module Main where import Text.XHtml import Codec.Text.IConv import OpenAFP hiding ((!)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C -- The key here is inventing a ConcreteDataView for our data structure. -- See OpenAFP.Types.View for details. type Encodings = [String] data Opts = Opts { encodings :: Encodings , inputFile :: String , openOutputHandle :: IO Handle , verbose :: Bool , showHelp :: IO () } deriving (Typeable) defaultOpts :: Opts defaultOpts = Opts { encodings = ["937", "500"] , inputFile = requiredOpt usage "input" , openOutputHandle = return stdout , verbose = False , showHelp = return () } usage :: String -> IO a usage = showUsage options showInfo where showInfo prg = "Usage: " ++ prg ++ " [-e enc,enc...] input.afp > output.html\n" ++ "( example: " ++ prg ++ " -e 437,947 big5.afp > output.html)" options :: [OptDescr (Opts -> Opts)] options = [ reqArg "e" ["encodings"] "ENC,ENC..." "Text encodings (default: 937,500)" (\s o -> o { encodings = splitComma s }) , reqArg "i" ["input"] "FILE" "Input AFP file" (\s o -> o { inputFile = s }) , reqArg "o" ["output"] "FILE" "Output HTML file" (\s o -> o { openOutputHandle = openFile s WriteMode }) , noArg "h" ["help"] "Show help" (\o -> o { showHelp = usage "" }) ] splitComma :: String -> [String] splitComma "" = [] splitComma s = l : case s' of [] -> [] (_:s'') -> splitComma s'' where (l, s') = break (== ',') s getOpts :: IO Opts getOpts = do args <- getArgs (optsIO, rest, errs) <- return . getOpt Permute options $ procArgs args return $ foldl (flip ($)) defaultOpts optsIO where procArgs xs | null xs = ["-h"] | even $ length xs = xs | otherwise = init xs ++ ["-i", last xs] run :: IO () run = withArgs (words "-e 937,500 -i ln-1.afp -o x.html") main main :: IO () main = do opts <- getOpts let input = inputFile opts cs <- readAFP input fh <- openOutputHandle opts writeIORef encsRef $ encodings opts let put = hPutStr fh put "" put "" put "" put $ htmlPage input put "
    " mapM_ (hPutStrLn fh . (`withChunk` (showHtmlFragment . recHtml . recView))) cs put "
" hClose fh {-# NOINLINE encs #-} encs :: Encodings encs = unsafePerformIO (readIORef encsRef) {-# NOINLINE encsRef #-} encsRef :: IORef Encodings encsRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef (error "oops")) htmlPage :: String -> String htmlPage title = showHtmlFragment [ header << [ meta ! [ httpequiv "Content-Type" , content "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ] , thetitle << ("AFP Dump - " ++ title) , style ! [thetype "text/css" ] << styles ] , h1 << title ] styles :: String styles = unlines [ "body { background: #e0e0e0; font-family: times new roman, times; margin-left: 20px }", "h1 { font-family: times new roman, times }", "span { font-family: andale mono, courier }", "ol { border-left: 1px dotted black }", " { border-left: none }", "table { font-size: small; border: 0px; border-left: 1px dotted black; padding-left: 6pt; width: 100% }", "td.label { background: #d0d0d0; font-family: arial unicode ms, helvetica }", "td.item { background: white; width: 100%; font-family: arial unicode ms, helvetica }", "div { text-decoration: underline; background: #e0e0ff; font-family: arial unicode ms, helvetica }" ] recHtml :: ViewRecord -> Html recHtml (ViewRecord t fs) | t == typeOf _PTX_TRN , (_ : ViewField _ (ViewNStr _ nstr) : []) <- fs = li << (typeHtml t +++ ptxHtml (map N1 (S.unpack nstr))) | otherwise = li << (typeHtml t +++ fieldsHtml fs) {-# NOINLINE _TypeHtmlCache #-} _TypeHtmlCache :: HashTable RecordType Html _TypeHtmlCache = unsafePerformIO hashCreate {-# NOINLINE _FontToEncoding #-} _FontToEncoding :: HashTable N1 Encoding _FontToEncoding = unsafePerformIO hashCreate typeHtml :: RecordType -> Html typeHtml t = unsafePerformIO $ do rv <- hashLookup _TypeHtmlCache t case rv of Just html -> return html _ -> do let html = typeHtml' t hashInsert _TypeHtmlCache t html return html typeHtml' :: RecordType -> Html typeHtml' t = thediv << (typeStr +++ primHtml " — " +++ typeDesc) where typeStr = bold << reverse (takeWhile (/= '.') (reverse typeRepr)) typeDesc = stringToHtml $ descLookup (mkChunkType t) typeRepr = show t ptxHtml :: [N1] -> [Html] ptxHtml nstr = [table << textHtml] where textHtml = textLine ++ [ nstrLine ] textLine = [ fieldHtml (ViewField (C.pack $ "(" ++ n ++ ")") (ViewString (typeOf ()) txt)) | (n, txt) <- texts nstr ] nstrLine = tr << td ! [colspan 2] << thespan << nstrHtml nstr texts :: [N1] -> [(String, ByteString)] texts nstr = maybeToList $ msum [ maybe Nothing (Just . ((,) cp)) $ conv (codeName cp) | cp <- encs ] where conv c@"ibm-937" | (even $ length nstr) = convert' c "utf8" (packNStr $ toNStr (0x0E : nstr)) | otherwise = Nothing conv c = convert' c "utf8" (packNStr $ toNStr nstr) codeName c | isJust $ find (not . isDigit) c = c | otherwise = "ibm-" ++ c convert' :: String -> String -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString convert' from to str = case convertStrictly from to strLazy of Left resLazy -> Just $ S.concat (L.toChunks resLazy) _ -> Nothing where strLazy = L.fromChunks [str] fieldsHtml :: [ViewField] -> [Html] fieldsHtml fs = [table << fsHtml] ++ membersHtml where fsHtml = [ map fieldHtml fields ] membersHtml = chunksHtml $ csHtml ++ dataHtml csHtml = [ c | ViewField _ (ViewChunks t c) <- fs ] dataHtml = [ c | ViewField _ (ViewData t c) <- fs ] fields = sortBy fieldOrder [ v | v@(ViewField str _) <- fs, strOk str ] fieldOrder (ViewField a _) (ViewField b _) | S.null a = GT | S.null b = LT | otherwise = compare a b strOk str | S.null str = True | '_' <- C.head str = False | otherwise = Set.notMember str blobFields blobFields :: Set.Set FieldLabel blobFields = Set.fromList $ map C.pack [ "Data", "EscapeSequence", "Chunks", "ControlCode", "CC", "FlagByte", "Type", "SubType" ] chunksHtml :: [[ViewRecord]] -> [Html] chunksHtml [] = [] chunksHtml (cs:_) = [olist << map recHtml cs] fieldHtml (ViewField str content) | S.null str = case content of ViewNStr _ nstr | S.null nstr -> noHtml _ -> tr << td ! [colspan 2, theclass "item"] << contentHtml content | otherwise = tr << [td ! [theclass "label"] << C.unpack str, td ! [theclass "item"] << contentHtml content ] contentHtml :: ViewContent -> Html contentHtml x = case x of ViewNumber _ n -> stringToHtml $ show n ViewString _ s -> stringToHtml $ ['"'] ++ C.unpack s ++ ['"'] ViewNStr _ cs -> thespan << nstrHtml (map N1 (S.unpack cs)) _ -> error (show x) nstrHtml :: [N1] -> String nstrHtml nstr | length nstr >= 80 = nstrStr nstr ++ "..." | otherwise = nstrStr nstr where nstrStr :: [N1] -> String nstrStr = concatMap ((' ':) . show)