-- | Rectangular areas of levels and their basic operations.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Area
  ( Area, vicinityXY, vicinityCardinalXY, insideXY
  , normalizeArea, grid, validArea, trivialArea, expand
  ) where

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.PointXY
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.VectorXY

-- | The type of areas. The bottom left and the top right points.
type Area = (X, Y, X, Y)

-- | All (8 at most) closest neighbours of a point within an area.
vicinityXY :: Area       -- ^ limit the search to this area
           -> PointXY    -- ^ position to find neighbours of
           -> [PointXY]
vicinityXY area xy =
  [ res | dxy <- movesXY, let res = shiftXY xy dxy, insideXY res area ]

-- | All (4 at most) cardinal direction neighbours of a point within an area.
vicinityCardinalXY :: Area       -- ^ limit the search to this area
                   -> PointXY    -- ^ position to find neighbours of
                   -> [PointXY]
vicinityCardinalXY area xy =
  [ res
  | dxy <- movesCardinalXY, let res = shiftXY xy dxy, insideXY res area ]

-- | Checks that a point belongs to an area.
insideXY :: PointXY -> Area -> Bool
insideXY (PointXY (x, y)) (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  x1 >= x && x >= x0 && y1 >= y && y >= y0

-- | Sort the corners of an area so that the bottom left is the first point.
normalizeArea :: Area -> Area
normalizeArea (x0, y0, x1, y1) = (min x0 x1, min y0 y1, max x0 x1, max y0 y1)

-- | Divide uniformly a larger area into the given number of smaller areas.
grid :: (X, Y) -> Area -> [(PointXY, Area)]
grid (nx, ny) (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  let xd = x1 - x0
      yd = y1 - y0
      -- Make sure that in caves not filled with rock, there is a passage
      -- across the cave, even if a single room blocks most of the cave.
      xborder = if nx == 1 then 3 else 2
      yborder = if ny == 1 then 3 else 2
  in [ (PointXY (x, y), (x0 + (xd * x `div` nx) + xborder,
                         y0 + (yd * y `div` ny) + yborder,
                         x0 + (xd * (x + 1) `div` nx) - xborder,
                         y0 + (yd * (y + 1) `div` ny) - yborder))
     | x <- [0..nx-1], y <- [0..ny-1] ]

-- | Checks if it's an area with at least one field.
validArea :: Area -> Bool
validArea (x0, y0, x1, y1) = x0 <= x1 && y0 <= y1

-- | Checks if it's an area with exactly one field.
trivialArea :: Area -> Bool
trivialArea (x0, y0, x1, y1) = x0 == x1 && y0 == y1

-- | Enlarge (or shrink) the given area on all fours sides by the amount.
expand :: Area -> Int -> Area
expand (x0, y0, x1, y1) k = (x0 - k, y0 - k, x1 + k, y1 + k)