{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {- | Module : LPFP.Integrals Copyright : (c) Scott N. Walck 2023 License : BSD3 (see LICENSE) Maintainer : Scott N. Walck Stability : stable Code needed in chapter 24 of the book Learn Physics with Functional Programming -} module LPFP.Integrals where import LPFP.SimpleVec ( R, Vec, (^+^), (*^), (^*), (^/), (<.>), (><), sumV, magnitude ) import LPFP.CoordinateSystems ( Position, ScalarField, VectorField , displacement, shiftPosition, origin, rVF ) import LPFP.Geometry ( Curve(..), Surface(..), Volume(..) ) type CurveApprox = Curve -> [(Position,Vec)] type SurfaceApprox = Surface -> [(Position,Vec)] type VolumeApprox = Volume -> [(Position,R)] scalarLineIntegral :: CurveApprox -> ScalarField -> Curve -> R scalarLineIntegral approx f c = sum [f r' * magnitude dl' | (r',dl') <- approx c] scalarSurfaceIntegral :: SurfaceApprox -> ScalarField -> Surface -> R scalarSurfaceIntegral approx f s = sum [f r' * magnitude da' | (r',da') <- approx s] scalarVolumeIntegral :: VolumeApprox -> ScalarField -> Volume -> R scalarVolumeIntegral approx f vol = sum [f r' * dv' | (r',dv') <- approx vol] vectorLineIntegral :: CurveApprox -> VectorField -> Curve -> Vec vectorLineIntegral approx vF c = sumV [vF r' ^* magnitude dl' | (r',dl') <- approx c] vectorSurfaceIntegral :: SurfaceApprox -> VectorField -> Surface -> Vec vectorSurfaceIntegral approx vF s = sumV [vF r' ^* magnitude da' | (r',da') <- approx s] vectorVolumeIntegral :: VolumeApprox -> VectorField -> Volume -> Vec vectorVolumeIntegral approx vF vol = sumV [vF r' ^* dv' | (r',dv') <- approx vol] curveSample :: Int -> Curve -> [(Position,Vec)] curveSample n c = let segCent :: Segment -> Position segCent (p1,p2) = shiftPosition ((rVF p1 ^+^ rVF p2) ^/ 2) origin segDisp :: Segment -> Vec segDisp = uncurry displacement in [(segCent seg, segDisp seg) | seg <- segments n c] type Segment = (Position,Position) segments :: Int -> Curve -> [Segment] segments n (Curve g a b) = let ps = map g $ linSpaced n a b in zip ps (drop 1 ps) linSpaced :: Int -> R -> R -> [R] linSpaced n x0 x1 = take (n+1) [x0, x0+dx .. x1] where dx = (x1 - x0) / fromIntegral n surfaceSample :: Int -> Surface -> [(Position,Vec)] surfaceSample n s = [(triCenter tri, triArea tri) | tri <- triangles n s] data Triangle = Tri Position Position Position triCenter :: Triangle -> Position triCenter (Tri p1 p2 p3) = shiftPosition ((rVF p1 ^+^ rVF p2 ^+^ rVF p3) ^/ 3) origin triArea :: Triangle -> Vec -- vector area triArea (Tri p1 p2 p3) = 0.5 *^ (displacement p1 p2 >< displacement p2 p3) triangles :: Int -> Surface -> [Triangle] triangles n (Surface g sl su tl tu) = let sts = [[(s,t) | t <- linSpaced n (tl s) (tu s)] | s <- linSpaced n sl su] stSquares = [( sts !! j !! k , sts !! (j+1) !! k , sts !! (j+1) !! (k+1) , sts !! j !! (k+1)) | j <- [0..n-1], k <- [0..n-1]] twoTriangles (pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4) = [Tri (g pp1) (g pp2) (g pp3),Tri (g pp1) (g pp3) (g pp4)] in concatMap twoTriangles stSquares volumeSample :: Int -> Volume -> [(Position,R)] volumeSample n v = [(tetCenter tet, tetVolume tet) | tet <- tetrahedrons n v] data Tet = Tet Position Position Position Position tetCenter :: Tet -> Position tetCenter (Tet p1 p2 p3 p4) = shiftPosition ((rVF p1 ^+^ rVF p2 ^+^ rVF p3 ^+^ rVF p4) ^/ 4) origin tetVolume :: Tet -> R tetVolume (Tet p1 p2 p3 p4) = abs $ (d1 <.> (d2 >< d3)) / 6 where d1 = displacement p1 p4 d2 = displacement p2 p4 d3 = displacement p3 p4 data ParamCube = PC { v000 :: (R,R,R) , v001 :: (R,R,R) , v010 :: (R,R,R) , v011 :: (R,R,R) , v100 :: (R,R,R) , v101 :: (R,R,R) , v110 :: (R,R,R) , v111 :: (R,R,R) } tetrahedrons :: Int -> Volume -> [Tet] tetrahedrons n (Volume g sl su tl tu ul uu) = let stus = [[[(s,t,u) | u <- linSpaced n (ul s t) (uu s t)] | t <- linSpaced n (tl s) (tu s)] | s <- linSpaced n sl su] stCubes = [PC (stus !! j !! k !! l ) (stus !! j !! k !! (l+1)) (stus !! j !! (k+1) !! l ) (stus !! j !! (k+1) !! (l+1)) (stus !! (j+1) !! k !! l ) (stus !! (j+1) !! k !! (l+1)) (stus !! (j+1) !! (k+1) !! l ) (stus !! (j+1) !! (k+1) !! (l+1)) | j <- [0..n-1], k <- [0..n-1], l <- [0..n-1]] tets (PC c000 c001 c010 c011 c100 c101 c110 c111) = [Tet (g c000) (g c100) (g c010) (g c001) ,Tet (g c011) (g c111) (g c001) (g c010) ,Tet (g c110) (g c010) (g c100) (g c111) ,Tet (g c101) (g c001) (g c111) (g c100) ,Tet (g c111) (g c100) (g c010) (g c001) ] in concatMap tets stCubes