Advanced Principal Components Analysis (PCA) demo ------------------------------------------------- The tutorial is a continuation of ./MainPCA.lhs Previously, we were able to quickly determine that the food ration in Northern Ireland is somewhat different comparing to the other three countries. We have projected data from 17 dimensions into one dimension. However, we could also make a projection into two or more dimensions. So how do we determine which dimensionality reduction does preserve the most of the information? How do we make sure that only redundant information was removed? For that purpose, we will calculate retained variance [1] depending on the number of the principal components. [1] Let's start with the imports and data definition. > import Learning ( pca' ) > import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA > import Data.List ( scanl' ) > import Text.Printf ( printf ) > england = [375, 57, 245, 1472, 105, 54, 193, 147, 1102, > 720, 253, 685, 488, 198, 360, 1374, 156] > northernIreland = [135, 47, 267, 1494, 66, 41, 209, 93, 674, > 1033, 143, 586, 355, 187, 334, 1506, 139] > scotland = [458, 53, 242, 1462, 103, 62, 184, 122, 957, > 566, 171, 750, 418, 220, 337, 1572, 147] > wales = [475, 73, 227, 1582, 103, 64, 235, 160, 1137, > 874, 265, 803, 570, 203, 365, 1256, 175] > countries = map LA.fromList [england, northernIreland, scotland, wales] In order to compute the eigenvectors u and eigenvalues eig of a covariance matrix, we use function pca'. In fact, pca' was already called under the hood in the previous tutorial. > (u, eig) = pca' countries Sums of the first N eigenvalues: > cumul = drop 1 $ scanl' (+) 0 $ LA.toList eig Sum of all eigenvalues: > total = last cumul > main = mapM_ (\(i, s) -> > let retained = s / total * 100 :: Double > msg = "%d principal component(s): Retained variance %.1f%%" > in putStrLn $ printf msg i retained) > $ zip [1::Int ..] cumul 1 principal component(s): Retained variance 67.4% 2 principal component(s): Retained variance 96.5% 3 principal component(s): Retained variance 100.0% 4 principal component(s): Retained variance 100.0% ... 17 principal component(s): Retained variance 100.0% From this data we can conclude that the first two principal components contain 96.5% of information. Therefore, we will loose 3.5% of information after projecting into two orthogonal axes in the transformed coordinate system obtained after PCA. Hint: to compute compression (dimensionality reduction) and decompression functions for specified variance to retain, use (_compress. pcaVariance) and (_decompress. pcaVariance) functions.