-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sven Panne 2002-2009
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/OpenGL/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sven.panne@aedion.de
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module corresponds to section 4.1 (Per-Fragment Operations) of the
-- OpenGL 2.1 specs.

module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment (
   -- * Scissor Test

   -- * Multisample Fragment Operations
   sampleAlphaToCoverage,  sampleAlphaToOne, sampleCoverage,

   -- * Depth Bounds Test

   -- * Alpha Test
   ComparisonFunction(..), alphaFunc,

   -- * Stencil Test
   stencilTest, stencilFunc, stencilFuncSeparate, StencilOp(..), stencilOp,
   stencilOpSeparate, activeStencilFace,

   -- * Depth Buffer Test

   -- * Occlusion Queries
   QueryObject(QueryObject), QueryTarget(..), withQuery,
   beginQuery, endQuery,
   queryCounterBits, currentQuery,
   queryResult, queryResultAvailable,

   -- * Blending
   blend, BlendEquation(..), blendEquation, blendEquationSeparate,
   BlendingFactor(..), blendFuncSeparate, blendFunc, blendColor,

   -- * Dithering

   -- * Logical Operation
   LogicOp(..), logicOp
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.ObjectName
import Data.StateVar
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BlendingFactor
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Capability
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.ComparisonFunction
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Exception
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Face
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.GLboolean
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PeekPoke
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.QueryUtils
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.Compatibility (
   glAlphaFunc, gl_INDEX_LOGIC_OP )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core31
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.EXT.DepthBoundsTest ( glDepthBounds )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.EXT.StencilTwoSide ( glActiveStencilFace )


scissor :: StateVar (Maybe (Position, Size))
scissor =
      (return CapScissorTest)
      (getInteger4 makeSB GetScissorBox)
      (\(Position x y, Size w h) -> glScissor x y w h)
   where makeSB x y w h = (Position x y, Size (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))


sampleAlphaToCoverage :: StateVar Capability
sampleAlphaToCoverage = makeCapability CapSampleAlphaToCoverage

sampleAlphaToOne :: StateVar Capability
sampleAlphaToOne = makeCapability CapSampleAlphaToOne

sampleCoverage :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampf, Bool))
sampleCoverage =
      (return CapSampleCoverage)
      (liftM2 (,) (getFloat1 id GetSampleCoverageValue)
                  (getBoolean1 unmarshalGLboolean GetSampleCoverageInvert))
      (\(value, invert) -> glSampleCoverage value (marshalGLboolean invert))


depthBounds :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampd, GLclampd))
depthBounds =
      (return CapDepthBoundsTest)
      (getDouble2 (,) GetDepthBounds)
      (uncurry glDepthBounds)


alphaFunc :: StateVar (Maybe (ComparisonFunction, GLclampf))
alphaFunc =
      (return CapAlphaTest)
      (liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetAlphaTestFunc)
                  (getFloat1 id GetAlphaTestRef))
      (uncurry (glAlphaFunc . marshalComparisonFunction))


stencilTest :: StateVar Capability
stencilTest = makeCapability CapStencilTest


stencilFunc :: StateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
stencilFunc =
      (liftM3 (,,) (getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetStencilFunc)
                   (getInteger1 id GetStencilRef)
                   (getInteger1 fromIntegral GetStencilValueMask))
      (\(func, ref, mask) ->
         glStencilFunc (marshalComparisonFunction func) ref mask)

stencilFuncSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
stencilFuncSeparate face =
   makeSettableStateVar $ \(func, ref, mask) ->
      glStencilFuncSeparate (marshalFace face) (marshalComparisonFunction func) ref mask


data StencilOp =
   | OpKeep
   | OpReplace
   | OpIncr
   | OpIncrWrap
   | OpDecr
   | OpDecrWrap
   | OpInvert
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalStencilOp :: StencilOp -> GLenum
marshalStencilOp x = case x of
   OpZero -> gl_ZERO
   OpKeep -> gl_KEEP
   OpReplace -> gl_REPLACE
   OpIncr -> gl_INCR
   OpIncrWrap -> gl_INCR_WRAP
   OpDecr -> gl_DECR
   OpDecrWrap -> gl_DECR_WRAP
   OpInvert -> gl_INVERT

unmarshalStencilOp :: GLenum -> StencilOp
unmarshalStencilOp x
   | x == gl_ZERO = OpZero
   | x == gl_KEEP = OpKeep
   | x == gl_REPLACE = OpReplace
   | x == gl_INCR = OpIncr
   | x == gl_INCR_WRAP = OpIncrWrap
   | x == gl_DECR = OpDecr
   | x == gl_DECR_WRAP = OpDecrWrap
   | x == gl_INVERT = OpInvert
   | otherwise = error ("unmarshalStencilOp: illegal value " ++ show x)


stencilOp :: StateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
stencilOp =
      (liftM3 (,,) (getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilFail)
                   (getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilPassDepthFail)
                   (getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilPassDepthPass))
      (\(sf, spdf, spdp) -> glStencilOp (marshalStencilOp sf)
                                        (marshalStencilOp spdf)
                                        (marshalStencilOp spdp))

stencilOpSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
stencilOpSeparate face =
   makeSettableStateVar $ \(sf, spdf, spdp) ->
      glStencilOpSeparate (marshalFace face)
                          (marshalStencilOp sf)
                          (marshalStencilOp spdf)
                          (marshalStencilOp spdp)


activeStencilFace :: StateVar (Maybe Face)
activeStencilFace =
      (return CapStencilTestTwoSide)
      (getEnum1 unmarshalFace GetActiveStencilFace)
      (glActiveStencilFace . marshalFace)


depthFunc :: StateVar (Maybe ComparisonFunction)
depthFunc =
      (return CapDepthTest)
      (getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetDepthFunc)
      (glDepthFunc . marshalComparisonFunction)


newtype QueryObject = QueryObject { queryID :: GLuint }
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )


instance ObjectName QueryObject where
   genObjectNames n =
      allocaArray n $ \buf -> do
        glGenQueries (fromIntegral n) buf
        fmap (map QueryObject) $ peekArray n buf

   deleteObjectNames queryObjects =
      withArrayLen (map queryID queryObjects) $
         glDeleteQueries . fromIntegral

   isObjectName = fmap unmarshalGLboolean . glIsQuery . queryID


data QueryTarget =
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalQueryTarget :: QueryTarget -> GLenum
marshalQueryTarget x = case x of
   SamplesPassed -> gl_SAMPLES_PASSED


beginQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> IO ()
beginQuery t = glBeginQuery (marshalQueryTarget t) . queryID

endQuery :: QueryTarget -> IO ()
endQuery = glEndQuery . marshalQueryTarget

-- | Convenience function for an exception-safe combination of 'beginQuery' and
-- 'endQuery'.
withQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> IO a -> IO a
withQuery t q = bracket_ (beginQuery t q) (endQuery t)


data GetQueryPName =
   | CurrentQuery

marshalGetQueryPName :: GetQueryPName -> GLenum
marshalGetQueryPName x = case x of
   QueryCounterBits -> gl_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS
   CurrentQuery -> gl_CURRENT_QUERY


queryCounterBits :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar GLsizei
queryCounterBits = getQueryi fromIntegral QueryCounterBits

currentQuery :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar (Maybe QueryObject)
currentQuery =
      (\q -> if q == 0 then Nothing else Just (QueryObject (fromIntegral q)))

getQueryi :: (GLint -> a) -> GetQueryPName -> QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar a
getQueryi f p t =
   makeGettableStateVar $
      alloca $ \buf -> do
         glGetQueryiv (marshalQueryTarget t) (marshalGetQueryPName p) buf
         peek1 f buf


data GetQueryObjectPName =
   | QueryResultAvailable

marshalGetQueryObjectPName :: GetQueryObjectPName -> GLenum
marshalGetQueryObjectPName x = case x of
   QueryResult -> gl_QUERY_RESULT
   QueryResultAvailable -> gl_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE


queryResult :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar GLuint
queryResult = getQueryObjectui id QueryResult

queryResultAvailable :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar Bool
queryResultAvailable = getQueryObjectui unmarshalGLboolean QueryResultAvailable

getQueryObjectui ::
   (GLuint -> a) -> GetQueryObjectPName -> QueryObject -> GettableStateVar a
getQueryObjectui f p q =
   makeGettableStateVar $
      alloca $ \buf -> do
         glGetQueryObjectuiv (queryID q) (marshalGetQueryObjectPName p) buf
         peek1 f buf


blend :: StateVar Capability
blend = makeCapability CapBlend


data BlendEquation =
   | FuncSubtract
   | FuncReverseSubtract
   | Min
   | Max
   | LogicOp
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalBlendEquation :: BlendEquation -> GLenum
marshalBlendEquation x = case x of
   FuncAdd -> gl_FUNC_ADD
   FuncSubtract -> gl_FUNC_SUBTRACT
   FuncReverseSubtract -> gl_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT
   Min -> gl_MIN
   Max -> gl_MAX
   LogicOp -> gl_INDEX_LOGIC_OP

unmarshalBlendEquation :: GLenum -> BlendEquation
unmarshalBlendEquation x
   | x == gl_FUNC_ADD = FuncAdd
   | x == gl_FUNC_SUBTRACT = FuncSubtract
   | x == gl_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT = FuncReverseSubtract
   | x == gl_MIN = Min
   | x == gl_MAX = Max
   | x == gl_INDEX_LOGIC_OP = LogicOp
   | otherwise = error ("unmarshalBlendEquation: illegal value " ++ show x)


blendEquation :: StateVar BlendEquation
blendEquation =
      (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquation)
      (glBlendEquation . marshalBlendEquation)

blendEquationSeparate :: StateVar (BlendEquation,BlendEquation)
blendEquationSeparate =
      (liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquation)
                  (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquationAlpha))
      (\(funcRGB, funcAlpha) ->
          glBlendEquationSeparate (marshalBlendEquation funcRGB)
                                  (marshalBlendEquation funcAlpha))


blendFuncSeparate ::
   StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))
blendFuncSeparate =
      (do srcRGB   <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrcRGB
          srcAlpha <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrcAlpha
          dstRGB   <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDstRGB
          dstAlpha <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDstAlpha
          return ((srcRGB, srcAlpha), (dstRGB, dstAlpha)))
      (\((srcRGB, srcAlpha), (dstRGB, dstAlpha)) ->
         glBlendFuncSeparate (marshalBlendingFactor srcRGB)
                             (marshalBlendingFactor srcAlpha)
                             (marshalBlendingFactor dstRGB)
                             (marshalBlendingFactor dstAlpha))

blendFunc :: StateVar (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
blendFunc =
      (liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrc)
                  (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDst))
      (\(s, d) ->
         glBlendFunc (marshalBlendingFactor s) (marshalBlendingFactor d))

blendColor :: StateVar (Color4 GLclampf)
blendColor =
      (getFloat4 Color4 GetBlendColor)
      (\(Color4 r g b a) -> glBlendColor r g b a)


dither :: StateVar Capability
dither = makeCapability CapDither


data LogicOp =
   | And
   | AndReverse
   | Copy
   | AndInverted
   | Noop
   | Xor
   | Or
   | Nor
   | Equiv
   | Invert
   | OrReverse
   | CopyInverted
   | OrInverted
   | Nand
   | Set
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalLogicOp :: LogicOp -> GLenum
marshalLogicOp x = case x of
   Clear -> gl_CLEAR
   And -> gl_AND
   AndReverse -> gl_AND_REVERSE
   Copy -> gl_COPY
   AndInverted -> gl_AND_INVERTED
   Noop -> gl_NOOP
   Xor -> gl_XOR
   Or -> gl_OR
   Nor -> gl_NOR
   Equiv -> gl_EQUIV
   Invert -> gl_INVERT
   OrReverse -> gl_OR_REVERSE
   CopyInverted -> gl_COPY_INVERTED
   OrInverted -> gl_OR_INVERTED
   Nand -> gl_NAND
   Set -> gl_SET

unmarshalLogicOp :: GLenum -> LogicOp
unmarshalLogicOp x
   | x == gl_CLEAR = Clear
   | x == gl_AND = And
   | x == gl_AND_REVERSE = AndReverse
   | x == gl_COPY = Copy
   | x == gl_AND_INVERTED = AndInverted
   | x == gl_NOOP = Noop
   | x == gl_XOR = Xor
   | x == gl_OR = Or
   | x == gl_NOR = Nor
   | x == gl_EQUIV = Equiv
   | x == gl_INVERT = Invert
   | x == gl_OR_REVERSE = OrReverse
   | x == gl_COPY_INVERTED = CopyInverted
   | x == gl_OR_INVERTED = OrInverted
   | x == gl_NAND = Nand
   | x == gl_SET = Set
   | otherwise = error ("unmarshalLogicOp: illegal value " ++ show x)


logicOp :: StateVar (Maybe LogicOp)
logicOp =
      (do rgba <- get rgbaMode
          return $ if rgba then CapColorLogicOp else CapIndexLogicOp)
      (getEnum1 unmarshalLogicOp GetLogicOpMode)
      (glLogicOp . marshalLogicOp)