-- -- (C) Susumu Katayama -- -- (Typed)IOPairs上でデータをとる.ghci上で :cmd を使いまくる感じ. {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, CPP, TemplateHaskell #-} module ExperimIOP(module ExperimIOP, module MagicHaskeller.RunAnalytical) where import MagicHaskeller.Analytical #ifdef DEBUG hiding (rev) #endif import MagicHaskeller.Classification(Filtrable) import MagicHaskeller.RunAnalytical #ifdef DEBUG hiding (main) #endif import MagicHaskeller.GetTime(batchWrite) main = do iop <- runQ andL let e = getOne iop [] putStrLn $ pprint e -- Eg. :cmd prepare prepare :: IO String prepare = run [":set +s",":m +Language.Haskell.TH","session <- prepareAPI []"] run :: [String] -> IO String run = return . unlines . echoOn -- set of lightweight experiments batchWriteFile filename = do session <- prepareAPI [] let f :: forall a. (Filtrable a, Typeable a) => Q [Dec] -> (a -> Bool) -> IO () f = filterGetOne_ session batchWrite filename [ f addN longAddNPred , f andL andLPred , f heaD headPred , f incr incrPred , f append appendPred -- , f allOdd'21 (\\allodd -> allodd [3,3] && not (allodd [2,3]) && allodd [1,3,5] && not (allodd [1,2,4])) -- , f concat12 (\\concat -> concat [\"abc\",\"\",\"de\",\"fghi\"] == \"abcdefghi\") , f drop'9 dropPred , f eq9 eqPred , f evenpos7 evenposPred -- , f evens21 (\\evens -> evens [4,6,9,2,3,8,8] == [4,6,2,8,8]) -- , f fib6 (\\fib -> fib 1 == 1 && fib 2 == 1 && fib 4 == 3 && fib 6 == 8 && fib 8 == 21) , f iniT initPred , f oddpos6 oddposPred , f lasT lastPred , f lasts lastsPred , f lens lengthsPred , f multFst multFstPred , f multLst multLstPred , f negateall negateAllPred , f reversE revPred , f shiftl shiftlPred , f shiftr shiftrPred , f snoc snocPred -- , f suM (\\sum -> sum [7,3,8,5] == 23) , f swap swapPred , f switch switchPred , f takE takePred , f weave weavePred ] -- :cmd batch batch :: IO String batch = run $ filtGetOne "addN" "longAddNPred" ++ filtGetOne "andL" "andLPred" ++ filtGetOne "heaD" "headPred" ++ filtGetOne "incr" "incrPred" ++ filtGetOne "append" "appendPred" -- ++ filtGetOne "allOdd'21" "(\\allodd -> allodd [3,3] && not (allodd [2,3]) && allodd [1,3,5] && not (allodd [1,2,4]))" -- ++ filtGetOne "concat12" "(\\concat -> concat [\"abc\",\"\",\"de\",\"fghi\"] == \"abcdefghi\")" ++ filtGetOne "drop'9" "dropPred" ++ filtGetOne "eq9" "eqPred" ++ filtGetOne "evenpos7" "evenposPred" -- ++ filtGetOne "evens21" "(\\evens -> evens [4,6,9,2,3,8,8] == [4,6,2,8,8])" -- ++ filtGetOneBK "fib6" "add''" "(\\fib -> fib 1 == 1 && fib 2 == 1 && fib 4 == 3 && fib 6 == 8 && fib 8 == 21)" ++ filtGetOne "iniT" "initPred" ++ filtGetOne "oddpos6" "oddposPred" ++ filtGetOne "lasT" "lastPred" ++ filtGetOne "lasts" "lastsPred" ++ filtGetOne "lens" "lengthsPred" ++ filtGetOne "multFst" "multFstPred" ++ filtGetOne "multLst" "multLstPred" ++ filtGetOne "negateall" "negateAllPred" ++ filtGetOne "reversE" "revPred" ++ filtGetOne "shiftl" "shiftlPred" ++ filtGetOne "shiftr" "shiftrPred" ++ filtGetOne "snoc" "snocPred" -- ++ filtGetOne "suM" "(\\sum -> sum [7,3,8,5] == 23)" ++ filtGetOne "swap" "swapPred" ++ filtGetOne "switch" "switchPred" ++ filtGetOne "takE" "takePred" ++ filtGetOne "weave" "weavePred" untype :: Functor m => m [a] -> m [a] untype = fmap tail -- E.g. :cmd run $ tryGetOne "add6" tryGetOne :: String -> [String] tryGetOne str = ["iop <- runQ $ "++str, "let e = getOne iop []", "putStrLn $ pprint e"] -- E.g. :cmd run $ tryGetOneBK "add6" [] -- :cmd run $ tryGetOneBK "fib6" ["add6"] tryGetOneBK :: String -> String -> [String] tryGetOneBK str bk = ["iop <- runQ $ "++str, "bk <- runQ $ "++bk, "let e = getOne iop bk", "putStrLn $ pprint e"] -- E.g. :cmd run $ testGetOne "add6" addArgss testGetOne :: String -> [String] -> [String] testGetOne str argss = tryGetOne str ++ map ("$(return e) "++) argss -- E.g. :cmd run $ filtGetOne "reversE" "(\\f -> f \"abcdef\" == \"fedcba\")" filtGetOne :: String -> String -> [String] filtGetOne str predicate = ["filterGetOne session ("++str++") ("++predicate++")"] filtGetOneBK :: String -> String -> String -> [String] filtGetOneBK str bk predicate = ["filterGetOneBK session ("++str++") ("++bk++") ("++predicate++")"] emptyBK = [d| {} |] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "add''" "(\\(+) -> 3+5==8)" add6 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 0 = 0; f 0 1 = 1; f 1 0 = 1; f 2 0 = 2; f 1 1 = 2; f 0 2 = 2 |] add'7 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f x 0 = x; f 1 1 = 2; f 1 2 = 3; f 2 1 = 3; f 2 2 = 4; f 2 3 = 5 |] -- dame. でも,IgorではOK. add'6 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f x 0 = x; f 1 1 = 2; f 1 2 = 3; f 2 1 = 3; f 2 2 = 4 |] -- dame add'5 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f x 0 = x; f 1 1 = 2; f 1 2 = 3; f 2 1 = 3 |] -- dame add'3 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f x 0 = x; f 1 1 = 2 |] -- dame add'2 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f x 0 = x |] -- dame どうもoverlapしているのがまずいのでは? 自動的にcase分けするようにすればよい. add'1 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x |] add'' = [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 x = x; f 1 0 = 1; f 2 0 = 2; f 1 1 = 2; f 1 2 = 3; f 2 1 = 3; f 2 2 = 4; f 2 3 = 5 |] add'''= [d| f :: Int->Int->Int; f 0 0 = 0; f 0 1 = 1; f 0 2 = 2; f 1 0 = 1; f 2 0 = 2; f 1 1 = 2; f 1 2 = 3; f 2 1 = 3; f 2 2 = 4; f 2 3 = 5 |] addArgss = ["3 5"] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "addN" "longAddNPred" addN = [d| addN :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] addN 0 [] = [] addN 1 [] = [] addN 2 [] = [] addN 0 [0] = [0] addN 0 [1] = [1] addN 0 [2] = [2] addN 0 [0,1] = [0,1] addN 0 [1,0] = [1,0] addN 1 [0,1] = [1,2] addN 1 [1,0] = [2,1] addN 1 [0] = [1] addN 1 [1] = [2] addN 1 [2] = [3] addN 2 [0] = [2] addN 2 [1] = [3] addN 2 [2] = [4] addN 2 [0,1] = [2,3] addN 2 [2,0] = [4,2] |] --batchAddN = do session <- prepareAPI ["MagicHaskeller"] -- batchWrite "addN.dat" $ map (\n -> filterGetOne session (tunedAddN n) addNPred) [5..22] -- こう書いては見たものの,タイムアウトは? testAddN = [d| addN :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] addN 0 [] = [] addN 1 [] = [] addN 2 [] = [] |] takeFunD n (FunD name clauses : xs) = FunD name (take n clauses) : takeFunD n xs takeFunD n (x:xs) = x : takeFunD n xs takeFunD _ [] = [] -- 22まで.実際には,[3,6..21]で実行するだけで面白い感じ.(3と21以外はうまくいく.) tunedAddN n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| addN :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] addN 0 [] = [] addN 1 [] = [] addN 2 [] = [] addN 0 [0] = [0] addN 0 [1] = [1] addN 0 [2] = [2] addN 0 [0,0] = [0,0] addN 0 [0,1] = [0,1] addN 0 [1,0] = [1,0] addN 1 [0] = [1] addN 1 [1] = [2] addN 1 [2] = [3] addN 1 [0,0] = [1,1] addN 1 [0,1] = [1,2] addN 1 [1,0] = [2,1] addN 2 [0] = [2] addN 2 [1] = [3] addN 2 [2] = [4] addN 2 [0,0] = [2,2] addN 2 [0,1] = [2,3] addN 2 [1,0] = [3,2] addN 2 [2,0] = [4,2] |] addNPred, longAddNPred :: (Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) -> Bool addNPred addN = addN 3 [5,7] == [8,10] longAddNPred addN = addN 3 [5,7,2] == [8,10,5] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "andL" "(\\and -> not (and [True,False]) && and [True,True] && and [True,True,True] && not (and [False,True,True]))" andL = tunedAndL 15 -- [1,3,7,15,31] tunedAndL n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| andL :: [Bool] -> Bool andL [] = True andL [True] = True andL [False] = False andL [True,True] = True andL [True,False] = False andL [False,True] = False andL [False,False] = False andL [True,True,True] = True andL [False,True,True] = False andL [True,False,True] = False andL [True,True,False] = False andL [True,False,False] = False andL [False,True,False] = False andL [False,False,True] = False andL [False,False,False] = False andL [True,True,True,True] = True andL [True,False,True,True] = False andL [True,True,False,True] = False andL [True,True,True,False] = False andL [True,True,False,False] = False andL [True,False,True,False] = False andL [True,False,False,True] = False andL [True,False,False,False] = False andL [False,True,True,True] = True andL [False,False,True,True] = False andL [False,True,False,True] = False andL [False,True,True,False] = False andL [False,True,False,False] = False andL [False,False,True,False] = False andL [False,False,False,True] = False andL [False,False,False,False] = False |] andLPred and = not (and [True,False]) && and [True,True] && and [True,True,True] && not (and [False,True,True]) allOdd4 = [d| f :: [Int]->Bool; f [] = True; f [x] = odd x; f [x,y] = odd x && odd y; f [x,y,z] = odd x && (odd y && odd z) |] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "allOdd'21" "longAlloddPred" allOdd'21 = [d| f :: [Int]->Bool; f [] = True; f [0] = False; f [1] = True; f [2] = False; f [3] = True; f [0,0] = False; f [0,1] = False; f [0,2] = False; f [0,3] = False; f [1,0] = False; f [1,1] = True; f [1,2] = False; f [1,3] = True; f [2,0] = False; f [2,1] = False; f [2,2] = False; f [2,3] = False; f [3,0] = False; f [3,1] = True; f [3,2] = False; f [3,3] = True |] -- [1,3,6,10,15] あと,allOdd'21はこれらを包含する. tunedAllOdd n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| f :: [Int]->Bool; f [] = True; f [0] = False; f [0,0] = False; f [1] = True; f [0,1] = False; f [1,0] = False; f [2] = False; f [0,2] = False; f [1,1] = True; f [2,0] = False; f [3] = True; f [0,3] = False; f [1,2] = False; f [2,1] = False; f [3,0] = False |] -- dame -- Igorでもcatamorphism extensionなしではできないのでいいや. alloddPred allodd = allodd [3,3] && not (allodd [2,3]) && allodd [1,3,5] && not (allodd [1,2,4]) longAlloddPred allodd = allodd [3,3] && not (allodd [2,3]) && allodd [1,3,5] && not (allodd [3,7,5,1,2]) -- Example.hsそのまま -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "append" "appendPred" append = [d| appenD :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] appenD [] x = x --appenD [][] = [] appenD [a][] = [a] --appenD [][c] = [c] --appenD [][c,d] = [c,d] appenD [a][c] = [a,c] appenD [a,b][] = [a,b] --appenD [] [a,b,c] = [a,b,c] appenD [a][c,d] = [a,c,d] appenD [a,b][d] = [a,b,d] appenD [a,c,d][] = [a,c,d] --appenD [][a,b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b][c,d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b,c][d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b,c,d][] = [a,b,c,d] |] -- いける -- [2,4,7,11,16] tunedAppend n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| appenD :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] appenD [] x = x --appenD [][] = [] appenD [a][] = [a] --appenD [][c] = [c] --appenD [][c,d] = [c,d] appenD [a][c] = [a,c] appenD [a,b][] = [a,b] --appenD [] [a,b,c] = [a,b,c] appenD [a][c,d] = [a,c,d] appenD [a,b][d] = [a,b,d] appenD [a,c,d][] = [a,c,d] appenD [a][b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b][c,d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b,c][d] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a,b,c,d][] = [a,b,c,d] appenD [a][b,c,d,e] = [a,b,c,d,e] appenD [a,b][c,d,e] = [a,b,c,d,e] appenD [a,b,c][d,e] = [a,b,c,d,e] appenD [a,b,c,d][e] = [a,b,c,d,e] appenD [a,b,c,d,e][] = [a,b,c,d,e] |] -- いける {- take 2: 0 take 4: 0 take 7: 0 take 11:0.39 take 16: >300 -} appendPred (++) = "foo" ++ "bar" == "foobar" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "concat12" "(\\concat -> concat [\"abc\",\"\",\"de\",\"fghi\"] == \"abcdefghi\")" concat12 = [d| concaT :: [[a]] -> [a] concaT [] = [] concaT [[]] = [] concaT [[a]] = [a] concaT [[],[a]] = [a] concaT [[a],[]] = [a] concaT [[a],[b]] = [a,b] concaT [[c,d]]= [c,d] concaT [[a,b,c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a,b],[c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a],[c,d]] = [a,c,d] concaT [[a],[b],[c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a,b],[c,d]] = [a,b,c,d] |] -- dame. igorでもダメ.MHだと一瞬. -- てゆーか,要素数3つの場合に空リストがなかったりする訳で,その辺系統的な例とはいえないので,何とも言えない. tunedConcat n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| concaT :: [[a]] -> [a] concaT [] = [] concaT [[]] = [] concaT [[a]] = [a] concaT [[],[]] = [] concaT [[],[a]] = [a] concaT [[a],[]] = [a] concaT [[a],[b]] = [a,b] concaT [[c,d]]= [c,d] concaT [[a,b,c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[],[a,b,c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a,b,c],[]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a,b],[c]] = [a,b,c] concaT [[a],[c,d]] = [a,c,d] -- concaT [[a,b],[c,d]] = [a,b,c,d] -- concaT [[a],[b],[c]] = [a,b,c] |] concatPred concat = concat ["abc","","de","fghi"] == "abcdefghi" allOddArgss = ["[3,1,5]", "[1,3,2]"] -- こっちがtuned tunedDrop12 = [d| droP :: Int -> [a] -> [a] droP 0 [] = [] droP 0 [a] = [a] droP 0 [a,b] = [a,b] droP 0 [a,b,c] = [a,b,c] droP 1 [] = [] droP 1 [a] = [] droP 1 [a,b] = [b] droP 1 [a,b,c] = [b,c] droP 2 [] = [] droP 2 [a] = [] droP 2 [a,b] = [] droP 2 [a,b,c] = [c] |] -- 0.20sec tunedDrop9 = [d| droP :: Int -> [a] -> [a] droP 0 [] = [] droP 0 [a] = [a] droP 0 [a,b] = [a,b] droP 1 [] = [] droP 1 [a] = [] droP 1 [a,b] = [b] droP 2 [] = [] droP 2 [a] = [] droP 2 [a,b] = [] |] -- 0.08sec tunedDrop6 = [d| droP :: Int -> [a] -> [a] droP 0 [] = [] droP 0 [a] = [a] droP 0 [a,b] = [a,b] droP 1 [] = [] droP 1 [a] = [] droP 1 [a,b] = [b] |] -- 0.07sec tunedDrop4 = [d| droP :: Int -> [a] -> [a] droP 0 [] = [] droP 0 [a] = [a] droP 1 [] = [] droP 1 [a] = [] |] -- 0.10 sec -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "drop'9" "dropPred" drop'9 = [d| droP :: Int -> [a] -> [a] droP 0 x = x --droP 0 [] = [] --droP 0 [a] = [a] --droP x [] = [] droP 1 [] = [] droP 2 [] = [] --droP 0 [a,b] = [a,b] --droP 0 [a,b,c] = [a,b,c] droP 1 [a] = [] droP 1 [a,b] = [b] droP 1 [a,b,c] = [b,c] droP 2 [a] = [] droP 2 [a,b] = [] droP 2 [a,b,c] = [c] --droP (S (S 1)) [] = [] --droP (S (S 1)) [a] = [] --droP (S (S 1)) [a,b] = [] --droP (S (S 1)) [a,b,c] = [] |] -- いける.ちなみに,drop12の場合とはべつの解が先頭に来るが,どちらも正解.なお,drop'9がExample.hsと同じもの. dropPred :: (Int -> String -> String) -> Bool dropPred drop = drop 3 "abcde" == "de" dropArgss = ["3 [4,5,6,7,8]"] even6 = [d| f :: Int -> Bool; f 0 = True; f 1 = False; f 2 = True; f 3 = False; f 4 = True; f 5 = False |] evenArgss = ["8", "9"] tunedEvenpos n = fmap (takeFunD n) evenpos7 {- take 2 : >300 sec take 3 : 0.03 sec take 4 : 0.02 sec take 5 : 0.01 sec take 6 : 0.01 sec take 7 : 0.04 sec -} -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "evenpos7" "evenposPred" evenpos7 = [d| evenpos :: [a] -> [a] evenpos [] = [] evenpos [a] = [] evenpos [a,b] = [b] evenpos [a,b,c] = [b] evenpos [a,b,c,d] = [b,d] evenpos [a,b,c,d,e] = [b,d] evenpos [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [b,d,f] |] -- Examples.hsと同じもの. evenposPred evenpos = evenpos "abcdefg" == "bdf" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "evens21" "evensPred" evens21 = [d| evens :: [Int] -> [Int] evens [] = [] evens [0] = [0] evens [1] = [] evens [2] = [2] evens [3] = [] evens [0,0] = [0,0] evens [0,1] = [0] evens [0,2] = [0,2] evens [0,3] = [0] evens [1, 0] = [0] evens [1, 1] = [] evens [1, 2] = [2] evens [1, 3] = [] evens [2, 0] = [2,0] evens [2, 1] = [2] evens [2, 2] = [2,2] evens [2, 3] = [2] evens [3, 0] = [0] evens [3, 1] = [] evens [3, 2] = [2] evens [3, 3] = [] |] -- >300 evens13 = [d| evens :: [Int] -> [Int] evens [] = [] evens [0] = [0] evens [1] = [] evens [2] = [2] evens [0,0] = [0,0] evens [0,1] = [0] evens [0,2] = [0,2] evens [1, 0] = [0] evens [1, 1] = [] evens [1, 2] = [2] evens [2, 0] = [2,0] evens [2, 1] = [2] evens [2, 2] = [2,2] |] -- >300 evens10 = [d| evens :: [Int] -> [Int] evens [] = [] evens [0] = [0] evens [1] = [] evens [2] = [2] evens [0,0] = [0,0] evens [0,1] = [0] evens [0,2] = [0,2] evens [1, 0] = [0] evens [1, 1] = [] evens [1, 2] = [2] |] -- >300 evens7 = [d| evens :: [Int] -> [Int] evens [] = [] evens [0] = [0] evens [1] = [] evens [0,0] = [0,0] evens [0,1] = [0] evens [1, 0] = [0] evens [1, 1] = [] |] -- >300 evensArgss = ["[1,2,3,4,5]"] evensPred evens = evens [4,6,9,2,3,8,8] == [4,6,2,8,8] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "eq9" "eqPred" eq9 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Bool; f 0 0 = True; f 0 1 = False; f 0 2 = False; f 1 0 = False; f 1 1 = True; f 1 2 = False; f 2 0 = False; f 2 1 = False; f 2 2 = True |] -- Examples.hsと同じもの 0.04sec eq6 = fmap (takeFunD 6) eq9 -- 0.07 sec eq4 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Bool; f 0 0 = True; f 0 1 = False; f 1 0 = False; f 1 1 = True |] -- 0.08 sec eq3 = fmap (takeFunD 3) eq4 eq16 = [d| f :: Int->Int->Bool; f 0 0 = True; f 0 1 = False; f 0 2 = False; f 0 3 = False; f 1 0 = False; f 1 1 = True; f 1 2 = False; f 1 3 = False; f 2 0 = False; f 2 1 = False; f 2 2 = True; f 2 3 = False; f 3 0 = False; f 3 1 = False; f 3 2 = False; f 3 3 = True |] -- >300 eqArgss = ["4 4", "5 7"] eqPred :: (Int->Int->Bool) -> Bool eqPred (==) = 3==3 && not (4==6) && 0==0 && not (2==0) && not (0==2) && not (3==5) tryFib :: [String] tryFib = ["iop <- runQ $ fib6", "let e = getOne iop []", "putStrLn $ pprint e"] -- note that this starts with 0 rather than 1. Also, more examples should be given. -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "fib6" "(\\fib -> fib 1 == 1 && fib 2 == 1 && fib 4 == 3 && fib 6 == 8 && fib 8 == 21)" fib6 = [d| fib :: Int->Int fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib 2 = 1 fib 3 = 2 fib 4 = 3 fib 5 = 5 |] -- Examples.hsとおなじもの -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "fib8" "(\\fib -> fib 1 == 1 && fib 2 == 1 && fib 4 == 3 && fib 6 == 8 && fib 8 == 21)" fib8 = [d| fib :: Int->Int fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib 2 = 1 fib 3 = 2 fib 4 = 3 fib 5 = 5 fib 6 = 8 fib 7 = 13 |] fib9 = [d| fib :: Int->Int fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib 2 = 1 fib 3 = 2 fib 4 = 3 fib 5 = 5 fib 6 = 8 fib 7 = 13 fib 8 = 21 |] fib10 = [d| fib :: Int->Int fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib 2 = 1 fib 3 = 2 fib 4 = 3 fib 5 = 5 fib 6 = 8 fib 7 = 13 fib 8 = 21 fib 9 = 34 |] tunedFib n = fmap (takeFunD n) fib10 -- add'''を使う場合,実際にはfib6が限界 fibPred fib = fib 1 == 1 && fib 2 == 1 && fib 4 == 3 && fib 6 == 8 && fib 8 == 21 -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "heaD" "headPred" heaD = [d| heaD :: [a] -> a heaD [a] = a heaD [a,b] = a heaD [a,b,c] = a heaD [a,b,c,d] = a |] tunedHead n = fmap (takeFunD n) heaD -- 1から4全て0.01 sec headPred head = head "abcde" == 'a' -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "incr" "incrPred" incr = [d| incr :: [Int] -> [Int] incr [] = [] incr [0] = [1] incr [1] = [2] --incr [2] = [3] incr [0,1] = [1,2] --incr [0,2] = [1,3] incr [1,0] = [2,1] |] -- Examples.hsと同じもの.長さが足りず,filterが有効な例.`mplus`でも(+/)でも.でも,Igorだとうまくいく. incrPred :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> Bool incrPred f = f [0,1,1,2] == [1,2,2,3] incr' = [d| incr :: [Int] -> [Int] incr [] = [] incr [0] = [1] incr [1] = [2] --incr [2] = [3] incr [0,1] = [1,2] --incr [0,2] = [1,3] incr [1,0] = [2,1] -- incr [0,0,0] = [1,1,1] incr [1,0,0] = [2,1,1] incr [0,1,0] = [1,2,1] incr [0,0,1] = [1,1,2] incr [1,0,0,0] = [2,1,1,1] incr [0,1,0,0] = [1,2,1,1] incr [0,0,1,0] = [1,1,2,1] incr [0,0,0,1] = [1,1,1,2] |] -- こうやってもダメ. -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "iniT" "initPred" iniT = [d| iniT:: [a] -> [a] iniT [a] = [] iniT [a,b] = [a] iniT [a,b,c] = [a,b] iniT [a,b,c,d] = [a,b,c] |] -- おなじやつ tunedInit n = fmap (takeFunD n) iniT {- take 4: 0.01 sec take 3: 0.01 sec take 2: 0.02 sec take 1: >300 -} initPred init = init "foobar" == "fooba" -- taken from Examples.hs in igor2-, but equivalence over Ints has to be defined in order to work with igor2, because equivalence over Ints are not defined. -- These (with eq9 as the BK) should not work when anti-unification is forced. なぜなら,succが導入されてintroBKが阻害されるから.1からでなく0から始めるべき. mem15 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 1 [] = False mem 2 [] = False mem 3 [] = False mem 1 [1] = True mem 2 [1] = False mem 3 [1] = False mem 1 [2] = False mem 2 [2] = True mem 3 [2] = False mem 1 [3] = False mem 2 [3] = False mem 3 [3] = True mem 1 [2,1] = True mem 2 [2,1] = True --member 1 [3,1,2] = [1,2] --member 1 [1,2,3] = [1,2,3] mem 1 [3,2,1] = True |] mem8 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 1 [] = False mem 2 [] = False mem 1 [1] = True mem 2 [1] = False mem 1 [2] = False mem 2 [2] = True mem 1 [2,1] = True mem 2 [2,1] = True |] mem6 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 1 [] = False mem 2 [] = False mem 1 [1] = True mem 2 [1] = False mem 1 [2] = False mem 2 [2] = True |] mem'15 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 0 [] = False mem 1 [] = False mem 2 [] = False mem 0 [0] = True mem 1 [0] = False mem 2 [0] = False mem 0 [1] = False mem 1 [1] = True mem 2 [1] = False mem 0 [2] = False mem 1 [2] = False mem 2 [2] = True mem 0 [1,0] = True mem 1 [1,0] = True --member 0 [2,0,1] = [0,1] --member 0 [0,1,2] = [0,1,2] mem 0 [2,1,0] = True |] mem'6 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 0 [] = False mem 1 [] = False mem 0 [0] = True mem 1 [0] = False mem 0 [1] = False mem 1 [1] = True |] mem'8 = [d| mem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool mem 0 [] = False mem 1 [] = False mem 0 [0] = True mem 1 [0] = False mem 0 [1] = False mem 1 [1] = True mem 0 [0,1] = True mem 1 [0,1] = True |] -- rev n = fmap (take (n+1)) [d| f :: [a]->[a]; f [] = []; f [a] = [a]; f [a,b] = [b,a]; f [a,b,c] = [c,b,a]; f [a,b,c,d] = [d,c,b,a] |] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "oddpos6" "oddposPred" oddpos6 = [d| oddpos :: [a] -> [a] oddpos [] = [] oddpos [a] = [a] oddpos [a,b] = [a] oddpos [a,b,c] = [a,c] oddpos [a,b,c,d] = [a,c] oddpos [a,b,c,d,e] = [a,c,e] |] oddposPred oddpos = oddpos "abcdef" == "ace" && oddpos "abc" == "ac" {- take 6: 0 sec take 5: 0 sec take 4: 0 sec take 3: 0 sec take 2: >300 take 1: -} tunedOddpos n = fmap (takeFunD n) oddpos6 -- 1から4全て0.01 sec -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "lasT" "lastPred" lasT = [d| lasT :: [a] -> a lasT [a] = a lasT [a,b] = b lasT [a,b,c] = c lasT [a,b,c,d] = d |] {- take 4: 0.04 sec take 3: 0.01 sec take 2: 0.01 sec take 1: >300 -} tunedLast n = fmap (takeFunD n) lasT lastPred last = last "abcde" == 'e' lastM = [d| lastM :: [a] -> Maybe a lastM [] = Nothing lastM [a] = Just a lastM [a,b] = Just b lastM [a,b,c] = Just c lastM [a,b,c,d] = Just d |] -- Maybeやってなかった. -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "lasts" "lastsPred" lasts = [d| lasts :: [[a]] -> [a] lasts [] = [] lasts [[a]] = [a] lasts [[a,b]] = [b] lasts [[a,b,c]] = [c] lasts [[b],[a]] = [b,a] lasts [[c],[a,b]] = [c,b] lasts [[a,b],[c,d]] = [b,d] lasts [[c,d],[b]] = [d,b] lasts [[c],[d,e],[f]] = [c,e,f] lasts [[c,d],[e,f],[g]] = [d,f,g] |] -- not actually tuned tunedLasts n = fmap (takeFunD n) lasts {- take 1: >300 take 4: 0.06 take 8: 0.10 take 10: 1.2 sec -- 論文だと四捨五入で0秒だけど,あの時はbatchWriteFileでやったのでオーバヘッドがなかった. -} lasts' = [d| lasts :: [[a]] -> [a] lasts [] = [] lasts [[a]] = [a] lasts [[a,b]] = [b] -- lasts [[a,b,c]] = [c] lasts [[b],[a]] = [b,a] lasts [[c],[a,b]] = [c,b] lasts [[a,b],[c,d]] = [b,d] lasts [[c,d],[b]] = [d,b] -- lasts [[c],[e],[f]] = [c,e,f] -- lasts [[c],[d,e],[f]] = [c,e,f] -- lasts [[c,d],[e,f],[g]] = [d,f,g] -- lasts [[c,d],[e,f],[h,g]] = [d,f,g] |] lastsPred lasts = lasts ["abcdef", "abc", "abcde"] == "fce" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "lens" "lengthsPred" lens = [d| lengths :: [[a]] -> [Int] lengths [] = [] lengths [[]] = [0] lengths [[a]] = [1] lengths [[b,a]] = [2] --lengths [[c,b,a]] = [S(S(1)] lengths [[],[]] = [0, 0] lengths [[],[a]] = [0,1] lengths [[],[b,a]] = [0,2] |] tunedLens n = fmap (takeFunD n) [d| lengths :: [[a]] -> [Int] lengths [] = [] lengths [[]] = [0] lengths [[a]] = [1] lengths [[b,a]] = [2] lengths [[],[]] = [0, 0] lengths [[],[a]] = [0,1] lengths [[],[b,a]] = [0,2] lengths [[x],[]] = [1, 0] lengths [[x],[a]] = [1,1] lengths [[x],[b,a]] = [1,2] lengths [[x,y],[]] = [2, 0] lengths [[x,y],[a]] = [2,1] lengths [[x,y],[b,a]] = [2,2] lengths [[],[],[]] = [0,0,0] |] lengthsPred :: ([String] -> [Int]) -> Bool lengthsPred lengths = lengths ["abcdef", "abc", "abcde"] == [6,3,5] {- take 4: 0.02 take 7: 0.03 take 10: 0.15 secs take 13: 6.60 secs take 14: 17.15 secs -} -- しかし,IgorIIHでこれを全部タイムアウトまでやると考えると気が遠くなる.たとえば,上記のlengthsの例では,提案手法ですべてうまくいっているのだから,1つの例でIgorIIHに生成できなければ提案手法が優っているのは明白なのでやめてしまっていいのではなかろうか? -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "multFst" "multFstPred" multFst = [d| multfst :: [a] -> [a] multfst [] = [] multfst [a] = [a] multfst [a,b] = [a,a] multfst [a,b,c] = [a,a,a] multfst [a,b,c,d] = [a,a,a,a] --multfst [a,b,c,d,e] = [a,a,a,a,a] --multfst [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [a,a,a,a,a,a] |] {- take 2: >300 take 3: 0 take 4: 0 take 5: 0 -} multFstPred multfst = multfst "abcdef" == "aaaaaa" tunedMultFst n = fmap (takeFunD n) multFst -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "multLst" "multLstPred" multLst = [d| multlst :: [a] -> [a] multlst [] = [] multlst [a] = [a] multlst [a,b] = [b,b] multlst [a,b,c] = [c,c,c] multlst [a,b,c,d] = [d,d,d,d] --multlst [a,b,c,d,e] = [e,e,e,e,e] --multlst [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [f,f,f,f,f,f] |] multLstPred multlst = multlst "abcdef" == "ffffff" tunedMultLst n = fmap (takeFunD n) multLst -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "negateall" "negateAllPred" negateall = [d| negateAll :: [Bool] -> [Bool] negateAll [] = [] negateAll [True] = [False] negateAll [False] = [True] negateAll [False,False] = [True,True] negateAll [False,True] = [True,False] negateAll [True,False] = [False,True] negateAll [True,True] = [False,False] |] negateAllPred f = f [True,False,False,True] == [False,True,True,False] && f [False,True,False] == [True,False,True] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "powset" "(\\powset -> powset \"abcd\" == [\"abcd\",\"abc\",\"abd\",\"ab\",\"acd\",\"ac\",\"ad\",\"a\",\"bcd\",\"bc\",\"bd\",\"b\",\"cd\",\"c\",\"d\",\"\"])" powset = [d| powset :: [a] -> [[a]] powset [] = [[]] powset [a] = [[a],[]] powset [a,b] = [[a,b],[a],[b],[]] powset [a,b,c] = [[a,b,c],[a,b],[a,c],[a],[b,c],[b],[c],[]] --powset [a,b,c,d] = [[a,b,c,d],[a,b,c],[a,b,d],[a,b],[a,c,d],[a,c],[a,d],[a],[b,c,d],[b,c],[b,d],[b],[c,d],[c],[d],[]] |] odD = [d| odD :: Int -> Bool odD 0 = False odD 1 = True odD 2 = False odD 3 = True odD 4 = False odD 5 = True |] -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "reversE" "(\\rev -> rev \"abcde\" == \"edcba\")" reversE = [d| reversE :: [a] -> [a] reversE [] = [] reversE [a] =[a] reversE [a,b] = [b,a] reversE [a,b,c] = [c,b,a] reversE [a,b,c,d] = [d,c,b,a] --reversE [a,b,c,d,e] = [e,d,c,b,a] --reversE [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [f,e,d,c,b,a] |] revPred rev = rev "abcdef" == "fedcba" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "shiftl" "shiftlPred" shiftl = [d| shiftl :: [a] -> [a] shiftl [] = [] shiftl [a] = [a] shiftl [a,b] = [b,a] shiftl [a,b,c] = [b,c,a] shiftl [a,b,c,d] = [b,c,d,a] --shiftl [a,b,c,d,e] = [b,c,d,e,a] --shiftl [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [b,c,d,e,f,a] --shiftl [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] = [b,c,d,e,f,g,a] --shiftl [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] = [b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a] |] shiftlPred shiftl = shiftl "abcde" == "bcdea" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "shiftr" "shiftrPred" shiftr = [d| shiftr :: [a] -> [a] shiftr [] = [] shiftr [a] = [a] shiftr [a,b] = [b,a] shiftr [a,b,c] = [c,a,b] shiftr [a,b,c,d] = [d,a,b,c] -- shiftr [a,b,c,d,e] = [e,a,b,c,d] |] shiftrPred shiftr = shiftr "abcde" == "eabcd" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "snoc" "snocPred" snoc = [d| snoc :: a -> [a] -> [a] snoc a [] = [a] snoc b [a] = [a,b] snoc c [a,b] = [a,b,c] snoc d [a,b,c] = [a,b,c,d] --snoc e [a,b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d,e] --snoc f [a,b,c,d,e] = [a,b,c,d,e,f] |] snocPred snoc = snoc 'f' "abcde" == "abcdef" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "suM" "(\\sum -> sum [7,3,8,5] == 23)" suM = [d| suM :: [Int] -> Int suM [] = 0 suM [0] = 0 suM [1] = 1 suM [2] = 2 suM [0,0] = 0 suM [0,1] = 1 suM [0,2] = 2 suM [1,0] = 1 suM [1,1] = 2 suM [1,2] = 3 suM [2,0] = 2 suM [2,1] = 3 suM [2,2] = 4 suM [2,1, 2] = 5 -- without this line this is easily synthesizable. |] sumL = [d| sum [] = 0; sum [x] = x; sum [x,y] = x+y; sum [x,y,z] = x+y+z; sum [x,y,z,w] = x+y+z+w |] sumR = [d| sum [] = 0; sum [x] = x; sum [x,y] = x+y; sum [x,y,z] = x+(y+z); sum [x,y,z,w] = x+(y+(z+w)) |] tunedSum n = fmap (takeFunD n) suM sumPred sum = sum [7,3,8,5] == 23 -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "swap" "swapPred" swap = [d| swap:: [a] -> [a] swap [] = [] swap [a] = [a] swap [a,b] = [b,a] swap [a,b,c] = [b,a,c] swap [a,b,c,d] = [b,a,d,c] swap [a,b,c,d,e] = [b,a,d,c,e] swap [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [b,a,d,c,f,e] |] swapPred swap = swap "abcde" == "badce" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "switch" "switchPred" switch = [d| switch :: [a] -> [a] switch [] = [] switch [a] = [a] switch [a,b] = [b,a] switch [a,b,c] = [c,b,a] switch [a,b,c,d] = [d,b,c,a] --switch [a,b,c,d,e] = [e,b,c,d,a] --switch [a,b,c,d,e,f] = [f,b,c,d,e,a] |] switchPred switch = switch "abcde" == "ebcda" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "takE" "takePred" takE = [d| takE :: Int -> [a] -> [a] takE 0 [] = [] takE 0 [a] = [] takE 0 [a,b] = [] --takE 0 [a,b,c] = [] takE 1 [] = [] takE 1 [a] = [a] takE 1 [a,b] = [a] --takE 1 [a,b,c] = [a] takE 2 [] = [] takE 2 [a] = [a] takE 2 [a,b] = [a,b] --takE 2 [a,b,c] = [a,b] takE 3 [] = [] takE 3 [a] = [a] takE 3 [a,b] = [a,b] --takE 3 [a,b,c] = [a,b,c] |] takePred :: (Int->String->String) -> Bool takePred take = take 3 "abcde" == "abc" -- :cmd run $ filtGetOne "weave" "weavePred" weave = [d| weave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] weave [] [] = [] weave [a][] = [a] weave [][c] = [c] weave [a][c] = [a,c] weave [a,b][] = [a,b] weave [][c,d] = [c,d] weave [a,b][c] = [a,c,b] weave [a][c,d] = [a,c,d] weave [a,b][c,d] = [a,c,b,d] |] weavePred weave = weave "abc" "def" == "adbecf" {- zeros = [d| zeros :: [Int] -> [Int] zeros [] = [] zeros [0] = [0] zeros [S x] = [] zeros [0,S x] = [0] zeros [S x,0] = [0] zeros [S x,S y] = [] zeros [0,0] = [0,0] --zeros [0,S x,S y] = [0] --zeros [S x,0,S y] = [0] --zeros [S y,S x,0] = [0] --zeros [0,0,S x] = [0,0] --zeros [0,S x,0] = [0,0] --zeros [S x,0,0] = [0,0] --zeros [0,0,0] = [0,0,0] |] -} zeros'7 = [d| zeros :: [Int] -> [Int] zeros [] = [] zeros [0] = [0] zeros [1] = [] zeros [0,1] = [0] zeros [1,0] = [0] zeros [1,1] = [] zeros [0,0] = [0,0] |] -- dame zeros'14 = [d| zeros :: [Int] -> [Int] zeros [] = [] zeros [0] = [0] zeros [1] = [] zeros [0,1] = [0] zeros [1,0] = [0] zeros [1,1] = [] zeros [0,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,1,1] = [] zeros [0,1,1] = [0] zeros [1,0,1] = [0] zeros [1,1,0] = [0] zeros [0,0,1] = [0,0] zeros [0,1,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,0,0] = [0,0] zeros [0,0,0] = [0,0,0] |] -- dame zeros'31 = [d| zeros :: [Int] -> [Int] zeros [] = [] zeros [0] = [0] zeros [1] = [] zeros [0,1] = [0] zeros [1,0] = [0] zeros [1,1] = [] zeros [0,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,1,1] = [] zeros [0,1,1] = [0] zeros [1,0,1] = [0] zeros [1,1,0] = [0] zeros [0,0,1] = [0,0] zeros [0,1,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,0,0] = [0,0] zeros [0,0,0] = [0,0,0] zeros [1,1,1,1] = [] zeros [0,1,1,1] = [0] zeros [1,0,1,1] = [0] zeros [1,1,0,1] = [0] zeros [0,0,1,1] = [0,0] zeros [0,1,0,1] = [0,0] zeros [1,0,0,1] = [0,0] zeros [0,0,0,1] = [0,0,0] zeros [1,1,1,0] = [] zeros [0,1,1,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,0,1,0] = [0,0] zeros [1,1,0,0] = [0,0] zeros [0,0,1,0] = [0,0,0] zeros [0,1,0,0] = [0,0,0] zeros [1,0,0,0] = [0,0,0] zeros [0,0,0,0] = [0,0,0,0] |] -- dame echoOn :: [String] -> [String] echoOn [] = [] echoOn (x:xs) = ("putStrLn "++ show x) : x : echoOn xs withEcho :: String -> String withEcho str = show str ++ '\n' : str ++ "\n" ins21 = [d| ins 0 [] = [0] ins 1 [] = [1] ins 2 [] = [2] ins 0 [0] = [0,0] ins 1 [0] = [0,1] ins 2 [0] = [0,2] ins 0 [1] = [0,1] ins 1 [1] = [1,1] ins 2 [1] = [1,2] ins 0 [2] = [0,2] ins 1 [2] = [1,2] ins 0 [0,0] = [0,0,0] ins 1 [0,0] = [0,0,1] ins 2 [0,0] = [0,0,2] ins 0 [0,1] = [0,0,1] ins 1 [0,1] = [0,1,1] ins 2 [0,1] = [0,1,2] ins 0 [0,2] = [0,0,2] ins 1 [0,2] = [0,1,2] ins 0 [1,1] = [0,1,1] ins 1 [1,1] = [1,1,1] |] ins30 = [d| ins 0 [] = [0] ins 1 [] = [1] ins 2 [] = [2] ins 0 [0] = [0,0] ins 1 [0] = [0,1] ins 2 [0] = [0,2] ins 0 [1] = [0,1] ins 1 [1] = [1,1] ins 2 [1] = [1,2] ins 0 [2] = [0,2] ins 1 [2] = [1,2] ins 2 [2] = [2,2] ins 0 [0,0] = [0,0,0] ins 1 [0,0] = [0,0,1] ins 2 [0,0] = [0,0,2] ins 0 [0,1] = [0,0,1] ins 1 [0,1] = [0,1,1] ins 2 [0,1] = [0,1,2] ins 0 [0,2] = [0,0,2] ins 1 [0,2] = [0,1,2] ins 2 [0,2] = [0,2,2] ins 0 [1,1] = [0,1,1] ins 1 [1,1] = [1,1,1] ins 2 [1,1] = [1,1,2] ins 0 [1,2] = [0,1,2] ins 1 [1,2] = [1,1,2] ins 2 [1,2] = [1,2,2] ins 0 [2,2] = [0,2,2] ins 1 [2,2] = [1,2,2] ins 2 [2,2] = [2,2,2] |] bmin = [d| mi 0 x = 0 mi 1 0 = 0 mi 1 1 = 1 mi 1 2 = 1 mi 2 0 = 0 mi 2 1 = 1 mi 2 2 = 2 |] bmax = [d| ma 0 0 = 0 ma 0 1 = 1 ma 0 2 = 2 ma 1 0 = 1 ma 1 1 = 1 ma 1 2 = 2 ma 2 0 = 2 ma 2 1 = 2 ma 2 2 = 2 |]