module BioInf.MutationOrder.EdgeProb where import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.List (nub,sort) import Data.Text (Text,unpack) import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox) import Numeric.Log import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as SM import Text.Printf import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Bits import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Bijection.HashMap as B import ADP.Fusion.Core import ADP.Fusion.EdgeBoundary import ADP.Fusion.Set1 import Data.PrimitiveArray hiding (toList) import Data.PrimitiveArray.ScoreMatrix import Diagrams.TwoD.ProbabilityGrid import FormalLanguage import ShortestPath.SHP.Grammar.EdgeProbIO import Data.Vector.Generic.Unstream import BioInf.MutationOrder.RNA import BioInf.MutationOrder.MinDist (ScaleFunction(..)) -- | Before using @aInside@ the @ScoreMat@ needs to be scaled -- -- TODO the @Edge@ needs to be an @EdgeWithActive@ to get the active bits -- on the left in the set. aInside :: Monad m => ScaleFunction -> Landscape -> SigEdgeProb m (Log Double) (Log Double) (Int:.From:.To) (Int:.To) aInside scaled Landscape{..} = SigEdgeProb { edge = \x (fset:.From f:.To t) -> let frna = rnas HM.! (BitSet fset) trna = rnas HM.! (BitSet fset `xor` bit t) res' = scaled frna trna res = Exp . negate $ res' in #ifdef ADPFUSION_DEBUGOUTPUT traceShow ("Edge",(BitSet fset,f,t),frna,trna,' ',res',res,x,x*res) $ #endif x * res , mpty = \() -> #ifdef ADPFUSION_DEBUGOUTPUT traceShow "empty" $ #endif 1 , node = \x (nset:.To n) -> let frna = rnas HM.! (BitSet nset) trna = rnas HM.! (BitSet nset `xor` bit n) res' = scaled frna trna res = Exp . negate $ res' in #ifdef ADPFUSION_DEBUGOUTPUT traceShow ("Node",n,frna,trna,' ',res',res,x,res*x) $ #endif x * res , fini = \l (fset:.From f:.To t) r -> let frna = rnas HM.! (BitSet fset) trna = rnas HM.! (BitSet fset `xor` bit t) res' = scaled frna trna res = Exp . negate $ res' in #ifdef ADPFUSION_DEBUGOUTPUT traceShow ("Fini",(BitSet fset,f,t),frna,trna,' ',res',res,l,r,l*r*res) $ #endif l * r * res , h = SM.foldl' (+) 0 -- , h = \s -> do v :: V.Vector (Log Double) <- streamToVectorM s -- return $ Numeric.Log.sum v } where !n = fromIntegral mutationCount {-# Inline aInside #-} type TF1 x = TwITbl Id Unboxed EmptyOk (BS1 Last I) x type TL1 x = TwITbl Id Unboxed EmptyOk (BS1 Last O) x type EB x = TwITbl Id Unboxed EmptyOk (EdgeBoundary C) x -- | Extract the individual partition scores. edgeProbPartFun :: ScaleFunction -> Landscape -> ([(Boundary Last I, Log Double)], [(EdgeBoundary C, Log Double)]) edgeProbPartFun scaled landscape = let n = mutationCount landscape (Z:.sF:.sL:.sZ) = mutateTablesST $ gEdgeProb (aInside scaled landscape) (ITbl 0 0 EmptyOk (fromAssocs (BS1 0 (-1)) (BS1 (2^n-1) (Boundary $ n-1)) 0 [])) (ITbl 1 0 EmptyOk (fromAssocs (BS1 0 (-1)) (BS1 (2^n-1) (Boundary $ n-1)) 0 [])) (ITbl 2 0 EmptyOk (fromAssocs (0 :-> 0) (0 :-> (n-1)) 0 [])) EdgeWithSet Singleton :: Z:.TF1 (Log Double):.TL1 (Log Double):.EB (Log Double) TW (ITbl _ _ _ pf ) _ = sZ TW (ITbl _ _ _ lkF) _ = sF TW (ITbl _ _ _ lkL) _ = sL bs' = assocs pf pssum = (Numeric.Log.sum $ snd bs') / (fromIntegral n - 1) ibs' = [ (Boundary b, p) | b <- [0..n] , let p = lkF ! (BS1 (2^n-1) (Boundary b)) ] obs' = [ (Boundary b, p) | b <- [0..n] , let p = lkF ! (BS1 (2^n-1) (Boundary b)) ] ibssum = Numeric.Log.sum $ snd ibs' obssum = Numeric.Log.sum $ snd ibs' ibs = (second (/ibssum)) ibs' bs = (second (/ibssum)) bs' in #ifdef ADPFUSION_DEBUGOUTPUT traceShow (assocs lkF) $ traceShow (assocs lkL) $ traceShow (assocs pf) $ traceShow (ibssum,obssum) $ traceShow (bs',pssum,bs) $ #endif (ibs,bs) {-# NoInline edgeProbPartFun #-} -- | Turn the edge probabilities into a score matrix. edgeProbScoreMatrix :: Landscape -> [Log Double] -> [(EdgeBoundary C, Log Double)] -> ScoreMatrix (Log Double) edgeProbScoreMatrix Landscape{..} begs xs' = ScoreMatrix m nprobs names names where m = fromAssocs l h 0 xs l = (Z:.0:.0) h = (Z:.maximum [f | (f :-> _,_) <- xs']:.maximum [t | (_ :-> t,_) <- xs']) (Z:._:.hh) = h xs = [ ((Z:.f:.t),p) | (f :-> t, p) <- xs' ] (_,Z:._:.n) = bounds m names = V.fromList [ T.pack . show . (+1) . maybe (error "MutationOrder.EdgeProb.edgeProbScoreMatrix") id $ B.lookupR mutationPositions k | k <- [0..n] ] rowsums = HM.fromListWith (+) [ (f,p) | (f :-> t, p) <- xs' ] nprobs = fromAssocs 0 hh 1 $ zip [0..hh] begs -- [ (f,1-p) | f <- [0..hh], let p = rowsums HM.! f ]