module Game.LambdaHack.Client.AI.HandleAbilityClient
( actionStrategy
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Text (Text)
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.AI.ConditionClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.AI.Preferences
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.AI.Strategy
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.BfsClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.CommonClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.MonadClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.State
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Ability
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Effect as Effect
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Feature as F
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Frequency
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ItemStrongest
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Request
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Vector
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind as TileKind
type ToAny a = Strategy (RequestTimed a) -> Strategy RequestAnyAbility
toAny :: ToAny a
toAny strat = RequestAnyAbility <$> strat
actionStrategy :: forall m. MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
actionStrategy aid = do
Kind.COps{corule} <- getsState scops
let stdRuleset = Kind.stdRuleset corule
nearby = rnearby stdRuleset
body <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid body) . sfactionD
condTgtEnemyPresent <- condTgtEnemyPresentM aid
condTgtEnemyRemembered <- condTgtEnemyRememberedM aid
condAnyFoeAdj <- condAnyFoeAdjM aid
threatDistL <- threatDistList aid
condHpTooLow <- condHpTooLowM aid
condOnTriggerable <- condOnTriggerableM aid
condBlocksFriends <- condBlocksFriendsM aid
condNoEqpWeapon <- condNoEqpWeaponM aid
condNoUsableWeapon <- null <$> pickWeaponClient aid aid
condFloorWeapon <- condFloorWeaponM aid
condCanProject <- condCanProjectM aid
condNotCalmEnough <- condNotCalmEnoughM aid
condDesirableFloorItem <- condDesirableFloorItemM aid
condMeleeBad <- condMeleeBadM aid
fleeL <- fleeList False aid
panicFleeL <- fleeList True aid
let condThreatAdj = not $ null $ takeWhile ((== 1) . fst) threatDistL
condThreatAtHand = not $ null $ takeWhile ((<= 2) . fst) threatDistL
condThreatNearby = not $ null $ takeWhile ((<= nearby) . fst) threatDistL
speed1_5 = speedScale (3%2) (bspeed body activeItems)
condFastThreatAdj = any (\(_, (_, b)) -> bspeed b activeItems > speed1_5)
$ takeWhile ((== 1) . fst) threatDistL
condCanFlee = not (null fleeL || condFastThreatAdj)
mleader <- getsClient _sleader
actorSk <- actorSkillsClient aid mleader
let stratToFreq :: MonadStateRead m
=> Int -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
-> m (Frequency RequestAnyAbility)
stratToFreq scale mstrat = do
st <- mstrat
return $! scaleFreq scale $ bestVariant st
prefix, suffix :: [([Ability], m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility), Bool)]
prefix =
[ ( [AbApply], (toAny :: ToAny AbApply)
<$> applyItem aid ApplyFirstAid
, condHpTooLow && not condAnyFoeAdj
&& not condOnTriggerable )
, ( [AbTrigger], (toAny :: ToAny AbTrigger)
<$> trigger aid True
, condOnTriggerable
&& ((condNotCalmEnough || condHpTooLow)
&& condThreatNearby && not condTgtEnemyPresent
|| condMeleeBad && condThreatAdj) )
, ( [AbMove]
, flee aid fleeL
, condMeleeBad && condThreatAdj && condCanFlee )
, ( [AbDisplace]
, displaceFoe aid
, condBlocksFriends && condAnyFoeAdj
&& not condOnTriggerable && not condDesirableFloorItem )
, ( [AbMoveItem], (toAny :: ToAny AbMoveItem)
<$> pickup aid True
, condNoEqpWeapon && condFloorWeapon && not condHpTooLow )
, ( [AbMelee], (toAny :: ToAny AbMelee)
<$> meleeBlocker aid
, condAnyFoeAdj
|| EM.findWithDefault 0 AbDisplace actorSk <= 0
&& fleaderMode (gplayer fact) == LeaderNull
&& (condTgtEnemyPresent || condTgtEnemyRemembered) )
, ( [AbTrigger], (toAny :: ToAny AbTrigger)
<$> trigger aid False
, condOnTriggerable && not condDesirableFloorItem )
, ( [AbDisplace]
, displaceBlocker aid
, not condDesirableFloorItem )
, ( [AbMoveItem], (toAny :: ToAny AbMoveItem)
<$> equipItems aid
, not condAnyFoeAdj && not condDesirableFloorItem ) ]
distant :: [([Ability], m (Frequency RequestAnyAbility), Bool)]
distant =
[ ( [AbProject]
, stratToFreq 2 $ (toAny :: ToAny AbProject)
<$> ranged aid
, condTgtEnemyPresent && condCanProject && not condOnTriggerable )
, ( [AbApply]
, stratToFreq 2 $ (toAny :: ToAny AbApply)
<$> applyItem aid ApplyAll
, (condTgtEnemyPresent || condThreatNearby)
&& not condOnTriggerable )
, ( [AbMove]
, stratToFreq (if not condTgtEnemyPresent || condMeleeBad
then 1
else 100)
$ chase aid True
, (condTgtEnemyPresent || condTgtEnemyRemembered)
&& not condDesirableFloorItem
&& not condNoUsableWeapon ) ]
suffix =
[ ( [AbMoveItem], (toAny :: ToAny AbMoveItem)
<$> pickup aid False
, True )
, ( [AbMove]
, flee aid fleeL
, condMeleeBad && (condNotCalmEnough && condThreatNearby
|| condThreatAtHand)
&& condCanFlee )
, ( [AbMelee], (toAny :: ToAny AbMelee)
<$> meleeAny aid
, condAnyFoeAdj )
, ( [AbMoveItem], (toAny :: ToAny AbMoveItem)
<$> unEquipItems aid
, True )
, ( [AbMove]
, flee aid panicFleeL
, condMeleeBad && condThreatNearby && (condNotCalmEnough
|| condThreatAtHand
|| condNoUsableWeapon) )
, ( [AbMove]
, chase aid False
, True )
, ( [AbWait], (toAny :: ToAny AbWait)
<$> waitBlockNow
, True ) ]
abInSkill ab = EM.findWithDefault 0 ab actorSk > 0
checkAction :: ([Ability], m a, Bool) -> Bool
checkAction (abts, _, cond) = cond && all abInSkill abts
sumS abAction = do
let as = filter checkAction abAction
strats <- sequence $ map (\(_, m, _) -> m) as
return $! msum strats
sumF abFreq = do
let as = filter checkAction abFreq
strats <- sequence $ map (\(_, m, _) -> m) as
return $! msum strats
combineDistant as = fmap liftFrequency $ sumF as
sumPrefix <- sumS prefix
comDistant <- combineDistant distant
sumSuffix <- sumS suffix
return $! sumPrefix .| comDistant .| sumSuffix
waitBlockNow :: MonadClient m => m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbWait))
waitBlockNow = return $! returN "wait" ReqWait
pickup :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> Bool -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbMoveItem))
pickup aid onlyWeapon = do
benItemL <- benGroundItems aid
let isWeapon (_, (_, itemFull)) =
maybe False ((== Effect.EqpSlotWeapon) . fst)
$ strengthEqpSlot $ itemBase itemFull
filterWeapon | onlyWeapon = filter isWeapon
| otherwise = id
cmp ((Nothing, _), _) = 5
cmp ((Just (n, _), _), _) = abs n
case reverse $ sortBy (comparing cmp) $ filterWeapon benItemL of
((_, (k, _)), (iid, itemFull)) : _ -> do
updateItemSlot (Just aid) iid
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
let toCStore = if goesIntoInv (itemBase itemFull)
|| eqpOverfull b k
then CInv
else CEqp
return $! returN "pickup" $ ReqMoveItem iid k CGround toCStore
[] -> return reject
equipItems :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbMoveItem))
equipItems aid = do
cops@Kind.COps{corule} <- getsState scops
let RuleKind{rsharedStash} = Kind.stdRuleset corule
body <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid body) . sfactionD
eqpAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CEqp]
invAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CInv]
shaAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CSha]
condLightBetrays <- condLightBetraysM aid
let improve :: CStore -> ([(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))],
[(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))])
-> Strategy (RequestTimed AbMoveItem)
improve fromCStore (bestInv, bestEqp) =
case (bestInv, bestEqp) of
((_, (iidInv, _)) : _, []) | not (eqpOverfull body 1) ->
returN "wield any"
$ ReqMoveItem iidInv 1 fromCStore CEqp
((vInv, (iidInv, _)) : _, (vEqp, _) : _) | not (eqpOverfull body 1)
&& vInv > vEqp ->
returN "wield better"
$ ReqMoveItem iidInv 1 fromCStore CEqp
_ -> reject
filterNeeded (_, itemFull) =
not $ unneeded cops condLightBetrays body activeItems fact itemFull
bestThree = bestByEqpSlot (filter filterNeeded invAssocs)
(filter filterNeeded eqpAssocs)
(filter filterNeeded shaAssocs)
bEqpInv = msum $ map (improve CInv)
$ map (\(_, (eqp, inv, _)) -> (inv, eqp)) bestThree
if nullStrategy bEqpInv
then if rsharedStash && calmEnough body activeItems
then return
$! msum $ map (improve CSha)
$ map (\(_, (eqp, _, sha)) -> (sha, eqp)) bestThree
else return reject
else return bEqpInv
unEquipItems :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbMoveItem))
unEquipItems aid = do
cops@Kind.COps{corule} <- getsState scops
let RuleKind{rsharedStash} = Kind.stdRuleset corule
body <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid body) . sfactionD
eqpAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CEqp]
invAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CInv]
shaAssocs <- fullAssocsClient aid [CSha]
condLightBetrays <- condLightBetraysM aid
let yieldSingleUnneeded (iidEqp, itemEqp) =
let csha = if rsharedStash && calmEnough body activeItems
then CSha
else CInv
in if harmful cops body activeItems fact itemEqp
then Just $ ReqMoveItem iidEqp (itemK itemEqp) CEqp CInv
else if hinders condLightBetrays body activeItems itemEqp
then Just $ ReqMoveItem iidEqp (itemK itemEqp) CEqp csha
else Nothing
yieldUnneeded = mapMaybe yieldSingleUnneeded eqpAssocs
improve :: CStore -> ( Effect.EqpSlot
, ( [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))]
, [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))] ) )
-> Strategy (RequestTimed AbMoveItem)
improve fromCStore (slot, (bestInv, bestEqp)) =
case (bestInv, bestEqp) of
_ | slot == Effect.EqpSlotPeriodic
&& fromCStore == CEqp
&& not (eqpOverfull body 0) ->
(_, (vEqp, (iidEqp, _)) : _) | getK bestEqp > 1
&& betterThanInv vEqp bestInv ->
returN "yield rest"
$ ReqMoveItem iidEqp (getK bestEqp 1) fromCStore CSha
(_, _ : (vEqp, (iidEqp, _)) : _) | betterThanInv vEqp bestInv ->
returN "yield worse"
$ ReqMoveItem iidEqp (getK bestEqp) fromCStore CSha
_ -> reject
getK [] = 0
getK ((_, (_, itemFull)) : _) = itemK itemFull
betterThanInv _ [] = True
betterThanInv vEqp ((vInv, _) : _) = vEqp > vInv
bestThree = bestByEqpSlot invAssocs eqpAssocs shaAssocs
case yieldUnneeded of
[] ->
if rsharedStash && calmEnough body activeItems
then do
let bInvSha = msum $ map (improve CInv)
$ map (\((slot, _), (_, inv, sha)) ->
(slot, (sha, inv))) bestThree
if nullStrategy bInvSha
then return $! msum $ map (improve CEqp)
$ map (\((slot, _), (eqp, _, sha)) ->
(slot, (sha, eqp))) bestThree
else return $! bInvSha
else return reject
_ ->
return $! liftFrequency $ uniformFreq "yield unneeded" yieldUnneeded
groupByEqpSlot :: [(ItemId, ItemFull)]
-> M.Map (Effect.EqpSlot, Text) [(ItemId, ItemFull)]
groupByEqpSlot is =
let f (iid, itemFull) = case strengthEqpSlot $ itemBase itemFull of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just es -> Just (es, [(iid, itemFull)])
withES = mapMaybe f is
in M.fromListWith (++) withES
bestByEqpSlot :: [(ItemId, ItemFull)]
-> [(ItemId, ItemFull)]
-> [(ItemId, ItemFull)]
-> [((Effect.EqpSlot, Text)
, ( [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))]
, [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))]
, [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFull))] ) )]
bestByEqpSlot invAssocs eqpAssocs shaAssocs =
let eqpMap = (\g -> (g, [], [])) $ groupByEqpSlot eqpAssocs
invMap = (\g -> ([], g, [])) $ groupByEqpSlot invAssocs
shaMap = (\g -> ([], [], g)) $ groupByEqpSlot shaAssocs
appendThree (g1, g2, g3) (h1, h2, h3) = (g1 ++ h1, g2 ++ h2, g3 ++ h3)
invEqpShaMap = M.unionsWith appendThree [invMap, eqpMap, shaMap]
bestSingle eqpSlot g = strongestSlot eqpSlot g
bestThree (eqpSlot, _) (g1, g2, g3) = (bestSingle eqpSlot g1,
bestSingle eqpSlot g2,
bestSingle eqpSlot g3)
in M.assocs $ M.mapWithKey bestThree invEqpShaMap
hinders :: Bool -> Actor -> [ItemFull] -> ItemFull -> Bool
hinders condLightBetrays body activeItems itemFull =
(bspeed body activeItems > speedNormal
&& (isJust (strengthFromEqpSlot Effect.EqpSlotAddLight itemFull)
|| 0 > fromMaybe 0 (strengthFromEqpSlot Effect.EqpSlotAddHurtMelee
|| 0 > fromMaybe 0 (strengthFromEqpSlot Effect.EqpSlotAddHurtRanged
|| (let heavilyDistressed =
deltaSerious (bcalmDelta body)
in condLightBetrays && heavilyDistressed
&& isJust (strengthFromEqpSlot Effect.EqpSlotAddLight itemFull))
harmful :: Kind.COps -> Actor -> [ItemFull] -> Faction -> ItemFull -> Bool
harmful cops body activeItems fact itemFull =
maybe False (\(u, _) -> u <= 0)
(totalUsefulness cops body activeItems fact itemFull)
&& (maybe True ((/= Effect.EqpSlotWeapon) . fst)
$ strengthEqpSlot $ itemBase itemFull)
unneeded :: Kind.COps -> Bool -> Actor -> [ItemFull] -> Faction -> ItemFull
-> Bool
unneeded cops condLightBetrays body activeItems fact itemFull =
harmful cops body activeItems fact itemFull
|| hinders condLightBetrays body activeItems itemFull
meleeBlocker :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbMelee))
meleeBlocker aid = do
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b) . sfactionD
mleader <- getsClient _sleader
actorSk <- actorSkillsClient aid mleader
mtgtMPath <- getsClient $ EM.lookup aid . stargetD
case mtgtMPath of
Just (_, Just (_ : q : _, (goal, _))) -> do
let maim = if adjacent (bpos b) goal then Just goal
else if adjacent (bpos b) q then Just q
else Nothing
mBlocker <- case maim of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just aim -> getsState $ posToActor aim (blid b)
case mBlocker of
Just ((aid2, _), _) -> do
body2 <- getsState $ getActorBody aid2
if not (actorDying body2)
&& (not (bproj body2)
&& isAtWar fact (bfid body2)
|| EM.findWithDefault 0 AbDisplace actorSk <= 0
&& fleaderMode (gplayer fact) == LeaderNull
&& EM.findWithDefault 0 AbMove actorSk > 0
&& bhp body2 < bhp b)
then do
mel <- pickWeaponClient aid aid2
return $! liftFrequency $ uniformFreq "melee in the way" mel
else return reject
Nothing -> return reject
_ -> return reject
meleeAny :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbMelee))
meleeAny aid = do
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b) . sfactionD
allFoes <- getsState $ actorRegularAssocs (isAtWar fact) (blid b)
let adjFoes = filter (adjacent (bpos b) . bpos . snd) allFoes
mels <- mapM (pickWeaponClient aid . fst) adjFoes
let freq = uniformFreq "melee adjacent" $ concat mels
return $! liftFrequency freq
trigger :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> Bool -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbTrigger))
trigger aid fleeViaStairs = do
cops@Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{okind}} <- getsState scops
dungeon <- getsState sdungeon
explored <- getsClient sexplored
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b) . sfactionD
lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
unexploredD <- unexploredDepth
s <- getState
per <- getPerFid $ blid b
let canSee = ES.member (bpos b) (totalVisible per)
unexploredCurrent = ES.notMember (blid b) explored
allExplored = ES.size explored == EM.size dungeon
t = lvl `at` bpos b
feats = TileKind.tfeature $ okind t
ben feat = case feat of
F.Cause (Effect.Ascend k) ->
let aimless = ftactic (gplayer fact) `elem` [TRoam, TPatrol]
expBenefit =
if aimless
then 100
else if unexploredCurrent
then 0
else if unexploredD (signum k) (blid b)
then 1000
else if unexploredD ( signum k) (blid b)
then 0
else if lescape lvl
then 0
else 2
(lid2, pos2) = whereTo (blid b) (bpos b) k dungeon
actorsThere = posToActors pos2 lid2 s
in if boldpos b == bpos b
&& boldlid b == lid2
then 0
else let leaderless = fleaderMode (gplayer fact) == LeaderNull
eben = case actorsThere of
[] | canSee -> expBenefit
_ | leaderless -> 0
_ -> min 1 expBenefit
in if fleeViaStairs
then 1000 * eben + 1
else eben
F.Cause ef@Effect.Escape{} -> do
if not (fcanEscape $ gplayer fact) || not allExplored
then 0
else effectToBenefit cops b activeItems fact ef
F.Cause ef | not fleeViaStairs ->
effectToBenefit cops b activeItems fact ef
_ -> 0
benFeat = zip (map ben feats) feats
return $! liftFrequency $ toFreq "trigger"
$ [ (benefit, ReqTrigger (Just feat))
| (benefit, feat) <- benFeat
, benefit > 0 ]
ranged :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbProject))
ranged aid = do
btarget <- getsClient $ getTarget aid
b@Actor{bpos, blid} <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
mfpos <- aidTgtToPos aid blid btarget
seps <- getsClient seps
case (btarget, mfpos) of
(Just TEnemy{}, Just fpos) -> do
actorBlind <- radiusBlind <$> sumOrganEqpClient Effect.EqpSlotAddSight aid
mnewEps <- makeLine b fpos seps
case mnewEps of
Just newEps | not actorBlind -> do
benList <- benAvailableItems aid permittedRanged [CEqp, CInv, CGround]
let coeff CGround = 2
coeff COrgan = 3
coeff CEqp = 1
coeff CInv = 1
coeff CSha = undefined
fRanged ((mben, (_, cstore)), (iid, ItemFull{itemBase})) =
let trange = totalRange itemBase
bestRange = chessDist bpos fpos + 2
rangeMult =
10 + max 0 (10 abs (trange bestRange))
durableBonus = if Effect.Durable `elem` jfeature itemBase
then 2
else 1
benR = durableBonus
* coeff cstore
* case mben of
Nothing -> 20
Just (_, (_, ben)) -> ben
in if benR < 0 && trange >= chessDist bpos fpos
then Just ( benR * rangeMult `div` 10
, ReqProject fpos newEps iid cstore )
else Nothing
benRanged = mapMaybe fRanged benList
return $! liftFrequency $ toFreq "ranged" benRanged
_ -> return reject
_ -> return reject
data ApplyItemGroup = ApplyAll | ApplyFirstAid
deriving Eq
applyItem :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> ApplyItemGroup -> m (Strategy (RequestTimed AbApply))
applyItem aid applyGroup = do
actorBlind <- radiusBlind <$> sumOrganEqpClient Effect.EqpSlotAddSight aid
let permitted itemFull@ItemFull{itemBase=item} _ =
not (unknownPrecious itemFull)
&& if jsymbol item == '?' && actorBlind
then False
else Effect.Applicable `elem` jfeature item
benList <- benAvailableItems aid permitted [CEqp, CInv, CGround]
let itemLegal itemFull = case applyGroup of
ApplyFirstAid ->
let getP (Effect.RefillHP p) _ | p > 0 = True
getP _ acc = acc
in case itemDisco itemFull of
Just ItemDisco{itemAE=Just ItemAspectEffect{jeffects}} ->
foldr getP False jeffects
_ -> False
ApplyAll -> True
coeff CGround = 2
coeff COrgan = 3
coeff CEqp = 1
coeff CInv = 1
coeff CSha = undefined
fTool ((mben, (_, cstore)), (iid, itemFull)) =
let durableBonus = if Effect.Durable `elem` jfeature (itemBase itemFull)
then 5
else 1
benR = durableBonus
* coeff cstore
* case mben of
Nothing -> 0
Just (_, (_, ben)) -> ben
in if itemLegal itemFull
then if benR > 0
then Just (benR, ReqApply iid cstore)
else Nothing
else Nothing
benTool = mapMaybe fTool benList
return $! liftFrequency $ toFreq "applyItem" benTool
flee :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> [(Int, Point)] -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
flee aid fleeL = do
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
let vVic = map (second (`vectorToFrom` bpos b)) fleeL
str = liftFrequency $ toFreq "flee" vVic
mapStrategyM (moveOrRunAid True aid) str
displaceFoe :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
displaceFoe aid = do
cops <- getsState scops
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b) . sfactionD
mleader <- getsClient _sleader
let friendlyFid fid = fid == bfid b || isAllied fact fid
friends <- getsState $ actorRegularList friendlyFid (blid b)
allFoes <- getsState $ actorRegularAssocs (isAtWar fact) (blid b)
let accessibleHere = accessible cops lvl $ bpos b
displaceable body =
accessibleHere (bpos body)
&& adjacent (bpos body) (bpos b)
nFriends body = length $ filter (adjacent (bpos body) . bpos) friends
nFrHere = nFriends b + 1
qualifyActor (aid2, body2) = do
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid2
dEnemy <- getsState $ dispEnemy aid mleader aid2 activeItems
let nFr = nFriends body2
return $! if displaceable body2 && dEnemy && nFr < nFrHere
then Just (nFr * nFr, bpos body2 `vectorToFrom` bpos b)
else Nothing
vFoes <- mapM qualifyActor allFoes
let str = liftFrequency $ toFreq "displaceFoe" $ catMaybes vFoes
mapStrategyM (moveOrRunAid True aid) str
displaceBlocker :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
displaceBlocker aid = do
mtgtMPath <- getsClient $ EM.lookup aid . stargetD
str <- case mtgtMPath of
Just (_, Just (p : q : _, _)) -> displaceTowards aid p q
_ -> return reject
mapStrategyM (moveOrRunAid True aid) str
displaceTowards :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> Point -> Point -> m (Strategy Vector)
displaceTowards aid source target = do
cops <- getsState scops
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
assert (source == bpos b && adjacent source target) skip
lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
if boldpos b /= target
&& accessible cops lvl source target then do
mleader <- getsClient _sleader
mBlocker <- getsState $ posToActors target (blid b)
case mBlocker of
[] -> return reject
[((aid2, b2), _)] | Just aid2 /= mleader -> do
mtgtMPath <- getsClient $ EM.lookup aid2 . stargetD
case mtgtMPath of
Just (tgt, Just (p : q : rest, (goal, len)))
| q == source && p == target -> do
let newTgt = Just (tgt, Just (q : rest, (goal, len 1)))
modifyClient $ \cli ->
cli {stargetD = EM.alter (const $ newTgt) aid (stargetD cli)}
return $! returN "displace friend" $ target `vectorToFrom` source
Just _ -> return reject
Nothing -> do
tfact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b2) . sfactionD
activeItems <- activeItemsClient aid2
dEnemy <- getsState $ dispEnemy aid mleader aid2 activeItems
if not (isAtWar tfact (bfid b)) || dEnemy then
return $! returN "displace other" $ target `vectorToFrom` source
else return reject
_ -> return reject
else return reject
chase :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Bool -> m (Strategy RequestAnyAbility)
chase aid doDisplace = do
body <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid body) . sfactionD
mtgtMPath <- getsClient $ EM.lookup aid . stargetD
str <- case mtgtMPath of
Just (_, Just (p : q : _, (goal, _))) ->
moveTowards aid p q goal (fleaderMode (gplayer fact) == LeaderNull)
_ -> return reject
mapStrategyM (moveOrRunAid doDisplace aid) str
moveTowards :: MonadClient m
=> ActorId -> Point -> Point -> Point -> Bool -> m (Strategy Vector)
moveTowards aid source target goal relaxed = do
cops@Kind.COps{cotile} <- getsState scops
b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
assert (source == bpos b && adjacent source target) skip
lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
fact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b) . sfactionD
friends <- getsState $ actorList (not . isAtWar fact) $ blid b
let noFriends = unoccupied friends
accessibleHere = accessible cops lvl source
bumpableHere p =
let t = lvl `at` p
in Tile.isOpenable cotile t
|| Tile.isSuspect cotile t
|| Tile.isChangeable cotile t
enterableHere p = accessibleHere p || bumpableHere p
if noFriends target && enterableHere target then
return $! returN "moveTowards adjacent" $ target `vectorToFrom` source
else do
let goesBack v = v == boldpos b `vectorToFrom` source
nonincreasing p = chessDist source goal >= chessDist p goal
isSensible p = (relaxed || nonincreasing p)
&& noFriends p
&& enterableHere p
sensible = [ ((goesBack v, chessDist p goal), v)
| v <- moves, let p = source `shift` v, isSensible p ]
sorted = sortBy (comparing fst) sensible
groups = map (map snd) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) sorted
freqs = map (liftFrequency . uniformFreq "moveTowards") groups
return $! foldr (.|) reject freqs
moveOrRunAid :: MonadClient m
=> Bool -> ActorId -> Vector -> m (Maybe RequestAnyAbility)
moveOrRunAid run source dir = do
cops@Kind.COps{cotile} <- getsState scops
sb <- getsState $ getActorBody source
let lid = blid sb
lvl <- getLevel lid
let spos = bpos sb
tpos = spos `shift` dir
t = lvl `at` tpos
mleader <- getsClient _sleader
tgts <- getsState $ posToActors tpos lid
case tgts of
[((target, b2), _)] | run -> do
tfact <- getsState $ (EM.! bfid b2) . sfactionD
activeItems <- activeItemsClient target
dEnemy <- getsState $ dispEnemy source mleader target activeItems
if boldpos sb /= tpos
&& accessible cops lvl spos tpos
&& (not (isAtWar tfact (bfid sb))
|| dEnemy)
return $! Just $ RequestAnyAbility $ ReqDisplace target
else do
wps <- pickWeaponClient source target
case wps of
[] -> return Nothing
wp : _ -> return $! Just $ RequestAnyAbility wp
((target, _), _) : _ -> do
wps <- pickWeaponClient source target
case wps of
[] -> return Nothing
wp : _ -> return $! Just $ RequestAnyAbility wp
[] -> do
if accessible cops lvl spos tpos then
return $! Just $ RequestAnyAbility $ ReqMove dir
else if not $ EM.null $ lvl `atI` tpos then
assert `failure` "AI causes AlterBlockItem" `twith` (run, source, dir)
else if not (Tile.isWalkable cotile t)
&& (Tile.isSuspect cotile t
|| Tile.isOpenable cotile t
|| Tile.isClosable cotile t
|| Tile.isChangeable cotile t) then
return $! Just $ RequestAnyAbility $ ReqAlter tpos Nothing
assert `failure` "AI causes MoveNothing or AlterNothing"
`twith` (run, source, dir)