-- | Inhabited dungeon levels and the operations to query and change them
-- as the game progresses.
module Game.LambdaHack.Level
  ( -- * The @Level@ type and its components
    ActorDict, InvDict, SmellMap, SecretMap, ItemMap, TileMap, Level(..)
    -- * Level update
  , updateActorDict, updateInv
  , updateSmell, updateIMap, updateLMap, updateLRMap, dropItemsAt
    -- * Level query
  , at, rememberAt, atI, rememberAtI
  , accessible, openable, findLoc, findLocTry
  ) where

import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

import Game.LambdaHack.Utils.Assert
import Game.LambdaHack.PointXY
import Game.LambdaHack.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Item
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Random
import Game.LambdaHack.Tile
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Feature as F
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Time

-- | All actors on the level, indexed by actor identifier.
type ActorDict = IM.IntMap Actor

-- | Items carried by actors, indexed by actor identifier.
type InvDict = IM.IntMap [Item]

-- | Current smell on map tiles.
type SmellMap = IM.IntMap SmellTime

-- | Current secrecy value on map tiles.
type SecretMap = IM.IntMap SecretTime

-- | Actual and remembered item lists on map tiles.
type ItemMap = IM.IntMap ([Item], [Item])

-- | Tile kinds on the map.
type TileMap = Kind.Array Point TileKind

-- | A single, inhabited dungeon level.
data Level = Level
  { lactor    :: ActorDict       -- ^ all actors on the level
  , linv      :: InvDict         -- ^ items belonging to actors
  , lxsize    :: X               -- ^ width of the level
  , lysize    :: Y               -- ^ height of the level
  , lsmell    :: SmellMap        -- ^ smells
  , lsecret   :: SecretMap       -- ^ secrecy values
  , litem     :: ItemMap         -- ^ items on the ground
  , lmap      :: TileMap         -- ^ map tiles
  , lrmap     :: TileMap         -- ^ remembered map tiles
  , ldesc     :: String          -- ^ level description for the player
  , lmeta     :: String          -- ^ debug information from cave generation
  , lstairs   :: (Point, Point)  -- ^ destination of the (up, down) stairs
  , ltime     :: Time            -- ^ date of the last activity on the level
  deriving Show

-- | Update the hero and monster maps.
updateActorDict :: (ActorDict -> ActorDict) -> Level -> Level
updateActorDict f lvl = lvl { lactor = f (lactor lvl) }

-- | Update the hero items and monster items maps.
updateInv :: (InvDict -> InvDict) -> Level -> Level
updateInv f lvl = lvl { linv = f (linv lvl) }

-- | Update the smell map.
updateSmell :: (SmellMap -> SmellMap) -> Level -> Level
updateSmell f lvl = lvl { lsmell = f (lsmell lvl) }

-- | Update the items on the ground map.
updateIMap :: (ItemMap -> ItemMap) -> Level -> Level
updateIMap f lvl = lvl { litem = f (litem lvl) }

-- | Update the tile and remembered tile maps.
updateLMap, updateLRMap :: (TileMap -> TileMap) -> Level -> Level
updateLMap f lvl = lvl { lmap = f (lmap lvl) }
updateLRMap f lvl = lvl { lrmap = f (lrmap lvl) }

-- Note: do not scatter items around, it's too much work for the player.
-- | Place all items on the list at a location on the level.
dropItemsAt :: [Item] -> Point -> Level -> Level
dropItemsAt [] _loc = id
dropItemsAt items loc =
  let joinItems = L.foldl' (\ acc i -> snd (joinItem i acc))
      adj Nothing = Just (items, [])
      adj (Just (i, ri)) = Just (joinItems items i, ri)
  in  updateIMap (IM.alter adj loc)

instance Binary Level where
  put (Level ad ia sx sy ls le li lm lrm ld lme lstairs ltime) = do
    put ad
    put ia
    put sx
    put sy
    put ls
    put le
    put (assert
           (IM.null (IM.filter (\ (is1, is2) ->
                                 L.null is1 && L.null is2) li)
           `blame` li) li)
    put lm
    put lrm
    put ld
    put lme
    put lstairs
    put ltime
  get = do
    ad <- get
    ia <- get
    sx <- get
    sy <- get
    ls <- get
    le <- get
    li <- get
    lm <- get
    lrm <- get
    ld <- get
    lme <- get
    lstairs <- get
    ltime <- get
    return (Level ad ia sx sy ls le li lm lrm ld lme lstairs ltime)

-- | Query for actual and remembered tile kinds on the map.
at, rememberAt :: Level -> Point -> Kind.Id TileKind
at         Level{lmap}  p = lmap Kind.! p
rememberAt Level{lrmap} p = lrmap Kind.! p

-- Note: representations with 2 maps leads to longer code and slower 'remember'.
-- | Query for actual and remembered items on the ground.
atI, rememberAtI :: Level -> Point -> [Item]
atI         Level{litem} p = fst $ IM.findWithDefault ([], []) p litem
rememberAtI Level{litem} p = snd $ IM.findWithDefault ([], []) p litem

-- | Check whether one location is accessible from another,
-- using the formula from the standard ruleset.
accessible :: Kind.COps -> Level -> Point -> Point -> Bool
accessible Kind.COps{ cotile=Kind.Ops{okind=okind}, corule}
           lvl@Level{lxsize} sloc tloc =
  let check = raccessible $ Kind.stdRuleset corule
      src = okind $ lvl `at` sloc
      tgt = okind $ lvl `at` tloc
  in check lxsize sloc src tloc tgt

-- | Check whether the location contains a door of secrecy lower than @k@
-- and that can be opened according to the standard ruleset.
openable :: Kind.Ops TileKind -> Level -> SecretTime -> Point -> Bool
openable cops lvl@Level{lsecret} k target =
  let tgt = lvl `at` target
  in hasFeature cops F.Openable tgt ||
     (hasFeature cops F.Hidden tgt &&
      lsecret IM.! target <= k)

-- | Find a random location on the map satisfying a predicate.
findLoc :: TileMap -> (Point -> Kind.Id TileKind -> Bool) -> Rnd Point
findLoc lmap p =
  let search = do
        loc <- randomR $ Kind.bounds lmap
        let tile = lmap Kind.! loc
        if p loc tile
          then return loc
          else search
  in search

-- | Try to find a random location on the map satisfying
-- the conjunction of the list of predicates.
-- If the premitted number of attempts is not enough,
-- try again the same number of times without the first predicate,
-- then without the first two, etc., until only one predicate remains,
-- at which point try as many times, as needed.
findLocTry :: Int                                  -- ^ the number of tries
           -> TileMap                              -- ^ look up in this map
           -> [Point -> Kind.Id TileKind -> Bool]  -- ^ predicates to satisfy
           -> Rnd Point
findLocTry _        lmap [p] = findLoc lmap p
findLocTry numTries lmap l   = assert (numTries > 0) $
  let search 0 = findLocTry numTries lmap (L.tail l)
      search k = do
        loc <- randomR $ Kind.bounds lmap
        let tile = lmap Kind.! loc
        if L.all (\ p -> p loc tile) l
          then return loc
          else search (k - 1)
  in search numTries