Principal Components Analysis (PCA) demo ---------------------------------------- The tutorial is based on Suppose, we study nutrition habits of the citizens of four countries. Here, we provide the food consumption data among those countries. > import Learning > import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA > england = [375, 57, 245, 1472, 105, 54, 193, 147, 1102, > 720, 253, 685, 488, 198, 360, 1374, 156] > northernIreland = [135, 47, 267, 1494, 66, 41, 209, 93, 674, > 1033, 143, 586, 355, 187, 334, 1506, 139] > scotland = [458, 53, 242, 1462, 103, 62, 184, 122, 957, > 566, 171, 750, 418, 220, 337, 1572, 147] > wales = [475, 73, 227, 1582, 103, 64, 235, 160, 1137, > 874, 265, 803, 570, 203, 365, 1256, 175] We want to know how differ the countries based on those data. For that purpose, we would like to reduce the redundant information or, in other words, perform PCA. We create a single list of feature vectors (each country) used later for the analysis. > countries = map LA.fromList [england, northernIreland, scotland, wales] We perform PCA, i.e. calculate the compression (dimensionality reduction) function `compress`. The `pca` function is given `principalComponents` parameter. Here it's 1, that means that `countries` vectors of 17 features will be reduced into scalars (1D vectors). > compress = let principalComponents = 1 > pca1 = pca principalComponents countries > in _compress pca1 Output the resulting scalar values for each country > main = mapM_ (print. compress) countries Here is a summary: England -702.9850482521952 Northern Ireland -80.6002572540017 Scotland -649.8612350689822 Wales -798.521043705295 Wales \/ England Northern Ireland \/ \/ ..o....o..o.................................o /\ Scotland Now, we can clearly see that there exists a difference between Northern Ireland and the rest of the countries.