module Codec.Archive.LibZip
, Entry
, ZipStat(..)
, withArchive, getZip
, numFiles, fileName, nameLocate, fileNames
, fileSize, fileSizeIx
, fileStat, fileStatIx
, deleteFile, deleteFileIx
, renameFile, renameFileIx
, addFile, addDirectory
, replaceFile, replaceFileIx
, sourceBuffer, sourceFile, sourceZip
, PureSource(..), sourcePure
, getComment, setComment, removeComment
, getFileComment, getFileCommentIx
, setFileComment, setFileCommentIx
, removeFileComment, removeFileCommentIx
, unchangeFile, unchangeFileIx
, unchangeArchive, unchangeAll
, fromFile, fromFileIx
, readBytes, skipBytes, readContents
, fileContents, fileContentsIx
, OpenFlag(..)
, FileFlag(..)
, ZipCompMethod(..)
, ZipEncryptionMethod(..)
, ZipError(..)
, catchZipError
, lift
) where
import Codec.Archive.LibZip.LowLevel
import Codec.Archive.LibZip.Types
import Codec.Archive.LibZip.Errors
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
(StateT(..), MonadState(..), MonadTrans(..), lift, liftM)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(..), eINVAL)
import Foreign.C.String (withCString, withCStringLen, peekCString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt, CSize)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray, peekArray, withArrayLen, pokeArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke, pokeElemOff, sizeOf)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
type Archive a = StateT Zip IO a
type Entry a = StateT
(StateT Zip IO)
withArchive :: [OpenFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive a
-> IO a
withArchive flags path action =
withCString path $ \path' ->
alloca $ \errp ->
c'zip_open path' (combine flags) errp >>= \z ->
if z == nullPtr
then peek errp >>= E.throwIO. errFromCInt
else do
r <- fst `liftM` runStateT action z
e <- c'zip_close z
if e /= 0
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return r
numFiles :: Archive Int
numFiles = do
z <- getZip
lift $ fromIntegral `liftM` c'zip_get_num_files z
fileName :: [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Archive FilePath
fileName flags i = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
n <- c'zip_get_name z (fromIntegral i) (combine flags)
doIf' (n /= nullPtr) z $ peekCString n
nameLocate :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive (Maybe Int)
nameLocate flags name = do
z <- getZip
lift $
withCString name $ \name' -> do
i <- fromIntegral `liftM` c'zip_name_locate z name' (combine flags)
if i < 0
then return Nothing
else return (Just i)
fileNames :: [FileFlag]
-> Archive [FilePath]
fileNames flags = do
n <- numFiles
mapM (fileName flags) [0..n1]
fileSize :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive Int
fileSize flags name = fileStat flags name >>= return . zs'size
fileSizeIx :: [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Archive Int
fileSizeIx flags i = fileStatIx flags i >>= return . zs'size
fileStat :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive ZipStat
fileStat flags name = do
z <- getZip
lift $
withCString name $ \name' ->
alloca $ \stat -> do
c'zip_stat_init stat
r <- c'zip_stat z name' (combine flags) stat
doIf' (r == 0) z $ toZipStat =<< peek stat
fileStatIx :: [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Archive ZipStat
fileStatIx flags i = do
z <- getZip
lift $
alloca $ \stat -> do
r <- c'zip_stat_index z (fromIntegral i) (combine flags) stat
doIf' (r == 0) z $ toZipStat =<< peek stat
deleteFile :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive ()
deleteFile flags name = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags name
maybe (lift $ E.throwIO ErrNOENT) deleteFileIx mbi
deleteFileIx :: Int
-> Archive ()
deleteFileIx i = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ c'zip_delete z (fromIntegral i)
if r == 0
then return ()
else lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
renameFile :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Archive ()
renameFile flags oldname newname = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags oldname
maybe (lift $ E.throwIO ErrNOENT) (\i -> renameFileIx i newname) mbi
renameFileIx :: Int
-> FilePath
-> Archive ()
renameFileIx i newname = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ withCString newname $ c'zip_rename z (fromIntegral i)
if r == 0
then return ()
else lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
addFile :: FilePath
-> ZipSource
-> Archive Int
addFile name src = do
z <- getZip
lift $ withCString name $ \name' -> do
i <- c'zip_add z name' src
if i < 0
then c'zip_source_free src >> get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return $ fromIntegral i
addDirectory :: FilePath
-> Archive Int
addDirectory name = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ withCString name $ c'zip_add_dir z
if r < 0
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return (fromIntegral r)
replaceFile :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> ZipSource
-> Archive ()
replaceFile flags name src = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags name
maybe (lift $ c'zip_source_free src >> E.throwIO ErrNOENT)
(\i -> replaceFileIx i src >> return ()) mbi
replaceFileIx :: Int
-> ZipSource
-> Archive ()
replaceFileIx i src = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
r <- c'zip_replace z (fromIntegral i) src
if r < 0
then c'zip_source_free src >> get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
sourceBuffer :: (Enum a)
=> [a]
-> Archive ZipSource
sourceBuffer src = do
let ws = map (toEnum . fromEnum) src :: [Word8]
z <- getZip
lift $ withArrayLen ws $ \len buf -> do
zs <- c'zip_source_buffer z (castPtr buf) (fromIntegral len) 0
if zs == nullPtr
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return zs
sourceFile :: FilePath
-> Int
-> Int
-> Archive ZipSource
sourceFile name offset len = do
z <- getZip
lift $ withCString name $ \name' -> do
zs <- c'zip_source_file z name' (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral len)
if zs == nullPtr
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return zs
sourceZip :: [FileFlag]
-> Zip
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Archive ZipSource
sourceZip flags srcz srcidx offset len = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
zs <- c'zip_source_zip z srcz (fromIntegral srcidx)
(combine flags) (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral len)
if zs == nullPtr
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return zs
sourcePure :: (Enum a, Storable a, Storable st)
=> PureSource a st -> Archive ZipSource
sourcePure pureSrc = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
cb <- mk'zip_source_callback (runPureSource pureSrc)
zs <- with (srcState pureSrc) $
\pState -> c'zip_source_function z cb (castPtr pState)
if zs == nullPtr
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return zs
data (Enum a, Storable a, Storable st) => PureSource a st = PureSource {
srcState :: st
, srcSize :: Int
, srcMTime :: Maybe UTCTime
, readSrc :: Int -> st -> Maybe (Int, [a], st)
runPureSource :: (Enum a, Storable a, Storable st)
=> PureSource a st
-> (Ptr () -> Ptr () -> CSize -> C'zip_source_cmd -> IO CSize)
runPureSource src pState pData len cmd
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_OPEN = return 0
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_READ = do
state <- peek (castPtr pState :: Ptr st)
case readSrc (src { srcState = state }) (fromIntegral len) state of
Just (len',bs,state') -> do
pokeArray (castPtr pData :: Ptr Word8) (map (toEnum.fromEnum) bs)
poke (castPtr pState) state'
return (fromIntegral len')
Nothing -> return (1)
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_CLOSE = return 0
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_STAT = do
t <- maybe getCurrentTime return (srcMTime src)
let pt = fromInteger . round . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ t
let pStat = castPtr pData
c'zip_stat_init pStat
stat <- peek pStat
let stat' = stat { c'zip_stat'mtime = pt
, c'zip_stat'size = fromIntegral $ srcSize src }
poke pStat stat'
return $ fromIntegral (sizeOf stat')
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_ERROR = do
let pErrs = castPtr pData :: Ptr CInt
poke pErrs (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ ErrINVAL)
let (Errno esys) = eINVAL
pokeElemOff pErrs 1 esys
return $ fromIntegral (2 * sizeOf esys)
| cmd == c'ZIP_SOURCE_FREE = return 0
| otherwise = return (1)
getComment :: [FileFlag]
-> Archive (Maybe String)
getComment flags = do
z <- getZip
(c,n) <- lift $ alloca $ \lenp -> do
c <- c'zip_get_archive_comment z lenp (combine flags)
n <- peek lenp
return (c,n)
if c == nullPtr
then return Nothing
else lift $ peekCString c >>= return . Just . take (fromIntegral n)
setComment :: String
-> Archive ()
setComment msg = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ withCStringLen msg $ \(msg',i') ->
c'zip_set_archive_comment z msg' (fromIntegral i')
if r < 0
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
removeComment :: Archive ()
removeComment = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ c'zip_set_archive_comment z nullPtr 0
if r < 0
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
getFileComment :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive (Maybe String)
getFileComment flags name = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags name
maybe (lift $ E.throwIO ErrNOENT) (getFileCommentIx flags) mbi
getFileCommentIx :: [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Archive (Maybe String)
getFileCommentIx flags i = do
z <- getZip
(c,n) <- lift $ alloca $ \lenp -> do
c <- c'zip_get_file_comment z (fromIntegral i) lenp (combine flags)
n <- peek lenp
return (c,n)
if c == nullPtr
then return Nothing
else lift $ peekCString c >>= return . Just . take (fromIntegral n)
setFileComment :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> String
-> Archive ()
setFileComment flags path comment = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags path
maybe (lift $ E.throwIO ErrNOENT) (flip setFileCommentIx comment) mbi
setFileCommentIx :: Int
-> String
-> Archive ()
setFileCommentIx i comment = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ withCStringLen comment $ \(msg,len) ->
c'zip_set_file_comment z (fromIntegral i) msg (fromIntegral len)
if r < 0
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
removeFileComment :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive ()
removeFileComment flags path = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags path
maybe (lift $ E.throwIO ErrNOENT) removeFileCommentIx mbi
removeFileCommentIx :: Int
-> Archive ()
removeFileCommentIx i = do
z <- getZip
r <- lift $ c'zip_set_file_comment z (fromIntegral i) nullPtr 0
if r < 0
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
unchangeFile :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive ()
unchangeFile flags name = do
mbi <- nameLocate flags name
maybe (lift $ E.throw ErrNOENT) unchangeFileIx mbi
unchangeFileIx :: Int
-> Archive ()
unchangeFileIx i = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
r <- c'zip_unchange z (fromIntegral i)
if r < 0
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
unchangeArchive :: Archive ()
unchangeArchive = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
r <- c'zip_unchange_archive z
if r < 0
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
unchangeAll :: Archive ()
unchangeAll = do
z <- getZip
lift $ do
r <- c'zip_unchange_all z
if r < 0
then get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else return ()
fromFile :: [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Entry a
-> Archive a
fromFile flags name action = do
z <- getZip
nameLocate flags name >>= maybe (lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO) runAction
runAction i = do
z <- getZip
zf <- lift $ withCString name $ \n -> c'zip_fopen z n (combine flags)
if zf == nullPtr
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else do
r <- fst `liftM` runStateT action (zf,i,flags)
e <- lift $ c'zip_fclose zf
if e /= 0
then lift $ E.throwIO $ (toEnum . fromIntegral $ e :: ZipError)
else return r
fromFileIx :: [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Entry a
-> Archive a
fromFileIx flags i action = do
z <- getZip
zf <- lift $ c'zip_fopen_index z (fromIntegral i) (combine flags)
if zf == nullPtr
then lift $ get_error z >>= E.throwIO
else do
r <- fst `liftM` runStateT action (zf,i,flags)
e <- lift $ c'zip_fclose zf
if e /= 0
then lift $ E.throwIO $ (toEnum . fromIntegral $ e :: ZipError)
else return r
readBytes ::
(Enum a)
=> Int
-> Entry [a]
readBytes n = do
(zf,_,_) <- get
lift . lift $ allocaArray n $ \buf -> do
nread <- c'zip_fread zf (castPtr buf) (fromIntegral n)
if nread < 0
get_file_error zf >>= E.throwIO
else do
bs <- peekArray (fromIntegral nread) buf :: IO [Word8]
return . map (toEnum . fromEnum) $ bs
skipBytes :: Int -> Entry ()
skipBytes n = (readBytes n :: Entry [Word8]) >> return ()
readContents ::
(Enum a)
=> Entry [a]
readContents = do
(_,i,flags) <- get
sz <- lift $ fileSizeIx flags i
readBytes sz
fileContents :: (Enum a)
=> [FileFlag]
-> FilePath
-> Archive [a]
fileContents flags name = fromFile flags name readContents
fileContentsIx :: (Enum a)
=> [FileFlag]
-> Int
-> Archive [a]
fileContentsIx flags i = fromFileIx flags i readContents
getZip :: Archive Zip
getZip = do
z <- get
if z == nullPtr
then lift $ E.throwIO ErrINVAL
else return z
doIf :: Bool -> Zip -> (Zip -> IO a) -> IO a
doIf cnd z action =
if cnd
then action z
else get_error z >>= E.throwIO
doIf' :: Bool -> Zip -> (IO a) -> IO a
doIf' cnd z action = doIf cnd z (const action)