{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | Generation of places from place kinds.
module Game.LambdaHack.Server.DungeonGen.Place
  ( TileMapEM, Place(..), placeCheck, buildFenceRnd, buildPlace
  ) where

import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Frequency
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Msg
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Random
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.CaveKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.PlaceKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind (TileKind)
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind as TK
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.DungeonGen.Area

-- TODO: use more, rewrite as needed, document each field.
-- | The parameters of a place. Most are immutable and set
-- at the time when a place is generated.
data Place = Place
  { qkind    :: !(Kind.Id PlaceKind)
  , qarea    :: !Area
  , qseen    :: !Bool
  , qlegend  :: !(GroupName TileKind)
  , qFWall   :: !(Kind.Id TileKind)
  , qFFloor  :: !(Kind.Id TileKind)
  , qFGround :: !(Kind.Id TileKind)
  deriving Show

-- | The map of tile kinds in a place (and generally anywhere in a cave).
-- The map is sparse. The default tile that eventually fills the empty spaces
-- is specified in the cave kind specification with @cdefTile@.
type TileMapEM = EM.EnumMap Point (Kind.Id TileKind)

-- | For @CAlternate@ tiling, require the place be comprised
-- of an even number of whole corners, with exactly one square
-- overlap between consecutive coners and no trimming.
-- For other tiling methods, check that the area is large enough for tiling
-- the corner twice in each direction, with a possible one row/column overlap.
placeCheck :: Area       -- ^ the area to fill
           -> PlaceKind  -- ^ the place kind to construct
           -> Bool
placeCheck r PlaceKind{..} =
  case interiorArea pfence r of
    Nothing -> False
    Just area ->
      let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = fromArea area
          dx = x1 - x0 + 1
          dy = y1 - y0 + 1
          dxcorner = case ptopLeft of [] -> 0 ; l : _ -> T.length l
          dycorner = length ptopLeft
          wholeOverlapped d dcorner = d > 1 && dcorner > 1 &&
                                      (d - 1) `mod` (2 * (dcorner - 1)) == 0
          largeEnough = dx >= 2 * dxcorner - 1 && dy >= 2 * dycorner - 1
      in case pcover of
        CAlternate -> wholeOverlapped dx dxcorner &&
                      wholeOverlapped dy dycorner
        CStretch   -> largeEnough
        CReflect   -> largeEnough
        CVerbatim  -> dx >= dxcorner && dy >= dycorner

-- | Calculate interior room area according to fence type, based on the
-- total area for the room and it's fence. This is used for checking
-- if the room fits in the area, for digging up the place and the fence
-- and for deciding if the room is dark or lit later in the dungeon
-- generation process (e.g., for stairs).
interiorArea :: Fence -> Area -> Maybe Area
interiorArea fence r = case fence of
  FWall   -> shrink r
  FFloor  -> shrink r
  FGround -> shrink r
  FNone   -> Just r

-- | Given a few parameters, roll and construct a 'Place' datastructure
-- and fill a cave section acccording to it.
buildPlace :: Kind.COps         -- ^ the game content
           -> CaveKind          -- ^ current cave kind
           -> Bool              -- ^ whether the cave is dark
           -> Kind.Id TileKind  -- ^ dark fence tile, if fence hollow
           -> Kind.Id TileKind  -- ^ lit fence tile, if fence hollow
           -> AbsDepth          -- ^ current level depth
           -> AbsDepth          -- ^ absolute depth
           -> Area              -- ^ whole area of the place, fence included
           -> Rnd (TileMapEM, Place)
buildPlace cops@Kind.COps{ cotile=Kind.Ops{opick=opick}
                         , coplace=Kind.Ops{ofoldrGroup} }
           CaveKind{..} dnight darkCorTile litCorTile
           ldepth@(AbsDepth ld) totalDepth@(AbsDepth depth) r = do
  qFWall <- fmap (fromMaybe $ assert `failure` cfillerTile)
                 $ opick cfillerTile (const True)
  dark <- chanceDice ldepth totalDepth cdarkChance
  -- TODO: factor out from here and newItem:
  let findInterval x1y1 [] = (x1y1, (11, 0))
      findInterval x1y1 ((x, y) : rest) =
        if ld * 10 <= x * depth
        then (x1y1, (x, y))
        else findInterval (x, y) rest
      linearInterpolation dataset =
        -- We assume @dataset@ is sorted and between 1 and 10 inclusive.
        let ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = findInterval (0, 0) dataset
        in y1 + (y2 - y1) * (ld * 10 - x1 * depth)
           `divUp` ((x2 - x1) * depth)
  let f placeGroup q p pk kind acc =
        let rarity = linearInterpolation (prarity kind)
        in (q * p * rarity, ((pk, kind), placeGroup)) : acc
      g (placeGroup, q) = ofoldrGroup placeGroup (f placeGroup q) []
      placeFreq = concatMap g cplaceFreq
      checkedFreq = filter (\(_, ((_, kind), _)) -> placeCheck r kind) placeFreq
      freq = toFreq ("buildPlace ('" <> tshow ld <> ")") checkedFreq
  assert (not (nullFreq freq) `blame` (placeFreq, checkedFreq, r)) skip
  ((qkind, kr), _) <- frequency freq
  let qFFloor = if dark then darkCorTile else litCorTile
      qFGround = if dnight then darkCorTile else litCorTile
      qlegend = if dark then clegendDarkTile else clegendLitTile
      qseen = False
      qarea = fromMaybe (assert `failure` (kr, r)) $ interiorArea (pfence kr) r
      place = Place {..}
  override <- ooverride cops (poverride kr)
  legend <- olegend cops qlegend
  legendLit <- olegend cops clegendLitTile
  let xlegend = EM.union override legend
      xlegendLit = EM.union override legendLit
      cmap = tilePlace qarea kr
      fence = case pfence kr of
        FWall -> buildFence qFWall qarea
        FFloor -> buildFence qFFloor qarea
        FGround -> buildFence qFGround qarea
        FNone -> EM.empty
      (x0, y0, x1, y1) = fromArea qarea
      isEdge (Point x y) = x `elem` [x0, x1] || y `elem` [y0, y1]
      digDay xy c | isEdge xy = xlegendLit EM.! c
                  | otherwise = xlegend EM.! c
      interior = case pfence kr of
        FNone | not dnight -> EM.mapWithKey digDay cmap
        _ -> let lookupLegend x = fromMaybe (assert `failure` (qlegend, x))
                                  $ EM.lookup x xlegend
             in EM.map lookupLegend cmap
      tmap = EM.union interior fence
  return (tmap, place)

-- | Roll a legend of a place plan: a map from plan symbols to tile kinds.
olegend :: Kind.COps -> GroupName TileKind
        -> Rnd (EM.EnumMap Char (Kind.Id TileKind))
olegend Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{ofoldrWithKey, opick}} cgroup =
  let getSymbols _ tk acc =
        maybe acc (const $ ES.insert (TK.tsymbol tk) acc)
          (lookup cgroup $ TK.tfreq tk)
      symbols = ofoldrWithKey getSymbols ES.empty
      getLegend s acc = do
        m <- acc
        tk <- fmap (fromMaybe $ assert `failure` (cgroup, s))
              $ opick cgroup $ (== s) . TK.tsymbol
        return $! EM.insert s tk m
      legend = ES.foldr getLegend (return EM.empty) symbols
  in legend

ooverride :: Kind.COps -> [(Char, GroupName TileKind)]
          -> Rnd (EM.EnumMap Char (Kind.Id TileKind))
ooverride Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{opick}} poverride =
  let getLegend (s, cgroup) acc = do
        m <- acc
        tk <- fmap (fromMaybe $ assert `failure` (cgroup, s))
              $ opick cgroup (const True)  -- tile symbol ignored
        return $! EM.insert s tk m
      legend = foldr getLegend (return EM.empty) poverride
  in legend

-- | Construct a fence around an area, with the given tile kind.
buildFence :: Kind.Id TileKind -> Area -> TileMapEM
buildFence fenceId area =
  let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = fromArea area
  in EM.fromList $ [ (Point x y, fenceId)
                   | x <- [x0-1, x1+1], y <- [y0..y1] ] ++
                   [ (Point x y, fenceId)
                   | x <- [x0-1..x1+1], y <- [y0-1, y1+1] ]

-- | Construct a fence around an area, with the given tile group.
buildFenceRnd :: Kind.COps -> GroupName TileKind -> Area -> Rnd TileMapEM
buildFenceRnd Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{opick}} couterFenceTile area = do
  let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = fromArea area
      fenceIdRnd (xf, yf) = do
        let isCorner x y = x `elem` [x0-1, x1+1] && y `elem` [y0-1, y1+1]
            tileGroup | isCorner xf yf = "basic outer fence"
                      | otherwise = couterFenceTile
        fenceId <- fmap (fromMaybe $ assert `failure` tileGroup)
                   $ opick tileGroup (const True)
        return (Point xf yf, fenceId)
      pointList = [ (x, y) | x <- [x0-1, x1+1], y <- [y0..y1] ]
                  ++ [ (x, y) | x <- [x0-1..x1+1], y <- [y0-1, y1+1] ]
  fenceList <- mapM fenceIdRnd pointList
  return $! EM.fromList fenceList

-- TODO: use Text more instead of [Char]?
-- | Create a place by tiling patterns.
tilePlace :: Area                           -- ^ the area to fill
          -> PlaceKind                      -- ^ the place kind to construct
          -> EM.EnumMap Point Char
tilePlace area pl@PlaceKind{..} =
  let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = fromArea area
      xwidth = x1 - x0 + 1
      ywidth = y1 - y0 + 1
      dxcorner = case ptopLeft of
        [] -> assert `failure` (area, pl)
        l : _ -> T.length l
      (dx, dy) = assert (xwidth >= dxcorner && ywidth >= length ptopLeft
                         `blame` (area, pl))
                        (xwidth, ywidth)
      fromX (x2, y2) =
        zipWith (\x y -> Point x y) [x2..] (repeat y2)
      fillInterior :: (forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]) -> [(Point, Char)]
      fillInterior f =
        let tileInterior (y, row) =
              let fx = f dx row
                  xStart = x0 + ((xwidth - length fx) `div` 2)
              in filter ((/= 'X') . snd) $ zip (fromX (xStart, y)) fx
            reflected =
              let fy = f dy $ map T.unpack ptopLeft
                  yStart = y0 + ((ywidth - length fy) `div` 2)
              in zip [yStart..] fy
        in concatMap tileInterior reflected
      tileReflect :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
      tileReflect d pat =
        let lstart = take (d `divUp` 2) pat
            lend   = take (d `div`   2) pat
        in lstart ++ reverse lend
      interior = case pcover of
        CAlternate ->
          let tile :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
              tile _ []  = assert `failure` "nothing to tile" `twith` pl
              tile d pat = take d (cycle $ init pat ++ init (reverse pat))
          in fillInterior tile
        CStretch ->
          let stretch :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
              stretch _ []  = assert `failure` "nothing to stretch" `twith` pl
              stretch d pat = tileReflect d (pat ++ repeat (last pat))
          in fillInterior stretch
        CReflect ->
          let reflect :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
              reflect d pat = tileReflect d (cycle pat)
          in fillInterior reflect
        CVerbatim -> fillInterior $ curry snd
  in EM.fromList interior

instance Binary Place where
  put Place{..} = do
    put qkind
    put qarea
    put qseen
    put qlegend
    put qFWall
    put qFFloor
    put qFGround
  get = do
    qkind <- get
    qarea <- get
    qseen <- get
    qlegend <- get
    qFWall <- get
    qFFloor <- get
    qFGround <- get
    return $! Place{..}