{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Representation of probabilities and random computations.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Random
  ( -- * The @Rng@ monad
    -- * Random operations
  , randomR, random, oneOf, frequency, cast
    -- * Casting dice
  , RollDice, rollDice, castDice, maxDice, minDice, meanDice
    -- * Casting 2D coordinates
  , RollDiceXY, rollDiceXY, castDiceXY, maxDiceXY, minDiceXY, meanDiceXY
    -- * Casting dependent on depth
  , RollDeep, rollDeep, castDeep, chanceDeep, intToDeep, maxDeep
    -- * Fractional chance
  , Chance, chance
    -- * Run using the IO RNG
  , rndToIO
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.State as St
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.Hashable as Hashable
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified System.Random as R

import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Game.LambdaHack.Utils.Frequency

-- | The monad of computations with random generator state.
-- The lazy state monad is OK here: the state is small and regularly forced.
type Rnd a = St.State R.StdGen a

-- | Get a random object within a range with a uniform distribution.
randomR :: (R.Random a) => (a, a) -> Rnd a
randomR range = St.state $ R.randomR range

-- | Get a random object of a given type with a uniform distribution.
random :: (R.Random a) => Rnd a
random = St.state R.random

-- | Get any element of a list with equal probability.
oneOf :: [a] -> Rnd a
oneOf [] = assert `failure` "oneOf []" `twith` ()
oneOf xs = do
  r <- randomR (0, length xs - 1)
  return (xs !! r)

-- | Gen an element according to a frequency distribution.
frequency :: Show a => Frequency a -> Rnd a
frequency fr = St.state $ rollFreq fr

-- | Cast a single die.
cast :: Int -> Rnd Int
cast x = if x <= 0 then return 0 else randomR (1, x)

-- | Dice: 1d7, 3d3, 1d0, etc.
-- @RollDice a b@ represents @a@ rolls of @b@-sided die.
data RollDice = RollDice !Binary.Word8 !Binary.Word8
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Show RollDice where
  show (RollDice a b) = show a ++ "d" ++ show b

instance Read RollDice where
  readsPrec d s =
    let (a, db) = L.break (== 'd') s
        av = read a
    in case db of
      'd' : b -> [ (RollDice av bv, rest) | (bv, rest) <- readsPrec d b ]
      _ -> []

instance Hashable.Hashable RollDice

instance Binary RollDice

rollDice :: Int -> Int -> RollDice
rollDice a b = assert (a >= 0 && a <= 255 && b >= 0 && b <= 255
                       `blame` "dice out of bounds" `twith` (a, b))
               $ RollDice (toEnum a) (toEnum b)

-- | Cast dice and sum the results.
castDice :: RollDice -> Rnd Int
castDice (RollDice a' 1)  = return $ fromEnum a'  -- optimization
castDice (RollDice a' b') =
  let (a, b) = (fromEnum a', fromEnum b')
  in liftM sum (replicateM a (cast b))

-- | Maximal value of dice.
maxDice :: RollDice -> Int
maxDice (RollDice a' b') =
  let (a, b) = (fromEnum a', fromEnum b')
  in a * b

-- | Minimal value of dice.
minDice :: RollDice -> Int
minDice (RollDice a' b') =
  let (a, b) = (fromEnum a', fromEnum b')
  in if b == 0 then 0 else a

-- | Mean value of dice.
meanDice :: RollDice -> Rational
meanDice (RollDice a' b') =
  let (a, b) = (fromIntegral a', fromIntegral b')
  in if b' == 0 then 0 else a * (b + 1) % 2

-- | Dice for rolling a pair of integer parameters pertaining to,
-- respectively, the X and Y cartesian 2D coordinates.
data RollDiceXY = RollDiceXY ![RollDice] ![RollDice]
  deriving Show

rollDiceXY :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> RollDiceXY
rollDiceXY lx ly = RollDiceXY (map (uncurry rollDice) lx)
                              (map (uncurry rollDice) ly)

-- | Cast the two sets of dice.
castDiceXY :: RollDiceXY -> Rnd (Int, Int)
castDiceXY (RollDiceXY lx ly) = do
  cx <- mapM castDice lx
  cy <- mapM castDice ly
  return (sum cx, sum cy)

-- | Maximal value of RollDiceXY.
maxDiceXY :: RollDiceXY -> (Int, Int)
maxDiceXY (RollDiceXY lx ly) = (sum (map maxDice lx), sum (map maxDice ly))

-- | Minimal value of RollDiceXY.
minDiceXY :: RollDiceXY -> (Int, Int)
minDiceXY (RollDiceXY lx ly) = (sum (map minDice lx), sum (map minDice ly))

-- | Mean value of RollDiceXY.
meanDiceXY :: RollDiceXY -> (Rational, Rational)
meanDiceXY (RollDiceXY lx ly) = (sum (map meanDice lx), sum (map meanDice ly))

-- | Dice for parameters scaled with current level depth.
-- To the result of rolling the first set of dice we add the second,
-- scaled in proportion to current depth divided by maximal dungeon depth.
data RollDeep = RollDeep !RollDice !RollDice
  deriving Show

rollDeep :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> RollDeep
rollDeep (a, b) (c, d) = RollDeep (rollDice a b) (rollDice c d)

-- | Cast dice scaled with current level depth.
-- Note that at the first level, the scaled dice are always ignored.
castDeep :: Int -> Int -> RollDeep -> Rnd Int
castDeep n' depth' (RollDeep d1 d2) = do
  let n = abs n'
      depth = abs depth'
  assert (n > 0 && n <= depth `blame` "invalid current depth for dice rolls"
                              `twith` (n, depth)) skip
  r1 <- castDice d1
  r2 <- castDice d2
  return $ r1 + ((n - 1) * r2) `div` max 1 (depth - 1)

-- | Cast dice scaled with current level depth and return @True@
-- if the results if greater than 50.
chanceDeep :: Int -> Int -> RollDeep -> Rnd Bool
chanceDeep n' depth' deep = do
  let n = abs n'
      depth = abs depth'
  c <- castDeep n depth deep
  return $ c > 50

-- | Generate a @RollDeep@ that always gives a constant integer.
intToDeep :: Int -> RollDeep
intToDeep 0  = RollDeep (RollDice 0 0) (RollDice 0 0)
intToDeep n' = let n = toEnum n'
               in if n > maxBound || n < minBound
                  then assert `failure` "Deep out of bound" `twith` n'
                  else RollDeep (RollDice n 1) (RollDice 0 0)

-- | Maximal value of scaled dice.
maxDeep :: RollDeep -> Int
maxDeep (RollDeep d1 d2) = maxDice d1 + maxDice d2

-- | Fractional chance.
type Chance = Rational

-- | Give @True@, with probability determined by the fraction.
chance :: Chance -> Rnd Bool
chance r = do
  let n = numerator r
      d = denominator r
  k <- randomR (1, d)
  return (k <= n)

rndToIO :: Rnd a -> IO a
rndToIO r = do
  g <- R.getStdGen
  let (x, ng) = St.runState r g
  R.setStdGen ng
  return x