{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, QuasiQuotes #-} module Main where import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All import Text.Blaze.Html5 as El import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as At hiding (step) import Data.List import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B --import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import System.IO.Unsafe import Debug.Trace import Data.String import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Text.Hamlet -- --import Control.Monad.State --import MFlow.Forms.Internals (!>) = const -- flip trace --test= runTest [(15,"shop")] main= do setAdminUser "admin" "admin" syncWrite SyncManual setFilesPath "" addMessageFlows [("shop", runFlow shopCart),("",transient $ runFlow mainmenu)] wait $ run 80 waiMessageFlow -- runNavigation "" $ transientNav mainmenu attr= fromString text = toMarkup data Options= CountI | CountS | Radio | Login | TextEdit |Grid | Autocomp | AutocompList | ListEdit |Shop | Action | Ajax | Select | CheckBoxes | PreventBack | Multicounter | Combination | FViewMonad | Counter | WDialog deriving (Bounded, Enum,Read, Show,Typeable) mainmenu= do setHeader stdheader setTimeouts 100 0 r <- ask $ do -- includes an style requires[CSSFile "http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/style.css"] wcached "menu" 0 $ b << "BASIC" ++> br ++> wlink CountI << b << "increase an Int" <|> br ++> wlink CountS << b << "increase a String" <|> br ++> wlink Select << b << "select options" <|> br ++> wlink CheckBoxes << b << "checkboxes" <|> br ++> wlink Radio << b << "Radio buttons" <++ br <> br <> b << "WIDGET ACTIONS & CALLBACKS" <|> br ++> wlink Action << b << "Example of action, executed when a widget is validated" <|> br ++> wlink FViewMonad << b << "in page flow: sum of three numbers" <|> br ++> wlink Counter << b << "Counter" <|> br ++> wlink Multicounter << b << "Multicounter" <|> br ++> wlink Combination << b << "combination of three active widgets" <|> br ++> wlink WDialog << b << "modal dialog" <++ br <> br <> b << "DYNAMIC WIDGETS" <|> br ++> wlink Ajax << b << "AJAX example" <|> br ++> wlink Autocomp << b << "autocomplete" <|> br ++> wlink AutocompList << b << "autocomplete List" <|> br ++> wlink ListEdit << b << "list edition" <|> br ++> wlink Grid << b << "grid" <|> br ++> wlink TextEdit << b << "Content Management" <++ br <> br <> b << "STATEFUL PERSISTENT FLOW" <> br <> a ! href (attr "/shop") << "shopping" -- ordinary Blaze.Html link <> br <> br <> b << "OTHERS" <|> br ++> wlink Login << b << "login/logout" <|> br ++> wlink PreventBack << b << "Prevent going back after a transaction" case r of CountI -> clickn (0 :: Int) CountS -> clicks "1" Action -> actions 1 Ajax -> ajaxsample Select -> options CheckBoxes -> checkBoxes TextEdit -> textEdit Grid -> grid Autocomp -> autocomplete1 AutocompList -> autocompList ListEdit -> wlistEd Radio -> radio Login -> loginSample PreventBack -> preventBack Multicounter-> multicounter FViewMonad -> sumInView Counter -> counter Combination -> combination WDialog -> wdialog1 wdialog1= do ask wdialogw ask (wlink () << "out of the page flow, press here to go to the menu") wdialogw= pageFlow "diag" $ do r <- wform $ p << "please enter your name" ++> getString (Just "your name") <** submitButton "ok" wdialog "({modal: true})" "question" $ p << ("Do your name is \""++r++"\"?") ++> getBool True "yes" "no" <** submitButton "ok" `wcallback` \q -> if not q then wdialogw else wlink () << b << "thanks, press here to exit from the page Flow" sumInView= ask $ p << "ask for three numbers in the same page and display the result.\ \It is possible to modify the inputs and the sum will reflect it" ++> sumWidget formWidget :: View Html IO () formWidget= do (n,s) <- (,) <$> p << "Who are you?" ++> getString Nothing getString Nothing getRadio[radiob "work?",radiob "study?"] <++ br r<- case flag of "work?" -> pageFlow "l" $ Left <$> b << "do you enjoy your work? " ++> getBool True "yes" "no" <** submitButton "ok" <++ br "study?"-> pageFlow "r" $ Right <$> b << "do you study in " ++> getRadio[radiob "University" ,radiob "High School"] u <- getCurrentUser p << ("You are "++n++" "++s) ++> p << ("And your user is: "++ u) ++> case r of Left fl -> p << ("You work and it is " ++ show fl ++ " that you enjoy your work") ++> noWidget Right stu -> p << ("You study at the " ++ stu) ++> noWidget hint s= [("placeholder",s)] onClickSubmit= [("onclick","if(window.jQuery){\n\ \$(this).parent().submit();}\n\ \else {this.form.submit()}")] radiob s n= wlabel (text s) $ setRadio s n getInt Nothing <** submitButton "enter" <++ br n2 <- p << "Enter second number" ++> getInt Nothing <** submitButton "enter" <++ br n3 <- p << "Enter third number" ++> getInt Nothing <** submitButton "enter" <++ br p << ("The result is: "++show (n1 + n2 + n3)) ++> wlink () << b << " menu" <++ p << "you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the result changes" combination = ask $ do p << "Three active widgets in the same page with autoRefresh. Each widget refresh itself \ \with Ajax. If Ajax is not active, they will refresh by sending a new page." ++> hr ++> p << "Login widget (use admin/admin)" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "r" wlogin) <++ hr **> p << "Counter widget" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "c" (counterWidget 0)) <++ hr **> p << "Dynamic form widget" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "f" formWidget) <++ hr **> wlink () << b << "exit" wlogin :: View Html IO () wlogin= (do username <- getCurrentUser if username /= anonymous then return username else do name <- getString Nothing notValid msg Nothing -> login name >> return name) `wcallback` (\name -> b << ("logged as " ++ name) ++> p << ("navigate away of this page before logging out") ++> wlink "logout" << b << " logout") `wcallback` const (logout >> wlogin) focus = [("onload","this.focus()")] multicounter= do let explain= p << "This example emulates the" <> a ! href (attr "http://www.seaside.st/about/examples/multicounter?_k=yBJEDEGp") << " seaside example" <> p << "It uses various copies of the " <> a ! href (attr "/noscript/counter") << "counter widget " <> text "instantiated in the same page. This is an example of how it is possible to " <> text "compose widgets with independent behaviours" ask $ explain ++> add (counterWidget 0) [1..4] <|> wlink () << p << "exit" add widget list= firstOf [autoRefresh $ pageFlow (show i) widget <++ hr | i <- list] counter1= do ask $ wlink "p" <> ex as counter= do let explain= p <<"This example emulates the" <> a ! href (attr "http://www.seaside.st/about/examples/counter") << "seaside counter example" <> p << "This widget uses a callback to permit an independent" <> p << "execution flow for each widget." <> a ! href (attr "/noscript/multicounter") << "Multicounter" <> (text " instantiate various counter widgets") <> p << "But while the seaside case the callback update the widget object, in this case" <> p << "the callback call generates a new copy of the counter with the value modified." ask $ explain ++> pageFlow "c" (counterWidget 0) <++ br <|> wlink () << p << "exit" counterWidget n= do (h2 << show n !> show n ++> wlink "i" << b << " ++ " <|> wlink "d" << b << " -- ") `wcallback` \op -> case op of "i" -> counterWidget (n + 1) !> "increment" "d" -> counterWidget (n - 1) !> "decrement" rpaid= unsafePerformIO $ newMVar (0 :: Int) preventBack= do ask $ wlink () << b << "press here to pay 100000 $ " payIt paid <- liftIO $ readMVar rpaid preventGoingBack . ask $ p << "You already paid 100000 before" ++> p << "you can no go back until the end of the buy process" ++> wlink () << p << "Please press here to continue" ask $ p << ("you paid "++ show paid) ++> wlink () << p << "Press here to go to the menu or press the back button to verify that you can not pay again" where payIt= liftIO $ do print "paying" paid <- takeMVar rpaid putMVar rpaid $ paid + 100000 options= do r <- ask $ getSelect (setSelectedOption "" (p << "select a option") <|> setOption "red" (b << "red") <|> setSelectedOption "blue" (b << "blue") <|> setOption "Green" (b << "Green") ) wlink () (p << " menu") where dosummit= [("onchange","this.form.submit()")] checkBoxes= do r <- ask $ getCheckBoxes( (setCheckBox False "Red" <++ b << "red") <> (setCheckBox False "Green" <++ b << "green") <> (setCheckBox False "blue" <++ b << "blue")) <** submitButton "submit" ask $ p << ( show r ++ " selected") ++> wlink () (p << " menu") autocomplete1= do r <- ask $ p << "Autocomplete " ++> p << "when su press submit, the box value is returned" ++> wautocomplete Nothing filter1 wlink () (p << " menu") where filter1 s = return $ filter (isPrefixOf s) ["red","reed rose","green","green grass","blue","blues"] autocompList= do r <- ask $ p << "Autocomplete with a list of selected entries" ++> p << "enter and press enter" ++> p << "when su press submit, the entries are returned" ++> wautocompleteList "red,green,blue" filter1 ["red"] <** submitButton "submit" ask $ p << ( show r ++ " selected") ++> wlink () (p << " menu") where filter1 s = return $ filter (isPrefixOf s) ["red","reed rose","green","green grass","blue","blues"] grid = do let row _= tr <<< ( (,) <$> tdborder <<< getInt (Just 0) <*> tdborder <<< getTextBox (Just "") <++ tdborder << delLink) addLink= a ! href (attr "#") ! At.id (attr "wEditListAdd") << "add" delLink= a ! href (attr "#") ! onclick (attr "this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode)") << "delete" tdborder= td ! At.style (attr "border: solid 1px") r <- ask $ addLink ++> ( wEditList table row ["",""] "wEditListAdd") <** submitButton "submit" ask $ p << (show r ++ " returned") ++> wlink () (p << " back to menu") wlistEd= do r <- ask $ addLink ++> br ++> (wEditList El.div getString1 ["hi", "how are you"] "wEditListAdd") <++ br <** submitButton "send" ask $ p << (show r ++ " returned") ++> wlink () (p << " back to menu") where addLink = a ! At.id (attr "wEditListAdd") ! href (attr "#") $ b << "add" delBox = input ! type_ (attr "checkbox") ! checked (attr "") ! onclick (attr "this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode)") getString1 mx= El.div <<< delBox ++> getString mx <++ br clickn n= do r <- ask $ p << b << "increase an Int" ++> wlink "menu" << p << "menu" |+| getInt (Just n) <* submitButton "submit" case r of (Just _,_) -> return () -- ask $ wlink () << p << "thanks" (_, Just n') -> clickn $ n'+1 clicks s= do s' <- ask $ p << b << "increase a String" ++> p << b << "press the back button to go back to the menu" ++>(getString (Just s) <* submitButton "submit") `validate` (\s -> return $ if length s > 5 then Just (b << "length must be < 5") else Nothing ) clicks $ s'++ "1" radio = do r <- ask $ p << b << "Radio buttons" ++> getRadio [\n -> fromStr v ++> setRadioActive v n | v <- ["red","green","blue"]] ask $ p << ( show r ++ " selected") ++> wlink () << p << " menu" ajaxsample= do r <- ask $ p << b << "Ajax example that increment the value in a box" ++> do let elemval= "document.getElementById('text1').value" ajaxc <- ajax $ \n -> return . B.pack $ elemval <> "='" <> show(read n +1) <> "'" b << "click the box " ++> getInt (Just 0) wlink () << p << " menu" ---- recursive action --actions n=do -- ask $ wlink () (p << "exit from action") -- <**((getInt (Just (n+1)) <** submitButton "submit" ) `waction` actions ) actions n= do r<- ask $ p << b << "Two boxes with one action each one" ++> getString (Just "widget1") `waction` action <+> getString (Just "widget2") `waction` action <** submitButton "submit" ask $ p << ( show r ++ " returned") ++> wlink () << p << " menu" where action n= ask $ getString (Just $ n ++ " action")<** submitButton "submit action" data ShopOptions= IPhone | IPod | IPad deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show,Read , Typeable) newtype Cart= Cart (V.Vector Int) deriving Typeable emptyCart= Cart $ V.fromList [0,0,0] shopCart = do setHeader $ \html -> p << ( El.span << "A persistent flow (uses step). The process is killed after 100 seconds of inactivity \ \but it is restarted automatically. Event If you restart the whole server, it remember the shopping cart\n\n \ \Defines a table with links enclosed that return ints and a link to the menu, that abandon this flow.\n\ \The cart state is not stored, Only the history of events is saved. The cart is recreated by running the history of events." <> html) setTimeouts 100 (60 * 60) shopCart1 where shopCart1 = do o <- step . ask $ do let moreexplain= p << "The second parameter of \"setTimeout\" is the time during which the cart is recorded" Cart cart <- getSessionData `onNothing` return emptyCart moreexplain ++> (table ! At.style (attr "border:1;width:20%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto") <<< caption << "choose an item" ++> thead << tr << ( th << b << "item" <> th << b << "times chosen") ++> (tbody <<< tr ! rowspan (attr "2") << td << linkHome ++> (tr <<< td <<< wlink IPhone (b << "iphone") <++ td << ( b << show ( cart V.! 0)) <|> tr <<< td <<< wlink IPod (b << "ipod") <++ td << ( b << show ( cart V.! 1)) <|> tr <<< td <<< wlink IPad (b << "ipad") <++ td << ( b << show ( cart V.! 2))) <++ tr << td << linkHome )) let i =fromEnum o Cart cart <- getSessionData `onNothing` return emptyCart setSessionData . Cart $ cart V.// [(i, cart V.! i + 1 )] shopCart1 where linkHome= a ! href (attr $ "/" ++ noScript) << b << "home" loginSample= do ask $ p << "Please login with admin/admin" ++> userWidget (Just "admin") userLogin user <- getCurrentUser ask $ b << ("user logged as " <> user) ++> wlink () << p << " logout and go to menu" logout textEdit= do let first= p << i << (El.span << "this is a page with" <> b << " two " <> El.span << "paragraphs. this is the first") second= p << i << "This is the original of the second paragraph" ask $ p << b << "An example of content management" ++> first ++> second ++> wlink () << p << "click here to edit it" ask $ p << "Please login with admin/admin to edit it" ++> userWidget (Just "admin") userLogin ask $ p << "Now you can click the fields and edit them" ++> p << b << "to save an edited field, double click on it" ++> tFieldEd "first" first **> tFieldEd "second" second **> wlink () << p << "click here to see it as a normal user" logout ask $ p << "the user sees the edited content. He can not edit" ++> tFieldEd "first" first **> tFieldEd "second" second **> wlink () << p << "click to continue" ask $ p << "When texts are fixed,the edit facility and the original texts can be removed. The content is indexed by the field key" ++> tField "first" **> tField "second" **> p << "End of edit field demo" ++> wlink () << p << "click here to go to menu" --stdheader= html . body stdheader c= docTypeHtml $ El.head << (El.title << "MFlow examples" <> link ! rel ( attr "stylesheet") ! type_ ( attr "text/css") ! href (attr "http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/style.css")) <> (body $ a ! At.style (attr "align:center;") ! href ( attr "/html/MFlow/index.html") << h1 << "MFlow" <> br <> hr <> (El.div ! At.style (attr "float:left\ \;width:50%\ \;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;overflow:auto;") $ h2 << "Example of some features." -- <> h3 << "This demo uses warp and blaze-html" <> br <> c) <> (El.div ! At.style (attr "float:right;width:45%;overflow:auto;") $ h2 << "Documentation" <> br <> p << a ! href (attr "/html/MFlow/index.html") << "MFlow package description and documentation" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow/blob/master/Demos/demos-blaze.hs") << "download demo source code" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow/issues") << "bug tracker" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow") << "source repository" <> p << a ! href (attr "http://hackage.haskell.org/package/MFlow") << "Hackage repository" <> [shamlet| |] ))