{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF doctest-driver-gen -optF --verbose -optF definition-src -optF engine-src -optF -XMonoLocalBinds -optF -XScopedTypeVariables -optF -XOverloadedStrings -optF -XBangPatterns -optF -XRecordWildCards -optF -XNamedFieldPuns -optF -XMultiWayIf -optF -XLambdaCase -optF -XDefaultSignatures -optF -XInstanceSigs -optF -XPatternSynonyms -optF -XStrictData -optF -XCPP -optF -XTypeApplications #-} -- This needs to match @default-extensions@ of @common options@ -- of LambdaHack.cabal. So far, there's no way to automate that. -- This is slow, but @--fast@ doesn't help at all, so not enabled. -- No slowdown from @--verbose@. -- -- After @--test-show-details@ is fixed for doctests, we can recommend -- it in README and unify how normal tests and doctests are run, by setting -- @write-ghc-environment-files: always@ in @cabal.project@ and dropping -- @exec@.