; ; This is a commented out copy of the default game rules config file ; ; that is embedded in the binary. ; ; A user config file can overrides these options. The game looks for it at ; ; ~/.LambdaHack/config.rules.ini (or a similar path, depending on the OS). ; ; Warning: options are case-sensitive and only ';' for comments is permitted. ; [engine] ; ;dungeonRandomGenerator: 42 ; firstDeathEnds: False ; fovMode: Digital 12 ; ;fovMode: Permissive ; ;fovMode: Shadow ; ;startingRandomGenerator: 42 ; saveBkpClips: 500 ; [file] ; ; Names (or prefixes) of various game files. ; ; They reside in ~/.LambdaHack or similar. ; savePrefix: save ; scoresFile: scores ; [heroName] ; HeroName_0: Haskell Alvin ; HeroName_1: Alonzo Barkley ; HeroName_2: Ines Galenti ; HeroName_3: Ernst Abraham ; HeroName_4: Samuel Saunders ; HeroName_5: Roger Robin