{- Copyright 2013-2021 NGLess Authors - License: MIT -} module Language ( Expression(..) , OptimizedExpression(..) , Variable(..) , UOp(..) , BOp(..) , Index(..) , Block(..) , FuncName(..) , MethodName(..) , NGLType(..) , ReadSet(..) , Header(..) , ModInfo(..) , Script(..) , NGLessObject(..) , recursiveAnalyse , recursiveTransform , usedVariables , staticValue , evalBinary ) where {- This module defines the internal representation the language -} import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe) import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJust) import Control.Monad.Writer import System.FilePath (()) import Data.FastQ import Data.Sam import NGLess.NGError import FileOrStream.Types (FileOrStream(..)) newtype Variable = Variable T.Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) newtype FuncName = FuncName { unwrapFuncName :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show FuncName where show (FuncName f) = T.unpack f newtype MethodName = MethodName { unwrapMethodName :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | unary operators data UOp = UOpLen | UOpMinus | UOpNot deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | binary operators data BOp = BOpAdd | BOpMul | BOpGT | BOpGTE | BOpLT | BOpLTE | BOpEQ | BOpNEQ | BOpPathAppend deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | index expression encodes what is inside an index variable -- either [a] (IndexOne) or [a:b] (IndexTwo) data Index = IndexOne Expression | IndexTwo (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | a block is -- f(a) using |inputvariables|: -- expression data Block = Block { blockVariable :: Variable -- ^ input argument , blockBody :: Expression -- ^ block body, will likely be Sequence } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data NGLType = NGLString | NGLInteger | NGLDouble | NGLBool | NGLSymbol | NGLFilename | NGLRead | NGLReadSet | NGLMappedRead | NGLMappedReadSet | NGLSequenceSet | NGLCounts | NGLVoid | NGLAny | NGList !NGLType deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data NGLessObject = NGOString !T.Text | NGOBool !Bool | NGOInteger !Integer | NGODouble !Double | NGOSymbol !T.Text | NGOFilename !FilePath | NGOShortRead !ShortRead | NGOReadSet T.Text ReadSet | NGOSequenceSet FileOrStream | NGOMappedReadSet { nglgroupName :: T.Text , nglSamFile :: FileOrStream , nglReference :: Maybe T.Text } | NGOMappedRead [SamLine] | NGOCounts FileOrStream | NGOVoid | NGOList [NGLessObject] deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Expression' is the main type for holding the AST. data Expression = Lookup (Maybe NGLType) Variable -- ^ This looks up the variable name | ConstStr !T.Text -- ^ constant string | ConstInt !Integer -- ^ integer | ConstDouble !Double -- ^ integer | ConstBool !Bool -- ^ true/false | ConstSymbol !T.Text -- ^ a symbol | BuiltinConstant !Variable -- ^ built-in constant | ListExpression [Expression] -- ^ a list | Continue -- ^ continue | Discard -- ^ discard | UnaryOp UOp Expression -- ^ op ( expr ) | BinaryOp BOp Expression Expression -- ^ expr bop expr | Condition Expression Expression Expression -- ^ if condition: true-expr else: false-expr | IndexExpression Expression !Index -- ^ expr [ index ] | Assignment Variable Expression -- ^ var = expr | FunctionCall FuncName Expression [(Variable, Expression)] (Maybe Block) | MethodCall MethodName Expression (Maybe Expression) [(Variable, Expression)] -- ^ expr.method(expre) | Sequence [Expression] | Optimized OptimizedExpression -- This is a special case, used internally deriving (Eq, Ord) data OptimizedExpression = LenThresholdDiscard Variable BOp Int -- if len(r) : discard | SubstrimReassign Variable Int -- r = substrim(r, min_quality=) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Show Expression where show (Lookup (Just t) (Variable v)) = "Lookup '"++T.unpack v++"' as "++show t show (Lookup Nothing (Variable v)) = "Lookup '"++T.unpack v++"' (type unknown)" show (ConstStr t) = show t show (ConstInt n) = show n show (ConstDouble f) = show f show (ConstBool b) = show b show (ConstSymbol t) = "{"++T.unpack t++"}" show (BuiltinConstant (Variable v)) = T.unpack v show (ListExpression e) = show e show Continue = "continue" show Discard = "discard" show (UnaryOp UOpLen a) = "len("++show a++")" show (UnaryOp op a) = show op ++ "(" ++ show a ++ ")" show (BinaryOp op a b) = "BinaryOp" ++ "(" ++ show a ++ " -" ++ show op ++ "- " ++ show b ++ ")" show (Condition c a b) = "if ["++show c ++"] then {"++show a++"} else {"++show b++"}" show (IndexExpression a ix) = show a ++ "[" ++ show ix ++ "]" show (Assignment (Variable v) a) = T.unpack v++" = "++show a show (FunctionCall fname a args block) = show fname ++ "(" ++ show a ++ showArgs args ++ ")" ++ (case block of Nothing -> "" Just b -> "using {"++show b ++ "}") show (MethodCall mname self a args) = "(" ++ show self ++ ")." ++ show mname ++ "( " ++ show a ++ showArgs args ++ " )" show (Sequence e) = "Sequence " ++ show e show (Optimized se) = "Optimized (" ++ show se ++ ")" showArgs [] = "" showArgs ((Variable v, e):args) = "; "++T.unpack v++"="++show e++showArgs args {-- Extract static (ie, constant) values from expressions, if possible -} staticValue :: Expression -> Maybe NGLessObject staticValue (ConstStr s) = Just $ NGOString s staticValue (ConstInt v) = Just $ NGOInteger v staticValue (ConstBool b) = Just $ NGOBool b staticValue (ConstSymbol s) = Just $ NGOSymbol s staticValue (BinaryOp bop e1 e2) = do v1 <- staticValue e1 v2 <- staticValue e2 eitherToMaybe $ evalBinary bop v1 v2 staticValue (ListExpression e) = NGOList <$> mapM staticValue e staticValue _ = Nothing asDouble :: NGLessObject -> NGLess Double asDouble (NGODouble d) = return d asDouble (NGOInteger i) = return $ fromIntegral i asDouble other = throwScriptError ("Expected numeric value, got: " ++ show other) -- Binary Evaluation evalBinary :: BOp -> NGLessObject -> NGLessObject -> Either NGError NGLessObject evalBinary BOpAdd (NGOInteger a) (NGOInteger b) = Right $ NGOInteger (a + b) evalBinary BOpAdd (NGOString a) (NGOString b) = Right $ NGOString (T.concat [a, b]) evalBinary BOpAdd a b = (NGODouble .) . (+) <$> asDouble a <*> asDouble b evalBinary BOpMul (NGOInteger a) (NGOInteger b) = Right $ NGOInteger (a * b) evalBinary BOpMul a b = (NGODouble .) . (+) <$> asDouble a <*> asDouble b evalBinary BOpPathAppend a b = case (a,b) of (NGOString pa, NGOString pb) -> return . NGOString $! T.pack (T.unpack pa T.unpack pb) _ -> throwShouldNotOccur ("Operator : invalid arguments" :: String) evalBinary BOpEQ (NGOString a) (NGOString b) = return . NGOBool $! a == b evalBinary BOpNEQ (NGOString a) (NGOString b) = return . NGOBool $! a /= b evalBinary op a b = do a' <- asDouble a b' <- asDouble b return . NGOBool $ cmp op a' b' where cmp BOpLT = (<) cmp BOpGT = (>) cmp BOpLTE = (<=) cmp BOpGTE = (>=) cmp BOpEQ = (==) cmp BOpNEQ = (/=) cmp _ = error "should never occur" -- 'recursiveAnalyse f e' will call the function 'f' for all the subexpression inside 'e' recursiveAnalyse :: (Monad m) => (Expression -> m ()) -> Expression -> m () recursiveAnalyse f e = f e >> recursiveAnalyse' e where rf = recursiveAnalyse f recursiveAnalyse' (ListExpression es) = mapM_ rf es recursiveAnalyse' (UnaryOp _ eu) = rf eu recursiveAnalyse' (BinaryOp _ e1 e2) = rf e1 >> rf e2 recursiveAnalyse' (Condition cE tE fE) = rf cE >> rf tE >> rf fE recursiveAnalyse' (IndexExpression ei ix) = rf ei >> recurseIndex ix recursiveAnalyse' (Assignment _ ea) = rf ea recursiveAnalyse' (FunctionCall _ ef args block) = rf ef >> mapM_ rf (snd <$> args) >> maybe (return ()) (rf . blockBody) block recursiveAnalyse' (MethodCall _ em eargs args) = rf em >> maybe (return ()) rf eargs >> mapM_ rf (snd <$> args) recursiveAnalyse' (Sequence es) = mapM_ rf es recursiveAnalyse' _ = return () recurseIndex (IndexOne ix) = rf ix recurseIndex (IndexTwo ix1 ix2) = whenJust ix1 rf >> whenJust ix2 rf -- 'recursiveTransform' calls 'f' for every sub-expression in its argument, -- 'f' will get called with expression where the sub-expressions have already been replaced! recursiveTransform :: (Monad m) => (Expression -> m Expression) -> Expression -> m Expression recursiveTransform f e = f =<< recursiveTransform' e where rf = recursiveTransform f recursiveTransform' (ListExpression es) = ListExpression <$> mapM rf es recursiveTransform' (UnaryOp op eu) = UnaryOp op <$> rf eu recursiveTransform' (BinaryOp op e1 e2) = BinaryOp op <$> rf e1 <*> rf e2 recursiveTransform' (Condition cE tE fE) = Condition <$> rf cE <*> rf tE <*> rf fE recursiveTransform' (IndexExpression ei ix) = flip IndexExpression ix <$> rf ei recursiveTransform' (Assignment v ea) = Assignment v <$> rf ea recursiveTransform' (FunctionCall fname ef args block) = FunctionCall fname <$> rf ef <*> forM args (\(n,av) -> (n,) <$> rf av) <*> forM block (\(Block vars body) -> Block vars <$> rf body) recursiveTransform' (MethodCall mname em earg args) = MethodCall mname <$> rf em <*> forM earg rf <*> forM args (\(n, av) -> (n,) <$> rf av) recursiveTransform' (Sequence es) = Sequence <$> mapM rf es recursiveTransform' esimple = return esimple usedVariables :: Expression -> [Variable] usedVariables expr = execWriter . flip recursiveAnalyse expr $ \case (Lookup _ v) -> tell [v] _ -> return () data ModInfo = ModInfo { modName :: !T.Text , modVersion :: !T.Text } | LocalModInfo { modName :: !T.Text , modVersion :: !T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show) data Header = Header { nglVersion :: T.Text , nglModules :: [ModInfo] } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Script is a version declaration followed by a series of expressions data Script = Script { nglHeader :: Maybe Header -- ^ optional if -e option is used , nglBody :: [(Int,Expression)] -- ^ (line number, expression) } deriving (Eq,Show)