{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

{-| This module contains examples of logic programs that generate all the valid
    colorings of a given (geographical) map.
module LogicGrowsOnTrees.Examples.MapColoring where

import Control.Monad (MonadPlus,foldM,forM_,guard,liftM,when)
import Data.Word (Word)

import LogicGrowsOnTrees (between)

{-| Generate all valid map colorings. -}
coloringSolutions ::
    MonadPlus m 
    Word {-^ number of colors -} 
    Word {-^ number of countries -} 
    (Word  Word  Bool) {-^ whether two countries are adjacent (must be symmetric) -} 
    m [(Word,Word)] {-^ a valid coloring -}
coloringSolutions number_of_colors number_of_countries isAdjacentTo =
    foldM addCountryToColoring [] [1..number_of_countries]
    addCountryToColoring coloring country = do
        color  between 1 number_of_colors
        forM_ coloring $ \(other_country, other_color) 
            when (country `isAdjacentTo` other_country) $
                guard (color /= other_color)
        return $ (country,color):coloring

{-| Generate all /unique/ valid map colorings.  That is, exactly one coloring will
    be generated from each class of colorings that are equivalent under a
    permutation of colors.
coloringUniqueSolutions ::
    MonadPlus m 
    Word {-^ number of colors -} 
    Word {-^ number of countries -} 
    (Word  Word  Bool) {-^ whether two countries are adjacent (must be symmetric) -} 
    m [(Word,Word)] {-^ a (unique) valid coloring -}
coloringUniqueSolutions number_of_colors number_of_countries isAdjacentTo =
    liftM snd $ foldM addCountryToColoring (0,[]) [1..number_of_countries]
    addCountryToColoring (number_of_colors_used,coloring) country = do
        color  between 1 ((number_of_colors_used + 1) `min` number_of_colors)
        forM_ coloring $ \(other_country, other_color) 
            when (country `isAdjacentTo` other_country) $
                guard (color /= other_color)
        return (number_of_colors_used `max` color,(country,color):coloring)