{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | A type-safe list that has at least one element.
module Data.List.NonEmpty(
                           -- * Accessors
                           -- * Constructors
                           -- * List functions
                         ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Functor.Pointed
import Control.Functor.Zip
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.List as L
import Prelude hiding (foldr, reverse, scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1, iterate, repeat, cycle, unzip)
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (NonEmpty)

-- | A list with at least one element.
data NonEmpty a = NonEmpty {
  neHead :: a, -- ^ The head of the non-empty list.
  neTail :: [a] -- ^ The tail of the non-empty list.
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

instance Functor NonEmpty where
  fmap f (NonEmpty h t) = NonEmpty (f h) (fmap f t)

instance Pointed NonEmpty where
  point = return

instance Copointed NonEmpty where
  extract = neHead

instance Applicative NonEmpty where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad NonEmpty where
  return = flip NonEmpty []
  NonEmpty h t >>= f = let NonEmpty a b = f h
                           k = t >>= toList . f
                       in NonEmpty a (b ++ k)

instance Comonad NonEmpty where
  duplicate x@(NonEmpty _ t) = NonEmpty x (case toNonEmpty t of Nothing -> []
                                                                Just u  -> toList (duplicate u))

instance Foldable NonEmpty where
  foldr f x (NonEmpty h t) = f h (foldr f x t)
  foldl f x (NonEmpty h t) = foldl' f x (h:t)

instance Traversable NonEmpty where
  traverse f a = NonEmpty <$> head <*> tail <$> traverse f (toList a)

instance (Show a) => Show (NonEmpty a) where
  show (NonEmpty h t) = '|' : show (h:t) ++ "|"

instance Semigroup (NonEmpty a) where
  NonEmpty a b .++. NonEmpty c d = NonEmpty a (b ++ c:d)

instance Zip NonEmpty where
  fzip = list2 zip

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
  arbitrary = nonEmpty <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  shrink = (unsafeToNonEmpty <$>) . shrink . toList

-- | Constructs a non-empty list with the given head and tail.
nonEmpty :: a -- ^ The head.
            -> [a] -- ^ The tail.
            -> NonEmpty a
nonEmpty = NonEmpty

-- | Constructs a non-empty list with the given head and tail (an alias for @nonEmpty@).
(|:) :: a -- ^ The head.
        -> [a] -- ^ The tail.
        -> NonEmpty a
(|:) = nonEmpty

-- | Tries to convert a list to a @NonEmpty@ returning @Nothing@ if the given list is empty.
toNonEmpty :: [a] -- ^ The list to convert.
              -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
toNonEmpty [] = Nothing
toNonEmpty (h:t) = Just (NonEmpty h t)

-- | Converts a list to a @NonEmpty@ using the given default value for the empty list case.
toNonEmpty' :: NonEmpty a -- ^ The default return value if the given list is empty.
               -> [a] -- ^ The list to convert.
               -> NonEmpty a
toNonEmpty' d = fromMaybe d . toNonEmpty

-- | /WARNING: Fails if given the empty list./
-- Tries to convert a list to a @NonEmpty@.
unsafeToNonEmpty :: [a] -- ^ The list to convert (must not be empty).
                    -> NonEmpty a
unsafeToNonEmpty = toNonEmpty' (error "unsafeToNonEmpty on empty list")

-- | Prepends a value to a non-empty list.
(.:) :: a -- ^ The value to prepend.
        -> NonEmpty a -- ^ The non-empty list to prepend to.
        -> NonEmpty a
a .: NonEmpty h t = NonEmpty a (h:t)

-- | Reverses the elements of the (finite) non-empty list.
reverse :: NonEmpty a -- ^ A finite non-empty list.
           -> NonEmpty a
reverse = list L.reverse

scanl :: (b -> a -> b)
         -> b
         -> NonEmpty a
         -> NonEmpty b
scanl = (list .) . L.scanl

scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a)
          -> NonEmpty a
          -> NonEmpty a
scanl1 = list . L.scanl1

scanr :: (a -> b -> b)
         -> b
         -> NonEmpty a
         -> NonEmpty b
scanr = (list .) . L.scanr

scanr1 :: (a -> a -> a)
          -> NonEmpty a
          -> NonEmpty a
scanr1 = list . L.scanr1

iterate :: (a -> a)
           -> a
           -> NonEmpty a
iterate = (unsafeToNonEmpty .) . L.iterate

cycle :: (Foldable f) =>
         f a
         -> NonEmpty a
cycle = list L.cycle

inits :: [a]
         -> NonEmpty [a]
inits = unsafeToNonEmpty . L.inits

tails :: [a]
         -> NonEmpty [a]
tails = unsafeToNonEmpty . L.tails

sort :: (Ord a) =>
        NonEmpty a
        -> NonEmpty a
sort = list L.sort

insert :: (Ord a) =>
          -> NonEmpty a
          -> NonEmpty a
insert a = unsafeToNonEmpty . L.insert a . toList

unzip :: NonEmpty (a, b)
         -> (NonEmpty a, NonEmpty b)
unzip = (unsafeToNonEmpty *** unsafeToNonEmpty) . L.unzip . toList

-- Not exported --

list :: Foldable f =>
        ([a] -> [b])
        -> f a
        -> NonEmpty b
list = (unsafeToNonEmpty .) . (. toList)

list2 :: Foldable f =>
         ([a] -> [b] -> [c])
         -> f a
         -> f b
         -> NonEmpty c
list2 f a b = unsafeToNonEmpty (f (toList a) (toList b))