-- | Factions taking part in the game: e.g., two human players controlling
-- the hero faction battling the monster and the animal factions.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
  ( FactionId, FactionDict, Faction(..), Diplomacy(..), Outcome(..), Status(..)
  , isSpawnFact, isSummonFact, isAtWar, isAllied
  ) where

import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import Data.Text (Text)

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Color as Color
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.FactionKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind

-- | All factions in the game, indexed by faction identifier.
type FactionDict = EM.EnumMap FactionId Faction

data Faction = Faction
  { gkind   :: !(Kind.Id FactionKind)  -- ^ the kind of the faction
  , gname   :: !Text                   -- ^ individual name
  , gcolor  :: !Color.Color            -- ^ color of actors or their frames
  , gplayer :: !Player                 -- ^ the player spec for this faction
  , gdipl   :: !Dipl                   -- ^ diplomatic mode
  , gquit   :: !(Maybe Status)         -- ^ cause of game end/exit
  , gleader :: !(Maybe ActorId)        -- ^ the leader of the faction, if any
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Diplomacy states. Higher overwrite lower in case of assymetric content.
data Diplomacy =
  | Neutral
  | Alliance
  | War
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type Dipl = EM.EnumMap FactionId Diplomacy

-- | Outcome of a game.
data Outcome =
    Killed    -- ^ the faction was eliminated
  | Defeated  -- ^ the faction lost the game in another way
  | Camping   -- ^ game is supended
  | Conquer   -- ^ the player won by eliminating all rivals
  | Escape    -- ^ the player escaped the dungeon alive
  | Restart   -- ^ game is restarted
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Current game status.
data Status = Status
  { stOutcome :: !Outcome  -- ^ current game outcome
  , stDepth   :: !Int      -- ^ depth of the final encounter
  , stInfo    :: !Text     -- ^ extra information
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Tell whether the faction can spawn actors.
isSpawnFact :: Kind.COps -> Faction -> Bool
isSpawnFact Kind.COps{cofaction=Kind.Ops{okind}} fact =
  let kind = okind (gkind fact)
  in maybe False (> 0) $ lookup "spawn" $ ffreq kind

-- | Tell whether actors of the faction can be summoned by items, etc.
isSummonFact :: Kind.COps -> Faction -> Bool
isSummonFact Kind.COps{cofaction=Kind.Ops{okind}} fact =
  let kind = okind (gkind fact)
  in maybe False (> 0) $ lookup "summon" $ ffreq kind

-- | Check if factions are at war. Assumes symmetry.
isAtWar :: Faction -> FactionId -> Bool
isAtWar fact fid = War == EM.findWithDefault Unknown fid (gdipl fact)

-- | Check if factions are allied. Assumes symmetry.
isAllied :: Faction -> FactionId -> Bool
isAllied fact fid = Alliance == EM.findWithDefault Unknown fid (gdipl fact)

instance Binary Faction where
  put Faction{..} = do
    put gkind
    put gname
    put gcolor
    put gplayer
    put gdipl
    put gquit
    put gleader
  get = do
    gkind <- get
    gname <- get
    gcolor <- get
    gplayer <- get
    gdipl <- get
    gquit <- get
    gleader <- get
    return Faction{..}

instance Binary Diplomacy where
  put Unknown  = putWord8 0
  put Neutral  = putWord8 1
  put Alliance = putWord8 2
  put War      = putWord8 3
  get = do
    tag <- getWord8
    case tag of
      0 -> return Unknown
      1 -> return Neutral
      2 -> return Alliance
      3 -> return War
      _ -> fail "no parse (Diplomacy)"

instance Binary Outcome where
  put Killed = putWord8 0
  put Defeated = putWord8 1
  put Camping = putWord8 2
  put Conquer = putWord8 3
  put Escape = putWord8 4
  put Restart = putWord8 5
  get = do
    tag <- getWord8
    case tag of
      0 -> return Killed
      1 -> return Defeated
      2 -> return Camping
      3 -> return Conquer
      4 -> return Escape
      5 -> return Restart
      _ -> fail "no parse (Outcome)"

instance Binary Status where
  put Status{..} = do
    put stOutcome
    put stDepth
    put stInfo
  get = do
    stOutcome <- get
    stDepth <- get
    stInfo <- get
    return Status{..}