-- | Display game data on the screen using one of the available frontends
-- (determined at compile time with cabal flags).
module Game.LambdaHack.Display
  ( -- * Re-exported frontend
    FrontendSession, startup, shutdown, frontendName, nextEvent
    -- * Derived operations
  , ColorMode(..), displayLevel, getConfirmD
  ) where

-- Wrapper for selected Display frontend.

#ifdef CURSES
import Game.LambdaHack.Display.Curses as D
#elif VTY
import Game.LambdaHack.Display.Vty as D
#elif STD
import Game.LambdaHack.Display.Std as D
import Game.LambdaHack.Display.Gtk as D

import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Maybe

import Game.LambdaHack.Utils.Assert
import Game.LambdaHack.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Msg
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Color as Color
import Game.LambdaHack.State
import Game.LambdaHack.PointXY
import Game.LambdaHack.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Effect
import Game.LambdaHack.Perception
import Game.LambdaHack.Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Actor as Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.ActorState
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Dungeon as Dungeon
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ActorKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Item as Item
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Key as K
import Game.LambdaHack.Random
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.FOV

-- | Waits for a SPACE or ESC.
getConfirmD :: FrontendSession -> IO Bool
getConfirmD fs = do
  e <- nextEvent fs
  case e of
    K.Space    -> return True
    K.Esc      -> return False
    _          -> getConfirmD fs

splitOverlay :: Int -> String -> [[String]]
splitOverlay s xs = splitOverlay' (lines xs)
  splitOverlay' ls
    | length ls <= s = [ls]  -- everything fits on one screen
    | otherwise      = let (pre, post) = splitAt (s - 1) ls
                       in (pre ++ [more]) : splitOverlay' post

-- | Returns a function that looks up the characters in the
-- string by location. Takes the height of the display plus
-- the string. Returns also the number of screens required
-- to display all of the string.
stringByLocation :: Y -> String -> (Int, (X, Y) -> Maybe Char)
stringByLocation lysize xs =
  let ls = splitOverlay lysize xs
      m  = M.fromList (zip [0..] (L.map (M.fromList . zip [0..]) (concat ls)))
      k  = length ls
  in (k, \ (x, y) -> M.lookup y m >>= \ n -> M.lookup x n)

-- | Color mode for the display.
data ColorMode =
    ColorFull  -- ^ normal, with full colours
  | ColorBW    -- ^ black+white only

-- TODO: split up and generally rewrite.
-- | Display the whole screen: level map, messages and status area
-- and multi-page overlaid information, if any.
displayLevel :: ColorMode -> FrontendSession -> Kind.COps
             -> Perception -> State
             -> Msg -> Maybe String -> IO Bool
displayLevel dm fs cops per
             s@State{scursor, stime, sflavour, slid, splayer, sdebug}
             msg moverlay =
  let Kind.COps{ coactor=Kind.Ops{okind}
               , coitem=coitem@Kind.Ops{okind=iokind}
               , cotile=Kind.Ops{okind=tokind} } = cops
      DebugMode{smarkVision, somniscient} = sdebug
      lvl@Level{lxsize, lysize, lsmell, ldesc} = slevel s
      (_, Actor{bkind, bhp, bloc}, bitems) = findActorAnyLevel splayer s
      ActorKind{ahp, asmell} = okind bkind
      reachable = debugTotalReachable per
      visible   = totalVisible per
      (msgs, (ns, over)) =
        case moverlay of
          Just overlay ->
            ( splitMsg (fst normalLevelBound + 1) msg (length more)
            , -- ns overlay screens needed
              stringByLocation lysize overlay
          Nothing ->
            case splitMsg (fst normalLevelBound + 1) msg 0 of
              msgTop : mss ->
                ( [msgTop]
                , stringByLocation lysize $ unlines $
                    L.map (padMsg (fst normalLevelBound + 1)) mss
              [] -> assert `failure` msg
      (sSml, sVis) = case smarkVision of
        Just Blind -> (True, True)
        Just _  -> (False, True)
        Nothing | asmell -> (True, False)
        Nothing -> (False, False)
      lAt    = if somniscient then at else rememberAt
      liAt   = if somniscient then atI else rememberAtI
      sVisBG = if sVis
               then \ vis rea -> if vis
                                 then Color.Blue
                                 else if rea
                                      then Color.Magenta
                                      else Color.defBG
               else \ _vis _rea -> Color.defBG
      wealth  = calculateTotal coitem s
      damage  = case Item.strongestSword coitem bitems of
                  Just sw -> case ieffect $ iokind $ Item.jkind sw of
                    Wound dice -> show dice ++ "+" ++ show (Item.jpower sw)
                    _ -> show (Item.jpower sw)
                  Nothing -> "3d1"  -- TODO; use the item 'fist'
      hs      = levelHeroList s
      ms      = levelMonsterList s
      dis offset p@(PointXY (x0, y0)) =
        let loc0 = toPoint lxsize p
            tile = lvl `lAt` loc0
            items = lvl `liAt` loc0
            sm = smelltime $ IM.findWithDefault (SmellTime 0) loc0 lsmell
            sml = (sm - stime) `div` 100
            viewActor loc Actor{bkind = bkind2, bsymbol}
              | loc == bloc && slid == creturnLn scursor =
                  (symbol, Color.defBG)  -- highlight player
              | otherwise = (symbol, acolor)
              ActorKind{asymbol, acolor} = okind bkind2
              symbol = fromMaybe asymbol bsymbol
            viewSmell :: Int -> Char
            viewSmell k
              | k > 9     = '*'
              | k < 0     = '-'
              | otherwise = Char.intToDigit k
            rainbow loc = toEnum $ loc `rem` 14 + 1
            (char, fg0) =
              case L.find (\ m -> loc0 == Actor.bloc m) (hs ++ ms) of
                Just m | somniscient || vis -> viewActor loc0 m
                _ | sSml && sml >= 0 -> (viewSmell sml, rainbow loc0)
                  | otherwise ->
                  case items of
                    [] -> let u = tokind tile
                          in (tsymbol u, if vis then tcolor u else tcolor2 u)
                    i : _ -> Item.viewItem coitem (Item.jkind i) sflavour
            vis = IS.member loc0 visible
            rea = IS.member loc0 reachable
            bg0 = if ctargeting scursor /= TgtOff && loc0 == clocation scursor
                  then Color.defFG     -- highlight target cursor
                  else sVisBG vis rea  -- FOV debug
            reverseVideo = Color.Attr{ fg = Color.bg Color.defaultAttr
                                     , bg = Color.fg Color.defaultAttr
            optVisually attr@Color.Attr{fg, bg} =
              if (fg == Color.defBG) || (bg == Color.defFG && fg == Color.defFG)
              then reverseVideo
              else attr
            a = case dm of
                  ColorBW   -> Color.defaultAttr
                  ColorFull -> optVisually Color.Attr{fg = fg0, bg = bg0}
        in case over (x0, y0 + offset) of
             Just c -> (Color.defaultAttr, c)
             _      -> (a, char)
      status =
        take 27 (ldesc ++ repeat ' ') ++
        take 7 ("L: " ++ show (Dungeon.levelNumber slid) ++ repeat ' ') ++
        take 10 ("T: " ++ show (stime `div` 10) ++ repeat ' ') ++
        take 9 ("$: " ++ show wealth ++ repeat ' ') ++
        take 12 ("Dmg: " ++ damage ++ repeat ' ') ++
        take 30 ("HP: " ++ show bhp ++
                 " (" ++ show (maxDice ahp) ++ ")" ++ repeat ' ')
      width = fst normalLevelBound + 1
      toWidth :: Int -> String -> String
      toWidth n x = take n (x ++ repeat ' ')
      disp n mesg = display (0, 0, lxsize-1, lysize-1) fs (dis (lysize * n))
                      (toWidth width mesg) (toWidth width status)
      -- Perform messages slideshow.
      perf []     = perfOverlay 0 ""
      perf [xs]   = perfOverlay 0 xs
      perf (x:xs) = do
        disp ns (x ++ more)
        b <- getConfirmD fs
        if b then perf xs else return False
      -- Perform overlay pages slideshow.
      perfOverlay k xs = do
        disp k xs
        if k < ns - 1
          then do
            b <- getConfirmD fs
            if b
              then perfOverlay (k + 1) xs
              else return False
            return True
  in perf msgs