module Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.SavingState (
ServerAttributeGroup(..), preservingAttrib,
ClientAttributeGroup(..), preservingClientAttrib
) where
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.Monad
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.BasicTypes ( GLbitfield )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.Exception ( bracket_ )
data ServerAttributeGroup =
| PointAttributes
| LineAttributes
| PolygonAttributes
| PolygonStippleAttributes
| PixelModeAttributes
| LightingAttributes
| FogAttributes
| DepthBufferAttributes
| AccumBufferAttributes
| StencilBufferAttributes
| ViewportAttributes
| TransformAttributes
| EnableAttributes
| ColorBufferAttributes
| HintAttributes
| EvalAttributes
| ListAttributes
| TextureAttributes
| ScissorAttributes
| MultisampleAttributes
| AllServerAttributes
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalServerAttributeGroup :: ServerAttributeGroup -> GLbitfield
marshalServerAttributeGroup x = case x of
CurrentAttributes -> 0x1
PointAttributes -> 0x2
LineAttributes -> 0x4
PolygonAttributes -> 0x8
PolygonStippleAttributes -> 0x10
PixelModeAttributes -> 0x20
LightingAttributes -> 0x40
FogAttributes -> 0x80
DepthBufferAttributes -> 0x100
AccumBufferAttributes -> 0x200
StencilBufferAttributes -> 0x400
ViewportAttributes -> 0x800
TransformAttributes -> 0x1000
EnableAttributes -> 0x2000
ColorBufferAttributes -> 0x4000
HintAttributes -> 0x8000
EvalAttributes -> 0x10000
ListAttributes -> 0x20000
TextureAttributes -> 0x40000
ScissorAttributes -> 0x80000
MultisampleAttributes -> 0x20000000
AllServerAttributes -> 0xffffffff
preservingAttrib :: [ServerAttributeGroup] -> GL a -> GL a
preservingAttrib groups f = liftIO $ bracket_ (pushAttrib groups) glPopAttrib (runGL f)
pushAttrib :: [ServerAttributeGroup] -> IO ()
pushAttrib = glPushAttrib . sum . map marshalServerAttributeGroup
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glPushAttrib"
glPushAttrib :: GLbitfield -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glPopAttrib"
glPopAttrib :: IO ()
data ClientAttributeGroup =
| VertexArrayAttributes
| AllClientAttributes
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalClientAttributeGroup :: ClientAttributeGroup -> GLbitfield
marshalClientAttributeGroup x = case x of
PixelStoreAttributes -> 0x1
VertexArrayAttributes -> 0x2
AllClientAttributes -> 0xffffffff
preservingClientAttrib :: [ClientAttributeGroup] -> GL a -> GL a
preservingClientAttrib groups x = liftIO $
bracket_ (pushClientAttrib groups) glPopClientAttrib (runGL x)
pushClientAttrib :: [ClientAttributeGroup] -> IO ()
pushClientAttrib = glPushClientAttrib . sum . map marshalClientAttributeGroup
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glPushClientAttrib"
glPushClientAttrib :: GLbitfield -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glPopClientAttrib"
glPopClientAttrib :: IO ()