literals --- like float or character constants). data BranchExpr = Branch Pattern Expr --- Data type for representing patterns in case expressions. data Pattern = Pattern QName [VarIndex] | LPattern Literal --- Data type for representing literals occurring in an expression --- or case branch. It is either an integer, a float, or a character constant. data Literal = Intc Int | Floatc Float | Charc Char ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- I/O action which parses a Curry program and returns the corresponding --- FlatCurry program. --- Thus, the argument is the file name without suffix ".curry" --- (or ".lcurry") and the result is a FlatCurry term representing this --- program. readFlatCurry :: String -> IO Prog readFlatCurry progfile = readFlatCurryWithParseOptions progfile (setQuiet True defaultParams) --- I/O action which reads a FlatCurry program from a file --- with respect to some parser options. --- This I/O action is used by the standard action readFlatCurry. --- It is currently predefined only in Curry2Prolog. --- @param progfile - the program file name (without suffix ".curry") --- @param options - parameters passed to the front end readFlatCurryWithParseOptions :: String -> FrontendParams -> IO Prog readFlatCurryWithParseOptions progname options = do mbCurryFile <- lookupFileInLoadPath (progname++".curry") mbLCurryFile <- lookupFileInLoadPath (progname++".lcurry") if mbCurryFile==Nothing && mbLCurryFile==Nothing then done else callFrontendWithParams FCY options progname filename <- findFileInLoadPath (progname++".fcy") readFlatCurryFile filename --- Transforms a name of a Curry program (with or without suffix ".curry" --- or ".lcurry") into the name of the file containing the --- corresponding FlatCurry program. flatCurryFileName :: String -> String flatCurryFileName prog = inCurrySubdir (stripSuffix prog ++ ".fcy") --- Transforms a name of a Curry program (with or without suffix ".curry" --- or ".lcurry") into the name of the file containing the --- corresponding FlatCurry program. flatCurryIntName :: String -> String flatCurryIntName prog = inCurrySubdir (stripSuffix prog ++ ".fint") --- I/O action which reads a FlatCurry program from a file in ".fcy" format. --- In contrast to readFlatCurry, this action does not parse --- a source program. Thus, the argument must be the name of an existing --- file (with suffix ".fcy") containing a FlatCurry program in ".fcy" --- format and the result is a FlatCurry term representing this program. readFlatCurryFile :: String -> IO Prog readFlatCurryFile filename = do exfcy <- doesFileExist filename if exfcy then readExistingFCY filename else do let subdirfilename = inCurrySubdir filename exdirfcy <- doesFileExist subdirfilename if exdirfcy then readExistingFCY subdirfilename else error ("EXISTENCE ERROR: FlatCurry file '"++filename++ "' does not exist") where readExistingFCY fname = do filecontents <- readFile fname return (readTerm filecontents) --- I/O action which returns the interface of a Curry program, i.e., --- a FlatCurry program containing only "Public" entities and function --- definitions without rules (i.e., external functions). --- The argument is the file name without suffix ".curry" --- (or ".lcurry") and the result is a FlatCurry term representing the --- interface of this program. readFlatCurryInt :: String -> IO Prog readFlatCurryInt progname = do existsCurry <- doesFileExist (progname++".curry") existsLCurry <- doesFileExist (progname++".lcurry") if existsCurry || existsLCurry then callFrontend FINT progname else done filename <- findFileInLoadPath (progname++".fint") readFlatCurryFile filename --- Writes a FlatCurry program into a file in ".fcy" format. --- The first argument must be the name of the target file --- (with suffix ".fcy"). writeFCY :: String -> Prog -> IO () writeFCY file prog = writeFile file (showTerm prog) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Translates a given qualified type name into external name relative to --- a module. Thus, names not defined in this module (except for names --- defined in the prelude) are prefixed with their module name. showQNameInModule :: String -> (String,String) -> String showQNameInModule mod (qmod,name) = if qmod==mod || qmod=="Prelude" then name else qmod++"."++name