module Game.LambdaHack.Common.HighScore
( ScoreTable, empty, register, showScore, getRecord, highSlideshow
, ScoreRecord
) where
import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU
import System.Time
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Msg
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
data ScoreRecord = ScoreRecord
{ points :: !Int
, negTime :: !Time
, date :: !ClockTime
, status :: !Status
, difficulty :: !Int
, gplayerName :: !Text
, ourVictims :: !(EM.EnumMap (Kind.Id ItemKind) Int)
, theirVictims :: !(EM.EnumMap (Kind.Id ItemKind) Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Binary ClockTime where
put (TOD cs cp) = do
put cs
put cp
get = do
cs <- get
cp <- get
return $! TOD cs cp
instance Binary ScoreRecord
showScore :: (Int, ScoreRecord) -> [Text]
showScore (pos, score) =
let Status{stOutcome, stDepth} = status score
died = case stOutcome of
Killed -> "perished on level" <+> tshow (abs stDepth)
Defeated -> "was defeated"
Camping -> "camps somewhere"
Conquer -> "slew all opposition"
Escape -> "emerged victorious"
Restart -> "resigned prematurely"
curDate = T.pack $ calendarTimeToString . toUTCTime . date $ score
turns = absoluteTimeNegate (negTime score) `timeFitUp` timeTurn
tpos = T.justifyRight 3 ' ' $ tshow pos
tscore = T.justifyRight 6 ' ' $ tshow $ points score
victims = let nkilled = sum $ EM.elems $ theirVictims score
nlost = sum $ EM.elems $ ourVictims score
in "killed" <+> tshow nkilled <> ", lost" <+> tshow nlost
diff = difficulty score
diffText | diff == difficultyDefault = ""
| otherwise = "difficulty" <+> tshow diff <> ", "
tturns = makePhrase $ [MU.CarWs turns "turn"]
in [ tpos <> "." <+> tscore <+> gplayerName score
<+> died <> "," <+> victims <> ","
, " "
<> diffText <> "after" <+> tturns <+> "on" <+> curDate <> "."
getRecord :: Int -> ScoreTable -> ScoreRecord
getRecord pos (ScoreTable table) =
fromMaybe (assert `failure` (pos, table))
$ listToMaybe $ drop (pred pos) table
newtype ScoreTable = ScoreTable [ScoreRecord]
deriving (Eq, Binary)
instance Show ScoreTable where
show _ = "a score table"
empty :: ScoreTable
empty = ScoreTable []
insertPos :: ScoreRecord -> ScoreTable -> (ScoreTable, Int)
insertPos s (ScoreTable table) =
let (prefix, suffix) = span (> s) table
pos = length prefix + 1
in (ScoreTable $ prefix ++ [s] ++ take (100 pos) suffix, pos)
register :: ScoreTable
-> Int
-> Time
-> Status
-> ClockTime
-> Int
-> Text
-> EM.EnumMap (Kind.Id ItemKind) Int
-> EM.EnumMap (Kind.Id ItemKind) Int
-> Bool
-> (Bool, (ScoreTable, Int))
register table total time status@Status{stOutcome} date difficulty gplayerName
ourVictims theirVictims loots =
let pBase =
if loots
then fromIntegral total
else let turnsSpent = timeFitUp time timeTurn
speedup = max 0 $ 1000000 100 * turnsSpent
survival = 100 * turnsSpent
in if stOutcome `elem` [Conquer, Escape]
then sqrt $ fromIntegral speedup
else min 1000
$ sqrt $ fromIntegral survival
pBonus =
if loots
then max 0 (1000 100 * sum (EM.elems ourVictims))
else 1000 + 100 * sum (EM.elems theirVictims)
pSum :: Double
pSum = if stOutcome `elem` [Conquer, Escape]
then pBase + fromIntegral pBonus
else pBase
points = (ceiling :: Double -> Int)
$ pSum * 1.5 ^^ ( (difficultyCoeff difficulty))
negTime = absoluteTimeNegate time
score = ScoreRecord{..}
in (points > 0, insertPos score table)
tshowable :: ScoreTable -> Int -> Int -> [Text]
tshowable (ScoreTable table) start height =
let zipped = zip [1..] table
screenful = take height . drop (start 1) $ zipped
in (intercalate ["\n"] $ map showScore screenful) ++ [moreMsg]
showCloseScores :: Int -> ScoreTable -> Int -> [[Text]]
showCloseScores pos h height =
if pos <= height
then [tshowable h 1 height]
else [tshowable h 1 height,
tshowable h (max (height + 1) (pos height `div` 2)) height]
highSlideshow :: ScoreTable
-> Int
-> Slideshow
highSlideshow table pos =
let (_, nlines) = normalLevelBound
height = nlines `div` 3
posStatus = status $ getRecord pos table
(subject, person, msgUnless) =
case stOutcome posStatus of
Killed | stDepth posStatus <= 1 ->
("your short-lived struggle", MU.Sg3rd, "(no bonus)")
Killed ->
("your heroic deeds", MU.PlEtc, "(no bonus)")
Defeated ->
("your futile efforts", MU.PlEtc, "(no bonus)")
Camping ->
("your valiant exploits", MU.PlEtc, "")
Conquer ->
("your ruthless victory", MU.Sg3rd,
if pos <= height
then "among the greatest heroes"
else "(bonus included)")
Escape ->
("your dashing coup", MU.Sg3rd,
if pos <= height
then "among the greatest heroes"
else "(bonus included)")
Restart ->
("your abortive attempt", MU.Sg3rd, "(no bonus)")
msg = makeSentence
[ MU.SubjectVerb person MU.Yes subject "award you"
, MU.Ordinal pos, "place"
, msgUnless ]
in toSlideshow False $ map ([msg, "\n"] ++) $ showCloseScores pos table height