{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Handle atomic commands received by the client.
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.HandleAtomicClient
  ( cmdAtomicSemCli, cmdAtomicFilterCli
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import Data.Maybe
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU

import Game.LambdaHack.Atomic
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.CommonClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.MonadClient
import Game.LambdaHack.Client.State
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ClientOptions
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Effect as Effect
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Msg
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind

-- * RespUpdAtomicAI

-- | Clients keep a subset of atomic commands sent by the server
-- and add some of their own. The result of this function is the list
-- of commands kept for each command received.
cmdAtomicFilterCli :: MonadClient m => UpdAtomic -> m [UpdAtomic]
cmdAtomicFilterCli cmd = case cmd of
  UpdMoveActor aid _ toP -> do
    cmdSml <- deleteSmell aid toP
    return $ [cmd] ++ cmdSml
  UpdDisplaceActor source target -> do
    bs <- getsState $ getActorBody source
    bt <- getsState $ getActorBody target
    cmdSource <- deleteSmell source (bpos bt)
    cmdTarget <- deleteSmell target (bpos bs)
    return $ [cmd] ++ cmdSource ++ cmdTarget
  UpdAlterTile lid p fromTile toTile -> do
    Kind.COps{cotile=Kind.Ops{okind}} <- getsState scops
    lvl <- getLevel lid
    let t = lvl `at` p
    if t == fromTile
      then return [cmd]
      else do
        -- From @UpdAlterTile@ we know @t == freshClientTile@,
        -- which is uncanny, so we produce a message.
        -- It happens when a client thinks the tile is @t@,
        -- but it's @fromTile@, and @UpdAlterTile@ changes it
        -- to @toTile@. See @updAlterTile@.
        let subject = ""  -- a hack, we we don't handle adverbs well
            verb = "turn into"
            msg = makeSentence [ "the", MU.Text $ tname $ okind t
                               , "at position", MU.Text $ tshow p
                               , "suddenly"  -- adverb
                               , MU.SubjectVerbSg subject verb
                               , MU.AW $ MU.Text $ tname $ okind toTile ]
        return [ cmd  -- reveal the tile
               , UpdMsgAll msg  -- show the message
  UpdSearchTile aid p fromTile toTile -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
    let t = lvl `at` p
    return $!
      if t == fromTile
      then -- Fully ignorant. (No intermediate knowledge possible.)
           [ cmd  -- show the message
           , UpdAlterTile (blid b) p fromTile toTile  -- reveal tile
      else if t == toTile
           then [cmd]  -- Already knows the tile fully, only confirm.
           else -- Misguided.
                assert `failure` "LoseTile fails to reset memory"
                       `twith` (aid, p, fromTile, toTile, b, t, cmd)
  UpdLearnSecrets aid fromS _toS -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
    return $! if lsecret lvl == fromS
              then [cmd]  -- secrets revealed now
              else []  -- secrets already revealed previously
  UpdSpotTile lid ts -> do
    Kind.COps{cotile} <- getsState scops
    lvl <- getLevel lid
    -- We ignore the server resending us hidden versions of the tiles
    -- (and resending us the same data we already got).
    -- If the tiles are changed to other variants of the hidden tile,
    -- we can still verify by searching, and the UI warns us "obscured".
    let notKnown (p, t) = let tClient = lvl `at` p
                          in t /= tClient
                             && (not (knownLsecret lvl && isSecretPos lvl p)
                                 || t /= Tile.hideAs cotile tClient)
        newTs = filter notKnown ts
    return $! if null newTs then [] else [UpdSpotTile lid newTs]
  UpdAlterSmell lid p fromSm _toSm -> do
    lvl <- getLevel lid
    let msml = EM.lookup p $ lsmell lvl
    return $ if msml /= fromSm then
               -- Revert to the server smell before server command executes.
               -- This is needed due to our hacky removal of traversed smells
               -- in @deleteSmell@.
               [UpdAlterSmell lid p msml fromSm, cmd]
  UpdDiscover lid p iid _ seed -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.member` discoKind
          then do
            discoEffect <- getsClient sdiscoEffect
            if iid `EM.member` discoEffect
              then return []
              else return [UpdDiscoverSeed lid p iid seed]
          else return [cmd]
  UpdCover lid p iid ik _ -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.notMember` discoKind
          then return []
          else do
            discoEffect <- getsClient sdiscoEffect
            if iid `EM.notMember` discoEffect
              then return [cmd]
              else return [UpdCoverKind lid p iid ik]
  UpdDiscoverKind _ _ iid _ -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.notMember` discoKind
        then return []
        else return [cmd]
  UpdCoverKind _ _ iid _ -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.notMember` discoKind
        then return []
        else return [cmd]
  UpdDiscoverSeed _ _ iid _ -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.notMember` discoKind
        then return []
        else do
          discoEffect <- getsClient sdiscoEffect
          if iid `EM.member` discoEffect
            then return []
            else return [cmd]
  UpdCoverSeed _ _ iid _ -> do
    itemD <- getsState sitemD
    case EM.lookup iid itemD of
      Nothing -> return []
      Just item -> do
        discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
        if jkindIx item `EM.notMember` discoKind
        then return []
        else do
          discoEffect <- getsClient sdiscoEffect
          if iid `EM.notMember` discoEffect
            then return []
            else return [cmd]
  UpdPerception lid outPer inPer -> do
    -- Here we cheat by setting a new perception outright instead of
    -- in @cmdAtomicSemCli@, to avoid computing perception twice.
    -- TODO: try to assert similar things as for @atomicRemember@:
    -- that posUpdAtomic of all the Lose* commands was visible in old Per,
    -- but is not visible any more.
    perOld <- getPerFid lid
    perception lid outPer inPer
    perNew <- getPerFid lid
    s <- getState
    fid <- getsClient sside
    -- Wipe out actors that just became invisible due to changed FOV.
    -- TODO: perhaps instead create LoseActor for all actors in lprio,
    -- and keep only those where seenAtomicCli is True; this is even
    -- cheaper than repeated posToActor (until it's optimized).
    let outFov = totalVisible perOld ES.\\ totalVisible perNew
        outPrio = concatMap (\p -> posToActors p lid s) $ ES.elems outFov
        fActor ((aid, b), ais) =
          -- TODO: instead of bproj, check that actor sees himself.
          if not (bproj b) && bfid b == fid
          then Nothing  -- optimization: the actor is soon lost anyway,
                        -- e.g., via domination, so don't bother
          else Just $ UpdLoseActor aid b ais
        outActor = mapMaybe fActor outPrio
    -- Wipe out remembered items on tiles that now came into view.
    Level{lfloor, lsmell} <- getLevel lid
    let inFov = totalVisible perNew ES.\\ totalVisible perOld
        pMaybe p = maybe Nothing (\x -> Just (p, x))
        inFloor = mapMaybe (\p -> pMaybe p $ EM.lookup p lfloor)
                           (ES.elems inFov)
        fItem p (iid, k) = UpdLoseItem iid (getItemBody iid s) k (CFloor lid p)
        fBag (p, bag) = map (fItem p) $ EM.assocs bag
        inItem = concatMap fBag inFloor
    -- Remembered map tiles not wiped out, due to optimization in @updSpotTile@.
    -- Wipe out remembered smell on tiles that now came into smell Fov.
    let inSmellFov = smellVisible perNew ES.\\ smellVisible perOld
        inSm = mapMaybe (\p -> pMaybe p $ EM.lookup p lsmell)
                        (ES.elems inSmellFov)
        inSmell = if null inSm then [] else [UpdLoseSmell lid inSm]
    let seenNew = seenAtomicCli False fid perNew
        seenOld = seenAtomicCli False fid perOld
    -- TODO: these assertions are probably expensive
    psActor <- mapM posUpdAtomic outActor
    -- Verify that we forget only previously seen actors.
    assert (allB seenOld psActor) skip
    -- Verify that we forget only currently invisible actors.
    assert (allB (not . seenNew) psActor) skip
    psItemSmell <- mapM posUpdAtomic $ inItem ++ inSmell
    -- Verify that we forget only previously invisible items and smell.
    assert (allB (not . seenOld) psItemSmell) skip
    -- Verify that we forget only currently seen items and smell.
    assert (allB seenNew psItemSmell) skip
    return $! cmd : outActor ++ inItem ++ inSmell
  _ -> return [cmd]

deleteSmell :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Point -> m [UpdAtomic]
deleteSmell aid pos = do
  b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
  smellRadius <- sumOrganEqpClient Effect.EqpSlotAddSmell aid
  if smellRadius <= 0 then return []
  else do
    lvl <- getLevel $ blid b
    let msml = EM.lookup pos $ lsmell lvl
    return $
      maybe [] (\sml -> [UpdAlterSmell (blid b) pos (Just sml) Nothing]) msml

-- | Effect of atomic actions on client state is calculated
-- in the global state before the command is executed.
cmdAtomicSemCli :: MonadClient m => UpdAtomic -> m ()
cmdAtomicSemCli cmd = case cmd of
  UpdCreateActor aid body _ -> createActor aid body
  UpdDestroyActor aid b _ -> destroyActor aid b True
  UpdSpotActor aid body _ -> createActor aid body
  UpdLoseActor aid b _ -> destroyActor aid b False
  UpdLeadFaction fid source target -> do
    side <- getsClient sside
    when (side == fid) $ do
      mleader <- getsClient _sleader
      assert (mleader == fmap fst source  -- somebody changed the leader for us
              || mleader == fmap fst target  -- we changed the leader ourselves
              `blame` "unexpected leader" `twith` (cmd, mleader)) skip
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {_sleader = fmap fst target}
      case target of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just (aid, mtgt) ->
          modifyClient $ \cli ->
            cli {stargetD = EM.alter (const $ (,Nothing) <$> mtgt)
                                     aid (stargetD cli)}
  UpdAutoFaction{} -> do
    -- Clear all targets except the leader's.
    mleader <- getsClient _sleader
    mtgt <- case mleader of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just leader -> getsClient $ EM.lookup leader . stargetD
    modifyClient $ \cli ->
      cli { stargetD = case (mtgt, mleader) of
              (Just tgt, Just leader) -> EM.singleton leader tgt
              _ -> EM.empty }
  UpdDiscover lid p iid ik seed -> do
    discoverKind lid p iid ik
    discoverSeed lid p iid seed
  UpdCover lid p iid ik seed -> do
    coverSeed lid p iid seed
    coverKind lid p iid ik
  UpdDiscoverKind lid p iid ik -> discoverKind lid p iid ik
  UpdCoverKind lid p iid ik -> coverKind lid p iid ik
  UpdDiscoverSeed lid p iid seed -> discoverSeed lid p iid seed
  UpdCoverSeed lid p iid seed -> coverSeed lid p iid seed
  UpdPerception lid outPer inPer -> perception lid outPer inPer
  UpdRestart side sdiscoKind sfper _ sdebugCli sgameMode -> do
    shistory <- getsClient shistory
    sreport <- getsClient sreport
    isAI <- getsClient sisAI
    let cli = defStateClient shistory sreport side isAI
    putClient cli { sdiscoKind
                  , sfper
                  -- , sundo = [UpdAtomic cmd]
                  , scurDifficulty = sdifficultyCli sdebugCli
                  , sgameMode
                  , sdebugCli }
  UpdResume _fid sfper -> modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sfper}
  UpdKillExit _fid -> killExit
  UpdWriteSave -> saveClient
  _ -> return ()

createActor :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Actor -> m ()
createActor aid _b = do
  let affect tgt = case tgt of
        TEnemyPos a _ _ permit | a == aid -> TEnemy a permit
        _ -> tgt
      affect3 (tgt, mpath) = case tgt of
        TEnemyPos a _ _ permit | a == aid -> (TEnemy a permit, Nothing)
        _ -> (tgt, mpath)
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stargetD = EM.map affect3 (stargetD cli)}
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = affect $ scursor cli}

destroyActor :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Actor -> Bool -> m ()
destroyActor aid b destroy = do
  when destroy $ modifyClient $ updateTarget aid (const Nothing)  -- gc
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sbfsD = EM.delete aid $ sbfsD cli}  -- gc
  let affect tgt = case tgt of
        TEnemy a permit | a == aid -> TEnemyPos a (blid b) (bpos b) permit
          -- Don't heed @destroy@, because even if actor dead, it makes
          -- sense to go to last known location to loot or find others.
        _ -> tgt
      affect3 (tgt, mpath) =
        let newMPath = case mpath of
              Just (_, (goal, _)) | goal /= bpos b -> Nothing
              _ -> mpath  -- foe slow enough, so old path good
        in (affect tgt, newMPath)
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stargetD = EM.map affect3 (stargetD cli)}
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scursor = affect $ scursor cli}

perception :: MonadClient m => LevelId -> Perception -> Perception -> m ()
perception lid outPer inPer = do
  -- Clients can't compute FOV on their own, because they don't know
  -- if unknown tiles are clear or not. Server would need to send
  -- info about properties of unknown tiles, which complicates
  -- and makes heavier the most bulky data set in the game: tile maps.
  -- Note we assume, but do not check that @outPer@ is contained
  -- in current perception and @inPer@ has no common part with it.
  -- It would make the already very costly operation even more expensive.
  perOld <- getPerFid lid
  -- Check if new perception is already set in @cmdAtomicFilterCli@
  -- or if we are doing undo/redo, which does not involve filtering.
  -- The data structure is strict, so the cheap check can't be any simpler.
  let interAlready per =
        Just $ totalVisible per `ES.intersection` totalVisible perOld
      unset = maybe False ES.null (interAlready inPer)
              || maybe False (not . ES.null) (interAlready outPer)
  when unset $ do
    let adj Nothing = assert `failure` "no perception to alter" `twith` lid
        adj (Just per) = Just $ addPer (diffPer per outPer) inPer
        f = EM.alter adj lid
    modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sfper = f (sfper cli)}

discoverKind :: MonadClient m
             => LevelId -> Point -> ItemId -> Kind.Id ItemKind -> m ()
discoverKind lid p iid ik = do
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  let f Nothing = Just ik
      f Just{} = assert `failure` "already discovered"
                        `twith` (lid, p, iid, ik)
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sdiscoKind = EM.alter f (jkindIx item) (sdiscoKind cli)}

coverKind :: MonadClient m
          => LevelId -> Point -> ItemId -> Kind.Id ItemKind -> m ()
coverKind lid p iid ik = do
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  let f Nothing = assert `failure` "already covered" `twith` (lid, p, iid, ik)
      f (Just ik2) = assert (ik == ik2 `blame` "unexpected covered item kind"
                                       `twith` (ik, ik2)) Nothing
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sdiscoKind = EM.alter f (jkindIx item) (sdiscoKind cli)}

discoverSeed :: MonadClient m
             => LevelId -> Point -> ItemId -> ItemSeed -> m ()
discoverSeed lid p iid seed = do
  Kind.COps{coitem=Kind.Ops{okind}} <- getsState scops
  discoKind <- getsClient sdiscoKind
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  Level{ldepth} <- getLevel (jlid item)
  totalDepth <- getsState stotalDepth
  case EM.lookup (jkindIx item) discoKind of
    Nothing -> assert `failure` "kind not known"
                      `twith` (lid, p, iid, seed)
    Just ik -> do
      let kind = okind ik
          f Nothing = Just $ seedToAspectsEffects seed kind ldepth totalDepth
          f Just{} = assert `failure` "already discovered"
                            `twith` (lid, p, iid, seed)
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sdiscoEffect = EM.alter f iid (sdiscoEffect cli)}

coverSeed :: MonadClient m
          => LevelId -> Point -> ItemId -> ItemSeed -> m ()
coverSeed lid p iid ik = do
  let f Nothing = assert `failure` "already covered" `twith` (lid, p, iid, ik)
      f Just{} = Nothing  -- checking that old and new agree is too much work
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sdiscoEffect = EM.alter f iid (sdiscoEffect cli)}

killExit :: MonadClient m => m ()
killExit = modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {squit = True}