The Munkres version of the Hungarian Method for weighted minimal bipartite matching. The implementation is based on Robert A. Pilgrim's notes, (mirror:
hungarianMethodInt :: UArray (Int, Int) Int -> ([(Int, Int)], Int)Source
Needs a rectangular array of nonnegative weights, which
encode the weights on the edges of a (complete) bipartitate graph.
The indexing should start from (1,1)
Returns a minimal matching, and the cost of it.
Unfortunately, GHC is opposing hard the polymorphicity of this function. I think
the main reasons for that is that the there is no Unboxed
type class, and
thus the contexts IArray UArray e
and MArray (STUArray s) e (ST s)
do not
know about each other. (And I have problems with the forall s
part, too).
hungarianMethodBoxed :: (Real e, IArray a e) => a (Int, Int) e -> ([(Int, Int)], e)Source
The same as 'hungarianMethod<Type>', but uses boxed values (thus works with
any data type which an instance of Real
The usage of one the unboxed versions is recommended where possible,
for performance reasons.