name: Nomyx-Language version: 0.2.2 cabal-version: >=1.6 ---Warning: For using "cabal sdist", this patch is needed in cabal: ---To allow sdist to work with exported generated modules (Paths_Nomyx_Language) build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: 2012 Corentin Dupont maintainer: Corentin Dupont stability: Experimental synopsis: Language to express rules for Nomic description: Provide a DSL to express rules for a Nomic game, with evaluation engine. See package Nomyx for a full game implementation. category: Language author: Corentin Dupont data-files: src/Language/Nomyx/Definition.hs src/Language/Nomyx/Examples.hs src/Language/Nomyx/Expression.hs src/Language/Nomyx/Rule.hs src/Language/Nomyx/Test.hs src/Language/Nomyx/Vote.hs data-dir: "" extra-source-files: AUTHORS README library build-depends: base ==4.*, containers -any, ghc -any, hint-server -any, hslogger -any, mtl -any, old-locale -any, safe -any, stm -any, template-haskell -any, time -any, time-recurrence -any, DebugTraceHelpers -any, data-lens -any, data-lens-template -any, data-lens-fd -any, Boolean -any, safecopy -any exposed-modules: Language.Nomyx Language.Nomyx.Expression Language.Nomyx.Definition Language.Nomyx.Evaluation Language.Nomyx.Examples Language.Nomyx.Rule Language.Nomyx.Vote Language.Nomyx.Test Language.Nomyx.Game Language.Nomyx.Utils Paths_Nomyx_Language exposed: True buildable: True hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -W