-- | module System.RedPitaya.Tutorial ( {-| == tutorial for System.Readpitaya Libraray #tutorial-for-system.readpitaya-libraray# System.Readpitaya native haskell library for that enables bindings on . It also supports remote redpitaya contolling trough same inteface over TCP\/IP. Here it is simple an minimal example to use library > import System.RedPitaya.Fpga > import System.RedPitaya.Tcp > > rpIp = "" > rpPort = 4242 > > main = runRemoteRp rpIp rpPort (setLed 0x55) @runRemoteRp@ is function that execute @FpgaSetGet@ over network. If you dont have arm-ghc compiler available, you can use compiled binaries [bin\/server]((https:\/\/github.com\/RedPitaya\/RedPitaya\/blob\/master\/bin\/server) and run them on RedPitaya. Lambdaya libraray also enables execution of same code natively trough @withOpenFpga@ from Arm module using same @FpgaSetGet@ action. > import System.RedPitaya.Fpga > import System.RedPitaya.Arm > > main = withOpenFpga (setLed 0x55) Inspiration for last example is technology from 1970s https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Hm3AFz4wrw4 > import System.RedPitaya.Fpga > import System.RedPitaya.Tcp > import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) > import Data.Bits > import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) > > knightRider n = do > let ledn = 1 + abs ((mod n 12) - 6) > setLed ( shiftL 1 ledn ) > liftIO ( threadDelay (30000) ) > knightRider (n + 1) > > rpIp = "" > rpPort = 4242 > > main = runRemoteRp rpIp rpPort (knightRider 0) For full interface and fuctions available for contolling and acessing registries, check Fpga module. -} ) where import System.RedPitaya.Fpga