{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | The @way@ element of a OSM file.
module Data.Geo.OSM.Way(
                  ) where

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Extras
import Data.Geo.OSM.Nd
import Data.Geo.OSM.NWRCommon
import Data.Geo.OSM.Tag
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Id
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Tags
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Changeset
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Visible
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.User
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Uid
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Timestamp
import Data.Geo.OSM.Accessor.Nds
import Prelude hiding (id)

-- | The @way@ element of a OSM file.
data Way = Way [Nd] NWRCommon
  deriving Eq

instance XmlPickler Way where
  xpickle = xpElem "way" (xpWrap (uncurry Way, \(Way n r) -> (n, r))
                           (xpPair (xpList xpickle) xpickle))

instance Show Way where
  show = showPickled []

instance Nds Way where
  nds (Way x _) = x
  setNds a (Way _ c) = Way a c

instance Id Way where
  id' (Way _ x) = id' x
  setId c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon c (tags cc) (changeset cc) (visible cc) (user cc, uid cc) (timestamp cc))

instance Tags Way where
  tags (Way _ x) = tags x
  setTags c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) c (changeset cc) (visible cc) (user cc, uid cc) (timestamp cc))

instance Changeset Way where
  changeset (Way _ x) = changeset x
  setChangeset c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) (tags cc) c (visible cc) (user cc, uid cc) (timestamp cc))

instance Visible Way where
  visible (Way _ x) = visible x
  setVisible c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) (tags cc) (changeset cc) c (user cc, uid cc) (timestamp cc))

instance User Way (Maybe String) where
  user (Way _ x) = user x
  setUser c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) (tags cc) (changeset cc) (visible cc) (c, uid cc) (timestamp cc))

instance Uid Way where
  uid (Way _ x) = uid x
  setUid c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) (tags cc) (changeset cc) (visible cc) (user cc, c) (timestamp cc))

instance Timestamp Way (Maybe String) where
  timestamp (Way _ x) = timestamp x
  setTimestamp c (Way a cc) = Way a (nwrCommon (id' cc) (tags cc) (changeset cc) (visible cc) (user cc, uid cc) c)

-- | Constructs a way with a list of nds, id, list of tags, changeset, visible, user&uid and timestamp.
way :: [Nd] -- ^ The list of nds (@nd@ elements).
       -> String -- ^ The @id@ attribute.
       -> [Tag] -- ^ The list of tags (@tag@ elements).
       -> Maybe String -- ^ The @changeset@ attribute.
       -> Bool -- ^ The @visible@ attribute.
       -> (Maybe String, Maybe String) -- ^ The @user@ and @uid@ attributes.
       -> Maybe String -- ^ The @timestamp@ attribute.
       -> Way
way = (. nwrCommon) . (.) . (.) . (.) . (.) . (.) . Way