{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}

-- | This file gives a list of example rules that the players can submit.
--You can copy-paste them in the field "Code" of the web GUI.
--Don't hesitate to get inspiration from there and create your own rules!
module Language.Nomyx.Examples(
--   referendum,
--   referendumOnKickPlayer,
--   gameMasterElections,
   module X) where

import Data.Function
import Data.Time.Clock as X hiding (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Recurrence as X hiding (filter)
import Data.List as X
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad as X
import Control.Applicative
import Safe (readDef)
import Language.Nomyx

-- | A rule that does nothing
nothing :: Rule
nothing = return ()

-- | A rule that says hello to all players
helloWorld :: Rule
helloWorld = outputAll_ "hello, world!"

-- | account variable name and type
accounts :: MsgVar [(PlayerNumber, Int)]
accounts = msgVar "Accounts"

-- | Create a bank account for each players
createBankAccount :: Rule
createBankAccount = void $ createValueForEachPlayer_ accounts

-- | Permanently display the bank accounts
displayBankAccount :: Rule
displayBankAccount = do
   let displayOneAccount (account_pn, a) = do
        name <- showPlayer account_pn
        return $ name ++ "\t" ++ show a ++ "\n"
   let displayAccounts l = do
        d <- concatMapM displayOneAccount l
        return $ "Accounts:\n" ++ d
   void $ displayVar' Nothing accounts displayAccounts

-- | each player wins X Ecu each day
-- you can also try with "minutly" or "monthly" instead of "daily" and everything in the "time-recurrence" package
winXEcuPerDay :: Int -> Rule
winXEcuPerDay x = schedule_ (recur daily) $ modifyAllValues accounts (+x)

-- | a player wins X Ecu if a rule proposed is accepted
winXEcuOnRuleAccepted :: Int -> Rule
winXEcuOnRuleAccepted x = void $ onEvent_ (ruleEvent Activated) $ \rule -> void $ modifyValueOfPlayer (_rProposedBy rule) accounts (+x)

-- | a player can transfer money to another player
moneyTransfer :: Rule
moneyTransfer = do
   let askAmount :: PlayerNumber -> Event (PlayerNumber, Int)
       askAmount src = do
          pls <- liftNomexNE getAllPlayerNumbers
          guard (length pls >= 2) >> do
             dst <- inputRadio' src "Transfer money to player: " (delete src $ sort pls)
             amount <- inputText src ("Select Amount to transfert to player " ++ show dst ++ ": ")
             return (dst, readDef 0 amount)
   void $ forEachPlayer_ (\pn -> void $ onEvent_ (askAmount pn) (transfer pn))

-- | helper function to transfer money from first player to second player
transfer :: PlayerNumber -> (PlayerNumber, Int) -> Nomex ()
transfer src (dst, amount) = do
   balance <- liftEffect $ getValueOfPlayer src accounts
   if (amount > 0 && fromJust balance >= amount) then do
      modifyValueOfPlayer dst accounts (\a -> a + amount)
      modifyValueOfPlayer src accounts (\a -> a - amount)
      void $ newOutput_ (Just src) ("You gave " ++ (show amount) ++ " ecus to player " ++ show dst)
      void $ newOutput_ (Just dst) ("Player " ++ show src ++ " gave you " ++ (show amount) ++ "ecus")
   else void $ newOutput_ (Just src) ("Insufficient balance or wrong amount")

-- | delete a rule
delRule :: RuleNumber -> Rule
delRule rn = suppressRule_ rn >> autoDelete

-- | player pn is the king: we create a variable King to identify him,
-- and we prefix his name with "King"
makeKing :: PlayerNumber -> Rule
makeKing pn = do
   newMsgVar_ "King" pn
   void $ modifyPlayerName pn ("King " ++)

king :: MsgVar PlayerNumber
king = msgVar "King"

-- | Monarchy: only the king decides which rules to accept or reject
monarchy :: PlayerNumber -> Rule
monarchy pn = do
   makeKing pn
   void $ onEvent_ (ruleEvent Proposed) $ \rule -> do
      k <- readMsgVar_ king
      void $ onInputRadioOnce ("Your Royal Highness, do you accept rule " ++ (show $ _rNumber rule) ++ "?") [True, False] (activateOrRejectRule rule) k

-- | Revolution! Hail to the king!
-- This rule suppresses the democracy (usually rules 1 and 2), installs the king and activates monarchy.
revolution :: PlayerNumber -> Rule
revolution pn = do
    suppressRule 1
    rNum <- addRule' "Monarchy" (monarchy pn) ("monarchy " ++ (show pn)) "Monarchy: only the king can vote on new rules"
    activateRule_ rNum

-- | set the victory for players having more than X accepted rules
victoryXRules :: Int -> Rule
victoryXRules x = setVictory $ do
    rs <- getRules
    let counts :: [(PlayerNumber,Int)]
        counts = map (_rProposedBy . head &&& length) $ groupBy ((==) `on` _rProposedBy) rs
    let victorious = map fst $ filter ((>= x) . snd) counts
    return victorious

victoryXEcu :: Int -> Rule
victoryXEcu x = setVictory $ do
    as <- readMsgVar accounts
    let victorious as = map fst $ filter ((>= x) . snd) as
    return $ maybe [] victorious as

-- | will display the current time (when refreshing the screen)
displayCurrentTime :: Rule
displayCurrentTime = void $ outputAll $ do
    t <- getCurrentTime
    return $ "The current time is: " ++ (show t)

-- | will display the time at which the rule as been activated
displayActivateTime :: Nomex ()
displayActivateTime = do
   time <- liftEffect getCurrentTime
   outputAll_ $ "This rule was activated at: " ++ (show time)

-- | Only one player can achieve victory: No group victory.
-- Forbidding group victory usually becomes necessary when lowering the voting quorum:
-- a coalition of players could simply force a "victory" rule and win the game.
noGroupVictory ::  Rule
noGroupVictory = do
   let testVictory (VictoryInfo _ cond) = do
       vics <- liftEffect cond
       when (length vics >1) $ setVictory (return []) --unset victory condition
   void $ onEvent_ victoryEvent testVictory

-- | Rule that state that you win. Good luck on having this accepted by other players ;)
iWin :: Rule
iWin = liftEffect getProposerNumber >>= giveVictory

-- | a majority vote, with the folowing parameters:
-- a quorum of 2 voters is necessary for the validity of the vote
-- the vote is assessed after every vote in case the winner is already known
-- the vote will finish anyway after one day
voteWithMajority :: Rule
voteWithMajority = onRuleProposed $ callVoteRule (majority `withQuorum` 2) oneDay

-- | Change current system (the rules passed in parameter) to absolute majority (half participants plus one)
returnToDemocracy :: [RuleNumber] -> Rule
returnToDemocracy rs = do
   mapM_ suppressRule rs
   rNum <- addRule' "vote with majority" voteWithMajority "voteWithMajority" "majority with a quorum of 2"
   activateRule_ rNum

-- | kick a player and prevent him from returning
banPlayer :: PlayerNumber -> Rule
banPlayer pn = do
   delPlayer pn
   void $ onEvent_ (playerEvent Arrive) $ const $ void $ delPlayer pn

-- * Referendum & elections

-- | triggers a referendum, if the outcome is yes player 2 will be kicked
--referendumOnKickPlayer :: Rule
--referendumOnKickPlayer = referendum " kick player 2" (void $ delPlayer 2)
---- | triggers elections (all players are candidates), the winner becomes game master
--gameMasterElections :: Rule
--gameMasterElections = do
--   pls <- liftEffect getPlayers
--   elections "Game Master" pls makeGM

makeGM :: PlayerNumber -> Nomex ()
makeGM pn = do
   newMsgVar "GameMaster" pn
   void $ modifyPlayerName pn ("GameMaster " ++)

gameMaster :: MsgVar PlayerNumber
gameMaster = msgVar "GameMaster"

-- | display a button and greets you when pressed (for player 1)
bravoButton :: Rule
bravoButton = void $ onInputButton_ "Click here:" (const $ outputAll_ "Bravo!") 1

-- | display a button to greet other players
helloButton :: Rule
helloButton =
   --get your own player number
   me <- getProposerNumber_
   --create an output for me only
   let displayMsg a = void $ newOutput_ Nothing ("Msg: " ++ a)
   --create a button for me, which will display the output when clicked
   let button = do
       all <- liftNomexNE getPlayers
       guard (length all >= 2) >> inputText me "send a message"
   void $ onEvent_ button displayMsg

enterHaiku :: Rule
enterHaiku = void $ onInputTextarea_ "Enter a haiku:" outputAll_ 1

tournamentMasterCandidates :: Rule
tournamentMasterCandidates = do
   let tournamentMasterCandidates = msgVar "tournamentMasterCandidates" :: MsgVar [PlayerNumber]
   let candidate pn = void $ modifyMsgVar tournamentMasterCandidates (pn : )
   let displayCandidates pns = return $ "Candidates for the election of Tournament Master: Players #" ++ intercalate ", " (map show pns)
   newMsgVar_ (getMsgVarName tournamentMasterCandidates) ([] :: [PlayerNumber])
   forEachPlayer_ (\pn -> void $ onInputButtonOnce "I am candidate for the next Tournament Master elections " (const $ candidate pn) pn)
   void $ displayVar' Nothing tournamentMasterCandidates displayCandidates

-- | castle structure
data Castle = Castle { towers :: Int, dungeon :: Bool }
              deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

castles :: MsgVar [(PlayerNumber, Castle)]
castles = msgVar "Castles"

--castleVictory :: RuleFunc
--castleVictory = ruleFunc $ do
--  let checkVict cs = do
--       let vict = map fst $ filter ((== (Castle 4 True)) . snd) cs
--       when (length vict > 0) $ setVictory vict
--  onMsgVarEvent castles $ (\(VUpdated cs) -> checkVict cs)