{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} -- | A linear type-based I/O system a la Clean. -- -- This is an alternative to composing monads - one can decompose them into their -- corresponding comonads, with linear operations for manipulating them. -- (See Kieburtz, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= module Control.Linear (St, A, Blank, Pair, Fn, (>>==), rtn, -- * Algebraic operations run, bimap, assoc1, assoc2, drop1, drop2, undrop1, undrop2, swap, apply, curry, distr, void', bimap', -- * Basic I/O system Exclusive, Semiclosed, Open, Placeholder(Placeholder), open, getStdin, getStdout, getStderr, close, close1, fileSize, setFileSize, eof, seek, tell, char, line, lookahead, contents, putC, putS, random, -- * Safe pointer facilities Pointer, Freeable(Freeable), Foreign(Foreign), Focused(Focused), Fix(In), fixInj1, fixInj2, Weakening(weakening), contraction, new, free, split, ptrSwap, -- ** Focusing focus, focusHdl, -- ** Strong update peek', poke', changeType, -- ** Operations on nonlinear data / Weak update newForeign, peek1, poke1 ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Category import Control.Monad import GHC.Prim import GHC.IO import GHC.Base (realWorld#) import System.IO import Foreign.ForeignPtr hiding (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr) import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe import Foreign.StablePtr import Foreign.Ptr import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as A import Foreign.Storable import Data.Default import Data.Int import Prelude hiding (id, (.), curry) import System.Random (getStdGen) import System.IO.Unsafe -- * Linear type machinery -- | Values representing the real world. data St = St (State# RealWorld) -- | Linear computations are arrows over linear data, but monads over nonlinear data. newtype A t u v = A (u -> (v, t)) type Fn t u = A () (Pair t St) (Pair u St) data Blank = Blank data Pair t u = Pair !t !u instance (Default a) => Category (A a) where id = A (\x -> (x, def)) A f . A g = A (f . fst . g) instance (Default a) => Arrow (A a) where arr f = A (\x -> (f x, def)) first (A f) = A (\(x, y) -> let (z, a) = f x in ((z, y), a)) instance (Default a) => ArrowChoice (A a) where A f +++ A g = A (\ei -> either (\x -> let (y, z) = f x in (Left y, z)) (\x -> let (y, z) = g x in (Right y, z)) ei) left a = a +++ id infixl 1 >>== -- | Monadic bind (for nonlinear data). A f >>== g = A (\x -> let (y, z) = f x A h = g z in h y) -- | Monadic return rtn x = A (\y -> (y, x)) -- | This setup is from http://cs.ioc.ee/~tarmo/tsem11/jeltsch1602-slides.pdf -- -- It implements some of http://pauillac.inria.fr/~fpottier/slides/fpottier-2007-05-linear-bestiary.pdf {-# INLINE run #-} run :: A a St St -> IO a run (A f) = IO $ \world -> case f (St world) of (St world', x) -> (# world', x #) {-# INLINE bimap #-} bimap (A f) (A g) = A (\(Pair a b) -> let (c, d) = f a (e, h) = g b in (Pair c e, (d, h))) {-# INLINE assoc1 #-} assoc1 = A (\(Pair (Pair a b) c) -> (Pair a (Pair b c), ())) {-# INLINE assoc2 #-} assoc2 = A (\(Pair a (Pair b c)) -> (Pair (Pair a b) c, ())) {-# INLINE drop1 #-} drop1 = A (\(Pair Blank x) -> (x, ())) {-# INLINE drop2 #-} drop2 = A (\(Pair x Blank) -> (x, ())) {-# INLINE undrop1 #-} undrop1 = A (\x -> (Pair Blank x, ())) {-# INLINE undrop2 #-} undrop2 = A (\x -> (Pair x Blank, ())) {-# INLINE swap #-} swap = A (\(Pair x y) -> (Pair y x, ())) {-# INLINE apply #-} apply = A (\(Pair (A f) x) -> f x) {-# INLINE curry #-} curry (A f) = A (\x -> (A (\y -> f (Pair x y)), ())) {-# INLINE distr #-} distr = A (\(Pair a ei) -> (either (Left . Pair a) (Right . Pair a) ei, ())) ------------------------------------------------------ {-# INLINE void' #-} void' = (>>== const (rtn ())) {-# INLINE bimap' #-} bimap' :: A () t u -> A () v w -> A () (Pair t v) (Pair u w) bimap' a a2 = void' (bimap a a2) ------------------------------------------------------ newtype Exclusive = Exclusive Handle deriving Storable newtype Semiclosed = Semiclosed Handle deriving Storable newtype Open p = Open Handle deriving Storable class Openhandle h where getHdl :: h -> Handle instance Openhandle Exclusive where getHdl (Exclusive h) = h instance Openhandle (Open p) where getHdl (Open h) = h {-# INLINE lift #-} lift f = A $ \(Pair x (St world)) -> let IO g = f x (# world', (y, z) #) = g world in (Pair y (St world'), z) open file mode = lift (\Blank -> liftM (\hdl -> (Exclusive hdl, ())) $ openFile file mode) . undrop1 getStdin = A (\Blank -> (Open stdin, ())) getStdout = A (\Blank -> (Open stdout, ())) getStderr = A (\Blank -> (Open stderr, ())) close = drop1 . lift (\(Exclusive hdl) -> hClose hdl >> return (Blank, ())) close1 = drop1 . lift (\(Semiclosed hdl) -> hClose hdl >> return (Blank, ())) fileSize = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hFileSize (getHdl h))) setFileSize sz = lift (\h -> hSetFileSize (getHdl h) sz >> return (h, ())) eof = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hIsEOF (getHdl h))) seek mode pos = lift (\h -> hSeek (getHdl h) mode pos >> return (h, ())) tell = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hTell (getHdl h))) char = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hGetChar (getHdl h))) line = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hGetLine (getHdl h))) lookahead = lift (\h -> liftM ((,) h) (hLookAhead (getHdl h))) contents = lift (\(Exclusive hdl) -> liftM ((,) (Semiclosed hdl)) (hGetContents hdl)) putC c = lift (\h -> hPutChar (getHdl h) c >> return (h, ())) putS s = lift (\h -> hPutStr (getHdl h) s >> return (h, ())) {-# NOINLINE random #-} -- Random numbers have no interesting dependence on the world state, -- so it is not threaded. random = A (\Blank -> unsafePerformIO $ liftM ((,) Blank) getStdGen) -------------------------------------------------------- instance Storable Blank where sizeOf _ = 0 alignment _ = 1 peek _ = return Blank poke _ Blank = return () align x y = ((sizeOf x - 1) `div` alignment y + 1) * alignment y frst :: (Storable a, Storable b) => Ptr (Pair a b) -> Ptr a frst = castPtr secnd :: forall a b. (Storable a, Storable b) => Ptr (Pair a b) -> Ptr b secnd = castPtr . (`plusPtr` align (undefined :: a) (undefined :: b)) instance (Storable a, Storable b) => Storable (Pair a b) where sizeOf _ = align (undefined :: a) (undefined :: b) + sizeOf (undefined :: b) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: a) `lcm` alignment (undefined :: b) peek p = liftM2 Pair (peek (frst p)) (peek (secnd p)) poke p (Pair x y) = do poke (frst p) x poke (secnd p) y coerce :: Ptr Handle -> Ptr Int32 coerce = castPtr instance Storable Handle where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek = peek . castPtr poke = poke . castPtr -- | With the Fix constructor, I can build data structures of linear data. data Fix f = In (f (Fix f)) fixInj1 :: Pointer p s (Fix f) -> Pointer p s (f (Fix f)) fixInj1 (Pointer fp p world) = Pointer fp (castPtr p) world fixInj2 :: Pointer p s (f (Fix f)) -> Pointer p s (Fix f) fixInj2 (Pointer fp p world) = Pointer fp (castPtr p) world data Pointer p s t = Pointer !(ForeignPtr Blank) !(Ptr t) (State# RealWorld) instance Storable (Pointer p s t) where sizeOf _ = 8 alignment _ = 4 poke p (Pointer fp p2 _) = do -- The RealWorld is lost... sp <- newStablePtr fp pokeByteOff p 0 sp pokeByteOff p 4 p2 peek p = do sp <- peekByteOff p 0 fp <- deRefStablePtr sp freeStablePtr sp p2 <- peekByteOff p 4 IO (\s -> (# s, Pointer fp p2 s #)) -- ...so produce one here. -- | Pointers can be freeable, foreign, or focused. There are the following -- tradeoffs: -- -- * Freeable pointers support strong update, but can only be split -- under focusing. -- -- * Foreign pointers can be split, but do not support strong update. -- -- Placeholders classify pointers that either point to junk or to data that -- is not allowed to be used (to maintain linearity). data Freeable = Freeable data Focused = Focused data Foreign = Foreign data Placeholder = Placeholder class Copyable s instance Copyable Focused instance Copyable Foreign {-# NOINLINE dummy #-} dummy :: ForeignPtr Blank dummy = unsafePerformIO (A.malloc >>= newForeignPtr_) contraction :: (Copyable s) => A () (Pointer p s t) (Pair (Pointer p s t) (Pointer p s t)) contraction = A (\p -> (Pair p p, ())) class Weakening t where weakening :: A () t Blank instance Weakening (Pointer p Focused t) where weakening = A (\(Pointer _ _ _) -> (Blank, ())) instance Weakening (Pointer p Foreign t) where weakening = A (\(Pointer fp _ world) -> let IO f = touchForeignPtr fp in case f world of (# _, () #) -> (Blank, ())) instance Weakening (Open p) where weakening = A (\(Open _) -> (Blank, ())) -- | Allocate a new freeable block (containing junk), Use 'poke'' to initialize it. {-# NOINLINE new #-} new :: (Storable t) => A () Blank (Pointer p Placeholder t) new = A (\Blank -> unsafePerformIO (liftM (\p -> (Pointer dummy p realWorld#, ())) A.malloc)) -- By using a smuggled RealWorld, I sequence freeing of a pointer without -- requiring explicit world sequencing. -- | Use 'peek'' to take ownership of the contents of a block before freeing it. free :: A () (Pointer p2 Placeholder t) Blank free = A (\(Pointer _ p world) -> let IO f = A.free p in case f world of (# _, () #) -> (Blank, ())) -- | Split a pointer to a pair, into a pair of pointers. split :: forall t u p s. (Storable t, Storable u, Copyable s) => A () (Pointer p s (Pair t u)) (Pair (Pointer p s t) (Pointer p s u)) split = A (\(Pointer fp p _) -> (Pair (Pointer fp (frst p) realWorld#) (Pointer fp (secnd p) realWorld#), ())) ptrSwap :: (Storable t) => Fn (Pair (Pointer p s t) t) (Pair (Pointer p s t) t) ptrSwap = lift (\(Pair ptr@(Pointer _ p _) x) -> peek p >>= \y -> poke p x >> return (Pair ptr y, ())) >>> updateWorld1 -- | Focusing on a pointer. -- -- Temporarily turns a freeable pointer into a focused pointer. I get the freeable -- pointer back after all copies have been surrendered (with 'weakening'). focus :: (forall p. A a (Pair (Pointer p Focused t) u) (Pair v St)) -> A a (Pair (Pointer p2 s t) u) (Pair (Pair (Pointer p2 s t) v) St) focus (A f) = A (\(Pair ptr@(Pointer fp p _) x) -> first (\(Pair x st) -> Pair (Pair ptr x) st) (f (Pair (Pointer fp p realWorld#) x))) >>== \x -> updateWorld1 >>== \_ -> rtn x -- | Focusing on a handle. focusHdl :: (forall p. A a (Pair (Open p) t) u) -> A a (Pair Exclusive t) (Pair Exclusive u) focusHdl (A f) = A (\(Pair h@(Exclusive hdl) x) -> first (Pair h) (f (Pair (Open hdl) x))) updateWorld :: A () (Pair (Pointer p s t) St) (Pair (Pointer p s t) St) updateWorld = A (\(Pair (Pointer fp p _) st@(St world)) -> (Pair (Pointer fp p world) st, ())) manipulate = assoc2 . bimap' id swap . assoc1 updateWorld1 = manipulate . bimap' updateWorld id . manipulate -- | Take the data out of a block, making it a placeholder. peek' :: (Storable t) => Fn (Pointer p Freeable t) (Pair (Pointer p Placeholder t) t) peek' = updateWorld1 . lift (\(Pointer fp p st) -> liftM (\x -> (Pair (Pointer fp p st) x, ())) (peek p)) -- | The reverse operation. poke' :: (Storable t) => Fn (Pair (Pointer p Placeholder t) t) (Pointer p Freeable t) poke' = updateWorld . lift (\(Pair (Pointer fp p world) x) -> poke p x >> return (Pointer fp p world, ())) -- | A placeholder block can change its type. changeType :: forall t u p. (Storable t, Storable u) => A () (Pointer p Placeholder t) (Pointer p Placeholder u) changeType = if sizeOf (undefined :: u) <= sizeOf (undefined :: t) then A (\(Pointer fp p world) -> (Pointer (castForeignPtr fp) (castPtr p) world, ())) else error "Control.Linear.changeType: value won't fit" -- Linearity ensures that a program must touch the pointer in order to dispose of it. -- | Allocate a Foreign pointer. {-# NOINLINE newForeign #-} newForeign :: (Storable t) => t -> A () Blank (Pointer p Foreign t) newForeign x = A (\Blank -> unsafePerformIO $ do p <- A.malloc poke p x fp <- newForeignPtr_ p return (Pointer (castForeignPtr fp) p realWorld#, ())) peek1 :: (Storable t, Copyable s) => A t (Pair (Pointer p s t) St) (Pair (Pointer p s t) St) peek1 = lift (\ptr@(Pointer _ p _) -> liftM (\x -> (ptr, x)) $ peek p) >>== \x -> updateWorld >>== \_ -> rtn x poke1 :: (Storable t) => t -> Fn (Pointer p s t) (Pointer p s t) poke1 x = lift (\ptr@(Pointer _ p _) -> poke p x >> return (ptr, ())) >>> updateWorld ------------------------------------------------------ --- Sample programs helloWorld = run $ undrop1 >>> bimap' getStdout id >>> putS "Hello world!\n" >>> bimap' weakening id >>> drop1