{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- | Breadth first search algorithms. module Game.LambdaHack.Client.Bfs ( -- * Public API BfsDistance, MoveLegal(..), apartBfs , fillBfs, findPathBfs, accessBfs #ifdef EXPOSE_INTERNAL , minKnownBfs #endif ) where import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar import Data.Binary import Data.Bits (Bits, complement, (.&.), (.|.)) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.PointArray as PointArray import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Vector -- | Weighted distance between points along shortest paths. newtype BfsDistance = BfsDistance Word8 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Bits) -- | State of legality of moves between adjacent points. data MoveLegal = MoveBlocked | MoveToOpen | MoveToUnknown deriving Eq -- | The minimal distance value assigned to paths that don't enter -- any unknown tiles. minKnownBfs :: BfsDistance minKnownBfs = toEnum $ (1 + fromEnum (maxBound :: BfsDistance)) `div` 2 -- | The distance value that denote no legal path between points. apartBfs :: BfsDistance apartBfs = pred minKnownBfs -- TODO: costly; peephole optimize, optmize BFS, don't call so often -- | Fill out the given BFS array. fillBfs :: (Point -> Point -> MoveLegal) -- ^ is a move from known tile legal -> (Point -> Point -> Bool) -- ^ is a move from unknown legal -> Point -- ^ starting position -> PointArray.Array BfsDistance -- ^ initial array, with @apartBfs@ -> PointArray.Array BfsDistance -- ^ array with calculated distances {-# INLINE fillBfs #-} fillBfs isEnterable passUnknown origin aInitial = let maxKnownBfs = pred maxBound predMaxKnownBfs = pred maxKnownBfs bfs :: BfsDistance -> [Point] -> [Point] -> PointArray.Array BfsDistance -> PointArray.Array BfsDistance bfs distance predK predU a = let distCompl = distance .&. complement minKnownBfs processKnown (succK2, succU2, a2) pos = let fKnown (lK, lU) move = let p = shift pos move freshMv = a2 PointArray.! p == apartBfs legality = isEnterable pos p (notBlocked, enteredUnknown) = case legality of MoveBlocked -> (False, undefined) MoveToOpen -> (True, False) MoveToUnknown -> (True, True) in if freshMv && notBlocked then if enteredUnknown then (lK, p : lU) else (p : lK, lU) else (lK, lU) (mvsK, mvsU) = foldl' fKnown ([], []) moves upd = zip mvsK (repeat distance) ++ zip mvsU (repeat distCompl) !a3 = a2 PointArray.// upd in (mvsK ++ succK2, mvsU ++ succU2, a3) processUnknown (succU2, a2) pos = let fUnknown lU move = let p = shift pos move freshMv = a2 PointArray.! p == apartBfs notBlocked = passUnknown pos p in if freshMv && notBlocked then p : lU else lU mvsU = foldl' fUnknown [] moves upd = zip mvsU (repeat distCompl) !a3 = a2 PointArray.// upd in (mvsU ++ succU2, a3) (succU4, !a4) = foldl' processUnknown ([], a) predU (succK6, succU6, !a6) = foldl' processKnown ([], succU4, a4) predK in if null succK6 && null succU6 then a6 -- no more dungeon positions to check else if distance == predMaxKnownBfs -- wasting one Known slot then a6 -- too far else bfs (succ distance) succK6 succU6 a6 in PointArray.forceA -- no more modifications of this array $ bfs (succ minKnownBfs) [origin] [] (aInitial PointArray.// [(origin, minKnownBfs)]) -- TODO: Use http://harablog.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/jump-point-search/ -- to determine a few really different paths and compare them, -- e.g., how many closed doors they pass, open doors, unknown tiles -- on the path or close enough to reveal them. -- Also, check if JPS can somehow optimize BFS or pathBfs. -- | Find a path, without the source position, with the smallest length. -- The @eps@ coefficient determines which direction (or the closest -- directions available) that path should prefer, where 0 means north-west -- and 1 means north. findPathBfs :: (Point -> Point -> MoveLegal) -> (Point -> Point -> Bool) -> Point -> Point -> Int -> PointArray.Array BfsDistance -> Maybe [Point] {-# INLINE findPathBfs #-} findPathBfs isEnterable passUnknown source target sepsRaw bfs = assert (bfs PointArray.! source == minKnownBfs) $ let targetDist = bfs PointArray.! target in if targetDist == apartBfs then Nothing else let eps = sepsRaw `mod` 4 (mc1, mc2) = splitAt eps movesCardinal (md1, md2) = splitAt eps movesDiagonal preferredMoves = mc1 ++ reverse mc2 ++ md2 ++ reverse md1 -- fuzz track :: Point -> BfsDistance -> [Point] -> [Point] track pos oldDist suffix | oldDist == minKnownBfs = assert (pos == source `blame` (source, target, pos, suffix)) suffix track pos oldDist suffix | oldDist > minKnownBfs = let dist = pred oldDist children = map (shift pos) preferredMoves matchesDist p = bfs PointArray.! p == dist && isEnterable p pos == MoveToOpen minP = fromMaybe (assert `failure` (pos, oldDist, children)) (find matchesDist children) in track minP dist (pos : suffix) track pos oldDist suffix = let distUnknown = pred oldDist distKnown = distUnknown .|. minKnownBfs children = map (shift pos) preferredMoves matchesDistUnknown p = bfs PointArray.! p == distUnknown && passUnknown p pos matchesDistKnown p = bfs PointArray.! p == distKnown && isEnterable p pos == MoveToUnknown (minP, dist) = case find matchesDistKnown children of Just p -> (p, distKnown) Nothing -> case find matchesDistUnknown children of Just p -> (p, distUnknown) Nothing -> assert `failure` (pos, oldDist, children) in track minP dist (pos : suffix) in Just $ track target targetDist [] -- | Access a BFS array and interpret the looked up distance value. accessBfs :: PointArray.Array BfsDistance -> Point -> Maybe Int {-# INLINE accessBfs #-} accessBfs bfs target = let dist = bfs PointArray.! target in if dist == apartBfs then Nothing else Just $ fromEnum $ dist .&. complement minKnownBfs