0.6.2 ---- * `ListT`'s `Functor` instance doesn't require an underlying `Monad`. 0.6.1 ---- * Compatibility with Semigroup/Monoid proposal 0.6.0 ---- * `ListT` only available via `Control.Monad.ListT`. Resolves clash with other packages (for inclusion in Stackage). 0.5.2 ---- * `Alternative` instance 0.5.1 ---- * `splitWhenM` - a monadic variant of `break` 0.5.0 ---- * Add `mapMaybe` 0.4.4 ---- * Temporarily remove `mapMaybe` which will require bumping major version. Its previous addition in version 0.4.3 broke the `hexpat` package which used open imports causing a name clash when it was added. 0.4.3 ---- * Add `take` - a specialized version of `genericTake` * Add `splitAtM` * Add `catMaybe` * Add `mapMaybe` (temporarily removed in 0.4.4) 0.4.2 ---- * `cons` moved to List class so one could override with faster implementations * Add `enumFrom` * Add `enumFromTo` * Add `tail` * Add `filterL` 0.4.1 ---- * `Control.Monad.Trans.List.Funcs`: List functions specialized to `ListT` (to tell type inference what type is used) * Avoid using `RankNTypes` * `cons` is a right-associative operator * `ListT` also available on `Control.Monad.Trans.List` (reverted in 0.6.0) * Add `concat` (different from `join` in that inner lists are pure lists) * Add `concatMap` (different from `(=<<)` in that inner lists are pure lists) * Add `scanl1` * Add `repeatM` 0.4.0 ---- * Re-introduce `joinM` due to use-cases in `hexpat` * Add `mapL` 0.3.0 ---- * Add minor version number according to the package versioning policy. * Use `transformers` instead of `mtl` * Expose `ListT`'s data constructor * `joinM` removed. Use `(>>= lift)` instead. (re-introduced in 0.4.0) * `Functor` instance for `ListItem` * `listStateJoin` - embeds `StateT` inside the list. * Add `takeWhile` * Add `sortOn` * Add `iterateM` * Add `foldl1L` 0.2 ---- * Add instances for `Eq`, `Ord`, `Read`, `Show` * `foldrListT'` generalized to `foldrL' * `List` class independent of `ListT` - `toListT` and `fromListT` class functions removed. * Add `foldrL` 0.1 ---- * Initial version