-- | Semantics of 'HumanCmd' client commands that do not return
-- server commands. None of such commands takes game time.
-- TODO: document
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.HandleHumanLocalClient
  ( -- * Assorted commands
  , pickLeaderHuman, memberCycleHuman, memberBackHuman
  , describeItemHuman, allOwnedHuman
  , selectActorHuman, selectNoneHuman, clearHuman, repeatHuman, recordHuman
  , historyHuman, markVisionHuman, markSmellHuman, markSuspectHuman
  , helpHuman, mainMenuHuman, macroHuman
    -- * Commands specific to targeting
  , moveCursorHuman, tgtFloorHuman, tgtEnemyHuman
  , tgtUnknownHuman, tgtItemHuman, tgtStairHuman, tgtAscendHuman
  , epsIncrHuman, tgtClearHuman, cancelHuman, acceptHuman
  ) where

-- Cabal
import qualified Paths_LambdaHack as Self (version)

import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Version
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Frontend (frontendName)
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU

import Game.LambdaHack.Client.BfsClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.CommonClient
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Client.Key as K
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.MonadClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.HumanCmd as HumanCmd
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.InventoryClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.KeyBindings
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.MonadClientUI
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.MsgClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.WidgetClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ClientOptions
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Effect as Effect
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Feature as F
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ItemDescription
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Msg
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Vector
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind

-- * GameDifficultyCycle

gameDifficultyCycle :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
gameDifficultyCycle = do
  DebugModeCli{sdifficultyCli} <- getsClient sdebugCli
  let d = if sdifficultyCli >= difficultyBound then 1 else sdifficultyCli + 1
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sdebugCli = (sdebugCli cli) {sdifficultyCli = d}}
  msgAdd $ "Next game difficulty set to" <+> tshow d <> "."

-- * PickLeader

pickLeaderHuman :: MonadClientUI m => Int -> m Slideshow
pickLeaderHuman k = do
  cops <- getsState scops
  side <- getsClient sside
  fact <- getsState $ (EM.! side) . sfactionD
  s <- getState
  case tryFindHeroK s side k of
    _ | isAllMoveFact cops fact -> failMsg msgCannotChangeLeader
    Nothing -> failMsg "No such member of the party."
    Just (aid, _) -> do
      void $ pickLeader True aid
      return mempty

-- * MemberCycle

-- | Switches current member to the next on the level, if any, wrapping.
memberCycleHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
memberCycleHuman = memberCycle True

-- * MemberBack

-- | Switches current member to the previous in the whole dungeon, wrapping.
memberBackHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
memberBackHuman = memberBack True

-- * DescribeItem

-- | Display items from a given container store and describe the chosen one.
describeItemHuman :: MonadClientUI m => CStore -> m Slideshow
describeItemHuman cstore = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  describeItemC $ CActor leader cstore

describeItemC :: MonadClientUI m => Container -> m Slideshow
describeItemC c = do
  let subject body = partActor body
      verbSha body activeItems = if calmEnough body activeItems
                                 then "notice"
                                 else "paw distractedly"
      shaBlurb body activeItems = makePhrase
         $ MU.SubjectVerbSg (subject body) (verbSha body activeItems)]
      stdBlurb body = makePhrase
        [MU.Capitalize $ MU.SubjectVerbSg (subject body) "see"]
  itemToF <- itemToFullClient
  let verb = "describe"
  ggi <- getStoreItem shaBlurb stdBlurb verb c
  case ggi of
    Right ((iid, _), _) ->
      overlayToSlideshow "" $ itemDesc (storeFromC c) (itemToF iid 1)
    Left slides -> return slides

-- * AllOwned

-- | Display the sum of equipments and inventory of the whole party.
allOwnedHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
allOwnedHuman = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
  describeItemC $ CTrunk (bfid b) (blid b) (bpos b)

-- * SelectActor

-- TODO: make the message (and for selectNoneHuman, pickLeader, etc.)
-- optional, since they have a clear representation in the UI elsewhere.
selectActorHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
selectActorHuman = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  body <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
  wasMemeber <- getsClient $ ES.member leader . sselected
  let upd = if wasMemeber
            then ES.delete leader  -- already selected, deselect instead
            else ES.insert leader
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sselected = upd $ sselected cli}
  let subject = partActor body
  msgAdd $ makeSentence [subject, if wasMemeber
                                  then "deselected"
                                  else "selected"]
  return mempty

-- * SelectNone

selectNoneHuman :: (MonadClientUI m, MonadClient m) => m ()
selectNoneHuman = do
  side <- getsClient sside
  lidV <- viewedLevel
  oursAssocs <- getsState $ actorRegularAssocs (== side) lidV
  let ours = ES.fromList $ map fst oursAssocs
  oldSel <- getsClient sselected
  let wasNone = ES.null $ ES.intersection ours oldSel
      upd = if wasNone
            then ES.union  -- already all deselected; select all instead
            else ES.difference
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sselected = upd (sselected cli) ours}
  let subject = "all party members on the level"
  msgAdd $ makeSentence [subject, if wasNone
                                  then "selected"
                                  else "deselected"]

-- * Clear

-- | Clear current messages, show the next screen if any.
clearHuman :: Monad m => m ()
clearHuman = return ()

-- * Repeat

-- Note that walk followed by repeat should not be equivalent to run,
-- because the player can really use a command that does not stop
-- at terrain change or when walking over items.
repeatHuman :: MonadClient m => Int -> m ()
repeatHuman n = do
  (_, seqPrevious, k) <- getsClient slastRecord
  let macro = concat $ replicate n $ reverse seqPrevious
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {slastPlay = macro ++ slastPlay cli}
  let slastRecord = ([], [], if k == 0 then 0 else maxK)
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {slastRecord}

maxK :: Int
maxK = 100

-- * Record

recordHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
recordHuman = do
  (_seqCurrent, seqPrevious, k) <- getsClient slastRecord
  case k of
    0 -> do
      let slastRecord = ([], [], maxK)
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {slastRecord}
      promptToSlideshow $ "Macro will be recorded for up to"
                          <+> tshow maxK <+> "steps."
    _ -> do
      let slastRecord = (seqPrevious, [], 0)
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {slastRecord}
      promptToSlideshow $ "Macro recording interrupted after"
                          <+> tshow (maxK - k - 1) <+> "steps."

-- * History

historyHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
historyHuman = do
  history <- getsClient shistory
  arena <- getArenaUI
  local <- getsState $ getLocalTime arena
  global <- getsState stime
  let msg = makeSentence
        [ "You survived for"
        , MU.CarWs (global `timeFitUp` timeTurn) "half-second turn"
        , "(this level:"
        , MU.Text (tshow (local `timeFitUp` timeTurn)) MU.:> ")" ]
        <+> "Past messages:"
  overlayToBlankSlideshow msg $ renderHistory history

-- * MarkVision, MarkSmell, MarkSuspect

markVisionHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
markVisionHuman = do
  modifyClient toggleMarkVision
  cur <- getsClient smarkVision
  msgAdd $ "Visible area display toggled" <+> if cur then "on." else "off."

markSmellHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
markSmellHuman = do
  modifyClient toggleMarkSmell
  cur <- getsClient smarkSmell
  msgAdd $ "Smell display toggled" <+> if cur then "on." else "off."

markSuspectHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
markSuspectHuman = do
  modifyClient toggleMarkSuspect
  cur <- getsClient smarkSuspect
  msgAdd $ "Suspect terrain display toggled" <+> if cur then "on." else "off."

-- * Help

-- | Display command help.
helpHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
helpHuman = do
  keyb <- askBinding
  return $! keyHelp keyb

-- * MainMenu

-- TODO: merge with the help screens better
-- | Display the main menu.
mainMenuHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
mainMenuHuman = do
  Kind.COps{corule} <- getsState scops
  Binding{brevMap, bcmdList} <- askBinding
  scurDifficulty <- getsClient scurDifficulty
  DebugModeCli{sdifficultyCli} <- getsClient sdebugCli
  let stripFrame t = map (T.tail . T.init) $ tail . init $ T.lines t
      pasteVersion art =
        let pathsVersion = rpathsVersion $ Kind.stdRuleset corule
            version = " Version " ++ showVersion pathsVersion
                      ++ " (frontend: " ++ frontendName
                      ++ ", engine: LambdaHack " ++ showVersion Self.version
                      ++ ") "
            versionLen = length version
        in init art ++ [take (80 - versionLen) (last art) ++ version]
      kds =  -- key-description pairs
        let showKD cmd km = (K.showKM km, HumanCmd.cmdDescription cmd)
            revLookup cmd = maybe ("", "") (showKD cmd) $ M.lookup cmd brevMap
            cmds = [ (K.showKM km, desc)
                   | (km, (desc, [HumanCmd.CmdMenu], cmd)) <- bcmdList,
                     cmd /= HumanCmd.GameDifficultyCycle ]
        in [
             (fst (revLookup HumanCmd.Cancel), "back to playing")
           , (fst (revLookup HumanCmd.Accept), "see more help")
           ++ cmds
           ++ [ (fst ( revLookup HumanCmd.GameDifficultyCycle)
                     , "next game difficulty"
                       <+> tshow sdifficultyCli
                       <+> "(current"
                       <+> tshow scurDifficulty <> ")" ) ]
      bindingLen = 25
      bindings =  -- key bindings to display
        let fmt (k, d) = T.justifyLeft bindingLen ' '
                         $ T.justifyLeft 7 ' ' k <> " " <> d
        in map fmt kds
      overwrite =  -- overwrite the art with key bindings
        let over [] line = ([], T.pack line)
            over bs@(binding : bsRest) line =
              let (prefix, lineRest) = break (=='{') line
                  (braces, suffix)   = span  (=='{') lineRest
              in if length braces == 25
                 then (bsRest, T.pack prefix <> binding
                               <> T.drop (T.length binding - bindingLen)
                                         (T.pack suffix))
                 else (bs, T.pack line)
        in snd . mapAccumL over bindings
      mainMenuArt = rmainMenuArt $ Kind.stdRuleset corule
      menuOverlay =  -- TODO: switch to Text and use T.justifyLeft
        overwrite $ pasteVersion $ map T.unpack $ stripFrame mainMenuArt
  case menuOverlay of
    [] -> assert `failure` "empty Main Menu overlay" `twith` mainMenuArt
    hd : tl -> overlayToBlankSlideshow hd (toOverlay tl)
               -- TODO: keys don't work if tl/=[]

-- * Macro

macroHuman :: MonadClient m => [String] -> m ()
macroHuman kms =
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {slastPlay = map K.mkKM kms ++ slastPlay cli}

-- * MoveCursor

-- | Move the cursor. Assumes targeting mode.
moveCursorHuman :: MonadClientUI m => Vector -> Int -> m Slideshow
moveCursorHuman dir n = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  let lidV = maybe (assert `failure` leader) tgtLevelId stgtMode
  Level{lxsize, lysize} <- getLevel lidV
  lpos <- getsState $ bpos . getActorBody leader
  scursor <- getsClient scursor
  cursorPos <- cursorToPos
  let cpos = fromMaybe lpos cursorPos
      shiftB pos = shiftBounded lxsize lysize pos dir
      newPos = iterate shiftB cpos !! n
  if newPos == cpos then failMsg "never mind"
  else do
    let tgt = case scursor of
          TVector{} -> TVector $ newPos `vectorToFrom` lpos
          _ -> TPoint lidV newPos
    modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt}

-- | Perform look around in the current position of the cursor.
-- Normally expects targeting mode and so that a leader is picked.
doLook :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
doLook = do
  Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{ouniqGroup}} <- getsState scops
  let unknownId = ouniqGroup "unknown space"
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  case stgtMode of
    Nothing -> return mempty
    Just tgtMode -> do
      leader <- getLeaderUI
      let lidV = tgtLevelId tgtMode
      lvl <- getLevel lidV
      cursorPos <- cursorToPos
      per <- getPerFid lidV
      b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
      let p = fromMaybe (bpos b) cursorPos
          canSee = ES.member p (totalVisible per)
      inhabitants <- if canSee
                     then getsState $ posToActors p lidV
                     else return []
      seps <- getsClient seps
      mnewEps <- makeLine b p seps
      itemToF <- itemToFullClient
      let aims = isJust mnewEps
          enemyMsg = case inhabitants of
            [] -> ""
            ((_, body), _) : rest ->
                 -- Even if it's the leader, give his proper name, not 'you'.
                 let subjects = map (partActor . snd . fst) inhabitants
                     subject = MU.WWandW subjects
                     verb = "be here"
                     desc = if not (null rest)  -- many actors
                            then ""
                            else case itemDisco $ itemToF (btrunk body) 1 of
                              Nothing -> ""
                              Just ItemDisco{itemKind} -> idesc itemKind
                     pdesc = if desc == "" then "" else "(" <> desc <> ")"
                 in makeSentence [MU.SubjectVerbSg subject verb] <+> pdesc
          vis | lvl `at` p == unknownId = "that is"
              | not canSee = "you remember"
              | not aims = "you are aware of"
              | otherwise = "you see"
      -- Show general info about current position.
      lookMsg <- lookAt True vis canSee p leader enemyMsg
      -- Check if there's something lying around at current position.
      let is = lvl `atI` p
      if EM.size is <= 2 then
        promptToSlideshow lookMsg
      else do
        msgAdd lookMsg  -- TODO: do not add to history
        floorItemOverlay lidV p

-- | Create a list of item names.
floorItemOverlay :: MonadClientUI m => LevelId -> Point -> m Slideshow
floorItemOverlay lid p = describeItemC (CFloor lid p)

-- * TgtFloor

-- | Cycle targeting mode. Do not change position of the cursor,
-- switch among things at that position.
tgtFloorHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
tgtFloorHuman = do
  lidV <- viewedLevel
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  lpos <- getsState $ bpos . getActorBody leader
  cursorPos <- cursorToPos
  scursor <- getsClient scursor
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  bsAll <- getsState $ actorAssocs (const True) lidV
  let cursor = fromMaybe lpos cursorPos
      tgt = case scursor of
        _ | isNothing stgtMode ->  -- first key press: keep target
        TEnemy a True -> TEnemy a False
        TEnemy{} -> TPoint lidV cursor
        TEnemyPos{} -> TPoint lidV cursor
        TPoint{} -> TVector $ cursor `vectorToFrom` lpos
        TVector{} ->
          -- For projectiles, we pick here the first that would be picked
          -- by '*', so that all other projectiles on the tile come next,
          -- without any intervening actors from other tiles.
          case find (\(_, m) -> Just (bpos m) == cursorPos) bsAll of
            Just (im, _) -> TEnemy im True
            Nothing -> TPoint lidV cursor
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt, stgtMode = Just $ TgtMode lidV}

-- * TgtEnemy

tgtEnemyHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
tgtEnemyHuman = do
  lidV <- viewedLevel
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  lpos <- getsState $ bpos . getActorBody leader
  cursorPos <- cursorToPos
  scursor <- getsClient scursor
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  side <- getsClient sside
  fact <- getsState $ (EM.! side) . sfactionD
  bsAll <- getsState $ actorAssocs (const True) lidV
  let ordPos (_, b) = (chessDist lpos $ bpos b, bpos b)
      dbs = sortBy (comparing ordPos) bsAll
      pickUnderCursor =  -- switch to the enemy under cursor, if any
        let i = fromMaybe (-1)
                $ findIndex ((== cursorPos) . Just . bpos . snd) dbs
        in splitAt i dbs
      (permitAnyActor, (lt, gt)) = case scursor of
            TEnemy a permit | isJust stgtMode ->  -- pick next enemy
              let i = fromMaybe (-1) $ findIndex ((== a) . fst) dbs
              in (permit, splitAt (i + 1) dbs)
            TEnemy a permit ->  -- first key press, retarget old enemy
              let i = fromMaybe (-1) $ findIndex ((== a) . fst) dbs
              in (permit, splitAt i dbs)
            TEnemyPos _ _ _ permit -> (permit, pickUnderCursor)
            _ -> (False, pickUnderCursor)  -- the sensible default is only-foes
      gtlt = gt ++ lt
      isEnemy b = isAtWar fact (bfid b)
                  && not (bproj b)
      lf = filter (isEnemy . snd) gtlt
      tgt | permitAnyActor = case gtlt of
        (a, _) : _ -> TEnemy a True
        [] -> scursor  -- no actors in sight, stick to last target
          | otherwise = case lf of
        (a, _) : _ -> TEnemy a False
        [] -> scursor  -- no seen foes in sight, stick to last target
  -- Register the chosen enemy, to pick another on next invocation.
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt, stgtMode = Just $ TgtMode lidV}

-- * TgtUnknown

tgtUnknownHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
tgtUnknownHuman = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
  mpos <- closestUnknown leader
  case mpos of
    Nothing -> failMsg "no more unknown spots left"
    Just p -> do
      let tgt = TPoint (blid b) p
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt}

-- * TgtItem

tgtItemHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
tgtItemHuman = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
  items <- closestItems leader
  case items of
    [] -> failMsg "no more items remembered or visible"
    (_, (p, _)) : _ -> do
      let tgt = TPoint (blid b) p
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt}

-- * TgtStair

tgtStairHuman :: MonadClientUI m => Bool -> m Slideshow
tgtStairHuman up = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
  stairs <- closestTriggers (Just up) False leader
  case stairs of
    [] -> failMsg $ "no stairs"
                     <+> if up then "up" else "down"
    p : _ -> do
      let tgt = TPoint (blid b) p
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = tgt}

-- * TgtAscend

-- | Change the displayed level in targeting mode to (at most)
-- k levels shallower. Enters targeting mode, if not already in one.
tgtAscendHuman :: MonadClientUI m => Int -> m Slideshow
tgtAscendHuman k = do
  Kind.COps{cotile=cotile@Kind.Ops{okind}} <- getsState scops
  dungeon <- getsState sdungeon
  scursorOld <- getsClient scursor
  cursorPos <- cursorToPos
  lidV <- viewedLevel
  lvl <- getLevel lidV
  let rightStairs = case cursorPos of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just cpos ->
          let tile = lvl `at` cpos
          in if Tile.hasFeature cotile (F.Cause $ Effect.Ascend k) tile
             then Just cpos
             else Nothing
  case rightStairs of
    Just cpos -> do  -- stairs, in the right direction
      (nln, npos) <- getsState $ whereTo lidV cpos k . sdungeon
      assert (nln /= lidV `blame` "stairs looped" `twith` nln) skip
      nlvl <- getLevel nln
      -- Do not freely reveal the other end of the stairs.
      let ascDesc (F.Cause (Effect.Ascend _)) = True
          ascDesc _ = False
          scursor =
            if any ascDesc $ tfeature $ okind (nlvl `at` npos)
            then TPoint nln npos  -- already known as an exit, focus on it
            else scursorOld  -- unknown, do not reveal
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor, stgtMode = Just (TgtMode nln)}
    Nothing ->  -- no stairs in the right direction
      case ascendInBranch dungeon k lidV of
        [] -> failMsg "no more levels in this direction"
        nln : _ -> do
          modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stgtMode = Just (TgtMode nln)}

-- * EpsIncr

-- | Tweak the @eps@ parameter of the targeting digital line.
epsIncrHuman :: MonadClientUI m => Bool -> m Slideshow
epsIncrHuman b = do
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  if isJust stgtMode
    then do
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {seps = seps cli + if b then 1 else -1}
      return mempty
    else failMsg "never mind"  -- no visual feedback, so no sense

-- * TgtClear

tgtClearHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
tgtClearHuman = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  tgt <- getsClient $ getTarget leader
  case tgt of
    Just _ -> do
      modifyClient $ updateTarget leader (const Nothing)
      return mempty
    Nothing -> do
      scursorOld <- getsClient scursor
      b <- getsState $ getActorBody leader
      let scursor = case scursorOld of
            TEnemy _ permit -> TEnemy leader permit
            TEnemyPos _ _ _ permit -> TEnemy leader permit
            TPoint{} -> TPoint (blid b) (bpos b)
            TVector{} -> TVector (Vector 0 0)
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor}

-- * Cancel

-- | Cancel something, e.g., targeting mode, resetting the cursor
-- to the position of the leader. Chosen target is not invalidated.
cancelHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow -> m Slideshow
cancelHuman h = do
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  if isJust stgtMode
    then targetReject
    else h  -- nothing to cancel right now, treat this as a command invocation

-- | End targeting mode, rejecting the current position.
targetReject :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow
targetReject = do
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stgtMode = Nothing}
  failMsg "targeting canceled"

-- * Accept

-- | Accept something, e.g., targeting mode, keeping cursor where it was.
-- Or perform the default action, if nothing needs accepting.
acceptHuman :: MonadClientUI m => m Slideshow -> m Slideshow
acceptHuman h = do
  stgtMode <- getsClient stgtMode
  if isJust stgtMode
    then do
      return mempty
    else h  -- nothing to accept right now, treat this as a command invocation

-- | End targeting mode, accepting the current position.
targetAccept :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
targetAccept = do
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stgtMode = Nothing}

-- | End targeting mode, accepting the current position.
endTargeting :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
endTargeting = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  scursor <- getsClient scursor
  modifyClient $ updateTarget leader $ const $ Just scursor

endTargetingMsg :: MonadClientUI m => m ()
endTargetingMsg = do
  leader <- getLeaderUI
  (targetMsg, _) <- targetDescLeader leader
  subject <- partAidLeader leader
  msgAdd $ makeSentence [MU.SubjectVerbSg subject "target", MU.Text targetMsg]