{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Display game data on the screen and receive user input
-- using one of the available raw frontends and derived  operations.
module Game.LambdaHack.Frontend
  ( -- * Re-exported part of the raw frontend
    -- * Derived operation
  , startupF, getConfirmGeneric
    -- * Connection channels
  , ChanFrontend, FrontReq(..), ConnMulti(..), connMulti, loopFrontend
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, atomically, newTQueueIO)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Animation
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Key as K
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Msg
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Random
import Game.LambdaHack.Frontend.Chosen
import Game.LambdaHack.Utils.Assert
import Game.LambdaHack.Utils.LQueue

type ChanFrontend = TQueue K.KM

type FromMulti = MVar (Int, FactionId -> (ChanFrontend, Text))

type ToMulti = TQueue (FactionId, FrontReq)

data FrontReq =
    FrontFrame {frontAc :: !AcFrame}
      -- ^ show a frame, if the fid acitve, or save it to the client's queue
  | FrontKey {frontKM :: ![K.KM], frontFr :: !SingleFrame}
      -- ^ flush frames, possibly show fadeout/fadein and ask for a keypress
  | FrontSlides {frontClear :: [K.KM], frontSlides :: [SingleFrame]}
      -- ^ show a whole slideshow without interleaving with other clients

type ReqMap = EM.EnumMap FactionId (LQueue AcFrame)

-- | Multiplex connection channels, for the case of a frontend shared
-- among clients. This is transparent to the clients themselves.
data ConnMulti = ConnMulti
  { fromMulti :: FromMulti
  , toMulti   :: ToMulti

startupF :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
startupF s k = startup s $ \fs -> do
  void $ forkIO $ loopFrontend fs connMulti

-- | Display a prompt, wait for any of the specified keys (for any key,
-- if the list is empty). Repeat if an unexpected key received.
promptGetKey :: FrontendSession -> [K.KM] -> SingleFrame -> IO K.KM
promptGetKey sess keys frame = do
  km <- promptGetAnyKey sess frame
  if null keys || km `elem` keys
    then return km
    else promptGetKey sess keys frame

-- TODO: avoid unsafePerformIO; but server state is a wrong idea, too
connMulti :: ConnMulti
{-# NOINLINE connMulti #-}
connMulti = unsafePerformIO $ do
  fromMulti <- newMVar undefined
  toMulti <- newTQueueIO
  return ConnMulti{..}

-- | Augment a function that takes and returns keys.
getConfirmGeneric :: Monad m
                  => ([K.KM] -> a -> m K.KM)
                  -> [K.KM] -> a -> m Bool
getConfirmGeneric pGetKey clearKeys x = do
  let extraKeys = [ K.KM {key=K.Space, modifier=K.NoModifier}
                  , K.KM {key=K.Esc, modifier=K.NoModifier} ]
  km <- pGetKey (clearKeys ++ extraKeys) x
  return $! km /= K.KM {key=K.Esc, modifier=K.NoModifier}

flushFrames :: FrontendSession -> FactionId -> ReqMap -> IO ReqMap
flushFrames fs fid reqMap = do
  let queue = toListLQueue $ fromMaybe newLQueue $ EM.lookup fid reqMap
      reqMap2 = EM.delete fid reqMap
  mapM_ (displayAc fs) queue
  return reqMap2

displayAc :: FrontendSession -> AcFrame -> IO ()
displayAc fs (AcConfirm fr) = void $ getConfirmGeneric (promptGetKey fs) [] fr
displayAc fs (AcRunning fr) = display fs True (Just fr)
displayAc fs (AcNormal fr) = display fs False (Just fr)
displayAc fs AcDelay = display fs False Nothing

getSingleFrame :: AcFrame -> Maybe SingleFrame
getSingleFrame (AcConfirm fr) = Just fr
getSingleFrame (AcRunning fr) = Just fr
getSingleFrame (AcNormal fr) = Just fr
getSingleFrame AcDelay = Nothing

toSingles :: FactionId -> ReqMap -> [SingleFrame]
toSingles fid reqMap =
  let queue = toListLQueue $ fromMaybe newLQueue $ EM.lookup fid reqMap
  in mapMaybe getSingleFrame queue

fadeF :: FrontendSession -> Bool -> FactionId -> Text -> SingleFrame -> IO ()
fadeF fs out side pname frame = do
  let topRight = True
      lxsize = xsizeSingleFrame frame
      lysize = ysizeSingleFrame frame
      msg = "Player" <+> showT (fromEnum side) <> ","
            <+> pname <> (if T.null pname then "" else ",")
            <+> "get ready!"
  animMap <- rndToIO $ fadeout out topRight lxsize lysize
  let sfTop = truncateMsg lxsize msg
      basicFrame = frame {sfTop}
      animFrs = renderAnim lxsize lysize basicFrame animMap
      frs | out = animFrs
            -- Empty frame to mark the fade-in end,
            -- to trim only to here if SPACE pressed.
          | otherwise = animFrs ++ [Nothing]
  mapM_ (display fs False) frs

insertFr :: FactionId -> AcFrame -> ReqMap -> ReqMap
insertFr fid fr reqMap =
  let queue = fromMaybe newLQueue $ EM.lookup fid reqMap
  in EM.insert fid (writeLQueue queue fr) reqMap

-- Read UI requests from clients and send them to the frontend,
-- separated by fadeout/fadein frame sequences, if needed.
-- There may be many UI clients, but this function is only ever
-- executed on one thread, so the frontend receives requests
-- in a sequential way, without any random interleaving.
loopFrontend :: FrontendSession -> ConnMulti -> IO ()
loopFrontend fs ConnMulti{..} = loop Nothing EM.empty
  writeKM :: FactionId -> K.KM -> IO ()
  writeKM fid km = do
    fM <- takeMVar fromMulti
    let chanFrontend = fst $ snd fM fid
    atomically $ STM.writeTQueue chanFrontend km
    putMVar fromMulti fM

  flushFade :: SingleFrame -> Maybe (FactionId, SingleFrame)
            -> ReqMap -> FactionId
            -> IO ReqMap
  flushFade frontFr oldFidFrame reqMap fid =
    if Just fid == fmap fst oldFidFrame then
      return reqMap
    else do
      (nH, fCT) <- readMVar fromMulti
      let pname = snd $ fCT fid
      reqMap2 <- case oldFidFrame of
        Nothing -> return reqMap
        Just (oldFid, oldFrame) -> do
          reqMap2 <- flushFrames fs oldFid reqMap
          let singles = toSingles oldFid reqMap  -- not @reqMap2@!
              lastFrame = fromMaybe oldFrame $ listToMaybe $ reverse singles
          fadeF fs True fid pname lastFrame
          return reqMap2
      let singles = toSingles fid reqMap2
          firstFrame = fromMaybe frontFr $ listToMaybe singles
      -- @nH@ is unreliable, except at the game start.
      unless (isNothing oldFidFrame && nH < 2) $
        fadeF fs False fid pname firstFrame
      flushFrames fs fid reqMap2

  loop :: Maybe (FactionId, SingleFrame) -> ReqMap -> IO ()
  loop oldFidFrame reqMap = do
    (fid, efr) <- atomically $ STM.readTQueue toMulti
    case efr of
      FrontFrame{..} | Just (oldFid, oldFrame) <- oldFidFrame
                     , fid == oldFid -> do
        displayAc fs frontAc
        let frame = fromMaybe oldFrame $ getSingleFrame frontAc
        loop (Just (fid, frame)) reqMap
      FrontFrame{..} -> do
        let reqMap2 = insertFr fid frontAc reqMap
        loop oldFidFrame reqMap2
      FrontKey{..} -> do
        reqMap2 <- flushFade frontFr oldFidFrame reqMap fid
        km <- promptGetKey fs frontKM frontFr
        writeKM fid km
        loop (Just (fid, frontFr)) reqMap2
      FrontSlides{frontSlides = []} -> return ()
      FrontSlides{frontSlides = frontSlides@(fr1 : _), ..} -> do
        reqMap2 <- flushFade fr1 oldFidFrame reqMap fid
        let go frs =
              case frs of
                [] -> assert `failure` fid
                [x] -> do
                  display fs False (Just x)
                  writeKM fid K.KM {key=K.Space, modifier=K.NoModifier}
                  return x
                x : xs -> do
                  b <- getConfirmGeneric (promptGetKey fs) frontClear x
                  if b then go xs
                  else do
                    writeKM fid K.KM {key=K.Esc, modifier=K.NoModifier}
                    return x
        frLast <- go frontSlides
        loop (Just (fid, frLast)) reqMap2