{ {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Parser where import qualified Lexer as T import qualified Concrete as C import Abstract (Decoration(..),Dec,defaultDec,Override(..)) import Polarity (Pol(..)) import qualified Abstract as A import qualified Polarity as A import Concrete (Name,patApp) } %name parse %tokentype { T.Token } %error { parseError } %token id { T.Id $$ _ } qualid { T.QualId $$ _ } number { T.Number $$ _ } data { T.Data _ } codata { T.CoData _ } record { T.Record _ } sized { T.Sized _ } fields { T.Fields _ } mutual { T.Mutual _ } fun { T.Fun _ } cofun { T.CoFun _ } pattern { T.Pattern _ } case { T.Case _ } def { T.Def _ } let { T.Let _ } in { T.In _ } eval { T.Eval _ } fail { T.Fail _ } check { T.Check _ } trustme { T.TrustMe _ } impredicative { T.Impredicative _ } type { T.Type _ } set { T.Set _ } coset { T.CoSet _ } size { T.Size _ } infty { T.Infty _ } succ { T.Succ _ } max { T.Max _ } '<|' { T.LTri _ } '|>' { T.RTri _ } '<' { T.AngleOpen _ } '>' { T.AngleClose _ } '{' { T.BrOpen _ } '}' { T.BrClose _ } '[' { T.BracketOpen _ } ']' { T.BracketClose _ } '(' { T.PrOpen _ } ')' { T.PrClose _ } '|' { T.Bar _ } ',' { T.Comma _ } ';' { T.Sem _ } ':' { T.Col _ } '.' { T.Dot _ } '->' { T.Arrow _ } '<=' { T.Leq _ } '=' { T.Eq _ } '++' { T.PlusPlus _ } '+' { T.Plus _ } '-' { T.Minus _ } '/' { T.Slash _ } -- UNUSED '*' { T.Times _ } -- UNUSED '^' { T.Hat _ } '&' { T.Amp _ } '\\' { T.Lam _ } '_' { T.Underscore _ } %% TopLevel :: { [C.Declaration] } TopLevel : Declarations { reverse $1} Declarations :: { [C.Declaration] } Declarations : {- empty -} { [] } | Declarations Declaration { $2 : $1 } Declaration :: { C.Declaration } Declaration : Data { $1 } | CoData { $1 } | SizedData { $1 } | SizedCoData { $1 } | RecordDecl { $1 } | Fun { $1 } | CoFun { $1 } | Mutual { $1 } | Let { $1 } | PatternDecl { $1 } | impredicative Declaration { C.OverrideDecl Impredicative [$2] } | impredicative '{' Declarations '}' { C.OverrideDecl Impredicative $3 } | fail Declaration { C.OverrideDecl Fail [$2] } | fail '{' Declarations '}' { C.OverrideDecl Fail $3 } | check Declaration { C.OverrideDecl Check [$2] } | check '{' Declarations '}' { C.OverrideDecl Check $3 } | trustme Declaration { C.OverrideDecl TrustMe [$2] } | trustme '{' Declarations '}' { C.OverrideDecl TrustMe $3 } {- Data :: { C.Declaration } Data : data Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { C.DataDecl $2 A.NotSized A.Ind $3 $5 (reverse $7) $9 } SizedData :: { C.Declaration } SizedData : sized data Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { C.DataDecl $3 A.Sized A.Ind $4 $6 (reverse $8) $10 } CoData :: { C.Declaration } CoData : codata Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { C.DataDecl $2 A.NotSized A.CoInd $3 $5 (reverse $7) $9 } SizedCoData :: { C.Declaration } SizedCoData : sized codata Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { C.DataDecl $3 A.Sized A.CoInd $4 $6 (reverse $8) $10 } RecordDecl :: { C.Declaration } RecordDecl : record Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructor '}' OptFields { C.RecordDecl $2 $3 $5 $7 $9 } -} Data :: { C.Declaration } Data : data DataDef { let (n,tel,t,cs,fs) = $2 in C.DataDecl n A.NotSized A.Ind tel t cs fs } SizedData :: { C.Declaration } SizedData : sized data DataDef { let (n,tel,t,cs,fs) = $3 in C.DataDecl n A.Sized A.Ind tel t cs fs } CoData :: { C.Declaration } CoData : codata DataDef { let (n,tel,t,cs,fs) = $2 in C.DataDecl n A.NotSized A.CoInd tel t cs fs } SizedCoData :: { C.Declaration } SizedCoData : sized codata DataDef { let (n,tel,t,cs,fs) = $3 in C.DataDecl n A.Sized A.CoInd tel t cs fs } RecordDecl :: { C.Declaration } RecordDecl : record DataDef1 { let (n,tel,t,c,fs) = $2 in C.RecordDecl n tel t c fs } DataDef :: { (C.Name, C.Telescope, C.Type, [C.Constructor], [C.Name]) } DataDef : Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { ($1, $2, $4, reverse $6, $8)} | Id DataTelescope '{' Constructors '}' OptFields { ($1, $2, C.set0, reverse $4, $6)} DataDef1 :: { (C.Name, C.Telescope, C.Type, C.Constructor, [C.Name]) } DataDef1 : Id DataTelescope ':' Expr '{' Constructor '}' OptFields { ($1, $2, $4, $6, $8)} | Id DataTelescope '{' Constructor '}' OptFields { ($1, $2, C.set0, $4, $6)} Fun :: { C.Declaration } Fun : fun TypeSig '{' Clauses '}' { C.FunDecl A.Ind $2 $4 } CoFun :: { C.Declaration } CoFun : cofun TypeSig '{' Clauses '}' { C.FunDecl A.CoInd $2 $4 } Mutual :: { C.Declaration } Mutual : mutual '{' Declarations '}' { C.MutualDecl (reverse $3) } Let :: { C.Declaration } Let : Eval let LetDef { C.LetDecl $1 $3 } {- Let : Eval let Id Telescope TypeOpt '=' ExprT { C.LetDecl $1 $3 $4 $5 $7 } -- Let : Eval let Id Telescope ':' Expr '=' ExprT { C.LetDecl $1 $3 $4 $6 $8 } -} LetDef :: { C.LetDef } LetDef : PolId Telescope TypeOpt '=' ExprT { let (dec,n) = $1 in C.LetDef dec n $2 $3 $5 } Eval :: { Bool } Eval : {- nothing -} { False } | eval { True } TypeOpt :: { Maybe C.Type } TypeOpt : {- nothing -} { Nothing } | ':' Expr { Just $2 } {- Let :: { C.Declaration } Let : let TypeSig '=' ExprT { C.LetDecl False $2 $4 } | eval let TypeSig '=' ExprT { C.LetDecl True $3 $5 } -} PatternDecl :: { C.Declaration } PatternDecl : pattern SpcIds '=' PairP { C.PatternDecl (head $2) (tail $2) $4 } OptFields :: { [Name] } OptFields : {- empty -} { [] } | fields Ids { $2 } ----- Id :: { Name } Id : id { C.Name $1 } -- no longer number { $1 } SpcIds :: { [Name] } -- non-empty list SpcIds : Id { [$1] } | Id SpcIds { $1 : $2 } Ids :: { [Name] } -- non-empty list Ids : Id { [$1] } | Id ',' Ids { $1 : $3 } Pol :: { Pol } Pol : '++' { SPos } | '+' { Pos } | '-' { Neg } | '.' { Const } -- use bracket [..] | '^' { Param } | '*' { Rec } -- recursive -- | {- empty -} { Mixed } Measure :: { A.Measure C.Expr } Measure : '|' Meas { A.Measure $2 } Meas :: { [C.Expr] } Meas : Expr '|' { [$1] } | Expr ',' Meas { $1 : $3 } Bound :: { A.Bound C.Expr } Bound : Measure '<' Measure { A.Bound A.Lt $1 $3 } | Measure '<=' Measure { A.Bound A.Le $1 $3 } {- (A.succMeasure C.Succ $3) } -} EIds :: { [Name] } -- non-empty list EIds : ExprList { let { f (C.Ident (C.QName x)) = x ; f e = error ("not an identifier: " ++ C.prettyExpr e) } in map f $1 } Telescope :: { C.Telescope } Telescope : {- empty -} { [] } | TBind Telescope { $1 : $2 } | Measure Telescope { C.TMeasure $1 : $2 } -- Binding. TBind :: { C.TBind } TBind : '(' EIds ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec Default) $2 $4 } | '(' Id '<' Expr ')' { C.TBounded A.defaultDec $2 A.Lt $4 } | '(' Id '<=' Expr ')' { C.TBounded A.defaultDec $2 A.Le $4 } | Pol '(' EIds ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec $1) $3 $5 } | Pol '(' Id '<' Expr ')' { C.TBounded (Dec $1) $3 A.Lt $5 } | Pol '(' Id '<=' Expr ')' { C.TBounded (Dec $1) $3 A.Le $5 } | EBind { $1 } | HBind { $1 } -- Erased binding EBind :: { C.TBind } EBind : '[' Ids ':' Expr ']' { C.TBind A.irrelevantDec $2 $4 } | '[' Id '<' Expr ']' { C.TBounded A.irrelevantDec $2 A.Lt $4 } | '[' Id '<=' Expr ']' { C.TBounded A.irrelevantDec $2 A.Le $4 } -- Hidden binding HBind :: { C.TBind } HBind : '{' Ids ':' Expr '}' { C.TBind A.Hidden $2 $4 } | '{' Id '<' Expr '}' { C.TBounded A.Hidden $2 A.Lt $4 } | '{' Id '<=' Expr '}' { C.TBounded A.Hidden $2 A.Le $4 } UntypedBind :: { C.LBind } UntypedBind : Id { C.TBind A.defaultDec [$1] Nothing } | '[' Id ']' { C.TBind A.irrelevantDec [$2] Nothing } | Pol Id { C.TBind (Dec $1) [$2] Nothing } | Pol '(' Id ')' { C.TBind (Dec $1) [$3] Nothing } PolId :: { (Dec, C.Name) } PolId : Id { (A.defaultDec , $1) } | '[' Id ']' { (A.irrelevantDec, $2) } | Pol Id { (Dec $1 , $2) } LLetDef :: { C.LetDef } LLetDef : LetDef { $1 } -- legacy forms | '[' Id ':' Expr ']' '=' Expr { C.LetDef A.irrelevantDec $2 [] (Just $4) $7 } -- erased binding | Pol '(' Id ':' Expr ')' '=' Expr { C.LetDef (Dec $1) $3 [] (Just $5) $8 } -- ordinary binding -- let binding LBind :: { C.LBind } LBind : UntypedBind { $1 } | Id ':' Expr { C.TBind A.defaultDec [$1] (Just $3) } -- ordinary binding | '(' Id ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind A.defaultDec [$2] (Just $4) } -- ordinary binding | '[' Id ':' Expr ']' { C.TBind A.irrelevantDec [$2] (Just $4) } -- erased binding | Pol '(' Id ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec $1) [$3] (Just $5) } -- ordinary binding -- | Pol '[' Id ':' Expr ']' { C.TBind (Dec True $1) [$3] $5 } -- erased binding Domain :: { C.Telescope } Domain : Expr0 { [C.TBind (Dec Default) {- A.defaultDec -} [] $1] } | '[' Expr ']' { [C.TBind A.irrelevantDec [] $2] } | Pol Expr0 { [C.TBind (Dec $1) [] $2] } -- | Pol '[' Expr ']' { [C.TBind (Dec True $1) [] $3] } | TBind { [$1] } | Measure { [C.TMeasure $1] } | Bound { [C.TBound $1] } | Telescope { $1 } -- expressions which can be tuples e , e' ExprT :: { C.Expr} ExprT : ExprList { foldr1 C.Pair $1 } ExprList :: { [C.Expr] } ExprList : Expr { [$1] } | Expr ',' ExprList { $1 : $3 } -- general form of expression Expr :: { C.Expr } Expr : Domain '->' Expr { C.Quant A.Pi $1 $3 } | '\\' SpcIds '->' ExprT { foldr C.Lam $4 $2 } | let LLetDef in ExprT { C.LLet $2 $4 } | case ExprT TypeOpt '{' Cases '}' { C.Case $2 $3 $5 } | Expr0 { $1 } -- Sigma type | Expr1 '+' Expr { C.Plus $1 $3 } | Expr1 '<|' Expr { C.App $1 [$3] } | Expr1 '|>' Expr { C.App $3 [$1] } -- Sigma types (A & B, (x : A) & B) Expr0 :: { C.Expr } Expr0 : Expr1 { $1 } | SigDom '&' Expr0 { C.Quant A.Sigma [$1] $3 } -- SigDom ~ Domain, but no Telescope and no Expr0 SigDom :: { C.TBind } SigDom : Expr1 { C.TBind (Dec Default) {- A.defaultDec -} [] $1 } | '[' Expr ']' { C.TBind A.irrelevantDec [] $2 } | Pol Expr1 { C.TBind (Dec $1) [] $2 } -- | Pol '[' Expr ']' { C.TBind (Dec True $1) [] $3 } | TBind { $1 } | Measure { C.TMeasure $1 } | Bound { C.TBound $1 } -- constraint -- perform applications Expr1 :: { C.Expr } Expr1 : Expr2 { let (f : args) = reverse $1 in if null args then f else C.App f args } | coset Expr3 { C.CoSet $2 } | set { C.Set C.Zero } | set Expr3 { C.Set $2 } | number '*' Expr1 { let n = read $1 in if n==0 then C.Zero else iterate (C.Plus $3) $3 !! (n-1) } -- | EBind Expr1 { C.EBind $1 $2 } -- gather applications Expr2 :: { [C.Expr] } Expr2 : Expr3 { [$1] } | Expr2 Expr3 { $2 : $1 } | Expr2 '.' Id { C.Proj $3 : $1 } | Expr2 set { C.Set C.Zero : $1 } -- | succ SE { [C.Succ $2] } -- atoms Expr3 :: { C.Expr } Expr3 : size { C.Size } | max { C.Max } | infty { C.Infty } | QName { C.Ident $1} | '<' ExprT ':' Expr '>' { C.Sing $2 $4 } | '(' ExprT ')' { $2 } | '_' { C.Unknown } | succ Expr3 { C.Succ $2 } -- succ is a prefix op | number { iterate C.Succ C.Zero !! (read $1) } | record '{' RecordDefs '}' { C.Record $3 } QName :: { C.QName } QName : qualid { let (m,n) = $1 in C.Qual (C.Name m) (C.Name n) } | Id { C.QName $1} {- -- general form of type expression Type :: { C.Expr } Type : Domain '->' Type { C.Quant A.Pi $1 $3 } | let LBind '=' ExprT in Type { C.LLet $2 $4 $6 } | case ExprT '{' Cases '}' { C.Case $2 $4 } | Type1 { $1 } -- perform applications Type1 :: { C.Expr } Type1 : Type2 { let (f : args) = reverse $1 in if null args then f else C.App f args } | coset Expr3 { C.CoSet $2 } | set { C.Set C.Zero } | set Expr3 { C.Set $2 } | Domain '&' Type1 { C.Quant A.Sigma $1 $3 } -- gather applications Type2 :: { [C.Expr] } Type2 : Type3 { [$1] } | Type2 Expr3 { $2 : $1 } | Type2 '.' Id { C.Proj $3 : $1 } | Type2 set { C.Set C.Zero : $1 } -- type atoms Type3 :: { C.Expr } Type3 : size { C.Size } | Id { C.Ident $1} | '(' Type ')' { $2 } | '_' { C.Unknown } -} RecordDefs :: { [([Name],C.Expr)] } RecordDefs : RecordDef ';' RecordDefs { $1 : $3 } | RecordDef { [$1] } | {- empty -} { [] } RecordDef :: { ([Name],C.Expr) } RecordDef : SpcIds '=' ExprT { ($1,$3) } TypeSig :: { C.TypeSig } TypeSig : Id ':' Expr { C.TypeSig $1 $3 } Constructor :: { C.Constructor } Constructor : Id Telescope ':' Expr { C.Constructor $1 $2 (Just $4) } | Id Telescope { C.Constructor $1 $2 Nothing } Constructors :: { [C.Constructor ] } Constructors : Constructors ';' Constructor { $3 : $1 } | Constructors ';' { $1 } | Constructor { [$1] } | {- empty -} { [] } Cases :: { [C.Clause] } Cases : Pattern '->' ExprT ';' Cases { (C.Clause Nothing [$1] (Just $3)) : $5 } | Pattern '->' ExprT { (C.Clause Nothing [$1] (Just $3)) : [] } | Pattern ';' Cases { (C.Clause Nothing [$1] Nothing) : $3 } | Pattern { (C.Clause Nothing [$1] Nothing) : [] } | {- empty -} { [] } Clause :: { C.Clause } Clause : Id LHS '=' ExprT { C.Clause (Just $1) $2 (Just $4) } | Id LHS { C.Clause (Just $1) $2 Nothing } LHS :: { [C.Pattern] } LHS : Patterns { reverse $1 } Patterns :: { [C.Pattern] } Patterns : {- empty -} { [] } -- | Pattern Patterns { $1 : $2 } | Patterns Pattern { $2 : $1 } | Patterns '<|' ElemP { $3 : $1 } -- atomic patterns Pattern :: { C.Pattern } Pattern : '(' ')' { C.AbsurdP } | '(' PairP ')' { $2 } | DotId { $1 } | succ Pattern { C.SuccP $2 } | '.' set { C.DotP (C.Set C.Zero) } | '.' Expr3 { C.DotP $2 } -- pattern tuples PairP :: { C.Pattern } PairP : ElemP ',' PairP { C.PairP $1 $3 } | ElemP { $1 } ElemP :: { C.Pattern } ElemP : ConP { $1 } | Expr3 '>' Id { C.SizeP $1 $3 } | Id '<' Expr3 { C.SizeP $3 $1 } | Pattern { $1 } | ConP '<|' ElemP { patApp $1 [$3] } -- '<|' is Haskell's '$' (appl.) -- constructor with at least one argument pattern ConP :: { C.Pattern } ConP : DotId Pattern { patApp $1 [$2] } | ConP Pattern { patApp $1 [$2] } DotId :: { C.Pattern } DotId : Id { C.IdentP (C.QName $1) } | '.' Id { C.ConP True (C.QName $2) [] } Clauses :: { [C.Clause] } Clauses : RClauses { reverse $1 } RClauses :: { [C.Clause ] } RClauses : RClauses ';' Clause { $3 : $1 } | RClauses ';' { $1 } | Clause { [$1] } | {- empty -} { [] } -- Binding in data telescope, supports (+ X : Set) for backwards compatibility TBindSP :: { C.TBind } TBindSP : '(' Ids ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec Default) $2 $4 } -- ordinary binding | '[' Ids ':' Expr ']' { C.TBind A.irrelevantDec $2 $4 } -- erased bind. | Pol '(' Ids ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec $1) $3 $5 } | '(' '+' Ids ':' Expr ')' { C.TBind (Dec SPos) $3 $5 } -- | '(' sized Id ')' { C.TSized $3 } DataTelescope :: { C.Telescope } DataTelescope : {- empty -} { [] } | TBindSP DataTelescope { $1 : $2 } { parseError :: [T.Token] -> a parseError [] = error "Parse error at EOF" parseError (x : xs) = error ("Parse error at token " ++ T.prettyTok x) }