; This is a copy of the default UI settings config file ; that is embedded in the game binary. A user config file can override ; these options. Option names are case-sensitive and only ';' for comments ; is permitted. ; ; The game looks for the config file at the same path where saved games ; directory is located. E.g. on Linux the file is at ; ~/.LambdaHack/config.ui.ini ; and on Windows it can be at ; C:\Documents And Settings\user\Application Data\LambdaHack\config.ui.ini ; or at ; C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\LambdaHack\config.ui.ini ; or elsewhere. [additional_commands] ; Angband compatibility (accept target) Cmd_2 = ("KP_Insert", ([CmdAim], "", ByAimMode AimModeCmd {exploration = ExecuteIfClear Dashboard, aiming = Accept})) [hero_names] HeroName_0 = ("Haskell Alvin", "he") HeroName_1 = ("Alonzo Barkley", "he") HeroName_2 = ("Ines Galenti", "she") HeroName_3 = ("Ernst Abraham", "he") HeroName_4 = ("Samuel Saunders", "he") HeroName_5 = ("Roger Robin", "he") HeroName_6 = ("Christopher Flatt", "he") [ui] ; These two are mutually exclusive: movementViKeys_hjklyubn = True movementLaptopKeys_uk8o79jl = False ; The font to use for scaling SDL2 display (best by multiples or 0.5): ;sdlFontFile = "16x16xw.woff" scalableFontSize = 16 sdlScalableSizeAdd = 0 sdlFontFile = "16x16xw.bdf" sdlBitmapSizeAdd = 0 ;sdlFontFile = "8x8xb.fnt" ;sdlFontFile = "8x8x.fnt" ;sdlBitmapSizeAdd = 2 ; New historyMax takes effect after removal of savefiles. historyMax = 5000 maxFps = 24 noAnim = False hpWarningPercent = 20 ; Uncomment to make all messages white. ; messageColors = [] overrideCmdline = "" ; Legacy: monospace fonts that have fixed size regardless of boldness (on some OSes at least) gtkFontFamily = "DejaVu Sans Mono,Consolas,Courier New,Liberation Mono,Courier,FreeMono,Monospace" ; sdlFonSizeAdd is now ignored ; runStopMsgs is now ignored